31 research outputs found

    Tribological evaluation of solid lubricant enriched in modified Jatropha-Based Oil as Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) oil for composite material

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    The use of lubricant during the machining process plays an important role to reduce friction and wear. Mineral-based oil is the most widely used lubricant that provided high-quality lubrication properties. However, mineral-based oil has poor biodegradability and causes long-term pollution to the environment and harmful to human. Implementation of environmental-friendly lubricant was encouraged to achieve sustainable manufacturing practices. The inherent biodegradability of vegetable-based oil with solid particle offers greater benefit to the environment and lubrication performance. The study aims to evaluate the influence of green solid particle (hexagonal boron nitride, hBN) enriched in the modified jatropha oil (MJO) through tribology testing using four-ball tribotestermachine. hBN particlewas added inMJOat various concentration ratio; 0.05wt% and 0.5wt%. TheMJOsamples were compared with the crude jatropha oil and commercial synthetic ester. The tribology testing was conducted according to ASTM D4712. The value of coefficient of friction, wear scar diameter, worn surface analysis and surface roughness were evaluated. The lowest concentration of hBN particles in MJO (MJO + 0.05 wt% hBN) has reduced the coefficient of friction with smaller wear scar diameter and better surface roughness quality. The worn surface analysis from the ball lubricate byMJO + 0.05 wt% hBN had light and shallow grooves. The study proved that MJO + 0.05 wt% hBN exhibits better lubrication ability and suitable as an alternative for the environmental-friendly lubricant especially for minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) oil

    Gebelikte yapılan egzersizlerin maternal ve neonatal etkileri

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    This study was designed to investigate the influences of regular exercise during last trimester of pregnancy on selected physiologic parameters of mothers and neo-nates. 25 healthy pregnant wVh^kffiifho achieved 30 weeks of gestation were studie^d$^sf;the women par;not;ticipated in regular exercise prOgi^fy-^ six weeks, while 10 women did not perform ;lt;^y^Mar exercise and served as a control group. Exercise* program was con;not;sisted of relaxation, breating, strengthing and low in;not;tensity aerobic exercises. Women in the exercise group reported a statistically significant reduction in low back pain, while statistically significant increase was noted in the control group. Statistically significant increases were found in the mean hemoglobin concentrations in the exercise group and in the heart rate and cholesterol levels in the control group. Maternal weight gain was significant in both groups. Based on the submaximal aerobic testing, an improvement in aerobic capacity were observed in the exercise group. A comparison of the changes in the maternal parameters of the two groups showed statistically significant differences in low back pain, cholesterol levels, vital capacity, maximum res;not;piration capacity and heart rate. Regular exercise had no significant effect on the birth weight, head circum;not;ference, crown-heel length and skinfold thickness of the newborns, but the newborns of the women who engaged in regular exercise had higher 1-minute Apgar scores than those of the women in the control group. We con;not;clude that participation in a safe and regular exercise program during late pregnancy resulted in no detrimen;not;tal effects on the mother of fetus, and provided mater;not;nal benefits that secondarly impacts on the newborn.Bu çalışma, gebeliğin son trimesterinde yapılan düzenli egzersizlerin anne ve yenidoğana ait fizyolojik parametrelere olan etkilerini incelemek amacıyla düzenlendi. Gebeliğin 30. haftasında olan 25 sağlıklı gebe çalışmaya dahil edildi. 15 kadın 6 hafta süreyle düzenli egzersiz programına katılırken, herhangi bir egzersiz programı uygulamayan 10 kadın kontrol grubunu oluşturdu. Egzersiz programı gevşeme, solunum, güçlendirme ve düşük şiddetli aerobik egzersizlerden oluşmaktaydı. Egzersiz grubundaki kadınlar bel ağrılarında istatistiksel anlamlı azalma belirtirken, kontrol grubundaki kadınlar istatistiksel anlamlı artış rapor ettiler. Egzersiz grubunda ortalama hemoglobin konsantrasyonunda, kontrol grubunda ise kalp hızı ve kolesterol düzeylerinde anlamlı artış kaydedildi. Her iki grupta da istatistiksel anlamlı ma¬ternal kilo artışı saptandı, submaksimal aerobik test temel alındığında, egzersiz grubundaki kadınların aerobik kapasitelerinde düzelme gözlendi. Maternal parametreler her iki grup arasında karşılaştırıldığında, bel ağrısı, kolesterol düzeyleri, vital kapasite, maksimum solunum kapasitesi ve kalp atım hızındaki değişimlerin gruplar arası istatistiksel farklılık gösterdiği saptandı. Düzenli egzersizin, yenidoğanm doğum kilosu, baş çevresi, tepe topuk mesafesi ve deri altı yağ kalınlığına anlamlı etkisi olmadığı, ancak düzenli egzersize katılan annelerin bebeklerinin 1. dakika apgar skorlarının kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı yüksek olduğu görüldü. Bu bulgularla, geç gebelik döneminde güvenli ve düzenli bir egzersiz programına katılımın anne veya fetus üzerinde zararlı, bir etkisi olmadığı, belirgin maternal faydalara sekonder fatal etkiler sağladığı sonucuna varıldı

    Efficacy and safety of folfiri plus aflibercept in second-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer: Real-life data from Turkish oncology group

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    Aims: The addition of aflibercept to the fluorouracil and irinotecan (FOLFIRI) regimen significantly improved clinical outcomes in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) previously treated with oxaliplatin. We aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of second-line FOLFIRI and aflibercept combination in patients with metastatic CRC in real-life experience. Materials and Methods: Four hundred and thirty-three patients who treated with FOLFIRI and aflibercept in the second-line were included in the study. The clinical and pathological features of the patients were recorded retrospectively. Survival (overall and progression-free survival [PFS]), response rates, and safety data were analyzed. Results: The median age was 61. Majority of patients (87.5%) received first-line bevacizumab and 10.1% of patients received anti-epidermal growth factor receptor agents. About 80% of patients had KRAS, 18.6% of patients had NRAS, and 6.4% of patients had BRAF mutations. The median OS was 11.6 months (95% confidence interval [CI], 10.6-12.6) and the median PFS was 6 months (95% CI, 5.5-6.5). About 4.6% of patients had complete response and 30.6% of patients had partial response as best tumor response. Grade 1-2 toxicities were seen in 33.4% of patients, while grade 3-4 toxicities were recorded in 27% of patients. Eight patients (2%) died due to treatment toxicity. Conclusions: Overall and PFS were similar in routine clinical practice compared to phase III pivotal VELOUR trial. However, response rates were found to be higher. It was observed that there were fewer adverse events compared to the VELOUR trial