73 research outputs found

    The discrimination between phospholipids of diverse structure and phosphacoumarins of various hydrophobicity through fluorescent response of Tb-doped silica nanoparticles decorated by cationic surfactant

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    The work represents colloids of silica nanoparticles displaying fluorescent response on biorelevant compounds exemplified by phosphacoumarins and phospholipids. The luminescent properties of the colloids arise from Tb(III) complexes doped into silica nanoparticles (SNs). The noncovalent decoration of SNs by dicationic surfactant with further interfacial binding of dye anions enables to develop colloids programmed to display a substrate induced fluorescent response. The latter results from the quenching of Tb(III) centered luminescence by dye anions through dynamic mechanism and subsequent displacement of quenching anions by the non-quenching substrates from the interface of SNs. Both negative charge and hydrophobicity of substrates are the key factors affecting the selectivity of the substrate induced fluorescent response. The peculiar effects of zwitter-ionic and anionic phospholipids on the fluorescent response have been revealed. The applicability of the fluorescent procedure in the sensing of impurities in commercial phosphatidylcholine is also introduced. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Evaluation of the effects of tumor necrosis factor-а inhibitors versus nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on spinal inflammatory changes from magnetic resonance imaging data in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

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    Objective: to evaluate the time course of inflammatory changes (ICs) in the spinal column and sacroiliac articulations (SIA) from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) during treatment with tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-а) inhibitors or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which were first used. Subjects and methods. MRI of the most painful part of the spine and SIA was performed in 58 patients with AS at baseline and 12 weeks later. MRI T2 STIR and T1 (SIGNA EXCITE, General Electrics; 0.35 T, matrix 288x192) regimens were used. Bone marrow edema was regarded as active inflammation. Active ICs in the most painful part of the spine were assessed by the AS spinal MRI activity (ASspiMRI-a) score and those in SIA by the Leeds scoring system. MRI was interpreted independently by two specialists; one of them did not know about the number of a visit and performed therapy. The patients were divided into two groups: 1) those who first used TNF-а inhibitors and 2) those who were first given NSAIDs. Both groups were matched for demographic indicators. Results. In both groups, the mean pain level in the spinal part under study decreased significantly in both groups: from 5.7±1.7 to 2.3±1.8 in the TNF-а inhibitor group (p = 0.000006) and from 4.8±2.3 to 2.6±2.3 in the NSAID group (р = 0.00001). After 12 weeks of treatment, the patients receiving TNF-а inhibitors (n = 28) showed a considerable reduction in the MRI signs of spinal ICs from 4.8±2.3 to 1.6±1.6 (p = 0.00001); moreover, this trend was more pronounced in patients (n = 17) with more baseline IC foci (≥ 5) than in those (n = 11) with fewer baseline IC foci (< 5) (the mean а was 4.3±1.5 and 1.6±1.4, respectively; р = 0.0003). In the patients taking NSAIDs (n = 30), the decrease in the number of spinal MRI ICs (from 2.8±2.5 to 2.3±2.1) was insignificant (p = 0.17). After 12 weeks, regression of active sacroiliitis was noted in 28 patients from the TNF-а inhibitor group with lower Leeds scores from 2.1±2.0 to 0 (p = 0.01). At baseline, 28.5% of the patients had MRI signs of active sacroiliitis, which were not found in any case at 12 weeks. At this time, the reduction in active sacroiliitis was also observed in the NSAID group patients (n = 30), but it was insignificant; the Leeds scores decreased from 2.6±2.5 to 2.1±2.0 (р = 0.083). At baseline and 12 weeks, the MRI signs of active sacroiliitis were present in 73.3 and 60% of the patients, respectively. During treatment with TNF-а inhibitors, the mean reduction in MRI IC scores during the follow-up was more marked than that in the use of NSAIDs (p = 0.003 for the spinal column and p = 0.013 for SIA). Conclusion. Pain intensity in the examined spinal part was significantly reduced in both the use of both TNF-а inhibitors and NSAIDs. MRI ICs significantly decreased when treated with TNF-а inhibitors rather than NSAIDs. With the greater magnitude of baseline MRI ICs, their drop was more significant during treatment with TNF-α inhibitors

    Dual visible and near-infrared luminescent silica nanoparticles. Synthesis and aggregation stability

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    Novel silica nanoparticles exhibiting near-infrared (NIR) and dual NIR-visible emission were synthesized according to reverse microemulsion procedure through the encapsulation of Yb(III) complex with p- sulfonatothiacalix[4]arene (Yb) and [Ru(dipy)3]Cl2 (Ru) as NIR- and visible-emitting luminophores into silica matrix. The synthesis was carried out at various Yb:Ru molar ratio. The numbers of Ru and Yb complexes per one nanoparticle were calculated from both fluorimetric and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy data. The dynamic light scattering measurements of aqueous dispersions of Yb, Ru, and Ru-Yb nanoparticles elucidate the relationship between the complexes inserted into nanoparticles and their aqueous dispersity. The transmission electron microscopy images were used to measure the size of the nanoparticles. The atomic force microscopy images reveal the different aggregation morphology of Yb- and Ru-doped nanoparticles. © 2010 American Chemical Society

