2,196 research outputs found
Semiotic process of the office configuration
Abstracts aceptados sin presentacion / Accepted abstracts without presentatio
Employed and Unemployed Job Seekers and the Business Cycle
The job search literature suggests that on-the-job search reduces the probability of un employed people finding jobs. However, there is little evidence that employed and unemployed job seekers are similar or apply for the same jobs. We compare employed and unemployed job seekers in their individual characteristics, preferences over working hours, job-search strategies and employment histories, and identify how differences vary over the business cycle. We find systematic differences which persist over the business cycle. Our results are consistent with a segmented labour market in which employed and unemployed job seekers are unlikely to directly compete with each other for jobs
Winners and Losers in a Free Trade Area between The United States and MERCOSUR
This document considers an eventual Free Trade Area between the US and MERCOSUR with the objective of constructing two lists of products (HS 6 digits), one expansive (trade opportunities) and one defensive (trade perils), for each of the participants in the agreement. The theoretical model of reference is the Grossman and Helpman model of the politics of Free Trade Agreements. An original methodology for the opportunities and perils determination based on trade specialisation indexes and trade policy data has been developed. The economic size asymmetries have been introduced into the analysis through an empirical implementation of the regimes of protection typology provided by the theory (enhanced and reduced protection). The main conclusions are: i) agricultural producers in the US face a peril while agricultural producers in MERCOSUR could have opportunities (improvement in international prices); ii) there are no evident opportunities for US producers in the MERCOSUR (reduced size of the market) while producers of manufactures in the MERCOSUR face an evident peril in the regional market; and iii) MERCOSUR opportunities are concentrated in lighter manufactures.
Subjectively interpreted shape dimensions as privileged and orthogonal axes in mental shape space
The shape of an object is fundamental in object recognition but it is still an open issue to what extent shape differences are perceived analytically (i.e., by the dimensional structure of the shapes) or holistically (i.e., by the overall similarity of the shapes). The dimensional structure of a stimulus is available in a primary stage of processing for separable dimensions, although it can also be derived cognitively from a perceived stimulus consisting of integral dimensions. Contrary to most experimental paradigms, the present study asked participants explicitly to analyze shapes according to two dimensions. The dimensions of interest were aspect ratio and medial axis curvature, and a new procedure was used to measure the participants' interpretation of both dimensions (Part I, Experiment 1). The subjectively interpreted shape dimensions showed specific characteristics supporting the conclusion that they also constitute perceptual dimensions with objective behavioral characteristics (Part II): (1) the dimensions did not correlate in overall similarity measures (Experiment 2), (2) they were more separable in a speeded categorization task (Experiment 3), and (3) they were invariant across different complex 2-D shapes (Experiment 4). The implications of these findings for shape-based object processing are discussed
Stack Overflow: A Code Laundering Platform?
Developers use Question and Answer (Q&A) websites to exchange knowledge and
expertise. Stack Overflow is a popular Q&A website where developers discuss
coding problems and share code examples. Although all Stack Overflow posts are
free to access, code examples on Stack Overflow are governed by the Creative
Commons Attribute-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license that developers should obey
when reusing code from Stack Overflow or posting code to Stack Overflow. In
this paper, we conduct a case study with 399 Android apps, to investigate
whether developers respect license terms when reusing code from Stack Overflow
posts (and the other way around). We found 232 code snippets in 62 Android apps
from our dataset that were potentially reused from Stack Overflow, and 1,226
Stack Overflow posts containing code examples that are clones of code released
in 68 Android apps, suggesting that developers may have copied the code of
these apps to answer Stack Overflow questions. We investigated the licenses of
these pieces of code and observed 1,279 cases of potential license violations
(related to code posting to Stack overflow or code reuse from Stack overflow).
