378 research outputs found

    Detection of HC11N in the Cold Dust Cloud TMC-1

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    Two consecutive rotational transitions of the long cyanopolyyne HC11N, J=39-38, and J=38-37, have been detected in the cold dust cloud TMC-1 at the frequencies expected from recent laboratory measurements by Travers et al. (1996), and at about the expected intensities. The astronomical lines have a mean radial velocity of 5.8(1) km/s, in good agreement with the shorter cyanopolyynes HC7N and HC9N observed in this very sharp-lined source [5.82(5) and 5.83(5) km/s, respectively]. The column density of HC11N is calculated to be 2.8x10^(11) cm^(-2). The abundance of the cyanopolyynes decreases smoothly with length to HC11N, the decrement from one to the next being about 6 for the longer carbon chains.Comment: plain tex 10 pages plus 3 ps fig file

    Triggered Star Formation by Massive Stars

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    We present our diagnosis of the role that massive stars play in the formation of low- and intermediate-mass stars in OB associations (the Lambda Ori region, Ori OB1, and Lac OB1 associations). We find that the classical T Tauri stars and Herbig Ae/Be stars tend to line up between luminous O stars and bright-rimmed or comet-shaped clouds; the closer to a cloud the progressively younger they are. Our positional and chronological study lends support to the validity of the radiation-driven implosion mechanism, where the Lyman continuum photons from a luminous O star create expanding ionization fronts to evaporate and compress nearby clouds into bright-rimmed or comet-shaped clouds. Implosive pressure then causes dense clumps to collapse, prompting the formation of low-mass stars on the cloud surface (i.e., the bright rim) and intermediate-mass stars somewhat deeper in the cloud. These stars are a signpost of current star formation; no young stars are seen leading the ionization fronts further into the cloud. Young stars in bright-rimmed or comet-shaped clouds are likely to have been formed by triggering, which would result in an age spread of several megayears between the member stars or star groups formed in the sequence.Comment: 2007, ApJ, 657, 88

    The Binarity of the Magellanic Clouds and the Formation of the Magellanic Stream

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    The HST proper motion (PM) measurements of the Clouds have severe implications for their interaction history with the Milky Way (MW) and with each other. The Clouds are likely on their first passage about the MW and the SMC's orbit about the LMC is better described as quasi-periodic rather than circular. Binary L/SMC orbits that satisfy observational constraints on their mutual interaction history (e.g. the formation of the Magellanic Bridge during a collision between the Clouds ~300 Myr ago) can be located within 1 sigma of the mean PMs. However, these binary orbits are not co-located with the Magellanic Stream (MS) when projected on the plane of the sky and the line-of-sight velocity gradient along the LMC's orbit is significantly steeper than that along the MS. These combined results ultimately rule out a purely tidal origin for the MS: tides are ineffective without multiple pericentric passages and can neither decrease the velocity gradient nor explain the offset stream in a polar orbit configuration. Alternatively, ram pressure stripping of an extended gaseous disk may naturally explain the deviation. The offset also suggests that observations of the little-explored region between RA 21h and 23h are crucial for characterizing the full extent of the MS.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, to be published in proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 256: The Magellanic System: Stars, Gas, and Galaxies, Jacco Th. van Loon & Joana M. Oliveira, eds. 2009 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

    Gamma-ray Emission Properties from Mature Pulsars in the Galaxy and in the Gould Belt

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    We study the Îł\gamma-ray emission properties of pulsars by using a new self-consistent outer gap model. The outer gap can exist in pulsars with age over million years old if the effect of magnetic inclination angle as well as the average properties of the outer gap are considered. The mature Îł\gamma-ray pulsars, whose ages are between 0.3 to 3 million years old, are able to move up to high galactic latitude. Moreover, their Îł\gamma-ray luminosity are weaker and their spectra are softer than those of younger Îł\gamma-ray pulsars in the galactic plane significantly. We use a Monte Carlo method to simulate the statistical properties of Îł\gamma-ray pulsars in the Galaxy as well as in the Gould Belt. We find that Îł\gamma-ray pulsars located at ∣b∣<5∘\mid b \mid < 5^{\circ} and located at ∣b∣>5∘\mid b \mid > 5^{\circ} have very different properties. High galactic latitude Îł\gamma-ray pulsars are dominated by mature pulsars with longer periods, weaker fluxes and softer spectra. If the pulsar birth rate in the Galaxy and the Gould Belt are ∌10−2yr−1\sim 10^{-2}yr^{-1} and ∌2×10−5yr−1\sim 2\times 10^{-5}yr^{-1} respectively, there are 42 and 35 radio-quiet Îł\gamma-ray pulsars for ∣b∣5∘\mid b \mid 5^{\circ} respectively. Radio-quiet Îł\gamma-ray pulsars from the Gould Belt are 2 and 13 for ∣b∣5∘\mid b \mid 5^{\circ} respectively. We suggest that a good fraction of unidentified EGRET Îł\gamma-ray sources may be these radio-quiet Îł\gamma-ray pulsars. Furthermore Îł\gamma-ray pulsars located at ∣b∣>5∘\mid b \mid > 5^{\circ} satisfies Lγ∝LsdÎČL_{\gamma} \propto L^{\beta}_{sd} whereas Lγ∝LsdÎŽL_{\gamma} \propto L^{\delta}_{sd} for Îł\gamma-ray pulsars in the galactic plane, where ÎČ∌0.6\beta \sim 0.6 and Ύ∌0.3\delta \sim 0.3 respectively.Comment: 24 pages, 21 figures, accepted to be published in Ap

    Open Clusters IC 4665 and Cr 359 and a Probable Birthplace of the Pulsar PSR B1929+10

