211 research outputs found


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    Gravitational ultrarelativistic interaction of classical particles in the context of unification of interactions

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    The response of the ultrarelativistic particle with spin in a Schwarzschild field to the gravitomagnetic components as measured by the comoving observer is investigated. The dependence of the particle's spin-orbit acceleration on the Lorentz \gamma - factor and the spin orientation is studied. The concrete circular ultrarelativistic orbit of radius r=3m is considered as a partial solution of the Mathisson-Papapetrou equations and as the corresponding high-energy quantum state of the Dirac particle. Numerical estimates for protons and electrons near black holes are given. A tendency of gravitational and electromagnetic interactions to approach in quantitative terms at ultrarelativistic velocities is discussedComment: 16 page

    Organizational climate as a mediating factor between occupational stress and prosocial organizational behaviours in knowledge-based organizations

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    Purpose: The present article aims to analyse the relationship between the stress experienced by the employees of knowledge-based organizations and the desire to demonstrate prosocial organizational behaviours, which are fundamental for knowledge sharing, as well as to examine the mediating effect of the organizational climate on that relationship. Design/methodology/approach: An empirical, quantitative study was conducted among a sizable sample of knowledge workers (N=677) employed in over 150 knowledge-based organizations operating in Poland, which is the country with a strong knowledge-based economy. Two psychometric questionnaires and one author’s own questionnaire were used. To verify the hypotheses, multiple linear regression and mediation with bootstrapping analyses were conducted. Findings: The results of statistical analyses demonstrated that there is a negative correlation between the level of occupational stress and engagement in prosocial behaviours. Also, this relationship is fully mediated by an assessment of the organizational climate, especially the quality of communication, relations with colleagues and work organization. Practical implications: The research results provide pragmatic guidelines for management practices in knowledge-based organizations, ones that may contribute to increasing prosocial organizational behaviours as a basis for information and knowledge exchange in the knowledge-based economy. It is particularly important to ensure the reduction of stress level; it is also vital to improve communication and relations between personnel and to make the organization and control of work more flexible. Originality/value: This research significantly expands the literature on prosocial organizational behaviours, organizational climate and occupational stress, which is of a great importance in the knowledge-based economy. Moreover, the results show that, despite other research, there are organizational factors more significant than management style and approach, which are crucial for performing prosocial organizational behaviours.peer-reviewe

    Quasifree Knockout Of Deuterons In The ⁶Li(α,αd)⁴He Reaction At 23.6 MeV

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    α−d correlations in quasi-elastic scattering of 23.6-MeV α particles on the deuteron cluster of the ⁶Li target were measured in and off the principal reaction plane. Despite the low c.m. energy of 14.2 MeV, the impulse approximation provides a reasonable description of the quasifree process. Computations were based on the asymptotic α−d S-state wave function and on the cluster-model wave function of ⁶Li. Insensitivity of the fits to the details of the ⁶Li cluster-model wave function indicates an extreme surface reaction mechanism. The full width at half-maximum of the spectator momentum distribution was found to be 48±6 MeV/c. By comparing the experimental cross section for the quasifree process at the maximum of the angular correlation ((d2σ/dΩddΩ)=68±9 mb/sr² at θ=25°,θ(d)=45°) with the corresponding cross section for the free process, the probability of finding ⁶Li as an α−d cluster was evaluated

    Obesity as an "infectious" disease

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    Introduction: Obesity has been recognized as a global epidemic by the WHO, followed by a wealth of empirical evidence supporting its contagiousness. However, the dynamics of the spread of obesity between individuals are rarely studied.  A distinguishing feature of the obesity epidemic is that it is driven by a process of social contagion that cannot be perfectly described by the infectious disease model. There is also social discrimination in the obesity epidemic. Social discrimination against obese people plays quite different roles in two cases: on the one hand, when obesity cannot be eliminated, social discrimination can reduce the number of obese people; on the other hand, when obesity is eradicable, social discrimination can cause it to explode.(1)   Materiał and methods: A literature analysis on obesity epidemic was carried out within the Pubmed, Google scholar and Research Gate platform. The following keywords were used in serach: obesity, epidemy, children, body max index.    Purpose of the work: The aim of the following analysis is to present an obesity as an infectious disease. The steadily increasing percentage of obese people, including children, shows that there is an obesity epidemic. This is the phenomenon of social contagion, which partially explains the concept of homophily, which involves the grouping of people with similar characteristics. Potential explanations are also provided by sharing a living environment with similar access to certain foods and similar opportunities for physical activity, which defines the occurrence of analogous health habit

