284 research outputs found

    A CFD-based Approach to Predict Explosion Overpressure: A Comparison to Current Methods

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    A CFD-based approach has been developed in this work to predict the overpressure produced during an explosion. An adiabatic exothermal reaction allows computing the explosion energy release. To validate the proposed CFD approach, overpressure predictions based on this methodology are compared with results produced with the TNObased method. It is demonstrated that the physics adopted in our model produces satisfactory predictions in the open area. The CFD simulations were carried out in the ANSYS CFX tool. The source of energy corresponds to the one produced by a stoichiometric proportion in reactants without energy generation. The explosion analysis considered that explosion occurs geometrically as a sequence of control volumes. Thus, the explosion in a volume is assumed to occur when the maximum pressure is achieved in the previous control volume. This way, the explosion is propagated and it is shown that it is equivalent to conventional predicting methods

    Constraints on the braneworld from compact stars

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    According to the braneworld idea, ordinary matter is confined on a three-dimensional space (brane) that is embedded in a higher-dimensional space-time where gravity propagates. In this work, after reviewing the limits coming from general relativity, finiteness of pressure and causality on the brane, we derive observational constraints on the braneworld parameters from the existence of stable compact stars. The analysis is carried out by solving numerically the brane-modified Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff equations, using different representative equations of state to describe matter in the star interior. The cases of normal dense matter, pure quark matter and hybrid matter are considered.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Anaphora Resolution in Near-Native Speakers of Italian

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    This study presents data from an experiment on the interpretation of intrasentential anaphora in Italian by native Italian speakers and by English speakers who have learned Italian as adults and have reached a near-native level of proficiency in this language. The two groups of speakers were presented with complex sentences consist-ing of a main clause and a subordinate clause, in which the subor-dinate clause had either an overt pronoun or a null subject pronoun. In half of the sentences the main clause preceded the subordinate clause (forward anaphora) and in the other half the subordinate clause preceded the main clause (backward anaphora). Participants performed in a picture verification task in which they had to indi-cate the picture(s) that corresponded to the meaning of the subor-dinate clause, thus identifying the possible antecedents of the null or overt subject pronouns. The patterns of responses of the two groups were very similar with respect to the null subject pronouns in both the forward and backward anaphora conditions. Compared to native monolingual speakers, however, the near-natives had a significantly higher preference for the subject of the matrix clause as a possible antecedent of overt subject pronouns, particularly in the backward anaphora condition. The results indicate that near-native speakers have acquired the syntactic constraints on pronom-inal subjects in Italian, but may have residual indeterminacy in the interface processing strategies they employ in interpreting pronom-inal forms

    Community-Based Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans to Support Climate-Resilient Development in the Eastern African Highlands

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    Smallholder farmers in the Eastern African Highlands depend on rain-fed agriculture for their livelihoods. Climate adaptation and sustainable development goals must be targeted in an integrated way to better match farmers’ realities and address local priorities and vulnerabilities in these areas. To support climate-resilient development in the Eastern African Highlands, 224 local stakeholders were engaged in the development of community-based climate change adaptation action plans for the Jimma Highlands in Ethiopia, Taita Hills in Kenya and Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Participatory methods, high-resolution climate projections and the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP’s) guidelines were used in the design of these climate action plans with specific objectives to: 1) engage stakeholders to increase understanding of climate change impacts, adaptation options and their potential trade-offs, 2) build their capacities to design climate change adaptation projects, 3) empower stakeholders to identify existing vulnerabilities and enhance climate resilience and 4) strengthen networks to facilitate information access and sharing. Increased risk of water stress and reduction of agricultural productivity were the most frequently identified climate-change-induced problems in the three areas. The developed action plans target the underlying causes of these problems and describe sector-specific responses, activities, critical barriers and opportunities and support the National Adaptation Programmes of Action.Peer reviewe

    Variables claves para la evaluación de la sustentabilidad de los sistemas agropecuarios: Hacia un sistema de indicadores de Intensificación Sostenible en el Cono Sur.

