377 research outputs found

    Distance Learners’ Time Management and Learning Effectiveness

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    Social media utilisation by ophthalmic and non-ophthalmic resident doctors in Nigeria

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    Objectives: The use of social media (SM) in medical specialties has not been well studied in Nigeria. Thus, this study compared utilisation of social media between Ophthalmologists-in-training and trainees in other medical specialties.Methods: Semi-structured self-administered questionnaire was used to collect information on SM use from the participants. Descriptive and inferential statistics (Chi-squared and t-test) were used to analyse the data.Results: Almost all the respondents had at least one active social media account. WhatsApp and Facebook were the preferred SM platforms among the respondents. Ophthalmologists-in-training usually used SM to access academic resources (77.8%) while other trainees used SM to share information on difficult clinical cases (80.2%). Both groups found WhatsApp and YouTube very useful in their practice. Impediments to realizing the potentials of SM in medical practice included poor internet services (85.5%), poor electricity supply (55.4%), privacy and ethical issues (36.2%).Conclusion: Most resident doctors in Nigeria are actively using SM for social interactions, professional development and academic pursuits. Its full potentials in medical practice are yet to be utilized. Resolution of crisis in the power sector in Nigeria and provision of internet services in tertiary hospitals in Nigeria would enhance the realization of full benefits of SM in healthcare delivery.Key-words: Social media, WhatsApp, YouTube, Resident Doctors, Nigeri

    Addressing the Challenges of Igbo Computational Morphological Studies Using Frequent Pattern-Based Induction

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    Computational studies of Igbo language are constrained by non-availability of large electronic corpora of Igbo text, a prerequisite for data-driven morphological induction. Existing unsupervised models, which are frequent-segment based, do not sufficiently address non-concatenative morphology and cascaded affixation prevalent in Igbo morphology, as well achieving affix labelling. This study devised a data-driven model that could induce non-concatenative aspects of Igbo morphology, cascaded affixation and affix labelling using frequent pattern-based induction. Ten-fold Cross Validation (TCV) test was used to validate the propositions using percentages. An average accuracy measure of 88% was returned for the developed model. Ten purposively selected Igbo first speakers also evaluated samples of 100 model-analysed words each and the mean accuracy score of 82% was recorded. We conclude that morphology induction can be realized with a modestly sized corpus, demonstrating that electronic corpora scarcity does not constrain computational morphology studies as it would other higher levels of linguistic analysis

    Accuracy of digital panoramic radiographs on the vertical measurements of dental implants

