96 research outputs found

    New problems of cometary observations from space

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    The possibility of treating the comets as natural probes of the solar system presents one of the attractive sides of cometary astronomy. In connection with the plans to study comets from space, new aspects for comets as interplanetary probes are of interst. Possible meteor formation in cometary heads and the implication for space research are considered


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    The paper shows the results of the development of a photodiode technology based on gallium phosphide structure n+-n-GaP-Au with high sensitivity. It provides the ion etching of the surface of the gallium phosphide before an application of a leading electrode of gold. The barrier layer of a 20 nm thick gold is applied to the substrate in the magnetic field of GaP. When forming the contact with the reverse side of the indium substrate at 600°C, there occurs the annealing of the gold barrier layer. At the maximum of the spectral characteristics obtained by the photodiode, it has a sensitivity of 0.13 A/W, and at a wavelength of 254 nm – about 0.06 A/W. The dynamic range of the photodiode is not less than 107.Artykuł pokazuje rezultaty rozwoju technologicznego fotodiody opartej na fosforku galu o strukturze n+-n-GaP-Au o wysokiej czułości. Umożliwia to wytrawianie jonowe powierzchni fosforku galu, zanim zastosowana zostanie elektroda przewodząca wykonana ze złota. Złota warstwa barierowa o grubości 20 nm jest nakładana na podłoże GaP w polu magnetycznym. Gdy powstaje styk z tyłu podłoża indowego w temperaturze 600°C, złota warstwa barierowa jest wyżarzana. Przy maksymalnej charakterystyce spektralnej uzyskanej przez fotodiodę, ma ona czułość 0,13 A/W, a przy długości fali 254 nm – około 0,06 A / W. Zakres dynamiczny fotodiody wynosi co najmniej 107

    Final-state interactions in the response of nuclear matter

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    Final-state interactions in the response of a many-body system to an external probe delivering large momentum are normally described using the eikonal approximation, for the trajectory of the struck particle, and the frozen approximation, for the positions of the spectators. We propose a generalization of this scheme, in which the initial momentum of the struck particle is explicitly taken into account. Numerical calculations of the nuclear matter response at 1 <q<< |{\bf q}| < 2 GeV/c show that the inclusion of this momentum dependence leads to a sizable effect in the low energy tail. Possible implications for the analysis of existing electron-nucleus scattering data are discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Roundtable “Unification Church in Japan as a Sociocultural and Political Phenomenon”

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    In the second half of 2022, the Japanese political world was shaken by a major scandal: in July 2022, former Prime Minister and a prominent member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party Abe Shinzō was killed at an election rally. The assassin, caught at the crime scene, declared that the murder was a revenge for the victim’s connection with the Unification Church, which, according to the perpetrator’s words, had led his family to financial ruin. Initially, this explanation seemed fantastical, but the investigation that followed revealed that both Abe Shinzō himself and many other Japanese politicians had been maintaining connections with the Unification Church for many years. This caused an uproar in Japanese society, especially given the rather controversial reputation of the Unification Church. On January 26, 2023, the Association of Japanologists and the research laboratory “Center for Japanese, Korean, and Mongolian Studies” of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) held a roundtable “Unification Church in Japan as a Sociocultural and Political Phenomenon”. The participants of the roundtable analyzed the situation around the Unification Church and its role in Japanese politics in detail, studied the specific features of the “new religions” in Japanese society, and considered the factors determining their influence on the political world of Japan

    Influence of a binder on the electrochemical behaviour of Si/RGO composite as negative electrode material for Li-ion batteries

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    Received: 02.12.2020. Accepted: 21.12.2020. Published:30.12.2020.A composite consisting of silicon nanoparticles and reduced graphene oxide nanosheets (Si/RGO) was studied as a promising material for the negative electrode of lithium-ion batteries. Commonly used polyvinylidene fluoride (PVdF) and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) served as a binder. To reveal the influence of the binder on the electrochemical behaviour of the Si/RGO composite, binder-free electrodes were also prepared and examined. Anode half-cells with composites comprising CMC as a binder demonstrated the best properties: capacity over 1200 mAh·g–1, excellent cycling performance and good rate capability up to 1.0C.This work was performed with financial support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation, project ID RFMEFI60419X0235

    Research of energy characteristics of photobioreactor in the process of generation of new biomass

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    Досліджено режими роботи системи регенерації хімічної енергії діоксиду вуглецю відповідно до запропонованої методики та встановлено раціональні параметри функціонування фотобіореактора під час генерації нової біомаси.The regimes of the system of chemical energy regeneration of carbon dioxide are investigated in accordance with the proposed methodology and the rational parameters of the functioning of the photobioreactor during the generation of the new biomass are established


