392 research outputs found

    Design Concept for a Failover Mechanism in Distributed SDN Controllers

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    Software defined networking allows the separation of the control plane and data plane in networking. It provides scalability, programmability, and centralized control. It will use these traits to reach ubiquitous connectivity. Like all concepts software defined networking does not offer these advantages without a cost. By utilizing a centralized controller, a single point of failure is created. To address this issue, this paper proposes a distributed controller failover. This failover will provide a mechanism for recovery when controllers are not located in the same location. This failover mechanism is based on number of hops from orphan nodes to the controller in addition to the link connection. This mechanism was simulated in Long Term Evolution telecommunications architecture

    Festivités religieuses, publiques et discrètes : Mondialisation, tourisme, et mimesis chez les Sherpas du Nord Népal

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    Fondé sur des matériaux ethnographiques et une analyse de la littérature ethnologique, cet article explore la question des rapports entre le tourisme international et les mutations sociales et culturelles qui sont supposées en découler. Confrontés à un tourisme de masse, les Sherpas, résidents de souche tibétaine du Nord Népal, « jouent » leur identité culturelle sur la scène de leurs propres traditions, mais au miroir de l’imaginaire occidental. Cette mimesis rend-elle toutefois bien compte des facettes que les Sherpas offrent à leurs publics ? La comparaison entre deux festivités religieuses, l’une bouddhiste, l’autre chamanique interroge les variations de visibilité de la vie culturelle d’une société « traditionnelle » située au coeur de la mondialisation des images et des hommes. En introduisant les dimensions performatives, stratégiques et politiques de tels rituels festifs, l’article met en lumière la complexité des changements socioreligieux dans le monde himalayen en montrant que si le tourisme y joue un rôle essentiel, ce sont tout autant des forces historiques et sociales locales qui participent de ces mêmes transformations.Based upon the analysis of first-hand ethnographic data and second-hand documentation, this papers questions the relationships between international tourism and the alleged « related » social and cultural mutations. Facing a massive exposition to tourism, the Sherpa, the inhabitants of Northern Nepal from Tibetan extraction, « play » their cultural identity on the scene of their own traditions in the mirror of Western imagination. But to what extent does this mimesis account for the faces the Sherpa display to their audiences ? The comparison between two religious festivals, one Buddhist, the other one Shamanic, calls for an examination of the variations of the visibility of cultural life in a « traditional » society located at the very heart of globalization of images and people. Introducing the issues of performance, strategies and politics of such rituals, this paper highlights the complexity of religious and social change in the Himalayan world : while global tourism plays a crucial role, in fact, local social and historical forces simultaneously partake on these transformations.Basado en material etnográfico de primera mano y en un análisis de documentos etnológicos, este artículo explora la cuestión de las relaciones entre el turismo internacional y las mutaciones sociales y culturales que supuestamente provocan. Confrontados con un turismo de masa, los Sherpas, habitantes de origen tibetano del Norte de Nepal, « actúan » su identidad cultural sobre la escena de sus propias tradiciones pero ante el espejo del imaginario occidental. ¿Acaso ésta mimesis muestra suficientemente bien las facetas que los Sherpas ofrecen a sus espectadores ? La comparación de dos fiestas religiosas, una budista y otra chamánica, cuestiona las variaciones de visibilidad de la vida cultural de una sociedad « tradicional » situada en plena mundialización de imágenes y de hombres. Introduciendo las dimensiones performativas, estratégicas y políticas de dichos rituales festivos, éste artículo trata de iluminar la complejidad de los cambios socio-religiosos del mundo himalayo y muestra que si bien el turismo está jugando un rol esencial, las fuerzas históricas y sociales locales participan también a las mismas transformaciones

    Comparing 'religious diversities' Issues, perspectives and problems

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    Lionel Obadia PhD, Professor in Anthropology at the University of Lyon 2, France, specializing in religious studies, anthropology and the sociology of religion. After gaining a PhD on Buddhism in France and in the West, he has studied Buddhism, shamanism and witchcraft in Asia, mainly Nepal. He has recently conducted research on Jewish Messianic movements in Europe, the US and Israel, and football (soccer) in a religious perspective in France. He is the author of ten books, among them La marchandisation de Dieu (2013), Anthropologie des religions (2007), Religion (2004), Sorcellerie (2004), Le bouddhisme en Occident (2007), and The Economics of Religion with Donald Wood (Emerald, 2011) and more than one hundred chapters and articles in French, English, Spanish, Chinese and German.This paper aims at reopening the debate regarding ‘religious diversity’ in religious studies. A review of (recent or ancient) literature demonstrates that we have not finished with the complexity of the issue of ‘diversity’, whether in academic or social debates. Furthermore, diversity must not only be taken seriously, but impels us towards a comparative methodology in order to highlight the variations of the forms, dynamics, effects and contexts of diversity. As such, Asian countries represent a very interesting location for an epistemological deconstruction of the Western-style and monotheistic-centred concept of ‘religious diversity’, as it is often used in religious studies and the social sciences

    Biomedicina versus medicinas tradicionales una aproximación no culturalista al pluralismo médico en el Himalaya (Nepal)

