163 research outputs found
Comparative analysis of clinical manifestations of primary hyperparathyroidisis by results of hospitalizations and screening for hypercalcia in the Arkhangelsk region
Objective: to compare the forms and clinical course of primary hypeparathyroidism in hospitalized patients over a ten-year period, with patients identified by a routine analysis of blood calcium in Arkhangelsk region.Material and methods: At the first stage, a retrospective analysis of 48 case histories of patients who received inpatient treatment for PHPT in two multidisciplinary hospitals in Arkhangelsk from 2005 to 2015 was carried out. At the second stage, a screening of blood calcium was performed in patients of large outpatient clinic in Arkhangelsk from March 1 to March 31, 2015, as a result of which 21 cases of the first established PHPT were detected. A comparative analysis of the clinical course was carried out in two groups of patients with PHPT compared with the control group.Results: patients with PHPT detected during screening showed a higher incidence of mild forms of the disease (38 %), a higher level of bone mineral density in all parts of the skeleton according to dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and a lower incidence of nephrolithiasis (24 % vs. 69 %) compared with hospitalized patients, among which the manifest forms of the disease prevailed (88 %), fibrocystic osteitis was detected in 44 % of cases, and coral nephrolithiasis - in 10% of cases.Conclusion: a routine study of blood calcium levels helps to identify primary hyperparathyroidism at earlier stages to prevent the development of severe complications and invalidisation of patients
Tuberous sclerosis syndrome: a typical case of a rare disease
The article is devoted to a rare hereditary disease from the group of phak omatoses with an autosomal dominant type of inheritance — Pringle — Burnevill disease. The questions of the prevalence of the disease, the variability of the clinical picture, the timeliness of the clinical diagnosis are considered. Particular attention is paid to skin manifestations and their differential diagnosis. A clinical case of this disease is described
Peculiarities of the foreign manufactures cars recycling in Russia
The main elements of the vehicle recycling system in Russia are considered on the example of passenger cars. The main problems of decommissioned vehicles recycling in the context of a cyclical economy development are described. The article presents a critique of the current state recycling policy. The strategy for the development of recycling projects that can be implemented both by the state and by private companies entrusted by the state is suggests. The article presents a structural analysis of imported cars, foreign brands of Russian production and domestic cars from the total sales for 2017 and 2018. Data on sales volumes of the best-selling car models in Russia are presented. The main advantages of the production of foreign cars in Russia in terms of the impact on the emerging Russian recycling system for decommissioned vehicles are identified. Recommendations on implementation of projects related to recycling and calculation of recycling fees are offered. The study developed two ways to use recycled material from car recycling, which can recoup some of the costs of recycling, increase the percentage of import substitution of components for the automotive industry and create a closed-cycle economy. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
Mechanical and tribological characteristics of zirconium based ceramic coatings for micro-bearing application
The application of metal materials with ceramic coatings is the effective way of alternative bearing surfaces formation. The oxide ZrO₂, nitride ZrN and oxynitride ZrON coatings were deposited by magnetron sputtering method on stainless steel (AlSi 316) discs. The adhesion properties, hardness and elastic modulus were evaluated by standard methods. The surface parameters were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The chemical composition of the coatings was analyzed by energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy. Friction coefficients and wear resistance were measured in the tribological tests. Results show that the mechanical parameters increased in the case of oxynitride in comparison with oxide and nitride coatings.Использование металлических материалов с керамическими покрытиями является эффективным способом формирования альтернативных поверхностей скольжения. Покрытия оксидов ZrO₂, нитридов ZrN и оксинитридов ZrON были нанесены на стальные диски (AlSi 316) методом магнетронного напыления. Адгезия, твердость и упругие модули покрытий измерялись стандартными методами. Параметры поверхности оценивались методом сканирующей электронной микроскопии. Химический состав покрытий анализировался методом энергетически дисперсной спектроскопии. Коэффициент трения и износ оценивали в трибологических тестах. Результаты демонстрируют, что механические параметры возрастают в случае оксинитридных покрытий по сравнению с нитридами и оксидами.Використання металевих матеріалів із керамічними покриттями є ефективним засобом формування альтернативних поверхонь ковзання. Покриття оксидів ZrO₂, нітридів ZrN та оксинітридів ZrON були нанесені на сталеві диски (AlSi 316) методом магнетронного розпилювання. Адгезія, твердість та пружні модулі покриттів вимірювались стандартними методами. Параметри поверхні оцінювались методом скануючої електронної мікроскопії. Хімічний склад покриттів було проаналізовано методом енергетично дисперсної спектроскопії. Коефіцієнт тертя та знос оцінювали в трибологічних тестах. Результати продемонстрували, що механічні параметри зростають у випадку оксинітридних покриттів порівняно з нітридами та оксидами
Influence of post-post processing technology and laser radiation parameters on the optical breakdown threshold of a ZnGeP2 single crystal
The aim of this work is to determine the influence of the parameters of post-growth technological operations and experimental conditions on the threshold of optical breakdown of the surface of ZGP crystals under the action of laser radiation at a wavelength of 2091 nm
Mathematical model for investigation of alkylbenzenes sulfonation
