52 research outputs found

    Relationship Between the Texture and Young’s modulus over the Section of Cold-rolled Rods of Low-modulus Biocompatible Alloy

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    The influence of the texture type on the Young’s modulus value in the different sections of cold-deformed rods of Zr-31Ti-18Nb alloy (IMP BAZALM) was studied. It was found, an increase in the compression deformation degree from 63 to 84 % of Zr-31Ti-18Nb alloy during cold rolling contributed to the improvement of {001} <110> deformation cube texture. This contributed to the preferential orientation of the directions <001> and <110> parallel to ND and RD (TD) directions, accordingly. The minimum values of the Young’s modulus were typical for areas where low-module <001> orientation prevailed, and the maximum values of the Young’s modulus were characteristic for areas with high-modules <110> orientations. So, in the alloy deformed by 84 %, the lowest values of the Young’s modulus were obtain in the rolling plane up to 53 GPa, and the highest values in plane perpendicular to the rolling direction up to 70 GPa.     Keywords: Zr-Ti-Nb system, biocompatible alloy, Young’s modulus, texture

    Arc-Evaporated Nanoscale Multilayer Nitride-Based Coatings for Protection Against Wear, Corrosion, and Oxidation

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    The studies of the structure and properties of nanoscale multilayer coatings based on the nitrides of refractory metals are summarized in a brief review. By the example of TiN/MoN, TiN/ZrN, CrN/MoN, and more complex (multilayer) (TiZrNbTaHf)N/WN:(TiZrNbTaHf)N/MoN obtained by vacuum-arc deposi-tion of cathode, the dependences of their hardness, wear resistance, friction, corrosion, and oxidation on conditions of the deposition and layers’ thickness are investigated and analysed. The regularities of the structure and behaviour properties of such nanoscale multilayer coatings depending on the size of nanograins, textures, and stresses arising in these coatings are described.В кратком обзоре обобщены результаты исследований структуры и свойств наномасштабных многослойных покрытий нитридов тугоплавких металлов. На примере TiN/MoN-, TiN/ZrN-, CrN/MoN- и более сложных (многослойных) (TiZrNbTaHf)N/WN:(TiZrNbTaHf)N/MoN-покрытий, полученных методом вакуумно-дугового осаждения катода, исследованы и проанализированы зависимости их твёрдости, износостойкости, трения, коррозии и окисления от условий осаждения и толщины слоёв. Отмечены закономерности структуры и свойств поведения таких наномасштабных многослойных покрытий от размера нанозёрен, текстуры и напряжений, возникающих в этих покрытиях.У короткому огляді узагальнено результати досліджень структури та влас-тивостей наномасштабних багатошарових покриттів нітридів тяжкотоп-ких металів. На прикладі TiN/MoN-, TiN/ZrN-, CrN/MoN- та більш склад-них (багатошарових) (TiZrNbTaHf)N/WN:(TiZrNbTaHf)N/MoN-покриттів, одержаних методою вакуумно-дугового осадження катоду, досліджено та проаналізовано залежності їх твердости, зносостійкости, тертя, корозії й окиснення від умов осадження та товщини шарів. Відмічено закономірнос-ті структури та властивостей поведінки даних наномасштабних багатоша-рових покриттів від розміру нанозерен, текстури та напруг, що виникають у цих покриттях

    Effect of microstructure, deformation mode and rate on mechanical behaviour of electron-beam melted Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-1.5Al-6.8Mo-4.5Fe alloys

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    Two commercial costefficient titanium alloys—a lowalloyed α+βti–6Al–4V (mas.%) and a metastable βalloy ti–1.5Al–6.8Mo–4.5Fe melted with a single electronbeam cold hearth melting approach—are employed in a present study as program materials. the influence of microstructure formed by means of the subsequent thermomechanical and heat treatments on both the mechanical behaviour (evaluated by the deformation energy, UD) when tested using standard methods with different deformation rates and the ballistic resistance of plate materials is investigated.На прикладі двох промислових економно леґованих титанових стопів, — малолеґованого α + β-стопу ti–6Al–4V (мас.%) і метастабільного βстопу ti–1,5Al–6,8Mo–4,5Fe, — виготовлених одноразовим електроннопроменевим топленням з проміжною ємністю, вивчено вплив формованої за подальших (термомеханічного та термічного) оброблянь мікроструктури на механічну поведінку (виражену через енергію деформації UD) при випробуваннях з різними швидкостями деформації та балістичну стійкість.На примере двух промышленных экономно легированных титановых сплавов, — малолегированного α + βсплава Тi–6Al–4V (масс.%) и метастабильного βсплава ti–1,5Al–6,8Mo–4,5Fe, — приготовленных однократной электроннолучевой плавкой с промежуточной ёмкостью, изучено влияние формируемой при последующих (термомеханической и термической) обработках микроструктуры на механическое поведение (выраженное через энергию деформации UD) при ис пы таниях с разными скоростями деформации и баллистическую стойкость

