251 research outputs found

    Motor units as tools to evaluate profile of human Renshaw inhibition

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    Although Renshaw inhibition (RI) has been extensively studied for decades, its precise role in motor control is yet to be discovered. One of the main handicaps is a lack of reliable methods for studying RI in conscious human subjects. We stimulated the lowest electrical threshold motor axons (thickest axons) in the tibial nerve and analysed the stimulus‐correlated changes in discharge of voluntarily recruited low‐threshold single motor units (SMUs) from the soleus muscle. In total, 54 distinct SMUs from 12 subjects were analysed. Stimuli that generated only the direct motor response (M‐only) on surface electromyography induced an inhibitory response in the low‐threshold SMUs. Because the properties of RI had to be estimated indirectly using the background discharge rate of SMUs, its profile varied with the discharge rate of the SMU. The duration of RI was found to be inversely proportional to the discharge rate of SMUs. Using this important finding, we have developed a method of extrapolation for estimating RI as it develops on motoneurons in the spinal cord. The frequency methods indicated that the duration of RI was between 30 and 40 ms depending on the background firing rate of the units, and the extrapolation indicated that RI on silent motoneurons was ∌55 ms. The present study establishes a novel methodology for studying RI in human subjects and hence may serve as a tool for improving our understanding of the involvement of RI in human motor control

    Submarine and coastal karstic groundwater discharges along the Southwestern Mediterranean coast of Turkey

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    A 120 km-long part of the southwestern coast of Turkey, with well-developed karst terrain in contact with the sea, has been investigated by systematic diving surveys to determine the submarine groundwater discharges (SGDs). The physical, chemical and isotopic data have been used to determine the rate of the fresh groundwater end member (FEM) and its temporal dynamics. About 150 SGDs have been detected by diving surveys employed mostly up to a depth of 30 m below sea level (bsl). Among those, 15 SGDs are in the form of coastal or submarine caves with entrances ranging between sea surface and 40 m bsl. The FEM contribution in SGDs ranges from a few percent to more than 80%. Stable isotope data suggest a range of mean recharge area elevations extending from the coast to more than 1,000 m inland. In many of the SGDs, the FEMs are characterized by tritium-based residence times ranging from recent to several decades. Hypothetical geochemical calculations of mixing between freshwater and seawater end members reveal that more than 45% of freshwater contribution is required for karst development in the SGDs. Models suggest a threshold pH of 7.6 or lower for the carbonate rock dissolution. © 2010 Springer-Verlag

    The Function Biomedical Informatics Research Network Data Repository

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    The Function Biomedical Informatics Research Network (FBIRN) developed methods and tools for conducting multi-scanner functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies. Method and tool development were based on two major goals: 1) to assess the major sources of variation in fMRI studies conducted across scanners, including instrumentation, acquisition protocols, challenge tasks, and analysis methods, and 2) to provide a distributed network infrastructure and an associated federated database to host and query large, multi-site, fMRI and clinical datasets. In the process of achieving these goals the FBIRN test bed generated several multi-scanner brain imaging data sets to be shared with the wider scientific community via the BIRN Data Repository (BDR). The FBIRN Phase 1 dataset consists of a traveling subject study of 5 healthy subjects, each scanned on 10 different 1.5 to 4 Tesla scanners. The FBIRN Phase 2 and Phase 3 datasets consist of subjects with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder along with healthy comparison subjects scanned at multiple sites. In this paper, we provide concise descriptions of FBIRN’s multi-scanner brain imaging data sets and details about the BIRN Data Repository instance of the Human Imaging Database (HID) used to publicly share the data

    Using Weighted Goal Programming Model for Planning Regional Sustainable Development to Optimal Workforce Allocation:An Application for Provinces of Iran

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    Due to the urbanization and economic growth, planning of regional sustainable development has become one of the major challenges in the world. The key indicators such as gross domestic product (GDP), electricity and energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission (GHG) are considered in sustainable development planning. This paper determines number of required workforce in diferent sectors of each province in Iran considering targets/goals for sustainable development indicators in the 2030 macroeconomic and regional planning. First, the relative goals are designed for GDP, electricity, energy and GHG emission and then, two weighted goal programming models are applied to allocate the optimal workforce among four sectors: agriculture, industry, services and transportation. The frst model minimizes recruitment of new workforce and allows current workforce exchange among the four sectors in each province in order to achieve the goals, while the second model indicates equitable distribution of new workforce recruitment in diferent sectors within each province. In both models, the workforce changes have been investigated based on achieving the desirable growth rates of GDP, GHG, electricity and energy consumption as planned by the government. Based on the results of this paper, policy makers can manage workforce and the government can make optimized decisions to macroeconomic and regional planning

    Direct gaze facilitates rapid orienting to faces: evidence from express saccades and saccadic potentials