The relevance. Lack of experimental data that allow developing a scientifically based method for calculating and designing film-type reactors, which are also used to produce alkylbenzenesulfonic acids. These acids, in their turn, are currently the main components of synthetic detergents. The issue of increasing reactor equipment efficiency can be most effectively solved using mathematical models built on a physical and chemical basis. The aim. Development of a mathematical model of alkylbenzenes sulfonation, taking into account a substance mass transfer from a gas phase to a liquid phase. Software implementation of the developed model, as well as the use of the developed mathematical model for studying the influence of the process parameters on its efficiency. Object. Alkylbenzenes sulfonation with sulfuric anhydride in a multitube film reactor. Methods. Mathematical modeling is used to perform all computational operations, a modern high-level general-purpose programming language with automatic memory management is used. The quantum-chemical methods for determining thermodynamic parameters of chemical reactions were used. Results. The paper considers the principles of constructing a mathematical model of sulfonation. The authors have developed the calculation program in the Python programming language and assessed the accuracy of description of a real process and the influence of the system technological parameters on a product yield and quality, taking into account a substance interfacial transfer. The system of practical recommendations for improving the alkylbenzenes sulfonation resource efficiency was developed. The mathematical model adequately describes the process. The calculated data are compared with the real data from the operating unit for alkylbenzenes sulfonation with sulfuric anhydride
Efficacy and safety of ultra-low dose inhaled melphalan in the treatment of hospitalized patients with COVID-19
Background. One of the most important components of COVID-19 therapy is the suppression of the hyperergic immune response. There is an urgent need of creating the optimal tactics of efficient and safe anti-inflammatory therapy. A new method of treatment of COVID-19 with inhalation of ultra-low (non-cytotoxic) doses of the alkylating drug melphalan is proposed, based on previous experimental, preclinical, and clinical data on its use in severe bronchial asthma.The aim. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of inhalation of ultra-low doses of melphalan in hospitalized patients with COVID-19-associated lung damage.Materials and methods. A prospective, open, controlled, blind for the central expert study was conducted. Sixty adult patients were included, 30 patients were consecutively admitted to the hospital and received nebulized inhalations of 0.1 mg of melphalan for 7 days. Thirty patients of the control group were selected by an independent expert retrospectively using the computer algorithm for selecting «close» patients based on the «case-control» principle. The primary endpoints were the dynamics on the WHO Clinical Improvement Scale and the dynamics of dyspnea according to the modified Borg scale, secondary – assessment of adverse events, dynamics of indicators of clinical, biochemical blood tests, lungs computed tomography data from the beginning of inhalations in the melphalan group and from the corresponding day in the control group.Results. Inhalations of melphalan led to a significant improvement in the clinical condition of patients according to the WHO scale, decrease in the intensity of dyspnea on day 7 of treatment and by the time of discharge, a significant anti-inflammatory effect. Adverse events and dynamics of laboratory parameters did not differ from the control group.Conclusion. The method of treatment of COVID-19 by inhalation of ultra-low doses of the alkylating drug melphalan is safe and leads to a significant clinical improvement of hospitalized patients with COVID-19-associated lung damage
The analysis of informing the public about radiation and radiation risks is made on the basiс of publications on the Fukushima nuclear accident after the earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011, by five newspapers and the official internet sites of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being and the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. The analysis of the data suggests that the population is satisfied with its request in timely, clear, and reliable information on the radiation situation, protective measures and forecast of the situation development in the future. The possibility to learn about different viewpoints positively affects the mood of readers and reduces their anxiety. However, it should be recognized that, if the information have been provided by a single media only, the population would not have adequate understanding of the situation related to the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.Информирование населения о радиации и радиационном риске выполнено на основе анализа газетных публикаций об аварии на АЭС «Фукусима» после землетрясения и цунами 11 марта 2011 г. в пяти газетах и на официальных Интернет-сайтах Роспотребнадзора и Росгидромета. Анализ информации позволяет считать, что удовлетворен запрос населения на своевременную, ясную, правдивую информацию о радиационной ситуации, о защитных мерах и о прогнозе развития ситуации в будущем. Возможность ознакомиться с разными открыто выраженными мнениями положительно влияет на настроения читателей, снижая уровень их обеспокоенности. Следует признать, однако, что если бы информирование осуществлялось только одним изданием, население не могло бы иметь адекватного ситуации представления об аварии на АЭС «Фукусима»
Клинический случай сочетанной инфекционной патологии (ветряной оспы и геморрагической лихорадки с почечным синдромом) у пациента с распространенным псориазом
The article describes in detail the clinical case of a severe course of a combined viral disease (Varicella-Zoster, Hantaan Hemorrhagic Fever), complicated by bilateral interstitial pneumonia, cerebral edema, and disseminated vascular coagulation syndrome, developed in an immunocompromised patient during the treatment period of exacerbation of a background disease (plaque psoriasis, progressive stage) with a cytostatic drug. The role of the main and associated diseases (pathogenetic mechanisms of comorbidity), specificly, hantavirus infection and psoriasis, as co-factors in the formation of an unfavourable course of varicella-zoster in an adult, is discussed. An example of an individual approach to the patient, a comprehensive diagnosis and rational treatment that contributed to a favorable outcome of the disease is given.В статье подробно описан клинический случай тяжелого течения сочетанного вирусного заболевания (ветряная оспа, геморрагическая лихорадка с почечным синдромом), осложненного двусторонней интерстициальной пневмонией, отеком головного мозга, синдромом диссеминированного сосудистого свертывания, развившегося у иммунокомпрометированного пациента в период лечения обострения фонового заболевания (распространенный вульгарный псориаз, прогрессирующая стадия) цитостатическим препаратом. Обсуждается роль основного и сопутствующих заболеваний (патогенетических механизмов коморбидности), а именно хантавирусной инфекции и псориаза, как ко-факторов в формировании неблагоприятного течения ветряной оспы у взрослого. Приведен пример индивидуального подхода к больному, комплексной диагностики и рационального лечения, способствовавших благоприятному исходу заболевания
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