    Nanomaterials and Nanostructures Coatings Fabrication Using Detonation and Plasma Detonation Techniques

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    The aim of the present work is to study the structure and properties of powder materials (Co–Cr based), deposited on the steel substrate using high-velocity plasma detonation jet, in the case of coating’s surface layer melting. Also, it is important to fabricate and investigate coatings based on Ni–Cr with high physical and mechanical properties and with the high level of corrosion resistance to the aggressive media

    Irradiation resistance, microstructure and mechanical properties of nanostructured (TiZrHfVNbTa)N coatings

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    Nitrides of high-entropy alloys (TiHfZrNbVTa)N were fabricated using cathodic-vacuum-arc-vapor deposition method. Morphology and topology of the surface of the coatings, roughness, elemental and phase composition, microstructure and mechanical properties were investigated. Dependence of deposition parameters on surface morphology and elemental composition was demonstrated. Influence of the heavy negative charged Au ions implantation on phase structure, microstructure and hardness of nitride (TiHfZrNbVTa)N coatings was investigated

    Recrystallization and Formation of Spheroidal Gold Particles in Amorphous-Like AlN–TiB2–TiSi2 Coatings after Annealing and Subsequent Implantation

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    The recrystallization of the structure of an X-ray amorphous AlN–TiB2–TiSi2 coating containing short-range order regions with characteristic sizes of 0.8–1.0 nm has been performed using a negative gold ion (Au–) beam and high-temperature annealing. Direct measurements using methods of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectral (EDXS) microanalysis have demonstrated that thermal annealing at a temperature of 1300°C in air results in the formation of nanoscale (10–15 nm) phases AlN, AlB2, Al3O3, and TiO2, whereas the ion implantation of negative ions Au– leads to a fragmentation (decrease in the size) of nanograins to 2–5 nm with the formation of spheroidal gold nanocrystallites a few nanometers in size, as well as to the formation of an amorphous oxide film in the depth (near-surface layer) of the coating due to ballistic ion mixing and collision cascades

    High strength microstructural forms developed in titanium alloys by rapid heat treatment

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    It is show that rapid heat treatment of alpha+beta and beta titanium alloys, which includes rapid heating of alloys with initial equiaxed microstructure into single-phase beta field is able to produce microstructural forms in which high strength can be well balanced with other mechanical properties. Main advantage of rapid heating approach comes from the possibility to extend the level of "useful" strength. Desirably high strength is provided by intragranular morphology and microchemistry while beta-grain refinement permits a reliability of such high strength conditions

    Transformation plasticity in titanium alpha double prime martensite

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    In this paper, explanation of an exceptionally low yield strength and high plasticity of α"-martensite is given using the experimental data on martensite crystal structure of Ti-7%Mo (wt). It is supposed that as-quenched martensite microstructure is a highly nonuniform set of distorted due to compositional modulation microvolumes. Interaction between internal stresses generated in martensite modulated microstructure and external applied stresses modifies crystal lattice in a specific way, leading to a transformation induced plasticity

    First-principles calculations atomic structure and elastic properties of Ti-Nb alloys

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    Elastic properties of Ti based (3-alloy were studied by the method of the model structure first principle calculations. Concentrational dependence of Young modulus for the binary (3-alloy Ti₁₋ₓNbₓ was discovered. It is shown that peculiarities visible at 0.15 - 0.18 a.u. concentrations can be related to the different Nb atoms distribution. Detailed comparison of the calculation results with the measurement results was done. Youngs modulus for the set of the ordered structures with different Nb atoms location, which simulate triple β-alloys Ti₀.₅₁₈Zr₀.₂₉₇Nb₀.₁₈₅ and Ti₀.₂₉₇Zr₀.₅₁₈Nb₀.₁₈₅ have been calculated. The results of these calculations allowed us to suggest the concentration region for single-phase ternary β-phase alloys possessing low values of Young’s modulus