8 research outputs found

    Effect of Formulation Variables on the Microencapsulation of Cassava Seed Oil and Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Properties of its Cream Formulations

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    Cassava seed oil obtained from Manihot esculenta Crantz possesses antimicrobial and anti-oxidant properties and can be incorporated in topical pharmaceutical formulations for treatment of wounds, skin infections and irritations. This work determined the effects of formulation variables on the properties of cassava seed oil microcapsules and the antimicrobial properties of its cream formulations. Cassava seed oil was formulated into alginate microcapsules using calcium chloride and aluminum sulphate as cross-linkers at varying oil: alginate ratios, cross-linker concentrations, and curing times. The surface morphologies, particle sizes, encapsulation efficiencies (EE) and FT-IR spectra of the microcapsules were determined. Selected microcapsules were formulated into creams and the antimicrobial activities of the cream formulations were determined against Acinetobacter baumannii NCTC 7363, Serratia marcescens ATCC 8155, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, Citrobacter freundii ATCC 8090, Escherichia coli ATCC 25925, Salmonella typhimurium 14028, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27853 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6571 by agar diffusion. Microcapsules crosslinked with calcium chloride were smaller with smoother surfaces, while those with aluminum sulphate were large, irregularly shaped with rough surfaces. The EE of microcapsules crosslinked with aluminum sulphate were higher than those with calcium chloride. The EE (23.6 – 66.7%) increased with increase in alginate:oil ratio, concentration of cross-linkers and curing times. The oily cream retained its antimicrobial property against many of the microorganisms, showing highest inhibitory activities against Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27853 and Acinetobacter baumannii NCTC 7363. Creams incorporating Cassava seed oil microcapsules with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties were produced using a simple microencapsulation process with biodegradable and renewable materials

    Evaluation of the emulsifying property of solid phase purified Garcinia kola seed oil

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    Background:Crude seed oils consist essentially of naturally occurring mixtures of triacylglycerols (˃95%). They are purified to improve their overall quality. Oil purification facilitates elimination of impurities and toxicants.Objective: The objective of the study is to purify Garcinia kola seeds crude oil and to evaluate the purified oil for its emulsifying character.Materials and Methods:Crude seed oil of G. kola, obtained from the dried, powdered seed, was purified by passing the crude oil in n-hexane through silica gel and charcoal arranged in tandem. The crude and refined oils were evaluated by thin layer chromatography and infra-red spectroscopy. Emulsions of the refined oil at 30% and 20% concentrations were prepared and evaluated.Results: With the purification process, there was removal of dissolved polar solutes and pigments in the crude oil relative to the purified oil as revealed by the thin layer chromatographic profile and infra-red spectra. At 20% concentration of the refined oil, a lotion with viscosity of 25.67 ± 1.20 cP was formed while a creamy emulsion was produced with the refined oil at 30% concentration with viscosity of 46.00 ± 1.16 cP. This suggests the suitability of the purified oil as a base in the formulation of lotions and creams.Conclusion: The purified oil of G. kola possesses emulsifying property and could find applications in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.Keywords: Garcinia cola, seed oil, solid phase purification, emulsifying propert

    Powder properties of binary mixtures of chloroquine phosphate with lactose and dicalcium phosphate