    Surface decoration of silica nanoparticles by Pd(0) deposition for catalytic application in aqueous solutions

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    © 2015 Elsevier B.V.. The work introduces chemical and electrochemical synthetic routes to obtain Pd(0) nanoparticles (PdNPs) deposited onto silica supports in aqueous media. The former route is performed through reduction of Na2[PdCl4] by ascorbic acid in the presence of amino-modified silica nanoparticles (SiO2-NH2). The time-dependent variation of pH and the reductant concentration is the simple synthetic route to get uniform deposition of 215nm sized silica supports by Pd(0) nanoparticles (3-10nm). The methylviologen-mediated electrochemical synthetic route results in small PdNPs (3-9nm) located both onto and beyond the silica supports. Thus, the chemical synthetic route provides more homogeneous Pd(0)-SiO2-NH2 aqueous colloids. The results reveal that attractive interactions of amino/ammonium groups of SiO2-NH2 with both [PdCl4]2- and ascorbate-stabilized Pd(0) seeds are the key reasons for the better Pd(0)-deposition onto silica supports. The chemically deposited Pd(0)-SiO2-NH2 nanoparticles catalyze the chemiluminescence of luminol resulted from the H2O2-facilitated oxidation in alkaline aqueous solutions

    Modified Desolvation Method Enables Simple One-Step Synthesis of Gelatin Nanoparticles from Different Gelatin Types with Any Bloom Values

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    Gelatin nanoparticles found numerous applications in drug delivery, bioimaging, immunotherapy, and vaccine development as well as in biotechnology and food science. Synthesis of gelatin nanoparticles is usually made by a two-step desolvation method, which, despite providing stable and homogeneous nanoparticles, has many limitations, namely complex procedure, low yields, and poor reproducibility of the first desolvation step. Herein, we present a modified one-step desolvation method, which enables the quick, simple, and reproducible synthesis of gelatin nanoparticles. Using the proposed method one can prepare gelatin nanoparticles from any type of gelatin with any bloom number, even with the lowest ones, which remains unattainable for the traditional two-step technique. The method relies on quick one-time addition of poor solvent (preferably isopropyl alcohol) to gelatin solution in the absence of stirring. We applied the modified desolvation method to synthesize nanoparticles from porcine, bovine, and fish gelatin with bloom values from 62 to 225 on the hundreds-of-milligram scale. Synthesized nanoparticles had average diameters between 130 and 190 nm and narrow size distribution. Yields of synthesis were 62–82% and can be further increased. Gelatin nanoparticles have good colloidal stability and withstand autoclaving. Moreover, they were non-toxic to human immune cells. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: The reported study was funded by RFBR and Kaliningrad Oblast according to the research project № 19-415-393005 (preparation of fluorescence gelatin nanoparticles and study of their fluorescent properties), by RFBR research project 19-015-00408 (preparation of gelatin nanoparticles by the desolvation method), and by Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of the Russian State Assignment under contract No. AAAA-А19-119112290010-7 (assessment of nanoparticles cytotoxicity)


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    The role of pregnancy-specific β1-glycoprotein (PSG) in the regulation of molecular genetic factors determining the functional activity of naїve T cells and T cells of immune memory in vitro was studied. Human PSG was isolated with a proprietary immuno-purification method using a biospecific sorbent followed by removing of immunoglobulin contamination with a HiTrapTM Protein G HP column. Physiological concentrations of PSG were used in the experiments. They corresponded to PSG levels in the peripheral blood of pregnant woman: 1, 10 and 100 μg/ml (I, II, III trimester, respectively). The objects of study were monocultures of naїve T cells (CD45RA+) and memory T cells (CD45R0+), obtained by immunomagnetic separation from the peripheral blood of women of reproductive age.It was established that at the level of naїve T cells (CD45RA+) PSG inhibited the expression of CD28 (1, 10, 100 μg/ml) and CD25 (100 μg/ml), without affecting the interleukin-2 (IL-2) production by these cells. At the same time, PSG in all concentrations studied suppressed the expression of CD25 at the immune memory T-cell (CD45R0+) surface but increased the IL-2 production. Expression of U2af1l4, Gfi1, hnRNPLL genes regulating the alternative splicing of the Ptprc gene encoding CD45 was also evaluated. It was found, that PSG reduced the expression of the Gfi1 (1, 10, 100 μg/ml), hnRNPLL (10, 100 μg/ml) genes, but increased the expression of the U2af1l4 gene (1, 10, 100 μg/ml) in the naїve T cells. It was shown that at the immune memory T-cells’ level the effects were similar, with PSG rendering them in all concentrations used. The revealed changes in the mRNA transcription of U2af1l4, Gfi1 and hnRNPLL genes in the studied T cell subsets may lead to the inhibition of CD45 “mature” isoform formation – CD45R0.Thus, PSG reduces the functional activity of naїve T cells and immune memory T cells associated with the expression of costimulation/activation molecules CD25 and CD28 and is involved in the regulation of Ptprc gene alternative splicing, which determines the ratio of CD45 molecule variants. Apparently, using these mechanisms, PSG regulates the functional activity of the memory T cell circulating pool, which is potentially capable of carrying out antigen-specific cytotoxic reactions against fetal antigens in vivo. In general, the data obtained broadens the notion of the PSG role in the regulation of molecular-genetic mechanisms of naїve T cells and immune memory T cells differentiation

