112 research outputs found

    Мультимедійні технології у навчанні української мови як іноземної

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    Modern life requires an active creative person whose formation is possible only if the pedagogical practice of modern methods of education and upbringing is introduced. Therefore, the focus of the present education is not the very educational subjects, but the ways of thinking and activities of the student.This orientation of the modern educational process determines the choice of innovative technologies by the teacher, which is based on preparing a young person for an active position in society, activating educational opportunities, etc. The article substantiates the necessity of using innovative technologies in the practice of teaching in higher education, in particular, the issue of introducing multimedia teaching methods in classes on the Ukrainian language as a foreign language is substantiated. The focus is on the specifics and effectiveness of using such forms of work. The advantages and disadvantages of applying a multimedia presentation during the acquisition of language material have been analyzed. The use of multimedia technologies in classes in the Ukrainian language as a foreign language is driven by the desire to make the level of use of visibility more qualitative, increase the productivity of classes, realize interdisciplinary connections, implement a two-way student-teacher relationship, etc. The multimedia presentation is effective when working with students in different groups and at all stages of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. It allows to model the conditions of communicative activity, master lexical and grammatical skills, individualize and differentiate learning, increase the amount of language training, increase motivation, promote the development of students' self-esteem, ensure the transfer of linguistic material to other types of speech activity. The article describes the possibilities of using the computer program Power Point in order to teach students the Ukrainian language as a foreign language. The program provides the teacher with unlimited opportunities for creativity in the use of information in any form of presentation, in the layout of the material in accordance with the purpose, objectives of the particular occupation and allows you to take into account the individual approach to students of different groups.Сучасне життя потребує активної творчої особистості, формування якої можливе лише за умови впровадження у педагогічну практику сучасних методів навчання й виховання. Тому центром уваги теперішньої освіти стають не стільки навчальні предмети, скільки способи мислення і діяльності учня. Саме така спрямованість сучасного навчально-виховного процесу зумовлює вибір викладачем інноваційних технологій, в основі яких підготовка молодої людини до активної позиції в суспільстві, активізація навчальних можливостей тощо. У статті обґрунтовано необхідність застосування інноваційних технологій у практиці викладання у вищій школі, зокрема розглянуто питання впровадження мультимедійних засобів навчання на заняттях з української мови як іноземної. Зосереджено увагу на специфіці та ефективності використання таких форм роботи. Проаналізовано переваги й недоліки в застосуванні мультимедійної презентації під час оволодіння мовним матеріалом. Використання засобів мультимедійних технологій на заняттях з української мови як іноземної зумовлене бажанням зробити рівень використання наочності більш якісним, підвищити продуктивність заняття, реалізувати міжпредметні зв’язки, здійснити двосторонній зв'язок викладач – студент тощо. Мультимедійна презентація ефективна під час роботи зі студентами різних груп і на всіх етапах навчання української мови як іноземної. Дозволяє моделювати умови комунікативної діяльності, опанувати лексико-граматичні навички, індивідуалізувати й диференціювати навчання, збільшити обсяг мовного тренування, підвищити мотивацію, сприяти виробленню самооцінки студентів, забезпечувати перенесення мовного матеріалу в інші види мовленнєвої діяльності. Також у статті описано можливості застосування комп’ютерної програми Power Point для навчання студентів української мови як іноземної. Програма дає викладачеві необмежені можливості для творчого підходу у використанні інформації в будь-якій формі подання, в компонуванні матеріалу відповідно до мети, завдань конкретного заняття і дозволяє враховувати індивідуальний підхід до студентів різних груп

    Wodzicki residue and anomalies of current algebras

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    The commutator anomalies (Schwinger terms) of current algebras in 3+13+1 dimensions are computed in terms of the Wodzicki residue of pseudodifferential operators; the result can be written as a (twisted) Radul 2-cocycle for the Lie algebra of PSDO's. The construction of the (second quantized) current algebra is closely related to a geometric renormalization of the interaction Hamiltonian HI=jμAμH_I=j_{\mu} A^{\mu} in gauge theory.Comment: 15 pages, updated version of a talk at the Baltic School in Field Theory, September 199

    Current concepts of myelodysplastic syndrome: literature review

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    Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a heterogeneous group of clonal diseases of the blood system arising from mutation of the hematopoietic stem cell and characterized by cytopenia as a result of ineffective hematopoiesis, signs of dysmyelopoiesis and a high risk of transformation into acute leukemia. More than 80% of patients with MDS are over 60 years old. About 25 thousand new cases are diagnosed annually in Europe. Given the steady aging of the European population, it is believed that the number of patients with MDS will only increase in the coming decades. In addition, signs of myelodysplasia can be detected in the bone marrow or peripheral blood, not only in MDS, but also in other non-clonal diseases. The role of thyroid hormones in hematopoiesis is known, which does not exclude the development of dysmyelopoiesis in hypothyroidism

    Myelodysplastic syndrome on the background of severe hypothyroidism: case report

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    Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a heterogeneous group of clonal diseases of the blood system arising from mutation of the hematopoietic stem cell and characterized by cytopenia as a result of ineffective hematopoiesis, signs of dysmyelopoiesis and a high risk of transformation into acute leukemia. More than 80% of patients with MDS are over 60 years old. About 25 thousand new cases are diagnosed annually in Europe. Given the steady aging of the European population, it is believed that the number of patients with MDS will only increase in the coming decades. In addition, signs of myelodysplasia can be detected in the bone marrow or peripheral blood, not only in MDS, but also in other non-clonal diseases. The role of thyroid hormones in hematopoiesis is known, which does not exclude the development of dysmyelopoiesis in hypothyroidism. The article presents the classification, clinical manifestations of primary MDS and a clinical case of the development of the disease against the background of severe hypothyroidism with features of the course of MDS

