8 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Revenue Channels and Challenges in Sustainable Management of Oyo State Forest Reserves, Nigeria

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    Forest revenue system is an instrument used by government to achieve various goals and objectives in forest management. This paper evaluates the various challenges of revenue collection and remittance in Oyo forestry service in Nigeria. A total of 94 forest officials were identified and reached (100%) in all the forestry administrative zones in Oyo State, including the headquarters through a set of structured questionnaire and data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics and logit regression at \u3b10.05. Theaverage age of the respondents was 39.7\ub16.5 years, mostly male (71%), married (75.6%) and had secondary education (63%). Challenges confronting adequate revenue collection included lack of proper law enforcement, payment of cash by revenue collectors and inability of field officers to withstand armed illegal fellers with odds-ratio of 55694.85, 668.78 and 20.79 respectively. Problems facing adequate revenue remittance were remittance by field staff, inaccessibility of bank on time, lack of provision of incentives for running cost by the government and possibilities of field officers indulging in printing of fake receipts with odds-ratio of 140.18, 116.80, 3.65 and 3.44 respectively. The study exposed the various challenges facing adequate revenue collection and remittance in Oyo State forestry service, it is therefore necessary for the forest managers in the State to utilize this information wisely for the betterment of revenue generation

    Effects of Personality Traits, Religiousness/ Spirituality on Adolescent Psychopathology in Benin City

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    Background: The rising prevalence of mental health morbidity among adolescents is worrisome because of  the potentia   for dire consequences. Knowledge of predictive factors that contribute to this situation is considered invaluable. This study aims to determine the effect of personality traits and  religiousness/spirituality on adolescent psychopathology.Methods: The research design was cross-sectional. Big Five Personality Inventory (BFI-44),   Ironson–Woods Spirituality/Religiousness Index (IWSRI), and the General Health Questionnaire   (GHQ-28) were administered to 412 randomly selected senior secondary school students to evaluate personality traits, spirituality/religiousness, and psychopathology respectively. Re sul ts : Adolescents  wi th psychopathology (GHQ-Positive) had significantly higher neuroticism (p=.000), lower agreeableness (p=.001) and conscientiousness (p=.000); and low levels of religiousness and spirituality scores. High neuroticism (p=.000) and low 'Religious Behaviour' (p=.000) significantly  predicted psychopathology. Religiousness and spirituality were negatively associated with  neuroticism, but positively associated with conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness; and no association with extraversion.Conclusion: The findings of the study provide empirical support for the influence of some personality traits and low religiousness/spirituality on psychopathology among adolescents in this environment. Further  studies in an effort to replicate these findings and to subsequently include them in adolescent mental  health promotion programs are advocated.Keywords : Spirituality , Religiousness, Personality traits, Psychopathology, Adolescent

    Sexual Behaviour of the Elderly at Ile-Ife, Nigeria

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    The study examined the pattern of sexual behaviour among middle and older adults in Ile-Ife. The study was a cross-sectional survey that collected data from middle and older adults in Ife Central Local Government Area using a multi-stage sampling technique. The sample consisted of 375 adults comprising of 170 middle adults (45.3%) and 205 older adults (54.7%). A standardized psychological instrument (Sexual Behaviour Scale) was used to collect data from the respondents. The results showed that the pattern of sexual behaviour, that is, holding hands 53.2%, hugging 52.1%, kissing 50.9%, fondling 58.0%, caressing 60.1%, vaginal sex 51.5%, use of condom with spouse 72.7%and use of condom with someone other than spouse 90.9%, and transactional sex 61.1% are more prevalent among middle adults than older adults while oral 78.9% and anal sex 100% are more prevalent among older adults than middle adults. Sex, religion, educational level, occupation and marital status do have a significant influence on the sexual behaviour of middle and older adults

    Gender Difference in Emotional Labour among Nurses in Osun State, Nigeria

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    This study examined the differences in the performance of emotional labour (deep acting and surface acting) among male and female nurses in Osun State, Nigeria. A total of one hundred and sixty six respondents participated in the study. The participants were randomly selected from Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex, Ile-Ife and Osun State General Hospital, Osogbo both in Osun State, Nigeria. A standardized scale, Emotional Labour Scale (ELS), was used for data collection. Data collected were analysed using the independent sample t-test. Results showed a statistically significant difference in the performance of emotional labour among nurses in Osun state {t (164) = 2.020, p<0. 05}. Male nurses were found to display higher levels of emotional labour (N=72, x̄ =66.14, SD=7.40) than those of their female counterparts (N=94,  x̄ =63.51, SD=9.36). It further showed that there was a significant difference in the experience of surface acting among male and female {t (164) = 2.57, p<0. 05}. Male nurses reported higher mean (N=72, x̄ =34.47, SD=4.95) of surface acting than the female nurses (N=94, x̄ =32.32, SD=5.84). This result indicates that male nurses are more likely to regulate theiremotions through surface acting than  female nurses. However, there was no statistical significant difference in the experience of deep acting among male and female nurses. The study concluded that a significant gender difference in the performance of emotional labour among nurses in Osun state. Male nurses engage more in surface acting than the female nurses.Keywords: Gender, Emotional Labour, Nurses, Deep Acting and Surface Actin

    Charles Bonnet Syndrome: A Case Series from a Psychogeriatric Clinic in a Tertiary Hospital in Nigeria

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    Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS), also known as visual release hallucinations is the experience of complex visual hallucinations in an individual with partial or severe blindness. It is an uncommon disorder with a worldwide prevalence ranging between 0.5%- 40%. However, the prevalence in Africa is largely unknown due to unavailability of reliable statistics. Furthermore, there has generally been an under-reporting of visual hallucinations by patients due to fear of being labeled psychologically unstable. As the population of old people increases in our society, there is also the likelihood of an increase in visual impairment among them and consequently an increase in those affected by CBS. We therefore report the two cases of this uncommon disorder that presented in our psychogeriatric clinic in order to raise awareness among clinicians with the aim of encouraging early detection and prompt treatment in a resource constrained setting like Nigeria.</p