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    Based on the epicyclic approximation, we have simulated the motion of the young open star clusters IC 4665 and Collinder 359. The separation between the cluster centers is shown to have been minimal 7 Myr ago, 36 pc. We have established a close evolutionary connection between IC 4665 and the Scorpius-Centaurus association -- the separation between the centers of these structures was ≈200\approx200 pc 15 Myr ago. In addition, the center of IC 4665 at this time was near two well-known regions of coronal gas: the Local Bubble and the North Polar Spur. The star HIP 86768 is shown to be one of the candidates for a binary (in the past) with the pulsar PSR B1929+10. At the model radial velocity of the pulsar Vr=2±50V_r= 2\pm50 km s−1^{-1}, a close encounter of this pair occurs in the vicinity of IC 4665 at a time of -1.1 Myr. At the same time, using currently available data for the pulsar B1929+10 at its model radial velocity Vr=200±50V_r=200\pm50 km s−1^{-1}, we show that the hypothesis of Hoogerwerf et al. (2001) about the breakup of the ζ\zetaOph--B1929+10 binary in the vicinity of Upper Scorpius (US) about 0.9 Myr ago is more plausible.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Some cultural consequences in Spain of the Spanish Invasion of Morocco 1859-60

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    This article argues is a contribution to the study of interrelationships between colonialism, art, and literature in the nineteenth century. The article argues that the Spanish invasion of Morocco in 1859 led to contradictions and tensions within liberal nationalism, not least because of concerns about the tensions between the need for military reassertion of Spain and the respect for the independence of nations. This led to some reconfiguration of Spanish intellectuals' already complex relationship with North Africa and Islam. A major, perhaps surprising consequence of this reconfiguration, was some equation of Moroccan identity with a monotonous surface that was resistant to the gaze. In consequence, the Catalan painter Fortuny's crucial experience of Morocco led him to value near blank surfaces, and thus to make a major contribution to the origins of modern art

    Rapid Formation of Molecular Clouds and Stars in the Solar Neighborhood

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    Observations of both star-forming regions and young, gas-free stellar associations indicate that most nearby molecular clouds form stars only over a short time span before dispersal; large-scale flows in the diffuse interstellar medium have the potential for forming clouds sufficiently rapidly, and for producing stellar populations with ages much less than the lateral crossing times of their host molecular clouds. We identify four important factors for understanding rapid star formation and short cloud lifetimes. First, much of the accumulation and dispersal of clouds near the solar circle might occur in the atomic phase; only the high-density portion of a cloud's lifecycle is spent in the molecular phase, thus helping to limit molecular cloud ``lifetimes''. Second, once a cloud achieves a high enough column density to form \h2 and CO, gravitational forces become larger than typical interstellar pressure forces; thus star formation can follow rapidly upon molecular gas formation and turbulent dissipation in limited areas of each cloud complex. Third, typical magnetic fields are not strong enough to prevent rapid cloud formation and gravitational collapse. Fourth, rapid dispersal of gas by newly-formed stars, and reduction of shielding by a small expansion of the cloud after the first events of star formation, might limit the length of the star formation epoch and the lifetime of a cloud in its molecular state. This picture emphasizes the importance of large-scale boundary conditions for understanding molecular cloud formation, and implies that star formation is a highly dynamic, rather than quasi-static, process.Comment: 41 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Ap

    GASKAP -- The Galactic ASKAP Survey

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    A survey of the Milky Way disk and the Magellanic System at the wavelengths of the 21-cm atomic hydrogen (HI) line and three 18-cm lines of the OH molecule will be carried out with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder telescope. The survey will study the distribution of HI emission and absorption with unprecedented angular and velocity resolution, as well as molecular line thermal emission, absorption, and maser lines. The area to be covered includes the Galactic plane (|b|< 10deg) at all declinations south of delta = +40deg, spanning longitudes 167deg through 360deg to 79deg at b=0deg, plus the entire area of the Magellanic Stream and Clouds, a total of 13,020 square degrees. The brightness temperature sensitivity will be very good, typically sigma_T ~ 1 K at resolution 30arcsec and 1 km/s. The survey has a wide spectrum of scientific goals, from studies of galaxy evolution to star formation, with particular contributions to understanding stellar wind kinematics, the thermal phases of the interstellar medium, the interaction between gas in the disk and halo, and the dynamical and thermal states of gas at various positions along the Magellanic Stream.Comment: 45 pages, 8 figures, Pub. Astron. Soc. Australia (in press

    Definitions, Criteria and Global Classification of Mast Cell Disorders with Special Reference to Mast Cell Activation Syndromes: A Consensus Proposal

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    Activation of tissue mast cells (MCs) and their abnormal growth and accumulation in various organs are typically found in primary MC disorders also referred to as mastocytosis. However, increasing numbers of patients are now being informed that their clinical findings are due to MC activation (MCA) that is neither associated with mastocytosis nor with a defined allergic or inflammatory reaction. In other patients with MCA, MCs appear to be clonal cells, but criteria for diagnosing mastocytosis are not met. A working conference was organized in 2010 with the aim to define criteria for diagnosing MCA and related disorders, and to propose a global unifying classification of all MC disorders and pathologic MC reactions. This classification includes three types of `MCA syndromes' (MCASs), namely primary MCAS, secondary MCAS and idiopathic MCAS. MCA is now defined by robust and generally applicable criteria, including (1) typical clinical symptoms, (2) a substantial transient increase in serum total tryptase level or an increase in other MC-derived mediators, such as histamine or prostaglandin D 2, or their urinary metabolites, and (3) a response of clinical symptoms to agents that attenuate the production or activities of MC mediators. These criteria should assist in the identification and diagnosis of patients with MCAS, and in avoiding misdiagnoses or overinterpretation of clinical symptoms in daily practice. Moreover, the MCAS concept should stimulate research in order to identify and exploit new molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Base