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    Amaç: Panoramik radyografi (PR), dental ve iliskili yapilari degerlendirmek için en sik kullanilan tekniktir. Bu çalismanin amaci, dental implant tedavisinin planlanmasinda panoramik radyografik görüntülerin (PRI) dogrulugunu ve anterior, premolar ve posterior bölgeler için bir panoramik cihazin büyütme oranini belirlemekti. Gereç ve Yöntem: Implant cerrahisi sonrasi PRI'lari alinmis olan 83 hasta çalismaya dahil edildi. önceden dikey uzunluklari bilinen toplam 240 adet dental implant (53 anterior, 69 premolar ve 118 molar bölge), PRI'nin büyütme oranini ve dogrulugunu belirlemek için, panoramik sistemin ölçüm araçlari kullanilarak ameliyat sonrasi radyografik görüntüler üzerinde tekrar ölçüldü. Verilerin normal dagilima sahip olmasi nedeniyle, istatistiksel analiz için eslestirilmis t testi kullanildi (p < 0,05). üç bölgenin büyütme orani, implantlarin ölçülen dikey uzunlugunun, implantlarin gerçek dikey uzunluguna orani bulunarak hesaplandi. Bulgular: Implantlarin gerçek dikey uzunlugu ve PRI'dan ölçülen dikey uzunlugu arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli fark bulundu (p < 0,05). Bununla birlikte, korelasyon orani tüm bölgeler için 1'e yakin bulundu. Implantlarin gerçek dikey uzunlugu ve PRI'den ölçülen dikey uzunlugu arasindaki fark, ön bölge için 0.50 mm, premolar bölge için 0,97 mm ve molar bölge için 0,83 mm idi. Cliniview™ (Instrumentarium Sti., Tuusula, FINLANDIYA) yazilimi tarafindan düzeltilen panoramik sistemin büyütme orani, tüm bölgeler için 1 civarinda bulundu. Sonuçlar: PRI'lar, kolay ulasilabilir olmalari ve düsük radyasyon dozlari sayesinde, implant cerrahisi planlamasindaki dikey ölçümler için 1 mm'lik güven araligi ile kullanilabilir. © Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry 2018.Objectives: Panoramic radiography (PR) is the most commonly used technique to evaluate the dental and associated structures. The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of panoramic radiographic images (PRIs) in planning the dental implant treatment and the magnification rate of a panoramic device for anterior, premolar and posterior regions. Materials and Methods: Eighty-eight patients with PRIs were taken after implant surgery were included to the study. A total of 240 dental implants (53 anterior, 69 premolar, and 118 molar regions) of which actual vertical lengths were known, were re-measured on post-operative radiographic images using the scaling tools of the panoramic system to determine the magnification rate and the accuracy of PRIs. Because the data had normal distribution, the paired t test was used for the statistical analysis (p < 0.05). The magnification rates of the three regions were calculated as the ratio of the radiographically measured vertical length of the implants to the actual vertical length of the implants. Results: A statistically significant difference was found between the actual and measured vertical length of the implants on the PRI (p < 0.05). However, the correlation rate was found close to 1 for all regions. The difference between the actual and measured vertical length of the implants on the PRI was 0.50 mm for the anterior region, 0.97 mm for the premolar region, and 0.83 mm for the molar region. The magnification rate of the panoramic system corrected by Cliniview™ (Instrumentarium Corp., Tuusula, FINLAND) software was found around 1 for all the regions. Conclusions: Due to their readily accessible nature and low radiation dose, PRIs can be used in implant surgery for vertical measurements with 1 mm confidence interval. © Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry 2018

    Finite state representation of reduplication processes in Igbo

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    This paper presents a finite state model of reduplication processes in Igbo. Identified Igbo reduplication processes are based on (i) verbal reduplication with prefixation, (ii) total nominal reduplication (iii) ideophone reduplication. However, this work identifies and includes a fourth and fifth type that occurs in the language, namely; (iv) adverbial reduplication and (v) prepositional reduplication. Xerox Finite State Tool (XFST) was used in representing the five Igbo reduplication processes computationally. Igbo verbal reduplication exhibits selective reduplication process and is characterized by prefixation and vowel replacement. Vowel harmony phenomenon was taken into consideration in achieving verbal reduplication to cater for phonological changes. Model testing results showed 84% accuracy in both analysis and recognition of reduplicated forms in Igbo

    Some Salient Issues in the Unsupervised Learning of Igbo Morphology

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    The issue of automatic learning of the morphology of natural language is an important topic in computational linguistics. This owes to the fact that morphology is foundational to the study of linguistics. In addition, the emerging information society demands the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to languages in ways that demand human-like analysis of language and this depends to a large extent on the ability to undertake computational analysis of morphology. Even though rule-based and supervised learning approaches to the modeling of morphology have been found to be productive, they have also been discovered to be costly, cumbersome and sucseptible to human errors. Contrarily, unsupervised learning methods do not require the expensive human intervention but as in everything statistical, they demand large volumes of linguistic data. This poses a challenge to resource scarce languages such as Igbo. Furthermore, being a highly agglutinative language, Igbo features certain morphological processes that may not be easily accommodated by most of the frequency-driven unsupervised learning models available. this paper takes a critical look at some of the identified challenges of inducing Igbo morphology as a first step in devising methods by which they can be addressed

    Ботаніко-екологічна характеристика деревно-чагарникових насаджень Довгинцівського дендропарку (м. Кривий Ріг)

