194 research outputs found

    Effect of Long-term Feeding of Shiitake on Age-related Changes in Serum Lipids in Male SD Rats

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    The purpose of the present study was to observe the changes in serum lipids of rats fed a shiitake-containing diet throughout life. The serum triglyceride level of the shiitake diet group tended to be lower than that for the control diet group, but the difference was not significant. The serum phospholipid level was significantly lower in the shiitake diet group than in the control diet group (p<0.001) from 4 weeks to 36 weeks. Serum total cholesterol levels were significantly low in the shiitake diet group compared to the control diet group from 4 weeks to 36 weeks. However, the difference gradually disappeared over more than 48 weeks. Our findings suggested that reducing the serum cholesterol level and the phospholipid level beyond 36 weeks after starting a shiitake-containing diet influenced the average life span and the medium survival rate

    <Short Report>Age-related Changes in Serum Lipids and Longevity in Hepatectomized Rats

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    The life span and serum lipids of Sprague-Dawley rats was examined following partial hepatectomy. Adult Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two groups. One group received a 30% partial hepatectomy (30H) and the other underwent sham-surgery(control). Moreover, group 30H rats were divided into two subgroups based on length of survival ; a short life span group (30HS, n=4), and a long life span group (30HL, n=4). Blood was collected at 24 weeks after partial hepatectomy, and effects on serum biochemical parameters and longevity were evaluated. The 30HS group gained weight more rapidly than the 30HL group. Serum lipids in the 30HS group were higher than those in the 30HL group. These results indicate that survival rate may be related to early changes in lipid metabolism after partial hepatectomy

    Effects of Intravenously Injected Eritadenine on Serum Lipids in Ovariectomized (OVX) Rats

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    This research investigated and reported on whether or not intravenous administration of eritadenine to ovariectomized (OVX) rats affects serum lipid parameters like those found in the results of studies on its oral administration. Serum triglyceride, phospholipid, and total cholesterol levels were significantly lower in the OVX and Sham groups intravenously administered eritadenine than in the control OVX and Sham groups. The present results suggest that the administration of eritadenine in saline at a rate of 0.5 mg/mL and amount of 1 mL per kg of body weight via the tail vein for 10 days decreased serum lipid levels to a similar extent as when it was orally administered

    Lysine demand and essential aminoacids estimate for tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818) / Exigência de lisina e estimativa dos aminoácidos essenciais para tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum (CUVIER, 1818)

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    Four hundred-fifty (450) 7.7±0.06 g juvenile tambaqui were distributed in 500L boxes, fed a casein, gelatin and free amino acids-based semipurified diet containing six lysine levels (L-lysine HCL 0.9; 1.2; 1.5; 1.8; 2,1; 2.4% of the diet), in a completely randomized design, so that their lysine requirements could be determined. Findings demonstrated that diets with rising lysine levels did not influence the assessed zootechnical parameters. Tambaqui presented reduced consumption, low weight gains and high feed conversion with the use of the semipurified diet. This diet affected the hematological parameters significantly with no changes on total proteins and plasmatic glucose. The reduction on the plasmatic cortisol with the increase of lysine in the diet suggests the lower lysine levels to have had an influence on plasmatic cortisol level values. The reduced levels of triglycerides, cholesterol and body lipids with increasing lysine levels suggest a relationship of this amino acid with the accumulation of body lipids. Essencial amino acids demand estimated from tambaqui body amino acids content, showed to be similar to that found for other species and the lysine was estimated at dietary protein 6.0 and 6.2%, through the two utilized methods. The zootechnical performance exhibited by tambaqui, using semipurified diet for the lysine 0.9 to 2.4% interval in the diet did not allow its demand to be determined through dose-response method