1,206 research outputs found

    Wetland-based passive treatment systems for gold ore processing effluents containing residual cyanide, metals and nitrogen species

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    Gold extraction operations generate a variety of wastes requiring responsible disposal in compliance with current environmental regulations. During recent decades, increased emphasis has been placed on effluent control and treatment, in order to avoid the threat to the environment posed by toxic constituents. In many modern gold mining and ore processing operations, cyanide species are of most immediate concern. Given that natural degradation processes are known to reduce the toxicity of cyanide over time, trials have been made at laboratory and field scales into the feasibility of using wetland-based passive systems as low-cost and environmentally friendly methods for long-term treatment of leachates from closed gold mine tailing disposal facilities. Laboratory experiments on discrete aerobic and anaerobic treatment units supported the development of design parameters for the construction of a field-scale passive system at a gold mine site in northern Spain. An in situ pilot-scale wetland treatment system was designed, constructed and monitored over a nine-month period. Overall, the results suggest that compost-based constructed wetlands are capable of detoxifying cyanidation effluents, removing about 21.6% of dissolved cyanide and 98% of Cu, as well as nitrite and nitrate. Wetland-based passive systems can therefore be considered as a viable technology for removal of residual concentrations of cyanide from leachates emanating from closed gold mine tailing disposal facilities

    On the long-run dynamics of income and wealth inequality

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    We analyse top income and wealth shares data, by conducting a robust estimation of trends, tests for structural breaks, and tests for determining persistence. We include Anglo-Saxon countries, continental Europe and Asian countries, grouped under different percentiles and deciles, spanning a period that is at least close to a century. We find that the top income shares for almost all countries are characterised by broken trends, or level shifts. The preponderance of trend breaks appears in the 1970s and 1980s where after a negative trend changes in magnitude or direction. Finally, shocks to the top income share data are not transitory, which have consequences for policy such as advocating redistributive measures

    Underground parking structure built with deep foundations and vault precast elements in Spain

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    In many cases the only places available for the construction of a new car park are the existing streets or roads. These streets may also have important or historic buildings very close to the structure, which means that they cannot be disturbed in any way during the construction of the parking structure. In many cases the only places available for the construction of a new car park are the existing streets or roads. These streets may also have important or historic buildings very close to the structure, which means that they cannot be disturbed in any way during the construction of the parking structure

    NN Scattering: Chiral Predictions for Asymptotic Observables

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    We assume that the nuclear potential for distances larger than 2.5 fm is given just by the exchanges of one and two pions and, for the latter, we adopt a model based on chiral symmetry and subthreshold pion-nucleon amplitudes, which contains no free parameters. The predictions produced by this model for nucleon-nucleon observables are calculated and shown to agree well with both experiment and those due to phenomenological potentials.Comment: 16 pages, 12 PS figures included, to appear in Physical Review

    The Palaeozoic basement of the Andean Frontal Cordillera at 34º S (Cordón del Carrizalito, Mendoza Province, Argentina): Geotectonic implications

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    The Cordón del Carrizalito is located in the southern sector of the Andean Frontal Cordillera. In this area, the Andean basement is composed of meta-sedimentary rocks (Las Lagunitas Formation) of Ordovician age. In addition, no- or very low grade metamorphism and less deformed rocks also occur in the study area. We call these rocks Selerpe series, whose characteristics are comparable to other series, late Carboniferous in age, described in nearby areas. The Las Lagunitas Formation is affected by west-verging folds, developed under low-grade metamorphic conditions. These structures can be attributed to the Chanic orogeny (Late Devonian – early Carboniferous). The Selerpe series and Las Lagunitas Formation are deformed by east-verging thrusts and folds developed in narrow bands and generated in the absence or under very low metamorphic conditions. These structures always deform the Chanic structures, and are attributed to the Gondwanan deformation (San Rafael orogeny, late Carboniferous – Permian in age). The Chanic structures of the study area can be placed in the western branch and in the hinterland of the Chanic orogen, which was developed as a result of the accretion of the Chilenia terrane at the west Gondwana margin during Late Devonian and early Carboniferous. The eastern branch of this orogen is located in the Andean Precordillera. The Permo-Triassic cover, deformed by the Andean orogenic cycle (Mesozoic – Cenozoic), rests unconformably on the Palaeozoic basement rocks.En el Cordón del Carrizalito, situado en el sector meridional de la Cordillera Frontal de los Andes, afloran metasedimentos ordovícicos pertenecientes a la Formación Las Lagunitas y otro conjunto de rocas menos deformadas, en ausencia de metamorfismo o con metamorfis­mo de muy bajo grado, que hemos denominado serie de Selerpe. Esta última es litoestratigráficamente comparable a series del Carbonífero superior descritas en áreas próximas. La Formación Las Lagunitas está afectada por pliegues apretados, vergentes al oeste y desarrollados bajo condiciones de metamorfismo de bajo grado. Estas estructuras pueden ser atribuidas a la orogenia Chánica (Devónico Superior - Car­bonífero inferior). La deformación Gondwánica, atribuida a la orogenia San Rafael, (Carbonífero superior – Pérmico), afecta tanto a la serie de Selerpe como a la Formación Las Lagunitas y se caracteriza por cabalgamientos y pliegues vergentes al este y generados en ausencia de metamorfismo o bajo condiciones metamórficas de muy grado bajo. Las estructuras chánicas de la zona estudiada se encuentran en las zonas internas de la rama occidental del orógeno del mismo nombre. Estas estructuras se desarrollaron como resultado de la acreción del terreno de Chilenia al margen occidental del antiguo continente de Gondwana durante el Devónico Superior – Carbonífero inferior. La rama oriental del orógeno Chánico se sitúa en la Precordillera andina. La cobertera permo-triásica, deformada durante el Mesozoico y Cenozoico por el ciclo orogénico Andino, se apoya discordantemente sobre las rocas del basamento paleozoico

