7 research outputs found

    Perubahan Tatanan Budaya Hukum pada Masyarakat Adat Suku Baduy Provinsi Banten

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguraikan geografis keadaan budaya hukum Suku Baduy Provinsi Banten, kemudian mengungkapkan secara cermat tentang budaya hukum perubahan kehidupan Masyarakat Baduy, juga menganalisis budaya hukum adat di Indonesia,  menganalisis atas penyebab perubahan-perubahan hukum atas kehidupan kekerabatan Suku Baduy Provinsi Banten sebagai bagian suku Sunda di Provinsi Banten. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif yang menganalisis secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang berkaian dengan sistem budaya hukum Suku Baduy Provinsi Banten di Provinsi Banten. Hasil penelitian antara lain; dalam Kampung Suku Baduy  masih berada bagian dari suku Sunda yang secara umum tidak terlalu banyak berbeda pada suku Sunda lainnya. Secara khusus yang membedakan  Suku Baduy Provinsi Banten dengan suku Sunda lainnya adalah cara-cara berpakaian dan pelaksanaan tradisi sebagai bagian budaya hukum yang masih teguh memegang budaya hukumnya yang bersumber dari kebiasaan akar tradisi leluhur mereka yang masih dijaga baik. Budaya hukum terhadap perubahan berkehidupan masyarakat Masyarakat Baduy  telah terikat tradisi adat perkawinan internal dan budaya hukum tradisi mereka yang mutlak dijaga secara murni. Budaya hukum atas berkehidupan hukum adat masih memproritaskan hukum adat dan hak ulayat yang hampir punah sebagaimana yang terjadi di beberapa daerah di Indonesia, ternyata Suku Baduy Provinsi Banten mampu mempertahankan eksistensinya dari pengaruh kemajuan bangsa. Perubahan tatanan budaya hukum Suku Baduy Provinsi Banten terhadap ronrongan pergaulan secara eksternal termasuk mengikuti pola-pola berprilaku pada masyarakat luar, termasuk penerimaan alat  kemunikasi informasi seperti menonton televisi, juga menganjurkan sekolah kalangan muda sepanjang tidak merusak tatanan budaya hukum Suku Baduy Provinsi Banten yang mutlak harus dijaga keberadaan dan kelestariannya. Sedangkan dari sisi, sarananya   Pemda Jawa Barat  berkewajiban untuk mempertahankan budaya hukum masyarakat suku Sunda termasuk Suku Baduy Provinsi Banten dari ancaman kepunahan dan menyiapkan sarana dan prasarana untuk menjadi bagian tujuan wisata, karena tanpa dukungan pemerintah tidak maksimal mendatangkan devisa wisatawan yang datang secara individu


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    The orderly implementation of land administration in the management of land rights certificates through the PTSL system, complete systematic land registration, which includes the first objective of the research is to find out and analyze what the legal bases must be when implementing land administration. To find out and analyze how the implementation of the tasks of the Land Administration. The second scope of research describes land administration in the management of land rights certificates. The third research method is using qualitative research methods that are nomative. Fourth discussion. The implementation of land administration which is carried out by the government on a daily basis carried out by the ranks of the Land Agency cannot be separated from the legal foundations that underlie it. The land administration assists the transfer of land tenure and land policy into land management, namely the spatial arrangement of the community environment. Land administration, both formal and informal, covers a wide range of systems and processes, some of which are related to land tenure, while others are more concerned with land management. In 2020, the government has targeted to certify 10 million plots of land, this number has increased compared to last year's 9 million certificates. Of course this is a breath of fresh air for those of you who want to certify this year. Through the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program, land certificates will be distributed. Fifth Conclusion Land administration activities are formed to ensure that land administration activities run smoothly and are structured in their implementation. If there is no administrative structure in land affairs, then the division of tasks will not be carried out properly and regularly. The problems that will be faced will be increasingly complex so that little by little it is necessary to change and remove the pattern of the mechanis