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    El término Intensificación Sostenible (IS) es utilizado por una gran diversidad de actores (académicos, organismos públicos, agencias internacionales, empresas del sector productivo, entre otros) por lo que se observan grandes diferencias en su interpretación (Tittonell, 2014). Estas diferencias prácticas y conceptuales condujeron a debates aún vigentes y a propuestas incluso contrapuestas (Mahon et al., 2017). En este contexto, el PROCISUR estableció en su Plan de Mediano Plazo 2015 ? 2018 a la IS como una de sus cinco líneas estratégicas y, en 2016, creó un grupo de trabajo1 (GT) para compartir los fundamentos conceptuales del uso del término a nivel global y en cada país e institución e identificar elementos conceptuales comunes que permitiesen consensuar un marco y una definición regional sobre Intensificación Sostenible2 que guie el trabajo en el ámbito del PROCISUR: ?La intensificación sostenible (IS) es un proceso de mejora gradual de la eficiencia ecológica de los sistemas agropecuarios a través de la innovación, con el fin de propender a una mayor productividad y rentabilidad con menor impacto ambiental, al mantenimiento y/o mejora de los recursos naturales, reduciendo la dependencia de insumos externos y favoreciendo la equidad y la inclusión social

    Genetic Uniformity of the MSXJ papaya hybrid (Carica papaya L.) during Micropropagation

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    Objective. To analyze the genetic uniformity of the MSXJ papaya hybrid vitroplants, obtained via direct organogenesis. Design/methodology/approach. The MSXJ papaya hybrid presents quality characteristics for national and export markets. The in vitro plant tissue culture represents a tool for its multiplication and conservation, but somaclonal variation can decrease its genetic and agronomic uniformity. In order to analyze the genetic uniformity of this hybrid vitroplants, 10 ISSR primers were used in micropropagated vitroplants during nine subcultures. DNA extraction was carried out with the CTAB method. The data analysis was performed with the PopGene v 1.3.1 program. Results. Eighty five loci of 200 to 2000 bp were generated, with 37 polymorphic loci. In the cluster analysis, three groups were observed that separated subculture one, subcultures two through eight, and subculture nine; the Gst value of 0.87 indicated genetic uniformity up to subculture eight. Limitations/implications. Papaya is one of the most important tropical fruits worldwide; however it is necessary to have healthy and genetically uniform plants that guarantee their quality. In vitro propagation allows to produce healthy and uniform plants, but it is necessary to study their genetic uniformity during their micropropagation. Findings/conclusions. The in vitro multiplication of the MSXJ papaya hybrid allowed to regenerate vigorous plants in 30 days. Molecular profiles indicated that up to subculture eight plantlets were genetically uniform, so it is recommended not to carry out more than eight subcultures during micropropagation.Objective: To analyze the genetic uniformity of MSXJ hybrid papaya in vitro plants, obtained by direct organogenesis.Design/Methodology/Approach: The MSXJ papaya hybrid demonstrates quality characteristics for the national and exports market. In vitro culture of plant tissues represents a useful tool for their multiplication and conservation, but somaclonal variation can diminish their genetic and agronomic uniformity. In order to analyze the genetic uniformity of in vitro plants of this hybrid, ten ISSR primers were used for in vitro plants micropropagated during nine subcultures. DNA was extracted using the CTAB method. Data were analyzed using the program PopGene v 1.3.1.Results: Eighty-five loci of 200 to up to 2000 pb were generated, with 37 polymorphic loci. In the cluster analysis, three groups were observed which separate subculture one, subcultures two to eight, and subculture nine; the Gst value of 0.87 indicated genetic uniformity as far as subculture eight.Study Limitations/Implications: Papaya is one of the most important tropical fruits worldwide; however, these plants need to be healthy and genetically uniform to guarantee commercial success. In vitro propagation allows obtaining healthy and uniform plants, but it is necessary to study genetic uniformity during their micropropagation.Findings/Conclusions: The in vitro multiplication of the MSXJ papaya hybrid permitted the regeneration of vigorous plants in 30 d. Molecular profiles indicate that as far as subculture eight, there is genetic uniformity. As such, no more thaneight subcultures are recommended during micropropagation

    Soil water content effects on net ecosystem CO2 exchange and actual evapotranspiration in a Mediterranean semiarid savanna of Central Chile