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    Direct gaze is a crucial signal in human social communication, which is known to attract visual attention and modulate a wide range of behaviours. The present study investigated whether direct gaze facilitates rapid orienting to faces, which is important for adaptive on-line communication, and its neural correlates. Fifteen participants performed a rapid orienting task, in which they were instructed to saccade to peripherally presented buildings or faces containing direct or averted gaze as quickly as possible. Electroencephalographic recordings were made during the task. Shorter express saccade latencies were found for faces with direct gaze, compared to averted gaze or buildings, while no significant difference was found between faces with averted gaze and buildings. Furthermore, saccade-locked event-related potential (ERP) amplitudes in parieto-occipital areas discriminated faces with direct gaze from buildings and faces with averted gaze corroborating behavioural results. These results show that detection of direct gaze facilitates rapid orienting to faces

    Does type of hospital ownership influence physicians' daily work schedules? An observational real-time study in German hospital departments

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    Background: During the last two decades the German hospital sector has been engaged in a constant process of transformation. One obvious sign of this is the growing amount of hospital privatization. To date, most research studies have focused on the effects of privatization regarding financial outcomes and quality of care, leaving important organizational issues unexplored. Yet little attention has been devoted to the effects of privatization on physicians' working routines. The aim of this observational real-time study is to deliver exact data about physicians' work at hospitals of different ownership. By analysing working hours, further impacts of hospital privatization can be assessed and areas of improvement identified. Methods: Observations were made by shadowing 100 physicians working in private, for-profit or non-profit as well as public hospital departments individually during whole weekday shifts in urban German settings. A total of 300 days of observations were conducted. All working activities were recorded, accurate to the second, by using a mobile personal computer. Results: Results have shown significant differences in physicians' working activities, depending on hospital ownership, concerning working hours and time spent on direct and indirect patient care. Conclusion: This is the first real-time analysis on differences in work activities depending on hospital ownership. The study provides an objective insight into physicians' daily work routines at hospitals of different ownership, with additional information on effects of hospital privatization

    Stereotaxical Infusion of Rotenone: A Reliable Rodent Model for Parkinson's Disease

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    A clinically-related animal model of Parkinson's disease (PD) may enable the elucidation of the etiology of the disease and assist the development of medications. However, none of the current neurotoxin-based models recapitulates the main clinical features of the disease or the pathological hallmarks, such as dopamine (DA) neuron specificity of degeneration and Lewy body formation, which limits the use of these models in PD research. To overcome these limitations, we developed a rat model by stereotaxically (ST) infusing small doses of the mitochondrial complex-I inhibitor, rotenone, into two brain sites: the right ventral tegmental area and the substantia nigra. Four weeks after ST rotenone administration, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactivity in the infusion side decreased by 43.7%, in contrast to a 75.8% decrease observed in rats treated systemically with rotenone (SYS). The rotenone infusion also reduced the DA content, the glutathione and superoxide dismutase activities, and induced alpha-synuclein expression, when compared to the contralateral side. This ST model displays neither peripheral toxicity or mortality and has a high success rate. This rotenone-based ST model thus recapitulates the slow and specific loss of DA neurons and better mimics the clinical features of idiopathic PD, representing a reliable and more clinically-related model for PD research

    Razvoj i in vitro vrednovanje puferiranog bioadhezivnog vaginalnog gela za mijeĆĄane vaginalne infekcije

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    An acid buffering bioadhesive vaginal (ABBV) gel was developed for the treatment of mixed vaginal infections. Different bioadhesive polymers were evaluated on the basis of their bioadhesive strength, stability and drug release properties. Bioadhesion and release studies showed that guar gum, xanthan gum and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose K4M formed a good combination of bioadhesive polymers to develop the ABBV gel. Mono sodium citrate was used as an acid buffering agent to provide acidic pH (4.4). The drugs clotrimazole (antifungal) and metronidazole (antiprotozoal as well as antibacterial) were used in the formulation along with Lactobacillus spores to treat mixed vaginal infections. The ex vivo retention study showed that the bioadhesive polymers hold the gel for 12-13 hours inside the vaginal tube. Results of the in vitro antimicrobial study indicated that the ABBV gel had better antimicrobial action than the commercial intravaginal drug delivery systems and retention was prolonged in an ex vivo retention experiment.U radu je opisan razvoj puferiranog biodhezivnog vaginalnog (acid buffering bioadhesive vaginal, ABBV) gela za terapiju mijeĆĄanih vaginalnih infekcija. Ispitani su različiti bioadhezivni polimeri procijenjena su njihova bioadhezivna svojstva, stabilnost i sposobnost oslobađanja ljekovite tvari. Guar guma, ksantan guma i hidroksipropilmetilceluloza K4M tvore dobru kombinaciju za ABBV gel. Mono natrijev citrat upotrebljen je kao puferirajuća tvar koja omogućava blago kiseli pH (4,4), a kao ljekovite tvari upotrebljeni su klotrimazol (antimikotik) i metronidazol (antiprotozoik i antibakterijsko sredstvo), zajedno sa sporama Lactobacillus. Pripravci su upotrebljeni u terapiji mijeĆĄanih vaginalnih infekcija. Pokusi ex vivo pokazali su da se bioadhezivni gel zadrĆŸava u vagini 12-13 sati. Rezultati in vitro ispitivanja ukazuju na to da ABBV gel ima bolje antibakterijsko djelovanje i dulje zadrĆŸavanje od intravaginalnog sustava koji je dostupan na trĆŸiĆĄtu