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    Agreement law is very instrumental in carrying out partnerships between cooperatives and other business entities, because partnerships made without agreement will not have certainty for all parties. The lack of achievement will affect the rights and obligations of the parties in partnership. Cooperative as a legal entity, in principle, is the same as the form of other legal entities. However, in its development it is not the same as a business entity that has other legal entities such as PT and BUMN. In fact, the cooperative is a teacher of the national economy and as a legal entity, as stipulated in Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. This pact is very interesting to study with the aim of: finding to examine the implementation of partnership cooperation agreements in improving cooperative competitiveness. The study was done to examine the increasing competitiveness of Indonesian cooperative businesses through partnership cooperation in the development of Indonesian cooperatives. This study used normative juridical research, with the nature of descriptive analysis research. The data collection techniques were done through library study or document study, but field data is also used to support and complete library data, after the data were collected, they were analyzed by juridical qualitative. Based on the results of research, it was found that to develop cooperatives to be able to have competitiveness, the cooperatives need partnerships with other business partners. The supporting skills such as: skills transfer process, production and processing, marketing, capital, human resources and technology development. Partnerships carried out between cooperatives and other business entities must be based on principles of mutual need, mutual trust, mutual reinforcement and mutual benefit. These principles are taken to eliminate a stereotype that the strong parties will run over the weak parties. The concept of partnership is in accordance with Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, emphasizing that the economy is structured as a joint venture based on kinship. Therefore, the concept of partnership is a manifestation of the principle of kinship in the development of cooperatives in Indonesia. &nbsp


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    Labor Dispute Settlement in the Industrial Relations Court Based on Law No. 2 of 2004 concerning the IRC which includes First: Research Objectives To find out and analyze the types of Disputes that can be resolved at the Industrial Relations Court, To find out the position of the Industrial Relations Court in the Judicial System in Indonesia, To find out the Process of Settling Industrial Relations Disputes in the Relations Court Industrial. Second The scope of the research describes the state of labor disputes, the legal protection of the labor justice system. The third research method is to use qualitative research methods that are nominally. The fourth discussion on Settlement of Labor Disputes at the Industrial Relations Court, is regulated by Law No. 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power, which also applies to all judicial bodies in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Before the enactment of Law No. 2 of 2004 concerning Settlement of Industrial Relations Disputes. Before these steps are taken, they must first be completed through a Bipartite settlement, Conciliation, Mediation, Negotiation and Arbitration, which must be taken first based on an agreement between the worker and the employer. that the existence and entry into force of Law No. 2 of 2004 is a gateway to labor law towards a labor justice system that is fast, accurate, fair and inexpensive and can guarantee legal certainty that is highly coveted by workers and employers in particular and the Indonesian people in general. The Fifth Conclusions in Settling Industrial Relations Disputes there are 4 (four) types of disputes which then become the absolute authority of the Industrial Relations Court, including: First, Rights Disputes. Second, disputes of interest. Third, Work Termination Disputes. Fourth, disputes between trade unions / labor unions. In addition to the settlement process at the Industrial Relations Court, the Industrial Relations Dispute Settlement Act also regulates alternative industrial relations settlements carried out outside the court, namely through bipartite efforts which constitute mandatory, mediation and conciliation efforts which are mandatory effort choices before entering the Industrial Relations Court, and arbitration which is a settlement institution that has a decision of permanent legal force. &nbsp

    Settlement of Difference in Industrial Relationship in Court Based on Law No. 2 Year 2004

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    Labor Dispute Settlement in the Industrial Relations Court Based on Law No. 2 of 2004 concerning the IRC which includes First: Research Objectives To find out and analyze the types of Disputes that can be resolved at the Industrial Relations Court, To find out the position of the Industrial Relations Court in the Judicial System in Indonesia, To find out the Process of Settling Industrial Relations Disputes in the Relations Court Industrial. Second The scope of the research describes the state of labor disputes, the legal protection of the labor justice system. The third research method is to use qualitative research methods that are nominally. The fourth discussion on Settlement of Labor Disputes at the Industrial Relations Court, is regulated by Law No. 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power, which also applies to all judicial bodies in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Before the enactment of Law No. 2 of 2004 concerning Settlement of Industrial Relations Disputes. Before these steps are taken, they must first be completed through a Bipartite settlement, Conciliation, Mediation, Negotiation and Arbitration, which must be taken first based on an agreement between the worker and the employer. that the existence and entry into force of Law No. 2 of 2004 is a gateway to labor law towards a labor justice system that is Fast, accurate, fair and inexpensive and can guarantee legal certainty that is highly coveted by workers and employers in particular and the Indonesian people in general. The Fifth Conclusions in Settling Industrial Relations Disputes there are 4 (four) types of disputes which then become the absolute authority of the Industrial Relations Court, including: First, Rights Disputes. Second, disputes of interest. Third, Work Termination Disputes. Fourth, disputes between trade unions / labor unions. In addition to the settlement process at the Industrial Relations Court, the Industrial Relations Dispute Settlement Act also regulates alternative industrial relations settlements carried out outside the court, namely through bipartite efforts which constitute mandatory, mediation and conciliation efforts which are mandatory effort choices before entering the Industrial Relations Court, and arbitration which is a settlement institution that has a decision of permanent legal force. &nbsp