7,040 research outputs found

    La «Nueva perspectiva sobre Pablo» y la justificación por la fe.

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    La llamada «nueva perspectiva sobre Pablo», a partir de una visión del Judaismo del siglo I diferente de su tradicional consideración como religión legalista, propone una nueva explicación de la doctrina paulina de la justificación. El rechazo por parte de Pablo de las «obras de la Ley» como medio de justificación sería, sobre todo, rechazo de que la pertenencia al pueblo de la alianza, manifestada por el cumplimiento de la Ley, otorgara ventaja alguna para obtener la justificación. La identificación de las «obras de la Ley» con los signos de pertenencia al pueblo judío lleva también a una nueva de interpretación del significado de la fe por la que el hombre es justificado

    Numerically flat Higgs vector bundles

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    After providing a suitable definition of numerical effectiveness for Higgs bundles, and a related notion of numerical flatness, in this paper we prove, together with some side results, that all Chern classes of a Higgs-numerically flat Higgs bundle vanish, and that a Higgs bundle is Higgs-numerically flat if and only if it is has a filtration whose quotients are flat stable Higgs bundles. We also study the relation between these numerical properties of Higgs bundles and (semi)stability.Comment: 11 page

    Arsenic in rice agrosystems (water, soil and rice plants) in Guayas and Los Rios provinces, Ecuador

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    Geogenic arsenic (As) can accumulate and reach high concentrations in rice grains, thus representing a potential threat to human health. Ecuador is one of the main consumers of rice in South America. However, there is no information available about the concentrations of As in rice agrosystems, although some water bodies are known to contain high levels of the element. We carried out extensive sampling of water, soil, rice plants and commercial rice (obtained from local markets). Water samples were analysed to determine physico-chemical properties and concentrations of dissolved arsenic. Soil samples were analysed to determine total organic C, texture, total Fe and amorphous Fe oxyhydroxides (Fe-ox), total arsenic (tAs) and the bioavailable fraction (As-Me). The different plant parts were analysed separately to determine total (tAs), inorganic (iAs) and organic arsenic (oAs). Low concentrations of arsenic were found in samples of water (generally 80%) in all parts of the rice plants. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Office paper recyclability: first recycling

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    Paper recyclability implies in the paper capacity to be recycled maintaining its properties to the maximum. Four commercial papers from Argentina and Brazil were studied, including three eucalyptus kraft (A, B, C) and one sugar cane bagasse soda-AQ (D), all with different bleaching processes. Their physical and chemical properties and a first laboratory recycling were evaluated. A refining of the pulp with a PFI mill, applying two energy levels at two different intensities - measured by number of revolutions and load - was accomplished to reach the same °SR (between 30 and 40, approximately). The refining energy and the yield were registered in each case. The properties of laboratory handsheets, and the aging to 24, 48, 72 and 144 hours were evaluated. The statistical analysis of the results indicates that the properties of the initial eucalyptus papers were similar, whereas they were generally inferior in the case of the bagasse paper. The bagasse and eucalyptus papers presented similar initial whiteness, but the first one had a higher reversion than the others. Once repulped, the eucalyptus papers A, B and C required, respectively, 4, 7 and 10 times greater energy than D, to obtain the same °SR. In all cases, the required energy to achieve the same °SR is slightly greater with the smaller refining intensity. The physical properties of the handsheets from the first recycle of paper D were, in general, lower. Among eucalyptus papers, B showed a slightly higher resistance and C, a slightly lower one. The mechanical properties of pulp sheets A, and D to a lesser extension, were more affected by the refining intensity than the rest, indicating a higher sensitivity of the fibers. The whiteness of the sheets of pulp B is lower than the rest. Opacity and light scattering coefficient of the sheets of pulp C were much higher than those of the other pulps.Fil: Benitez, Julieta Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Misiones; ArgentinaFil: Koga, Mariza E. T.. Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas de São Paulo (ipt); BrasilFil: Otero D'Almeida, Maria L.. Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas de São Paulo (ipt); BrasilFil: Felissia, Fernando Esteban. Universidad Nacional de Misiones; ArgentinaFil: Park, Song W.. Escola Politecnica, Universidad de Sao Paulo (usp); BrasilFil: Area, Maria Cristina. Universidad Nacional de Misiones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Office paper recyclability: fibrous characteristics