    Equivalence of Nonstatic Two-Pion-Exchange Nucleon-Nucleon Potentials

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    Off-shell aspects of the one-pion-exchange potential and their relationship to different forms of the nonstatic (subleading-order) chiral two-pion-exchange nucleon-nucleon potential are discussed. Various types of off-shell behavior are categorized and numerous examples are given. Recently derived potentials based on chiral approaches are supplemented by a rather general form of the two-pion-exchange potential derived using old-fashioned methods. The latter is closely related to a general form of one-pion-exchange relativistic corrections and nonstatic two-pion-exchange three-nucleon forces developed long ago.Comment: 16 pages, latex -- Phys. Rev. C (to appear) -- Published versio

    Carbon and ecological footprints as tools for evaluating the environmental impact of coal mine ventilation air

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    Coal mines ventilation gases are an important source of methane emissions. Common ventilation systems are designed to ensure safe working conditions in the shafts, leading to huge ventilation gas flow rates. Traditionally, low attention has been paid to such emissions because of their low methane concentration. However, it is necessary to take into account that although the concentration of methane is very low (typically <1%), the volume of air that ventilation systems move is large, and therefore these emissions constitute the largest source of greenhouse gases from underground coal mines. This work proposes the use of ecological and carbon footprints approaches as a tool for determining the relative importance of these emissions in comparison to the other direct and indirect environmental impacts from the coal mining activity. The study has been performed in the main ventilations shafts of the mining company HUNOSA, located at NW Spain (bituminous coal). Results indicate that ventilation air methane is a key fraction of the total emissions of greenhouse gases releases in this activity (60–70%)

    The AyA_y Puzzle and the Nuclear Force

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    The nucleon-deuteron analyzing power AyA_y in elastic nucleon-deuteron scattering poses a longstanding puzzle. At energies ElabE_{lab} below approximately 30 MeV AyA_y cannot be described by any realistic NN force. The inclusion of existing three-nucleon forces does not improve the situation. Because of recent questions about the 3PJ^3P_J NN phases, we examine whether reasonable changes in the NN force can resolve the puzzle. In order to do this we investigate the effect on the 3PJ^3P_J waves produced by changes in different parts of the potential (viz., the central force, tensor force, etc.), as well as on the 2-body observables and on AyA_y. We find that it is not possible with reasonable changes in the NN potential to increase the 3-body AyA_y and at the same time to keep the 2-body observables unchanged. We therefore conclude that the AyA_y puzzle is likely to be solved by new three-nucleon forces, such as those of spin-orbit type, which have not yet been taken into account.Comment: 35 pages in REVTeX, 1 figure in postscript and 3 figures in PiCTe

    Three-pion exchange: a gap in the nucleon-nucleon potential

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    The leading contribution to the three-pion exchange nucleon-nucleon potential is calculated in the framework of chiral symmetry. It has pseudoscalar and axial components and is dominated by the former, which has a range of about 1.5 fm and tends to enhance the OPEP. The strength of this force does not depend on the pion mass and hence it survives in the chiral limit.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Transport Far From Equilibrium --- Uniform Shear Flow

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    The BGK model kinetic equation is applied to spatially inhomogeneous states near steady uniform shear flow. The shear rate of the reference steady state can be large so the states considered include those very far from equilibrium. The single particle distribution function is calculated exactly to first order in the deviations of the hydrodynamic field gradients from their values in the reference state. The corresponding non-linear hydrodynamic equaitons are obtained and the set of transport coefficients are identified as explicit functions of the shear rate. The spectrum of the linear hydrodynamic equation is studied in detail and qualitative differences from the spectrum for equilibrium fluctuations are discussed. Conditions for instabilities at long wavelengths are identified and disccused.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figure, RevTeX, submitted to Phys. Rev.