279 research outputs found

    Response of Turtlegrass to Natural and Reduced Light Regimes Under Conditions of Rhizome Isolation

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    To evaluate if rhizome integrity influenced the response of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) shoots to experimental light reduction, we performed a field experiment in Perdido Bay, FL, from May to Oct. 2001. We used a factorial design, with light, rhizome integrity, and time as main factors. Light was reduced to about 40% with respect to ambient irradiance by means of a polyethylene mesh, and rhizomes along the external border of the 0.5-m2 experimental plots were severed with a knife at the beginning and middle of the experiment. Severing surrounding rhizomes had a significant (P \u3c .05) negative effect on net aboveground primary production (NAPP), but this was only apparent from June to July, and there were no significant severing effects on aboveground biomass. Shading showed negative effects through time on aboveground biomass and NAPP, although the differences were not significant. Time was significant for belowground biomass, NAPP, shoot density, and leaf length and width and there were significant time-by-shading interactions for NAPP, aboveground biomass, and density. We conclude that the results of turtlegrass shading studies done over several months during the peak of the growing season are not influenced to any large extent by whether rhizomes are intact or not, indicating that previous studies of the effects of shading on turtlegrass can be compared without bias

    Técnicas mecanográficas en computación I

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    Documento PDF, 56 páginasGuía de estudio para el curso Técnicas mecanográficas en computación I, código 3027, que se imparte en el Programa de Secretariado Administrativo de la UNED.Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Ric

    ATAMM enhancement and multiprocessor performance evaluation

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    ATAMM (Algorithm To Architecture Mapping Model) enhancement and multiprocessor performance evaluation is discussed. The following topics are included: the ATAMM model; ATAMM enhancement; ADM (Advanced Development Model) implementation of ATAMM; and ATAMM support tools

    Técnicas mecanograficas en computación II

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    Documento PDF, 61 páginasGuía de estudio para el curso Técnicas mecanograficas en computación II, código 3017, que se imparte en el Programa de Secretariado Administrativo de la UNED.Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Ric

    Disponibilidad de fitomasa aérea por potrero en un área con pastizal samófilo en el departamento Chalileo-La Pampa

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    Este ensayo constituye un estudio preliminar de un área con pastizal natural samófilo realizado en la Estancia "El Paralelo",Lat. 36 S.-Long. 66·17' W, Depto. Chalileo (La Pampa). Se obtuvieron datos de composición florística, cobertura, frecuencia y disponibilidad de fitomasa aérea del pastizal y también del área con "pasto llorón" (Eragrostis curvula L.) Se evaluó también el efecto causado por un fuego accidental ocurrido en el mes de noviembre de 1988. El "pasto llorón" tiene un crecimiento anual acumulado de 1860 KgMS/ha/año y cobertura de 50%. De todos los sectores con pastizal natural, la media pendiente presenta la mayor disponibilidad forrajera (1842 KgMS/ha) y una cobertura vegetal de 45%. En esta posición topográfica Panicum urvilleanum "tupe" es la especie dominante. Está acompañada por Aristida sp. y Bothriochloa spriengfieldii "penacho blanco". Los estudios efectuados permitieron esbozar el estado de condición de los potreros con pastizal natural del establecimiento. Los resultados encontrados demuestran un bajo estado de condición del pastizal, excepto el subsector de la media pendiente cuyo estado de condición es bueno.Director: Biol. Eduardo Cano, Profesor Titular Cátedra de Ecología vegetal y Fitogeografía

    Evaluación del semen en porcinos de las razas Duroc y Landrace en el trópico.

