1,962 research outputs found

    Enumeration and characterization of arsenic-tolerant diazotrophic bacteria in a long-term heavy-metal-contaminated soil

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    The abundance of arsenic-tolerant diazotrophic bacteria was compared in a long-term contaminated soil versus a non-contaminated one. In addition, the characterization of tolerant diazotrophic bacteria was carried out. Differences in the number of heterotrophic N2 fixers were found between soils. Contaminated soil showed a decrease in the microbial population size of about 80%, confirming the great sensitivity of this group of soil bacteria to metals. However, quantitative analysis of the response to increased doses of arsenic reveals that the proportion of the culturable diazotrophic community tolerant to arsenic was identical for both soils (contaminated and non-contaminated). Twentytwo arsenic-tolerant diazotrophic isolates were obtained and further characterized. 16S ribosomal DNA sequence analysis revealed that these bacterial isolates were distributed among four taxons (Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, γ-Proteobacteria, and β-Proteobacteria). Most genera recovered from the contaminated soil were also found in the uncontaminated soi

    Apontamentos Para A Pesquisa Histórica Sobre O Trabalho Docente

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    This article results of theoretical reflections that preceded and justified the doctoral research in history about the casualization of the teaching work at the Secretaria Estadual de Educação de São Paulo. Noting, on the one hand, the absence of the teacher as the subject of work in historiography and on the other, the persistence of idyllic representations about the school and teaching, we feel the need to dive into the theoretical work environments, Education and History Social to seize the discussions and contexts that mask the centrality of work and scientific history in the construction of knowledge and deepen the gap teacher image as a worker and the school as a workspace. This text thus constitutes a theoretical provocation that seeks to motivate historians to research the teacher and the teaching work from the Social History.173455158

    Non-adiabatic collapse of a quasi-spherical radiating star

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    A model is proposed of a collapsing quasi-spherical radiating star with matter content as shear-free isotropic fluid undergoing radial heat-flow with outgoing radiation. To describe the radiation of the system, we have considered both plane symmetric and spherical Vaidya solutions. Physical conditions and thermodynamical relations are studied using local conservation of momentum and surface red-shift. We have found that for existence of radiation on the boundary, pressure on the boundary is not necessary.Comment: 8 Latex pages, No figures, Revtex styl

    Monitoring of biophysicochemical changes in a silty clay soil contaminated with LNAPLs

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    The interdependence between time domain induced polarization measurements at uncontaminated and artificially contaminated soil samples with diesel and biophysicochemical alterations caused by diesel degradation was investigated during 12 months. The research was performed on a slightly alkaline soil, with high content of organic matter (148 g/kg) and silty clay texture. Soil clay mineralogy was mainly composed of plagioclase, amphibole, biotite, interstratified mica-smectite, goethite and some vestigial kaolinite. A decrease on resistivity and induced polarization (IP) in contaminated soil was observed during the 12 months. This reduction on geoelectrical parameters was related to: 1) the increase on the electrolyte conductivity; 2) the increase on interfacial surface area, as result of biotite transformation and weathering of other ferromagnesian minerals and 3) a slight increase in soil aggregation, caused by diesel-degrading microorganisms (a significant increase of the numbers of specific carbon degraders was observed). After 4 months, the IP response was lowest in the contaminated soil which was explained by inhibition of the cation exchange capacity due to two possible processes: 1) clay particles coating by organic molecules and 2) attachment of microbial cells (biofilms) to clay particles and/or soil aggregates. The results suggest that the content and mineralogy of the clay fraction as well as the aggregation state of the soils contaminated with LNAPL's affect the IP response. This response is a diagnostic of the biophysicochemical alterations occurring during diesel degradation as a result of biological activit

    Corpus luteum blood flow evaluation on Day 21 to improve the management of embryo recipient herds

