3,995 research outputs found

    Aerodynamic properties of turbulent combustion fields

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    Flow fields involving turbulent flames in premixed gases under a variety of conditions are modeled by the use of a numerical technique based on the random vortex method to solve the Navier-Stokes equations and a flame propagation algorithm to trace the motion of the front and implement the Huygens principle, both due to Chorin. A successive over-relaxation hybrid method is applied to solve the Euler equation for flows in an arbitrarily shaped domain. The method of images, conformal transformation, and the integral-equation technique are also used to treat flows in special cases, according to their particular requirements. Salient features of turbulent flame propagation in premixed gases are interpreted by relating them to the aerodynamic properties of the flow field. Included among them is the well-known cellular structure of flames stabilized by bluff bodies, as well as the formation of the characteristic tulip shape of flames propagating in ducts. In its rudimentary form, the mechanism of propagation of a turbulent flame is shown to consist of: (1) rotary motion of eddies at the flame front, (2) self-advancement of the front at an appropriate normal burning speed, and (3) dynamic effects of expansion due to exothermicity of the combustion reaction. An idealized model is used to illustrate these fundamental mechanisms and to investigate basic aerodynamic features of flames in premixed gases. The case of a confined flame stabilized behind a rearward-facing step is given particular care and attention. Solutions are shown to be in satisfactory agreement with experimental results, especially with respect to global properties such as the average velocity profiles and reattachment length

    Measuring impact of academic research in computer and information science on society

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    Academic research in computer & information science (CIS) has contributed immensely to all aspects of society. As academic research today is substantially supported by various government sources, recent political changes have created ambivalence amongst academics about the future of research funding. With uncertainty looming, it is important to develop a framework to extract and measure the information relating to impact of CIS research on society to justify public funding, and demonstrate the actual contribution and impact of CIS research outside academia. A new method combining discourse analysis and text mining of a collection of over 1000 pages of impact case study documents written in free-text format for the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 was developed in order to identify the most commonly used categories or headings for reporting impact of CIS research by UK Universities (UKU). According to the research reported in REF2014, UKU acquired 83 patents in various areas of CIS, created 64 spin-offs, generated £857.5 million in different financial forms, created substantial employment, reached over 6 billion users worldwide and has helped save over £1 billion Pounds due to improved processes etc. to various sectors internationally, between 2008 and 2013

    Statistics of statisticians: Critical mass of statistics and operational research groups in the UK

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    Using a recently developed model, inspired by mean field theory in statistical physics, and data from the UK's Research Assessment Exercise, we analyse the relationship between the quality of statistics and operational research groups and the quantity researchers in them. Similar to other academic disciplines, we provide evidence for a linear dependency of quality on quantity up to an upper critical mass, which is interpreted as the average maximum number of colleagues with whom a researcher can communicate meaningfully within a research group. The model also predicts a lower critical mass, which research groups should strive to achieve to avoid extinction. For statistics and operational research, the lower critical mass is estimated to be 9 ±\pm 3. The upper critical mass, beyond which research quality does not significantly depend on group size, is about twice this value

    Information locking in black holes

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    The black hole information loss paradox has plagued physicists since Hawking's discovery that black holes evaporate thermally in contradiction to the unitarity expected by quantum mechanics. Here we show that one of the central presumptions of the debate is incorrect. Ensuring that information not escape during the semi-classical evaporation process does not require that all the information remain in the black hole until the final stages of evaporation. Using recent results in quantum information theory, we find that the amount of information that must remain in the black hole until the final stages of evaporation can be very small, even though the amount already radiated away is negligible. Quantum effects mean that information need not be additive: a small number of quanta can lock a large amount of information, making it inaccessible. When this small number of locking quanta are finally emitted, the full information (and unitarity) is restored. Only if the number of initial states is restricted will the locking mechanism leak out information early.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in PRL. Presented at the Newton Institute's workshop on Quantum gravity and quantum information, Dec. 17th, 200

    Modeling Interface Motion Of Combustion (MINOC). A computer code for two-dimensional, unsteady turbulent combustion