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    The paper deals with a new object of study --- hyperbolic Hurwitz zeta function, which is given in the right α\alpha-semiplane α=σ+it \alpha = \sigma + it , \sigma> 1 by the equalityζH(α;d,b)=mZ(dm+b)α,\zeta_H(\alpha; d, b) = \sum_{m \in \mathbb Z} \left(\, \overline{dm + b} \, \right)^{-\alpha},where d0 d \neq0 and b b --- any real number.Hyperbolic Hurwitz zeta function ζH(α;d,b) \zeta_H (\alpha; d, b) , when \left\| \frac {b} {d} \right\|> 0 coincides with the hyperbolic zeta function of shifted one-dimensional lattice ζH(Λ(d,b)α) \zeta_H (\Lambda (d, b) | \alpha) . The importance of this class of one-dimensional lattices is due to the fact that each Cartesian lattice is represented as a union of a finite number of Cartesian products of one-dimensional shifted lattices of the form Λ(d,b)=dZ+b \Lambda (d, b) = d \mathbb{Z} + b .Cartesian products of one-dimensional shifted lattices are in substance shifted diagonal lattices, for which in this paper the simplest form of a functional equation for the hyperbolic zeta function of such lattices is given.The connection of the hyperbolic Hurwitz zeta function with the Hurwitz zeta function ζ(α;b) \zeta^* (\alpha; b) periodized by parameter bb and with the ordinary Hurwitz zeta function ζ(α;b) \zeta (\alpha; b) is studied.New integral representations for these zeta functions and an analytic continuation to the left of the line α=1+it \alpha = 1 + it are obtained.All considered hyperbolic zeta functions of lattices form an important class of Dirichlet series directly related to the development of the number-theoretical method in approximate analysis. For the study of such series the use of Abel's theorem is efficient, which gives an integral representation through improper integrals. Integration by parts of these improper integrals leads to improper integrals with Bernoulli polynomials, which are also studied in this paper.В работе рассматривается новый объект исследования --- гиперболическая дзета-функция Гурвица, которая задается в правой α\alpha-полуплоскости α=σ+it\alpha=\sigma+it, \sigma>1 равенствомζH(α;d,b)=mZ(dm+b)α,\zeta_H(\alpha;d,b)=\sum_{m\in\mathbb Z}\left(\,\overline{dm+b}\,\right)^{-\alpha},где d0d\neq0 и bb --- любое вещественное число.Гиперболическая дзета-функция Гурвица ζH(α;d,b)\zeta_H(\alpha;d,b) при \left\|\frac{b}{d}\right\|>0 совпадает с гиперболической дзета-функцией сдвинутой одномерной решеткой ζH(Λ(d,b)α)\zeta_H(\Lambda(d,b)|\alpha). Важность этого класса одномерных решёток обусловлена тем, что каждая декартова решётка представляется объединением конечного числа декартовых произведений одномерных сдвинутых решёток вида Λ(d,b)=dZ+b\Lambda(d,b)=d\mathbb{Z}+b.Декартовы произведения одномерных сдвинутых решёток --- это суть сдвинутые диагональные решётки, для которых в данной работе удается дать наиболее простой вид функционального уравнения для гиперболической дзета-функции этих решёток.Изучается связь гиперболической дзета-функции Гурвица с периодизированной по параметру bb дзета-функцией Гурвица ζ(α;b)\zeta^*(\alpha;b) и с обычной дзета-функцией Гурвица ζ(α;b)\zeta(\alpha;b).Получены новые интегральные представления для этих дзета-функций и аналитическое продолжение слева от прямой α=1+it\alpha=1+it.Все рассматриваемые гиперболические дзета-функции решёток образуют важный класс рядов Дирихле, непосредственно связанный с развитием теоретико-числового метода в приближенном анализе. Для исследования таких рядов эффективным является применение теоремы Абеля, дающей интегральное представление через несобственные интегралы. Интегрирование по частям этих несобственных интегралов приводят к несобственным интегралам с полиномами Бернулли, которые также исследуются в данной работе

    Correlation Effects in Nuclear Transparency

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    The Glauber approximation is used to calculate the contribution of nucleon correlations in high-energy A(e,eN)A(e,e'N) reactions. When the excitation energy of the residual nucleus is small, the increase of the nuclear transparency due to correlations between the struck nucleon and the other nucleons is mostly compensated by a decrease of the transparency due to the correlations between non detected nucleons. We derive Glauber model predictions for nuclear transparency for the differential cross section when nuclear shell level excitations are measured. The role of correlations in color transparency is briefly discussed.Comment: 24 pages revtex, 4 uuencoded PostScript Figures as separate fil