15 research outputs found

    Ca2+-Calmodulin Dependent Inactivation of TRPM2

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    The interaction of Ca2+-calmodulin is known to promote Ca2+-dependent negative feedback on the activity of various Ca permeable channels through Ca -dependent inactivation. Our laboratory has previously observed a progressive, time-dependent inactivation of TRPM2 (melastatin-related transient receptor potential channel 2). Currents were evoked from HEK 293T cells stably expressing TRPM2, through-the intracellular application of ADPR. TRPM2-mediated currents developed rapidly, reaching a peak and decaying to a steady state in the continued presence of extracellular Ca2+. Full recovery of TRPM2 channels from inactivation was dependent on ADPR concentration. Inactivation was reduced at more depolarized membrane potentials, consistent with a reduced driving force and influx of Ca2+. The extent of inactivation was dependent on extra- and intracellular Ca2+. Exogenous application of calmodulin results in a slower recovery of TRPM2 channels, in addition to increased inactivation. In conclusion, I have shown that TRPM2 channels are susceptible to Ca2+-dependent inactivation involving calmodulin

    konflik Israel-Palestina dalam perspektif Nahdlatul Ulama dan Muhammadiyah Di Desa Takerharjo Lamongan: "analisis sosiologi pengetahuan Karl Manheim"

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    Dalam penelitian ini didasari oleh Konflik Israel-Palestina dan pandangan tokoh agama Nahdlatul Ulama dan Muhammadiyah yang juga turut merespon konflik Israel-Palestina. Namun dalam hal ini setiap tokoh memiliki sebuah pandangan yang berbeda dalam menyikapi konflik kedua Negara ini, oleh karena itu penting untuk memahami latarbelakang pandangan seorang terhadap sebuah masalah, sehingga pengetahuan seorang individu dapat dipahami dari berbagai latar belakang, sosial, ekonomi, politik dan budaya yang mempengaruhi pengetahuan individu tersebut. Adapun metodelogi yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan wawancara dengan narasumber kemudian mendeskripsikan hasil daripada awancara dan menganalisis hasil dari data-data yang sudah dikumpulkan oleh penulis.Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa, dalam konteks permasalahan Konflik antara Israel-Palestina setiap tokoh agama memiliki pandangan yang berbeda-beda, sehingga untuk memahami pandangan tokoh agama ini perlu adanya pemahaman mealaui konteks tersebut seperti; sosial, ekonomi, politik dan budaya yang dapat mempengaruhi pengetahuan seorang individu

    Key themes for the global energy economy in 2022

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    This paper contains 20 short articles which outline the views of OIES research fellows on some of the key themes for the global energy economy in 2022. Starting with views on the short-term outlook for oil, electricity and gas markets, the articles move on to cover LNG supply and Russian export strategy as well as the future of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. The majority of the articles, though, are on issues around the energy transition, looking at the key milestones ahead of COP27 but also considering many of the most important topics discussed at COP26 where action now needs to be taken. These include the Global Methane Pledge, the development of voluntary carbon markets, the prospects for hydrogen projects, the building of a business case for CCUS and the need to update country NDCs in the next 12 months. The paper also looks at regional developments in the EU, India and China, and considers a number of legislative and regulatory topics that are likely to dominate environmental policy making in the energy sector during 2022

    Key Themes for the Global Energy Economy in 2024

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    This year's key themes outlook focuses heavily on the resilience of hydrocarbon markets in the face of disruptions of many kinds; how sustainability and energy transition are becoming a strategic political objective that reaches well beyond the energy economy; and the technology elements of that transition where we see significant movement in the next 12 months. In an ever more uncertain world, energy policy increasingly finds itself on the front line of election politics - significant in one of the densest election cycles for years. There is an abundance of moving parts in global energy economy and this report discusses those key elements - as seen through the lens of the energy trilemma, or even dilemma which we argue is evolving in 2024