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    Basado sobre un trabajo etnográfico en el Norte rural y la región montañosa del Nepal, este artículo cuestiona la supuesta “occidentalización” del paisaje terapéutico asiático. La expansión de la medicina Occidental en Nepal, así como en otros países asiáticos, está conectada con un proceso más amplio de “modernización”, infundido por las organizaciones no gubernamentales transnacionales y por la formación de políticas nacionales basadas en las normas globales del “desarrollo”. En oposición a las visiones pesimistas sobre el impacto “destructivo” de la medicina Occidental en las medicinas locales y tradicionales, los datos etnográficos ilustran todo lo contrario: la persistencia y el refuerzo de las medicinas locales - un fenómeno comúnmente observado en países del “Tercer mundo”. En contra de las explicaciones culturalistas, el autor plantea un estudio basado en un análisis sistémico y crítico hacia la dicotomía conceptual “moderno” versus “tradicional”

    Vacuum effects in a vibrating cavity: time refraction, dynamical Casimir effect, and effective Unruh acceleration

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    Two different quantum processes are considered in a perturbed vacuum cavity: time refraction and dynamical Casimir effect. They are shown to be physically equivalent, and are predicted to be unstable, leading to an exponential growth in the number of photons created in the cavity. The concept of an effective Unruh acceleration for these processes is also introduced, in order to make a comparison in terms of radiation efficiency, with the Unruh radiation associated with an accelerated frame in unbounded vacuum.Comment: 5 pages, version to appear in Physics Letters

    Tratamiento percutáneo de la insuficiencia mitral. Mitraclip

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    XIII Curso de Fisiopatología Cardiovasular. Madrid, 13-14 diciembre, 2019Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares; Sociedad Española de Cardiologí

    Audio-based event detection for sports video

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    In this paper, we present an audio-based event detection approach shown to be effective when applied to the Sports broadcast data. The main benefit of this approach is the ability to recognise patterns that indicate high levels of crowd response which can be correlated to key events. By applying Hidden Markov Model-based classifiers, where the predefined content classes are parameterised using Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients, we were able to eliminate the need for defining a heuristic set of rules to determine event detection, thus avoiding a two-class approach shown not to be suitable for this problem. Experimentation indicated that this is an effective method for classifying crowd response in Soccer matches, thus providing a basis for automatic indexing and summarisation


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    Mutu pembelajaran menjadi business core layanan lembaga pendidikan. Upaya peningkatan mutu pembelajaran memerlukan berbagai pendekatan dan quality control. Faktor kepemimpinan kepala madrasah dalam menjalankan fungsinya menjadi salah satu faktor yang memiliki kontribusi terhadap capaian mutu pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dimensi dan indikator kepemimpinan kepala madrasah, selanjutnya menganalisis kontribusi variabel kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dan sampel penelitian ini adalah kepala madrasah dan guru pada 8 madrasah aliyah swasta di Jawa Tengah. Sampel diambil dengan teknik random sampling sebanyak 160 responden. Selanjutnya peneliti melakukan analisis deskriptif statistik untuk mengukur subdimensi dan indikator pada variabel kepemimpinan dan mutu pembelajaran. Uji konfirmasi konstruk menggunakan confirmatory factor analysis pada persamaan struktural dengan software SmartPLS.30. Hasil penelitian mendeskripsikan bahwa kepemimpinan kepala madrasah direfleksikan dengan baik pada lima dimensi pembentuk, yaitu dimensi kepribadian, manajerial, supervisi, kewirausahaan dan sosial.  Dimensi kepribadian, manajerial dan supervisi memiliki kontribusi yang kuat dalam memprediksi peningkatan capaian mutu pembelajaran. Keteladanan dan integritas menjadi salah satu indikator pembentuk dimensi kepemimpinan kepribadian. Secara keseluruhan dimensi dan indikator pada variabel kepemimpinan kepala madrasah memiliki kontribusi yang positif dan signifikan terhadap capaian mutu pembelajaran dengan nilai koefisien jalur adalah 0,425 atau sebesar 42,5% dipengaruhi oleh faktor kepemimpinan kepala madrasah

    How Social Studies Curriculum Can Help Spanish Immersion Students To Develop And Improve Their Grammar And Language Skills

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    The purpose of the project is to develop examples of activities and lessons within the regular social studies curriculum of Spanish immersion students in middle school that reinforce Spanish language skills that most of these students seen to struggle to master. The rationale of the project came from the observations of the author of the language skills of Spanish immersion students in middle school, in which he notice that, although their communication and understanding skills were very advanced, the students have gaps in language areas like specific grammar concepts, and develop academic Spanish language. The literature review major studies on language development, bilingualism, characteristics of Spanish immersion programs and how content areas classes (science, social studies, math) can help Spanish immersion students to improve their language skills. Two major influences for the project in the literature review are the concept of language objectives for content classes, developed by Tara Fortune and Diane Tedick in their project Content-Based Second Language Instruction, and the pre- adolescence students need for a more complex social and academic language in order to interact and be successful in school, expressed in the Maggie Broner and Elaine Tarone study, It is fun? Language play in a fifth-grade Spanish Immersion classroom. The project proposal is to create a set of lessons within the regular social studies curriculum that incorporate language goals for each lesson and that target specific language features, identified by the literature review and Spanish language teachers as difficult to master by most Spanish immersion students. The last chapter of the capstone review the results of the curriculum writing process and what the author had learned after trying some of the lessons with 7th and 8th grade Spanish immersion students. The author review the implications, limitation and future applications of the project, and recommend its expansion as a creation of extended Social Studies curriculum for 7th and 8th grade with the collaboration of Spanish language teachers