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    A study was conducted on the packing and cohesive properties of chloroquine phosphate in binary mixtures with lactose and dicalcium phosphate powders. The maximum volume reduction due to packing as expressed by the Kawakita constant, a, and the angle of internal flow, &#952;, were the assessment parameters. The individual powders were characterized for their particle size and shape using an optical microscope. Binary mixtures of various proportions of chloroquine phosphate with lactose and dicalcium phosphate powders were prepared. The bulk and tapped densities, angles of repose and internal flow, as well as compressibility index of the materials were determined using appropriate parameters. The calculated and determined values of maximum volume reduction for the binary mixtures were found to differ significantly (PRealizou-se estudo das propriedades de empacotamento e de coesão do fosfato de cloroquina em misturas binárias com lactose e fosfato dicálcico em pó. O volume máximo de redução devido ao empacotamento, segundo expresso pela constante de Kawakita, a, e o ângulo de fluxo interno, &#952;, foram os parâmetros de avaliação. Os pós individuais foram caracterizados por seu tamanho e forma de partículas, utilizando microscópio óptico. Prepararam-se misturas binárias de várias proporções de fosfato de cloroquine e lactose e fosfato dicálcico em pó. As densidades de bulk and tapped, os ângulos de repouso e de fluxo interno e o índice de compressibilidade dos materiais foram determinados utilizando-se parâmetros apropriados. Os valores calculados e determinados do volume máximo de redução para as misturas binárias mostraram-se significativamente diferentes (P< 0,05), sendo o traçado de Kawakita mais confiável na determinação das propriedades de empacotamento. O tipo de diluente influenciou as propriedades de fluxo das misturas com fosfato dicálcico, dando resultados previsíveis, enquanto as misturas contendo lactose mostraram-se anômalas com relação ao fluxo. A caracterização das propriedades de empacotamento e de coesão das misturas binárias de cloroquina com lactose e fosfato dicálcico seria útil na produção de pós, comprimidos, cápsulas e outros sistemas de liberação de fármacos contendo esses pós com propriedade de fluxo desejada e previsível

    Influence of binder type and process parameters on the compression properties and microbial survival in diclofenac tablet formulations

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    The influence of binder type and process parameters on the compression properties and microbial survival in diclofenac tablet formulations were studied using a novel gum from Albizia zygia. Tablets were produced from diclofenac formulations containing corn starch, lactose and dicalcium phosphate. Formulations were analyzed using the Heckel and Kawakita plots. Determination of microbial viability in the formulations was done on the compressed tablets of both contaminated and uncontaminated tablets prepared from formulations. Direct compression imparted a higher plasticity on the materials than the wet granulation method. Tablets produced by wet granulation presented with a higher crushing strength than those produced by the direct compression method. Significantly higher microbial survival (pA influência do tipo de ligante e os parâmetros do processo de propriedades de compressão e sobrevivência microbiana em comprimidos de diclofenaco foram estudados utilizando uma nova goma de Albizia zygia. Os comprimidos foram produzidos a partir de formulações de diclofenaco contendo amido de milho, lactose e fosfato bicálcico. As formulações foram analisadas usando os gráficos de Heckel e Kawakita. A determinação da viabilidade microbiana nas formulações foi feita nos comprimidos contaminados e não contaminados preparados a partir de formulações. A compressão direta confere maior plasticidade dos materiais do que o método de granulação úmida. Comprimidos produzidos por granulação úmida apresentaram maior força de esmagamento do que aqueles produzidos pelo método de compressão direta. Observou-se sobrevivência significativamente maior (p<0,05) em formulações preparadas por compressão direta. A sobrevivência percentual dos esporos de Bacillus subtilis diminuiu com o aumento da concentração do agregante. O estudo mostrou que a goma de Albizia é capaz de conferir maior plasticidade aos materiais e apresentou maior redução da contaminação microbiana nas formulações. O método de compressão direta produziu comprimidos com viabilidade reduzida de contaminantes microbianos

    Growth and substrate utilization patterns of a rhizopus stolonifer strain isolated from depolymerising rice husk

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    A study was carried out on a new strain of Rhizopus stolonifer RCH7 isolated from a spontaneously-fermentingrice husk sample. Growth characteristics on and utilization profile of various substrates by thisisolate were investigated. The isolate was found to display the most extensive mycelia proliferation at atemperature of 37°C and a pH of 4.0. Divalent ionic additions did not cause an increase in the growth rate, but0.1M potassium ions increased the growth recorded by 34.3% compared to the control by 72 hours. This isolatewas able to effectively utilize Carboxymethylcellulose and Polygalacturonic acid as alternate nutritive substratesdemonstrating a growth of 90mm and 86mm respectively by 72 hours. The dry mycelia mass of R. stoloniferobtained from the cultivation in broth containing lactose was 26mm while that in glucose broth was 24mm. Thegrowth and substrate utilization profile exhibited by this R. stolonifer RCH7 isolate is suggestive of its strongcapacity to employ residues of agricultural wastes as growth substrates. It is also an indication of the isolate’spotential to degrade ‘agricultural waste residues, especially those from rice plant parts’