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    A computer code for calculating the flow field and flame propagation in a turbulent combustion tunnel is described. The model used in the analysis is the random vortex model, which allows the turbulent field to evolve as a fundamental solution to the Navier-Stokes equations without averaging or closure modeling. The program was used to study the flow field in a model combustor, formed by a rearward-facing step in a channel, in terms of the vorticity field, the turbulent shear stresses, the flame contours, and the concentration field. Results for the vorticity field reveal the formation of large-scale eddy structures in the turbulent flow downstream from the step. The concentration field contours indicate that most burning occurred around the outer edges of the large eddies of the shear layer

    Effects of ion magnetization on the Farley-Buneman instability in the solar chromosphere

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    Intense heating in the quiet-Sun chromosphere raises the temperature from 4000 to 6500 K but, despite decades of study, the underlying mechanism remains a mystery. This study continues to explore the possibility that the Farley–Buneman instability contributes to chromospheric heating. This instability occurs in weakly ionized collisional plasmas in which electrons are magnetized, but ions are not. A mixture of metal ions generate the plasma density in the coolest parts of the chromosphere; while some ions are weakly magnetized, others are demagnetized by neutral collisions. This paper incorporates the effects of multiple, arbitrarily magnetized species of ions to the theory of the Farley–Buneman instability and examines the ramifications on instability in the chromosphere. The inclusion of magnetized ions introduces new restrictions on the regions in which the instability can occur in the chromosphere—in fact, it confines the instability to the regions in which heating is observed. For a magnetic field of 30 G, the minimum ambient electric field capable of driving the instability is 13.5 V/m at the temperature minimum.This work was supported by NSF-AGS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Award No. 1433536 and NSF/DOE grant No. PHY-1500439. The authors also acknowledge a recent contribution from William Longley. (1433536 - NSF-AGS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Award; PHY-1500439 - NSF/DOE grant)First author draftPublished versio

    Can the frequency-dependent specific heat be measured by thermal effusion methods?

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    It has recently been shown that plane-plate heat effusion methods devised for wide-frequency specific-heat spectroscopy do not give the isobaric specific heat, but rather the so-called longitudinal specific heat. Here it is shown that heat effusion in a spherical symmetric geometry also involves the longitudinal specific heat.Comment: Paper presented at the Fifth International Workshop on Complex Systems (Sendai, September, 2007), to appear in AIP Conference Proceeding

    Supernarrow spectral peaks near a kinetic phase transition in a driven, nonlinear micromechanical oscillator

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    We measure the spectral densities of fluctuations of an underdamped nonlinear micromechanical oscillator. By applying a sufficiently large periodic excitation, two stable dynamical states are obtained within a particular range of driving frequency. White noise is injected into the excitation, allowing the system to overcome the activation barrier and switch between the two states. While the oscillator predominately resides in one of the two states for most excitation frequencies, a narrow range of frequencies exist where the occupations of the two states are approximately equal. At these frequencies, the oscillator undergoes a kinetic phase transition that resembles the phase transition of thermal equilibrium systems. We observe a supernarrow peak in the power spectral densities of fluctuations of the oscillator. This peak is centered at the excitation frequency and arises as a result of noise-induced transitions between the two dynamical states.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A practical scheme for error control using feedback

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    We describe a scheme for quantum error correction that employs feedback and weak measurement rather than the standard tools of projective measurement and fast controlled unitary gates. The advantage of this scheme over previous protocols (for example Ahn et. al, PRA, 65, 042301 (2001)), is that it requires little side processing while remaining robust to measurement inefficiency, and is therefore considerably more practical. We evaluate the performance of our scheme by simulating the correction of bit-flips. We also consider implementation in a solid-state quantum computation architecture and estimate the maximal error rate which could be corrected with current technology.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Minor typographic change

    Extremal distributions under approximate majorization

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    Although an input distribution may not majorize a target distribution, it may majorize a distribution which is close to the target. Here we consider a notion of approximate majorization. For any distribution, and given a distance δ, we find the approximate distributions which majorize (are majorized by) all other distributions within the distance δ. We call these the steepest and flattest approximation. This enables one to compute how close one can get to a given target distribution under a process governed by majorization. We show that the flattest and steepest approximations preserve ordering under majorization. Furthermore, we give a notion of majorization distance. This has applications ranging from thermodynamics, entanglement theory, and economics
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