245 research outputs found

    A comprehensive review of the enterprise systems research

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    (WP 12/04 Clave pdf) Enterprise systems (ES) can be considered as a novel phenomenon for the information system research and other academic fields (e.g. operations and supply chain), which has opened an immense potential and opportunities for research. Although the interest of the scholars on ES is recent, the number of publications is continuously growing since 2000. The aim of this paper is to review a sample of important contributions of the ES works published to date. To do this, the selected works have been classified in four key topics: business implications, technical issues, managerial issues, and implementation issues.Enterprise systems, Research

    The impact of supply chain applications annoucements on the market value of firms

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    We show that the announcement of SCM applications have a positive impact on the market value of firms using event study methodology. When SCM applications are disaggregated according to whether they are stand-alone SCM applications, or part of an enterprise system (SCM-ES) implementation, we find that the latter carry a significant value enhancement, while the former do not present a significant market reaction.SCM applications, Event study

    Enterprise Systems Analysis and Modelling

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    In ES implementations, process modelling is a critical and often overlooked activity. This paper proposes a framework for process modelling of ES. The four steps method involves: Current Situation Analysis, Business Process Improvements and Requirements, Gap Analysis, and To-be process to develop. Outputs of the methodology are an interdependent set of organizational and system proposed changes, and feedback loops to the ES vendors and to the strategy of the firm. In-depth case studies and extensive literature review provides methodological support. For practitioners, this study provides useful insights into one of the reasons by which companies could be frustrated with ES implementation.E-business, ERP

    Human, Contextual, and Processual Issues Influencing Enterprise System Use

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    A model of enterprise systems capabilities

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    This study has developed a model of ES capabilities to analyze the extent and quality of the use of ES in organizational contexts. The model consists of six general ES capabilities that can be used and deployed by organizations: 1) transaction automation, 2) decision-making process support, 3) monitoring performance, 4) customer service, 5) coordination, and 6) process management automation. The model itself was initially formulated from concepts in IS and ES literature. Then, the model was applied, validated and tuned through an in-depth case study.Enterprise systems, ES capabilities, ES use

    Análisis educativo-musical del medio televisión

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    Se ofrece en esta colaboración el resultado de un trabajo de investigación que estudia el tipo de educación musical no formal que lleva a cabo la televisión en nuestra sociedad. Este medio de comunicación capitaliza lo que conocemos por escuela paralela, suponiendo un innegable vehículo de transmisión educativa y realizando una labor de divulgación sonora que, aun sin pretenderlo, determina y conforma desde la imagen la cultura musical de la población

    Embedding the Enterprise System into the Enterprise: A Model of Corporate Diffusion

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    The implementation literature shows that many organizations are able to install enterprise systems (ES), in the sense that they make the system available for use, but failed in their efforts to diffuse and incorporate the system throughout the organization\u27s daily practices. This difficulty is not new. It is wever, the special characteristics of ES re-motivate an enquiry into issues of technological diffusion and the related areas of learning. This research identifies and describes the process and key actions associated with the diffusion of ES. The presentation focuses on two key case studies. The methodology utilizes in-depth case studies for constructing theory from the observed field data. The ES diffusion model presented puts use amidst a network of knowledge flows and learning episodes. This new perspective puts more emphasis on the importance of experiential learning than some accounts and reaffirms the vital role of knowledge creation and sharing. The studies also show how the diffusion of ES throughout the organizations was an iterative, cumulative, and virtuous process over time. Finally, the studies confirm that it is the different dimensions of business adaptation and system configuration and tailoring, that represent the authentic signature of the ES implementation experience

    Análisis cualitativo de textos sobre multi e interculturalidad

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    Actualmente es posible encontrar un alto número de trabajos académicos y de investigación sobre multicultura e intercultura que presentan unas bases metodológicas y empíricas de tipo cualitativo, concretamente sobre análisis del discurso y análisis de contenido de textos. En esta dirección, el presente trabajo tiene la intención de abordar determinadas claves analíticas sobre significados contenidos en textos, que puedan ser de utilidad en la investigación y la literatura científica sobre multi e interculturalidad

    Nota editorial

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    Issue 51 (1) of Publicaciones, the official journal of the Department of Education and Sports Sciences of Melilla (University of Granada), marks the first standard issue in the year 2021, and will be followed by a special one. Issue 51 (1) forms part of our ongoing effort towards the national and international dissemination of the journal. We would like to recognize all the work of the team linked to Publicaciones, the institutional and financial support of those institutions that sponsor its publication (Ministry of Education, Culture, Festivals and Equality of the Autonomous City of Melilla, the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Transfer at the University of Granada, and the Department of Education and Sports Sciences of Melilla), thank the authors for placing their trust in us, and also those other authors who have cited the journal.Analizando el proyecto internacional Fundación SCP, García, con su estudio, se ha centrado en concretar los aspectos formativos de esta práctica letrada y explorar las implicaciones para el planteamiento de actividades de innovación educativa en las aulas. Los resultados hallados muestran que se trata de un espacio de afinidad en el que se desarrollan importantes aprendizajes vinculados a la alfabetización. Además, es destacable el uso de un registro lingüístico formal-académico con una gran heterogeneidad en la selección de temáticas, recursos empleados, complejas estructuras hipertextuales y elementos multimodales