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    Se efectuó evaluación de semen por cinco de las razas Duroc y Landrace a una edad de 13 meses. Se emplearon 2 cerdos por raza, a los cuales se les tomó semen, mediante técnica manual con guante y cerda estrogenizada 2, 3 y 4 veces por semana por cerdo, por raza. Se efectuaron análisis de volúmen, movilidad, pH, porcentaje de espermatozoides vivos y concentración espermática por los métodos de espectofotómetro y hemocitómetro. No se encontró diferencia por raza en: volúmen del eyaculado: Duroc (D), 142.2 ml y Landrace (L) 142.2 ml, movilidad de los espermatozoides: (D) 82.1 por ciento y (L) 80.0 por ciento, pH fluctuó dentro del rango normal para esta especie: (D) 7.3 y (L) 7.8, porcentaje de espermatozoides vivos, (D) 41 por ciento y (L) 45 por ciento, y en la actividad metabólica de los espermatozoides vivos no guardaron ninguna relación directa con los resultados obtenidos con la prueba de la reducción del azul de metileno, pero sí se obtuvo una relación directa entre concentración espermática y actividad metabólica. No se encontró similitud entre los métodos de medición de concentración espermática hemocitómetro vs espectofotómetro debido quizá al contenido de Gel en las muestras. La anormalidad más frecuente encontrada fué la gota citoplasmática. En términos generales las características del semen de porcino consideradas, de las razas importadas, objeto de este estudio, no se afectan considerablemente en las condiciones del trópico colombianoPorcicultur

    Perspectives on the implementation of screening and treatment for depression and alcohol Use disorder in primary care in Colombia

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    Q2Depression and alcohol use disorder (AUD) greatly contribute to the burden of disease worldwide, and have large impact on Colombia’s population. In this study, a qualitative analysis evaluates the implementation of a technology-supported model for screening, decision support, and digital therapy for depression and AUD in Colombian primary care clinics. Patient, provider, and administrator interviews were conducted, exploring attitudes towards depression and AUD, attitudes towards technology, and implementation successes and challenges. Researchers used qualitative methods to analyze interview themes. Despite stigma around depression and AUD, the model improved provider capacity to diagnose and manage patients, helped patients feel supported, and provided useful prevalence data for administrators. Challenges included limited provider time and questions about sustainability. The implementation facilitated the identifcation, diagnosis, and care of patients with depression and AUD. There is ongoing need to decrease stigma, create stronger networks of mental health professionals, and transition intervention ownership to the healthcare center.Revista Internacional - Indexad

    Descripción de la onda de reducción polarográfica de un derivado pirimidínico

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    It is effecte the polarographic description of a pyrimidine derivative. There is only one step of reduction with interchange of two electrons and two protons.Se ha efectuado la descripción polarográfica de un derivado pirimidínico. Se presenta un sólo paso de reducción con intercambio de dos electrones y dos protones

    Sudden spleen rupture in a Plasmodium vivax-infected patient undergoing malaria treatment

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    BACKGROUND: Splenomegaly is one of the most common features of malaria. However, spontaneous splenic rupture, although unusual, represents a severe complication often leading to death. It is mostly seen in acute infection and primary attack, and it is most commonly associated with Plasmodium vivax. Here, a case of spontaneous splenic rupture diagnosed with a portable ultrasound apparatus shortly after starting treatment and with recurrent parasitaemia after splenectomy, is reported. CASE DESCRIPTION: In November 2015, a 45-year-old Brazilian man presented to the hospital in Manaus with fever, headache and myalgia. He was diagnosed with P. vivax malaria and, after a normal G6PD test, he started treatment with chloroquine and primaquine and was discharged. Two days later, he went back to the hospital with abdominal pain, dyspnea, dry cough, pallor, oliguria and fever. Using a portable ultrasound, he was diagnosed of rupture of the spleen, which was removed by emergency surgery. After this episode, he suffered two more malaria episodes with high parasitaemia at approximately 2-month intervals. DNA from different portions of the spleen was extracted and a qualitative PCR was performed to detect P. vivax. CONCLUSIONS: The splenic rupture suffered by this patient occurred 2 days after starting the treatment. Having a portable ultrasound apparatus may have saved the patient's life, as it revealed a haemorrhage needing an urgent surgery. Parasites were detected by PCR in the extracted spleen. This patient suffered two more vivax malaria diagnosed episodes in spite of receiving and completing treatment with chloroquine and primaquine for each clinical attack. Splenic rupture during acute malaria is uncommon, but it is likely underdiagnosed and underreported, because the lack of means and equipment hinders diagnostic confirmation, especially in endemic areas