441 research outputs found

    Identification of an Abelson murine leukemia virus-encoded protein present in transformed fibroblast and lymphoid cells

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    Extracts from lymphoid and fibroblast cell lines transformed by Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) contain a protein of molecular weight 120,000 (P120). Immunoprecipitation with specific sera shows that P120 contains regions homologous to the 5'-terminal segment of the MULV gag gene complex--p15, p12, and at least part of p30--but lacks detectable determinants of p10, reverse transcriptase, and the envelope glycoprotein. P120 is phosphorylated and has an intracellular half-life of 3--6 hr. In vitro translation of virion RNA from A-MuLV, with Moloney MuLV as helper, yields a product of molecular weight 120,000 with serological reactivity similar to that of the cellular P120. Translation of the RNA from the helper gave no P120. P120 is expressed in all lymphoid and fibroblastic cell lines we have tested that were transformed by A-MuLV but is not detectable in a lymphoid line in which the A-MuLV genome was established by infection but was not responsible for the transformation. Expression of P120 is selectively retained in clones of A-MuLV-transformed lymphocytes that convert to a nonproducer state after loss of expression of helper MuLV intracellular precursors. These results suggest that the P120 product of the A-MuLV genome may be responsible for maintenance of the transformed phenotype of lymphoid and fibroblast cells transformed by the virus

    Deletion within the Src homology domain 3 of Bruton's tyrosine kinase resulting in X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA).

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    The gene responsible for X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) has been recently identified to code for a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase (Bruton's agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase, BTK), required for normal B cell development. BTK, like many other cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases, contains Src homology domains (SH2 and SH3), and catalytic kinase domain. SH3 domains are important for the targeting of signaling molecules to specific subcellular locations. We have identified a family with XLA whose affected members have a point mutation (g-->a) at the 5' splice site of intron 8, resulting in the skipping of coding exon 8 and loss of 21 amino acids forming the COOH-terminal portion of the BTK SH3 domain. The study of three generations within this kinship, using restriction fragment length polymorphism and DNA analysis, allowed identification of the mutant X chromosome responsible for XLA and the carrier status in this family. BTK mRNA was present in normal amounts in Epstein-Barr virus-induced B lymphoblastoid cell lines established from affected family members. Although the SH3 deletion did not alter BTK protein stability and kinase activity of the truncated BTK protein was normal, the affected patients nevertheless have a severe B cell defect characteristic for XLA. The mutant protein was modeled using the normal BTK SH3 domain. The deletion results in loss of two COOH-terminal beta strands containing several residues critical for the formation of the putative SH3 ligand-binding pocket. We predict that, as a result, one or more crucial SH3 binding proteins fail to interact with BTK, interrupting the cytoplasmic signal transduction process required for B cell differentiation

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemias in Adults: Recommendations From the European Hematology Association and the European LeukemiaNet

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    Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) is a disease of the elderly, and by far the most frequent overlap myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm in adults. Aside from the chronic monocytosis that remains the cornerstone of its diagnosis, the clinical presentation of CMML includes dysplastic features, cytopenias, excess of blasts, or myeloproliferative features including high white blood cell count or splenomegaly. Prognosis is variable, with several prognostic scoring systems reported in recent years, and treatment is poorly defined, with options ranging from watchful waiting to allogeneic stem cell transplantation, which remains the only curative therapy for CMML. Here, we present on behalf of the European Hematology Association and the European LeukemiaNet, evidence- and consensus-based guidelines, established by an international group of experts, from Europe and the United States, for standardized diagnostic and prognostic procedures and for an appropriate choice of therapeutic interventions in adult patients with CMML

    “God is Hidden in the Earthly Kingdom:” The Lutheran Two-Kingdoms Theory as Foundation of Scandavanian Secularity

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    Martin Luther’s signature “two kingdoms” teaching of the sixteenth century was an early and innovative theory of secularization that lies at the heart of historical Scandinavian culture. Defying the organic medieval models of Western Christendom, Luther separated the heavenly and earthly kingdoms, the saint and the sinner, faith and reason, church and the state, Gospel and the Law, as well as the spiritual and secular uses of law, government and authority. Though God is separated from day-to-day life, Luther wrote, God is still hidden in the earthly kingdom” and can be seen through various “masks,” “mists,” and “mimes.” Though the visible church is separated from the state and other institutions, religion remains pervasive in the common callings of every person to be God’s prophet, priest and king in every vocation and location of life. Luther’s two kingdoms theory is a complicated and controversial part of this thinking, but it is worth re-exploring today as pluralistic Scandinavia faces strong new pressures of both sacralization and secularization and seeks to discern anew “the hidden sacraliity of the secular.