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    Biosphere-atmosphere water and carbon fluxes depend on ecosystem structure, and their magnitudes and seasonal behavior are driven by environmental and biological factors. We studied the seasonal behavior of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE), Gross Primary Productivity (GPP), Ecosystem Respiration (RE), and actual evapotranspiration (ETa) obtained by eddy covariance measurements during two years in a Mediterranean Acacia savanna ecosystem (Acacia caven) in Central Chile. The annual carbon balance was −53 g C m−2 in 2011 and −111 g C m−2 in 2012, showing that the ecosystem acts as a net sink of CO2, notwithstanding water limitations on photosynthesis observed in this particularly dry period. Total annual ETa was of 128 mm in 2011 and 139 mm in 2012. Both NEE and ETa exhibited strong seasonality with peak values recorded in the winter season (July to September), as a result of ecosystem phenology, soil water content and rainfall occurrence. Consequently, the maximum carbon assimilation rate occurred in wintertime. Results show that soil water content is a major driver of GPP and RE, defining their seasonal patterns and the annual carbon assimilation capacity of the ecosystem, and also modulating the effect that solar radiation and air temperature have on NEE components at shorter time scales.This work was funded by FONDECYT projects 1120713 and 1170429, a grant from the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) [grant number CRN3056], which is supported by the US National Science Foundation [grant number GEO-1128040], and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness project GEI Spain (CGL2014-52838-C2-1-R), including ERDF founds. F. Bravo-Martínez is grateful to CONICYT for the grants “Formación de Capital Humano Avanzado-2009′′, “Beca de Apoyo al término de la tesis doctoral-2012′′, and CORFO INNOVA Grant N° 09CN14-5704. We thank to Enrique Pérez Sanchez-Cañete and Borja Ruíz- Reverter for technical support. We also thank “CODELCO–División Andina” for use of the site. C. Montes acknowledges the NASA Postdoctoral Program and to Universities Space Research Association

    Sex Identification of in vitro Plants of Carica papaya L. MSXJ Hybrid through Molecular Markers

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    Objective: To identify the sex in vitro plants of the MSXJ hybrid papaya (Carica papaya L.) obtained via somatic organogenesis, using molecular markers SCAR type. Design/methodology/approach: Plants of the MSXJ hybrid papaya with eight months of age and during the fruiting stage were collected at the municipality of Cotaxtla, Veracruz. They were superficially disinfected, with plenty of running water, detergent for 30 minutes, 70% alcohol was added for one minute, 30% commercial chlorine for another 30 minutes and rinsed with sterile distilled water. Subsequently the meristems were grown under a MS medium, and after 30 days a subculture was performed. The extraction of DNA was performed using the Doyle and Doyle method. The PCR was done by the Deputy et al. method, and initiators T1, T12 and W11 were used. Results: Initiator T1 was positive control. Initiators T12 and W11 allowed the amplification of fragments identifying hermaphrodite, female and male plants, while the T12 and W11 initiators were specific to hermaphrodite plants. Study limitations/implications: Papaya producers know the genus of plants three months after planting. Sexuality in papaya plants cannot be differentiated until the flowering step. Findings/conclusions: the implementation of molecular markers could facilitate large-scale plant selection, reducing costs, maintenance time and the elimination of plants with unwanted sex.Objective: To identify the sex of in vitro plants of papaya (Carica papaya L.) MSXJhybrid obtained via somatic organogenesis, through SCAR type molecular markers. Design/Methodology/Approach: Eight-month old MSXJ papaya hybrid plants in thefructification stage were collected in Cotaxtla, Veracruz, Mexico. They weresuperficially disinfected with abundant running water, detergent during 30 min, andthen alcohol at 70% was added for one minute, commercial chlorine at 30% for 30min, and they were rinsed with sterile distilled water; then the meristems werecultivated in MS medium and after 30 d a subculture was made. The DNA extractionwas made with the CTAB method, and the DNA PCR was done with the Deputy et al.(2002) method, and the primers T1, T12 and W11 were used.Results: The T1 primer was the positive control and the T12 and W11 primersallowed the amplification of fragments that identify hermaphrodite, feminine and maleplants, while the T12 and W11 primers were specific for hermaphrodite plants.Study Limitations/Implications: It is required to standardize the method for it to beinexpensive.Findings/Conclusions: The sexuality of papaya plants can be differentiated until thestage of flowering, which is why the implementation of molecular markers wouldfacilitate plant selection if it is implemented at a large scale. Costs, maintenance timeand elimination of plants of unwanted sex are reduced this way