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    Trees and shrub planting at Dovhyntsivo Park (Kryvyi Rih, Dnepropetrovs’k reg.) presented 74 species belonging to 57 genera and 27 families. Most of the rocks park characterized medium-high level of vitality, middle and high level of decoration. The living condition leading stands (oak, pine and birch) is assessed as weak and very weak. Estimation characteristics of stands of Betula pendula Roth and Pinus sylvestris L. forest hung in a park above the data table growth forest species, while stands of Quercus robur L. – match these values.Деревно-чагарникові насадження Довгинцівського дендропарку (м. Кривий Ріг, Дніпропетровська обл.) представлені 74 видами, які належать до 57 родів та 27 родин. Більшість видів дендропарку характеризуються середнім і високим рівнем життєвості та декоративності. Життєвий стан провідних насаджень (дубових, соснових та березових) оцінюється як ослаблений та сильно ослаблений. Таксаційні характеристики насаджень берези повислої та сосни звичайної в умовах дендропарку вищі за дані таблиць ходу росту лісових порід, тоді як насаджень дуба черешчатого – відповідають даним таблиць

    Phytochemical Screening and Identification of Bioactive Constituents of the Chloroform Extract of Icacina trichantha Tuber Peel Oliv

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    This study was carried out to identify the bioactive constituents of the tuber peels of Icacina trichanthalinna of the Icacinales family. This plant is basically selected due to its widespread use in herbal treatment. Nine compounds were identified in the chloroform extract of the tuber peel. Undecane (43.254%),2-hexanone (23.299%), Dodecanoic acid ethyl ester (6.244%) and 9-octadecynoic acid (5.915%) appeared to be the most prevailing compounds and they are known to possess antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, antimycobacterial, hypercholesterolemic activities. Also identified was triarachine which has been reported to have some biological activity

    The Effect of Strategic Supply Chain Management on the Profitability of Flour Mills in the Sub-Saharan Africa (2005 - 2013)

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    To compete successfully in today’s fierce and challenging business environment, companies need to focus on supply chain management components that have impact in enhancing profitability. The study examined the effect of strategic supply chain management on the profitability of Flour Mills in the Sub-Saharan Africa (2005-2013). The problem x-rayed here stems from the huge cost burden on production firms in the sub-Saharan African region and their subsequent poor performance. The industry is marred by low profit margin as a result of high cost burden, as such the ability of the company to reduce production cost while increasing product output would largely determine profitability.  The major objective of this study is examining the effect of strategic Supply Chain Management on Profitability of Flour Mills in the Sub-Saharan African Region as measured by the Profit After Tax (PAT) and other source document. Specifically, the objectives were to; Determine the trend and level of profitability of the flour mills, Ascertain the Strategic supply chain management model adopted by the selected flour mills, Examine the effect of supply chain management cost components on the profit of the flour mills. Data collected from Annual reports of various issues were analyzed using inferential statistics such as Time trend model, Multiple and simple regression analysis. The results of the findings showed some firms in the region still see strategic supply chain management as a novel theory and as such does not reap its full benefits. Their huge investment in their supply chain component does not  reflect significantly in their profitability. The study concludes that all round development in the industrial sector (Flour mills) is possible with the integration of sound supply chain variables and exploitation of knowledgeable human resources and as well as adopting a sound supply chain management strategy/model. In Nigeria just like every other nation in the globe, when firms reaches the peak of their maturity stage in their life cycle, it starts experiencing stunted growth in terms of their profitability trend. Various recommendations were made which includes that Production firms should integrate their supply chain management operations efficiently in such a way that it enhances their sales and profitability and also should strive to create a Strategic Supply Chain system that will create value and manage risk for their numerous customers from origination and processing, to logistics and distribution, with the changing economic and political environment, emerging technology versus global competition and changing nature of supply chain management, to become competitive strategic weapon, supply chain operations must abandon fragmented approaches, the companies should shorten internal lead times and make them more predictable and repeatable and also reduce the volume of work-in-progress inventories from months of supply to days and that firms should strive to implement Just-in-time delivery strategies for their most costly component materials and also drastic reduction in the setup times, as this will substantially reduce indirect cost and improve the use of resources

    Kompleks argumentli trigonometrik funksiyalar

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    Bu maqola algebraik ko’rinishdagi kompleks sonlarni trigonometrik funksiyalar va mavhum ko’rsatkichli funksiyalar o’rtasidagi bog’lanishni ifodalaydi