33 research outputs found

    Cube law, condition factor and weight-length relationships: history, meta-analysis and recommendations

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    This study presents a historical review, a meta-analysis, and recommendations for users about weight–length relationships, condition factors and relative weight equations. The historical review traces the developments of the respective concepts. The meta-analysis explores 3929 weight–length relationships of the type W = aLb for 1773 species of fishes. It shows that 82% of the variance in a plot of log a over b can be explained by allometric versus isometric growth patterns and by different body shapes of the respective species. Across species median b = 3.03 is significantly larger than 3.0, thus indicating a tendency towards slightly positive-allometric growth (increase in relative body thickness or plumpness) in most fishes. The expected range of 2.5 < b < 3.5 is confirmed. Mean estimates of b outside this range are often based on only one or two weight–length relationships per species. However, true cases of strong allometric growth do exist and three examples are given. Within species, a plot of log a vs b can be used to detect outliers in weight–length relationships. An equation to calculate mean condition factors from weight–length relationships is given as Kmean = 100aLb−3. Relative weight Wrm = 100W/(amLbm) can be used for comparing the condition of individuals across populations, where am is the geometric mean of a and bm is the mean of b across all available weight–length relationships for a given species. Twelve recommendations for proper use and presentation of weight–length relationships, condition factors and relative weight are given

    Delineamento de zonas de manejo para o planejamento de experimentação on-farm na cultura do algodão.

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    RESUMO: O Brasil é atualmente um dos maiores produtores e exportadores mundiais de algodão. O principal desafio dos produtores é a busca contínua do aumento da produtividade, aliado à qualidade do produto final, com foco no aumento da lucratividade e redução de impactos ao meio ambiente, tornando a produção de algodão no país cada vez mais sustentável. Desse modo, se torna cada vez mais necessária a adoção de técnicas de manejo que envolvam a coleta, análise e intervenção com base em dados, como a agricultura de precisão (AP). A subdivisão das áreas de produção em zonas de manejo (ZM) é uma das formas de se iniciar a adoção da AP em uma área de cultivo agrícola. Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal realizar o delineamento de ZM para uma área de produção de algodão de safra localizada em Sapezal-MT, utilizando técnicas computacionais de agrupamento de dados. A função principal desse delineamento foi auxiliar na estratégia para construção de experimentação on-farm para o estabelecimento de recomendações de adubação de cobertura nas diferentes ZM delimitadas para a área de estudo.Edição Técnica: Leandro Maria Gimenez, Christian Bredemeier. ConBAP 2022

    G6PD flores

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    In Portugal there are a wide variety of G6PD deficiency associated mutations. In an individual from the island of Flores of the Azorean archipelago, we report a new mutation in the G6PD gene that gives rise to a "moderate rate of G6PD deficiency" (12.6% of the normal activity) according to WHO criteria. Direct sequencing revealed a C A point mutation at position 1387 with the consequent substitution of an Argine by Serine. We designated this new mutation as G6PD FLORES. The mutation is associated with haplotype I ( - - + + - -), using six intragenic RFLPs. This information may also be seen as contributing to the clarification of the genetic makeup of the Azorean population, founder mutations, and/or gene flow. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Service Provision And Development In Agriculture

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    Many factors for influence an agricultural enterprise's efficiency, one of them is access to potential services. This article describes and analyzes various methods of organizing services, as well as its role, importance, and ways of improving it. We analyze agricultural service provision contract value and value covering, reasons of problems for payments, agricultural development

    Hereditary anaemias in Portugal: epidemiology, public health significance, and control.

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    A countrywide prospective study aimed at establishing the prevalence of the haemoglobinopathy genes in the Portuguese population was carried out by screening 15,208 randomly selected blood samples from young males. This male based survey provided the opportunity of assessing simultaneously the prevalence of the red cell enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, thus giving a picture of these important hereditary anaemias in Portugal. The results showed a low average frequency of beta thalassaemia (0.45%) and haemoglobin S (0.32%) carriers as well as G6PD deficiency (0.51%). However, these disorders are unevenly distributed throughout the country with a higher prevalence in some areas, mainly in the south. The relationship of this pattern of haemoglobinopathies to the known haplotypes linked to beta thalassaemia and sickle cell disease, relevant historical events, and local selective pressure was investigated. Hb D and Hb J are the commonest other structural variants. The implemented programme for control of these hereditary anaemias is described

    Malunion of Long-Bone Fractures in a Conflict Zone in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Contains fulltext : 177812.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)INTRODUCTION: Malunion is a well-recognized complication of long-bone fractures which accounts for more than 25% of injuries in conflict zones. The aim of this study was to investigate the rate of malunion sustained by casualties with penetrating gunshot wounds in an International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) surgical substitution project in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and compare these results with current literature. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was performed. All patients admitted to the ICRC facility between the periods of 01.10.2014 and 31.12.2015 with long-bone fractures caused by gunshot wound were included, and data were collected retrospectively from the patient's hospital notes. RESULTS: A total of 191 fractures caused by gunshot were treated in the DRC at the ICRC surgical substitution project during the study period. On average, the fractures were 3 days old on admission and were all open, with 62% also being comminuted. The ICRC management protocol, which emphasizes debridement, antibiotic prophylaxis and conservative fracture stabilization, was followed in all cases. Forty-eight percentage of the fractures were finally classified as 'union without complication'; however, 17% were classified as 'malunion'. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that open long-bone fractures that are managed by the ICRC surgical substitution project in DRC may have an increased likelihood of malunion as compared to long-bone fractures treated in developed countries. Patient delay and mechanism of injury may have caused increased rates of infection which are likely behind these increased rates of malunion, alongside the lack of definitive fracture treatment options made available to the surgical team