This paper aims to raise the awareness of the software engineering community
about potential unethical code reuse activities taking place on Q&A websites
like Stack Overflow.Comment: In proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Software
Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER
Le studio dâenregistrement comme lieu dâexpĂ©rimentation, outil crĂ©atif et vecteur dâinternationalisation : Stonetree Records et la paranda garifuna en AmĂ©rique centrale
La version intégrale de cette thÚse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la
BibliothĂšque de musique de lâUniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).Genre nĂ© de la rencontre (imposĂ©e par lâexil) au XIXe siĂšcle entre les Garinagu et des populations hispaniques centramĂ©ricaines, la paranda connaĂźt aujourdâhui un regain dâintĂ©rĂȘt chez les acteurs de la production discographique garifuna. Depuis son apparition dans les studios dâenregistrement, elle a Ă©voluĂ© vers une forme modernisĂ©e, faisant appel Ă des instruments Ă©lectriques et des procĂ©dĂ©s de traitement du son caractĂ©ristiques des musiques « populaires ». Devenue en 2000 (avec la compilation Paranda; Africa in Central America, produite par Ivan Duran et distribuĂ©e par Warner/Elektra) une « musique du monde » sur le marchĂ© discographique international, cette nouvelle forme de paranda connaĂźt un succĂšs consĂ©quent dans les palmarĂšs de world music â popularitĂ© qui se dĂ©ploie aprĂšs coup chez les Garinagu centramĂ©ricains, qui redĂ©couvrent un genre jusquâalors quasiment disparu dans sa version villageoise.
Ă partir de lâexemple de la « rĂ©cupĂ©ration », Ă des fins commerciales, dâun genre musical « traditionnel » par un label indĂ©pendant centramĂ©ricain, cette thĂšse montre comment un producteur de world music a su se servir du studio dâenregistrement comme dâun outil crĂ©atif susceptible de lui ouvrir les portes de lâinternationalisation. Utilisant le studio comme laboratoire expĂ©rimental, Ivan Duran est ainsi parvenu Ă rĂ©aliser des disques qui â tout en atteignant un succĂšs critique international â allaient lui permettre dâĂ©tablir son label, Stonetree Records, en tant que standard pour lâensemble de lâindustrie musicale rĂ©gionale.
Afin de comprendre quels mĂ©canismes sont activĂ©s (et selon quelles modalitĂ©s) dans le cadre spatio-temporel spĂ©cifique au studio dâenregistrement, cette recherche doctorale prend pour principale Ă©tude de cas la rĂ©alisation de Laru Beya â dernier album du parandero Aurelio Martinez, rĂ©alisĂ© par Ivan Duran et distribuĂ© internationalement. Les trois chapitres centraux sont donc consacrĂ©s Ă lâanalyse sĂ©miologique de ce disque, avec dâabord une Ă©tude 1) des stratĂ©gies crĂ©atrices en prĂ©sence (Ă travers une ethnographie de sessions dâenregistrement, sur une plage du Honduras), puis 2) de lâobjet musical tel quâil a Ă©tĂ© commercialisĂ© (lâ« Ćuvre » en elle-mĂȘme) et enfin 3) de diffĂ©rentes conduites dâĂ©coute dâauditeurs-consommateurs garinagu ou non. Tandis que le premier chapitre de cette thĂšse propose une contextualisation de notre objet de recherche (allant « du village au studio »), le cinquiĂšme et dernier chapitre sâattache â aprĂšs avoir Ă©largi les rĂ©sultats de notre Ă©tude de cas Ă dâautres phĂ©nomĂšnes similaires â Ă Ă©valuer lâimpact des processus dâinternationalisation sur la production musicale locale (opĂ©rant un retour « du studio au village »).Born from a critical encounter (imposed in exile) between Garifuna people and Spanish-speaking Central American populations, Paranda is currently experiencing a resurgence of interest among stakeholders of the garifuna record production. Since its arrival in the recording studios, it has evolved into a modernized form, using electric instruments and sound treatment techniques taken from popular music. In 2000 (with the release of Paranda; Africa in Central America, produced by Ivan Duran and distributed by Warner/Elektra), Paranda became a world music, thus experiencing a substantial success in world music charts â popularity that unfolds afterwards in Garifuna communities, rediscovering a musical genre that had virtually disappeared in the village.
From the example of a ârecuperationâ, for commercial purposes, of a traditional musical genre by an independent Central American label, this dissertation shows how a world music producer has been able to use the recording studio as a creative tool that opened the doors of internationalization. Using the studio as an experimental lab, Ivan Duran succeeded in making records that, while reaching an international critical success, would also allow him to establish his own label, Stonetree Records, as a standard within the whole regional music industry.
To understand which mechanisms are activated (and how) within the spatio-temporal framework defined by the recording studio, this doctoral research will focus on the production of Laru Beya â parandero Aurelio Martinezâs latest album, produced by Ivan Duran and internationally distributed. The three central chapters are devoted to the semiotic analysis of this record, with a study of 1) creative strategies developed in the studio (through an ethnography of recording sessions, which took place on a beach in Honduras), then 2) the musical object as it was marketed (the "work" itself) and finally 3) different listenersâ (Garifuna or not) reactions. While the first chapter of this dissertation provides a contextualization of our research object (from "the studio to the village"), the fifth and final chapter â after extending the results of our case study to other phenomena â focuses on assessing the impact of Parandaâs internationalization on local music production (going back from âthe studio to the villageâ)
Surfing or still drowning? Student nursesâ Internet skills
A study into student nursesâ ability to use the Internet was published in Nurse Education Today in 2004. This paper repeats the research with a cohort of students starting their pre-registration programme in a UK university in 2007.