    Development of leukemia after COVID-19 infection

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    Abstract. Many aspects of the COVID-19 infection, especially its complications and longterm health consequences, are still unknown. Various reactive changes in the blood test during the course of leukemia have been published. Leukocytosis [1], leukopenia [2, 3, 4], neutrophilia [5, 6], lymphocytosis and lymphocytopia [3, 7], thrombocytopenia and, rarely, thrombocytosis [2, 8, 9] were found most often. The detected changes were usually not subject to monitoring in the patient. There are reports of the diagnosis of leukemia after a recent infection with COVID-19. Therefore, studying the features of the clinical picture and hematopoiesis in such patients during the course of a viral infection, as well as in the initial manifestations of leukemia, is relevant

    Innovative and technological development of the regions during the period of economic instability

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    Currently, the world economy has entered a period of unsteady development, characterized by the aggravation of problems that cannot be solved within the framework of existing equipment, technologies, management methods, etc. These problems are caused by the completion of the 5th technological order and the birth of the 6th, as well as the beginning of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The existing world experience convincingly proves that during periods of economic transformations caused by changes in technological structures, innovative development in the direction of innovative advance is a priority. The countries that have embarked on the path of advanced innovative development are the leaders of economic growth, ensuring the economic well-being and high quality of life of their peoples. For the enterprises of the domestic industry, which retains a significant innovative potential, the strategy of advanced innovation is virtually no alternative. The article examines the state of innovation and technological development of Russian regions during the period of economic instability. Attention is paid to the peculiarities of innovative growth of regions. Based on statistical data, the analysis of the main indicators reflecting the innovative activity of enterprises in the country’s industry is carried out. The main regional problems hindering innovative development are identified and a number of priority measures necessary for decision-making in the field of innovation promotion are proposed

    Universal Drinfeld-Sokolov Reduction and Matrices of Complex Size

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    We construct affinization of the algebra glλgl_{\lambda} of ``complex size'' matrices, that contains the algebras gln^\hat{gl_n} for integral values of the parameter. The Drinfeld--Sokolov Hamiltonian reduction of the algebra glλ^\hat{gl_{\lambda}} results in the quadratic Gelfand--Dickey structure on the Poisson--Lie group of all pseudodifferential operators of fractional order. This construction is extended to the simultaneous deformation of orthogonal and simplectic algebras that produces self-adjoint operators, and it has a counterpart for the Toda lattices with fractional number of particles.Comment: 29 pages, no figure

    Micro-Raman study of nanocomposite porous films with silver nanoparticles prepared using pulsed laser deposition

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    Nanocomposite porous films with silver nanoparticle (Ag NP) arrays were prepared by the pulsed laser deposition from the back flux of erosion torch particles in argon atmosphere on the substrate placed at the target plane. Preparation conditions of the films were set by argon pressure, energy density of laser pulses, their amount and substrate position relatively to the torch axis. The films were prepared with gradient thickness, variable Ag NP sizes and distance between them along the length of substrate as well as corresponding maxima in the spectra of local surface plasmon absorption. Plasmon effects of the Raman scattering enhance in the matter of the Ag NP shell gave the opportunity to register the spectral bands caused by an extremely small quantity of silver compounds with oxygen and carbon. The possible nature of individual bands in the Raman spectrum was analyzed. The obtained results are important for interpretation of the Raman spectra of analytes based on the prepared SERS substrates

    Poisson-Lie group of pseudodifferential symbols

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    We introduce a Lie bialgebra structure on the central extension of the Lie algebra of differential operators on the line and the circle (with scalar or matrix coefficients). This defines a Poisson--Lie structure on the dual group of pseudodifferential symbols of an arbitrary real (or complex) order. We show that the usual (second) Benney, KdV (or GL_n--Adler--Gelfand--Dickey) and KP Poisson structures are naturally realized as restrictions of this Poisson structure to submanifolds of this ``universal'' Poisson--Lie group. Moreover, the reduced (=SL_n) versions of these manifolds (W_n-algebras in physical terminology) can be viewed as subspaces of the quotient (or Poisson reduction) of this Poisson--Lie group by the dressing action of the group of functions. Finally, we define an infinite set of functions in involution on the Poisson--Lie group that give the standard families of Hamiltonians when restricted to the submanifolds mentioned above. The Poisson structure and Hamiltonians on the whole group interpolate between the Poisson structures and Hamiltonians of Benney, KP and KdV flows. We also discuss the geometrical meaning of W_\infty as a limit of Poisson algebras W_\epsilon as \epsilon goes to 0.Comment: 64 pages, no figure

    Schwinger Terms and Cohomology of Pseudodifferential Operators

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    We study the cohomology of the Schwinger term arising in second quantization of the class of observables belonging to the restricted general linear algebra. We prove that, for all pseudodifferential operators in 3+1 dimensions of this type, the Schwinger term is equivalent to the ``twisted'' Radul cocycle, a modified version of the Radul cocycle arising in non-commutative differential geometry. In the process we also show how the ordinary Radul cocycle for any pair of pseudodifferential operators in any dimension can be written as the phase space integral of the star commutator of their symbols projected to the appropriate asymptotic component.Comment: 19 pages, plain te