    Praca jako wartość pedagogiczna

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    Praca stanowi bardzo ważną wartość pedagogiczną. Naturalnym więc następstwem powinna być troska pedagogów o racjonalne wdrażanie wychowanków do pracy, o to aby dzieci od najmłodszych lat poznawały sens i istotę wartości pracy, uczyły się jej urzeczywistniania oraz aby w konsekwencji wartość ta znalazła się we właściwym miejscu w ich hierarchii wartości. Na każdym etapie edukacji praca powinna być ona zarówno celem, jak i efektem wychowania. Opracowanie zawiera różne ujęcia definicyjne pracy ze zwrócenie szczególnej uwagi na jej aspekt personalistyczny. Poprzez pracę człowiek doskonali się jakoosoba ludzka, budując tym samym własną przestrzeń aksjologiczną

    Increased uptake of technetium-99m methylene diphosphonate in muscles in the course of polymyositis

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    A case of a woman aged 46 years with signs of rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure is presented. Coxsackie serum test was positive. Increased uptake of Technetium-99m methylene diphosphonate (99mTc-MDP) by muscles of thighs and calves was observed. After 1 year no increased accumulation of radiotracer in the muscles was found

    Związek między klimatem organizacyjnym a występowaniem zjawiska pracoholizmu w przedsiębiorstwach zatrudniających pracowników wiedzy

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    Kompetentny pracownik jest obecnie dominującym źródłem wartości przedsiębiorstwa (Juchnowicz, 2010). Dlatego część przedsiębiorstw pozytywnie postrzega pracowników uzależnionych od pracy. W rzeczywistości jednak pracoholik nieustannie pracuje w pośpiechu, może robić błędy oraz wyraża wysoką potrzebę sprawowania kontroli (Lipka, Waszczak, 2013). Niektóre organizacje stymulują pracoholizm, m.in. poprzez ukształtowanie klimatu organizacyjnego. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badania przeprowadzonego wśród pracowników wiedzy (N = 600) nad związkami między natężeniem pracoholizmu a wymiarami klimatu organizacyjnego. Oceny klimatu dokonano za pomocą polskiej adaptacji kwestionariusza do badania Klimatu Organizacyjnego L. Rosenstiela i R. Bögela, do analizy poziomu pracoholizmu zaś polską wersję kwestionariusza DUWAS-10 autorstwa W. Schaufeliego i T. Tarisa. Wyniki wykazały występowanie istotnych statystycznie związków między zmiennym

    Effectiveness of the salt therapy – current knowledge status

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    Introduction: The salt therapy is a form of the aerosol therapy using sodium chloride in different forms. The beginnings of the halotherapy date back to the nineteenth century when it has been practised as a medical treatment in the old salt mines of Central and Eastern Europe. The salt therapy as an adjuvant method seems to have positive impact on treatment of respiratory system diseases and dermatological conditions. We distinguish two types of the dry salt therapy: halotherapy and speleotherapy. Purpose of the article: We aimed to evaluate efficacy of the salt therapy in treatment of pulmonary and dermatological disorders. Material and methods: We searched three electronic databases: Pubmed, Web of Science and Google Scholar from inception to the August 2022 and conducted a review. The following descriptors were used: „halotherapy”, „speleotherapy” and „salt therapy”. Results and conclusions: The salt therapy improves mucociliary elimination, pulmonary functions and reduces airway’s irritation. It also reduces intensity of the dryness, redness and stimulates regenerative processes in the skin. This method is safe and do not cause the serious adverse effects. Therefore, due to its potential benefits, it should be considered as an additional therapy beside standard treatment procedures inter alia in the asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis. Moreover, halotherapy has positive impact on children’s general development as it enhances the growth and weight gain. However, scientific evidences for effectiveness of the salt therapy are limitted. There is a need of further studies assessing effectiveness of the long-therm salt therapy on the larger group of patients

    APL And The Numerical Solution Of High-Order Linear Differential Equations

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    An Nth‐order linear ordinary differential equation is rewritten as a first‐order equation in an N×N matrix. Taking advantage of the matrix manipulation strength of the APL language this equation is then solved directly, yielding a great simplification over the standard procedure of solving N coupled first‐order scalar equations. This eases programming and results in a more intuitive algorithm. Example applications of a program using the technique are given from quantum mechanics and control theory