In 2004 students were reported as having poor Internet skills, and as not being frequent users of the Internet. In this study students were found to have significantly better ability to carry out basic tasks and significantly higher levels of Internet use. Their ability to apply these skills to more complex information literacy tasks however had not increased, with more than half of all students saying they found far too much irrelevant information when searching for specific information on the Internet. The earlier study found that skills and age were not related, which appears to still be the case.
The need for these skills is increasing as education, lifelong learning, and patient information are all increasingly drawing on the developing Internet. Nurse education however is not integrating the skill and knowledge base essential to support this into pre-registration programmes, and the evidence suggests that this will not happen without active management
The psychosocial risk of being âextremely vulnerableâ during Covidâ19 and the role of behaviour activation
Many individuals shielding from Covidâ19 because of extreme clinical vulnerability are reporting worsening mental health (ONS, 2020) and may need assistance to change their shielding behaviour to regain their social connections. Isolation is strongly linked to depression and anxiety, which provoke further social withdrawal (Santini et al, 2020), creating a downward spiral of low mood, lack of motivation, anxiety, and further isolation through avoidance behaviour
Passive immunization against Histomonas meleagridis does not protect turkeys from an experimental infection
Histomonosis or blackhead is a disease of gallinaceous birds, caused by the protozoan Histomonas meleagridis. As recent regulatory action has removed almost all drugs against this disease from the European market, the development of new prophylactics has become crucial. Identification of the protective immune mechanism would facilitate the choice and development of a vaccination strategy to prevent histomonosis. In this study, turkeys were either actively or passively immunized and were then challenged to assess the role of antibody-mediated immunity in the protection form this disease. Active immunization was performed either by experimental infection and treatment or by intramuscular injection with lysed H. meleagridis. Passive immunization was attempted by intraperitoneal administration of pooled, concentrated, neutralizing antisera from immunized donor animals to naive turkeys. A significantly higher IgG response was observed after infection and treatment than after intramuscular injection, which in turn was higher than the responses of placebo and control birds. While active immunization of turkeys by intramuscular injection of dead H. meleagridis antigens appeared not to be protective against histomonosis, immunization by infection and treatment did induce protection. However, no significant level of protection could be observed in the passively immunized birds. These results suggest that serum antibodies to H. meleagridis may not be a key component in the protection against this parasite. It is, however, possible that the concentration of antibodies at the mucosal site is insufficient. Therefore, further investigation on mucosal immune responses is necessary
L925I mutation in the Para-type sodium channel is associated with pyrethroid resistance in Triatoma infestans from the Gran Chaco region
Background: Chagas' disease is an important public health concern in Latin America. Despite intensive vector control efforts using pyrethroid insecticides, the elimination of Triatoma infestans has failed in the Gran Chaco, an ecoregion that extends over Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil. The voltage-gated sodium channel is the target site of pyrethroid insecticides. Point mutations in domain II region of the channel have been implicated in pyrethroid resistance of several insect species. Methods and Findings: In the present paper, we identify L925I, a new pyrethroid resistance-conferring mutation in T. infestans. This mutation has been found only in hemipterans. In T. infestans, L925I mutation occurs in a resistant population from the Gran Chaco region and is associated with inefficiency in the control campaigns. We also describe a method to detect L925I mutation in individuals from the field. Conclusions and Significance: The findings have important implications in the implementation of strategies for resistance management and in the rational design of campaigns for the control of Chagas' disease transmission.Fil: Capriotti, Natalia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Centro Regional de Estudios GenĂłmicos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Mougabure Cueto, GastĂłn Adolfo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂficas y TĂ©cnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones CientĂficas y TĂ©cnicas para la Defensa. Centro de InvestigaciĂłn de Plagas e Insecticidas; ArgentinaFil: Rivera Pomar, Rolando. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Centro Regional de Estudios GenĂłmicos; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Noroeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Departamento de Ciencias BĂĄsicas y Experimentales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Ons, Sheila. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Centro Regional de Estudios GenĂłmicos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentin
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