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    AbstractThe aim of the present study was to use blood flow evaluation of the CL at 14 days after embryo transfer to detect nonpregnant animals and optimize the management of bovine recipients. The estrous cycle was synchronized in 165 recipients, and the day of expected ovulation was considered to be Day 0. Embryo transfer was performed 7 days later, on Day 7. On Day 21, pregnancy was diagnosed on the basis of blood flow evaluation of the CL (DG21—predictive diagnostic). To validate this methodology, visual scores for blood flow were compared to objective data extracted from CL ultrasound images recorded in the Doppler mode. The size was also evaluated using recorded images of the CL in the B mode. Blood samples were also collected for further analysis of the progesterone (P4) concentration. The diagnosis of pregnancy was confirmed at 35 days after estrus (DG35—definitive diagnostic). The DG21 showed that 55.2% (90 of 163) of the animals were presumptively pregnant, and this value was higher (P < 0.04) than that obtained at DG35 (43.6%, 71 of 163). The predictive diagnostic achieved moderate specificity (79.3%) for the detection of pregnancy, but most importantly, high sensitivity (100%) for the detection of nonpregnant recipients. The overall accuracy of the diagnosis was 88.3%. The P4 concentrations were different (P < 0.02) and correlated with each visual score assigned for the CL size. Visual scores for CL blood flow were also efficient (P < 0.0001) to distinguish animals with different levels of P4; however, P4 concentrations were higher for scores 1 and 2 (high and regular blood flow, respectively) than those for score 3 (low blood flow). This technique showed high sensitivity and facilitated the early detection of nonpregnant animals. The DG21 would allow about 79.3% of nonpregnant animals to be resynchronized 9 to 14 days earlier, when compared to conventional management based on pregnancy diagnosis at Days 30 to 35

    Mechanical and microstructural properties of redispersible polymer-gypsum composites

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    Studies on gypsum modified by polymers have been conducted to assess the potential of improvement in the mechanical performance, water resistance and increasing the setting time, facilitating its handling. Gypsum-based compounds made with different additions of redispersible polymers were studied, such as: ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), vinyl acetate terpolymer, vinyl laurate and vinyl chloride (VA/VL/VC), and vinyl acetate and vinyl versatate (VA/VeoVA). The influence on setting time, microstructural formation and on the bending performance was assessed, as well as and compression of the hardened gypsum. The composites were prepared using a polymer concentration of 5% and 10%, and water/gypsum ratio of 0.6. The addition of the polymer decreased the structural robustness and change in the microstructure. We concluded that the reduction in the amount of water through additives may allow a more complete and robust training of gypsum crystals and compounds with better mechanical performance223COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESnão te

    Kinetics of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma mRNA expression in islets and spleen of NOD mice

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    Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is caused by autoimmune destruction of pancreatic ß cells. Non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice spontaneously develop diabetes similar to the human disease. Cytokines produced by islet-infiltrating mononuclear cells may be directly cytotoxic and can be involved in islet destruction coordinated by CD4+ and CD8+ cells. We utilized a semiquantitative RT-PCR assay to analyze in vitro the mRNA expression of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma cytokine genes in isolated islets (N = 100) and spleen cells (5 x 10(5) cells) from female NOD mice during the development of diabetes and from female CBA-j mice as a related control strain that does not develop diabetes. Cytokine mRNAs were measured at 2, 4, 8, 14 and 28 weeks of age from the onset of insulitis to the development of overt diabetes. An increase in IFN-gamma expression in islets was observed for females aged 28 weeks (149 ± 29 arbitrary units (AU), P<0.05, Student t-test) with advanced destructive insulitis when compared with CBA-j mice, while TNF-alpha was expressed in both NOD and CBA-j female islets at the same level at all ages studied. In contrast, TNF-alpha in spleen was expressed at higher levels in NOD females at 14 weeks (99 ± 8 AU, P<0.05) and 28 weeks (144 ± 17 AU, P<0.05) of age when compared to CBA-j mice. The data suggest that IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha expression in pancreatic islets of female NOD mice is associated with ß cell destruction and overt diabetes.1347135

    Histology of the skin of the blanca serrana goat bred in different production systems

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    Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar la piel de caprinos de raza Blanca Serrana Andaluza, criados en sistemas de producción intensivo y extensivo. Fueron sacrificados 31 animales de la raza Blanca Serrana Andaluza (16 en extensivo y 15 en intensivo) con 20 kg de peso vivo. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p0,05) entre los dos sistemas de producción analizados. Las características de la piel de los chivos revelaron pieles de primera calida