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    Recyclability is the ability of a material to reacquire the same properties it had originally. The aim of this work was to verify the recyclability of three printing and writing papers, from the characteristics of their fibers after two recycles. Three ECF bleached kraft eucalyptus commercial bond papers from Argentina and Brazil were studied (A, B, C). The papers were repulped and refined using different levels and intensities of energy (1st recycle). Laboratory sheets were produced, and they were repulped and refined again (2nd recycle). The microscopic characteristics of repulped papers were obtained by automatic equipment based on image analysis. Differences found in the behavior of the different samples can be explained by fiber parameters. The fiber length was significantly different in the three papers (A > B > C) and globally decreased in the second recycle (about 6%). Sample A had the highest initial fiber length and length/width, but it largely decreased with refining conditions in the 1st recycle (length fall 12%, generating fines by cutting), whereas it fall 9% between the 1st and 2nd recycles, and nothing with refining conditions in the 2nd recycle. Sample B fall by 5% with refining conditions in the 1st recycle, and 9% between the 1st and the 2nd recycle, but suffered few alteration in the second recycle. Fiber length of sample C was unaffected by refining conditions and only decreased 9% between the 1st and 2nd recycles. In all cases, the generated fines increased lightly with refining in the first recycle, but were two-fold higher in the second recycle than in the first one. The fiber coarseness of the 3 samples was similar in the first recycle, but decreases significantly in the 2nd recycleFil: Benitez, Julieta Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Materiales de Misiones. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Cs.exactas Químicas y Naturales. Instituto de Materiales de Misiones; ArgentinaFil: Koga, Mariza E. T.. Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Otero D'Almeida, Maria L.. Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Felissia, Fernando Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Materiales de Misiones. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Cs.exactas Químicas y Naturales. Instituto de Materiales de Misiones; ArgentinaFil: Park, Song W.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Area, Maria Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Materiales de Misiones. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Cs.exactas Químicas y Naturales. Instituto de Materiales de Misiones; Argentin

    Colombian vanilla and its microbiota. III. Diversity and structure of the endophytic community

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    Endophytic fungal communities are well-recognised entities within plants worldwide. They hold species with potential in medicinal affairs, biological control of pests, industry, and more. Nevertheless, ecological data about structure and dynamics of endophytic communities are scarce. In this study we sampled root, stem and leaf tissues of Colombian vanilla species in order of both, identifying endosymbionts and characterising the community they belong to. An interesting array of endophytic species was found, including taxa that function as pathogens, saprotrophs, and dermatophytes in other plants/scenarios. Ecological parameters show a moderate diversity with a lognormal arrangement of species quite similar to communities of macroorganisms. Many species here reported belong to taxa broadly reported as sources of biologically active compounds, so they are good candidates for bioprospecting research

    Desenvolvimento urbano contemporâneo em cidades médias do interior paulista sob o estatuto da cidade: uma análise comparada de Piracicaba, Bauru e Rio Claro

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    O artigo traça um quadro do desenvolvimento urbano contemporâneo em cidades médias do interior do estado de São Paulo (Brasil), sob três dimensões complementares: econômica, urbanística e políticoinstitucional. Para tanto, indica os processos interdependentes que estruturam o desenvolvimento urbano com base na análise comparativa desses municípios (Piracicaba, Bauru e Rio Claro). Nesses termos, identifica como essas cidades se inseriram nos processos de transformação da economia nacional nas décadas de 1970-90, e como essa trajetória impactou suas dinâmicas urbano-regionais. Observa-se de que maneira as determinantes econômicas – tanto as vinculadas às mudanças no padrão locacional das indústrias quanto outras associadas à dinâmica imobiliária – impactaram o ordenamento urbanístico e como ocorreram tais processos decisórios. A análise se faz no contexto institucional da promulgação e vigência do Estatuto da Cidade, no qual os municípios refizeram seus Planos Diretores e passaram a contar com novos meios de regular a produção do espaço urbano.The article focuses on contemporary urban development in medium-sized cities in the state of São Paulo (Brazil), under three complementary dimensions: economic, urban and political-institutional. Thus, it indicates the interdependent processes that shape urban development based on comparative analysis of these municipalities (Piracicaba, Bauru and Rio Claro). In these terms it identifies how these cities were inserted in the processes of transformation of the national economy in the decades of 1970-90, and how that path impacted their urban-regional dynamics. We observe how the economic determinants – changes in the industry standard locational and dynamic real estate – impacted the urban planning and decision-making processes. The analysis is done in the context of institutional effectiveness and promulgation enactment of the Statute of the City, when municipalities remade their Master Plans and have acquired new ways to regulate the production of urban space.Peer Reviewe

    A Probabilistic View of Certain Weighted Fibonacci Sums

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    In this article, we pursue the reverse strategy of using probability to derive an and develop an exponential generating function for an in Section 3. In Section 4, we present a method for finding an exact, non-recursive, formula for an
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