    Пренатальная антибиотикотерапия как фактор риска неонатального некротизирующего энтероколита

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether there is an association between antenatal antibi-otic exposure and the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in low birth weight infants.Study design: A retrospective case-control study was conducted on all infants with NEC who were born between 201 0 and 2020. Medical histories of all infants diagnosed with NEC ≥ Bella IIA stage and corresponding controls without NEC were examined. Maternal and newborn char-acteristics were compared using the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel method, and logistic regression models were constructed to account for bias.Results. Clinical data were analyzed for 97 matched pairs. The adjusted odds ratio (OR) for pre-natal ampicillin exposure was significantly higher for infants who developed NEC (OR 2.3, 95% CI 1.1,4.8, P = 0.003) than for children in the control group. Infants who developed NEC were more likely to have a history of intrauterine exposure to ampicillin in the immediate prenatal period than infants who did not develop NEC.Целью данного исследования было определение наличия связи между пренатальным воздействием антибиотиков и заболеваемостью некротизирующим энтероколитом (НЭК) у младенцев с низкой массой тела при рождении.Материалы и методы: проведено ретроспективное исследование «случай-контроль» у 97 младенцев с диагнозом НЭК, родившихся за период с 2010 по 2020 гг. Были проанализированы истории болезни всех младенцев с диагнозом НЭК ≥ Белла IIA стадии и сопоставимой контрольной группы. Характеристики матери и новорожденного сравнивались с использованием метода Кохра-на-Мантеля-Хензеля и модели логистической регрессии с учетом потенциальных факторов влияния.Результаты. Проанализированы клинические данные для 97 подобранных пар мать — ребёнок. Скорректированное отношение шансов (ОШ) для пренатального воздействия ампициллина было значительно больше у младенцев с НЭК (ОШ 2,3, 95% доверительный интервал 1,1, 4,8, P = 0,003), чем для младенцев из группы сравнения. Младенцы, у которых развился НЭК, с большей вероятностью имели в анамнезе внутриутробное воздействие ампициллина, чем младенцы без НЭК

    Внескелетные проявления и показатели воспалительной активности и тяжести при анкилозирующем спондилите

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    Extraskeletal manifestations (ESMs) are commonly observed in ankylosing spondylitis (AS). The available data on the association of ESMs with the inflammatory activity and other clinical parameters of AS are contradictory.Objective: to assess the association of ESMs with the inflammatory activity and other manifestations of AS.Patients and methods. The investigators of the V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology examined a total of 452 patients (363 men and 89 women) diagnosed with AS meeting the New-York  criteria (1984). The patients' median age was 31.5 [24; 41] years;  median disease onset age, 19.5 [15; 23] years; and disease duration, 11.5 [7; 18] years. HLA B27 was identified in 442 (97.7%) patients. In addition to standard laboratory and instrumental  examinations, 172 patients underwent transthoracic echocardiography; Rehberg's test, if indicated; IgA test; histological  examination of subcutaneous fat tissue or duodenal mucosa for  amyloid; renal ultrasound; colonoscopy; and consultations by an ophthalmologist, a dermatologist, a nephrologist, an urologist,  and a gastroenterologist. Uveitis, cardiac involvement (cardiac conduction disturbance, aortic and valvular changes), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), glomerulonephritis, and psoriasis were  considered to be ESMs. The latter were detected in 218 (48%) of the 452 patients; there was uveitis in 140 (30%), cardiac conduction  disturbance in 61 (13.4%), psoriasis in 17 (3.7%), IBD in 16  (3.5%), nephritis in 16 (3.5%), and aortic and valvular changes in 71 (41.2%) of the 172 patients. The groups of patients with ESM (n  = 218) and without ESM (n=234) were compared with regard to the  onset age of AS, the presence of HLA- 27, peripheral arthritis,  coxitis, enthesitis, syndesmophytis, fever, anemia, the need for biological agents (BAs) and/or systemic glucocorticoids (GCs), Bath  Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI), and  erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Results. The ESM and non-ESM groups were matched for gender, age, duration of AS, and the presence of HLA-В27. No significant differences were found in ESR, BASDAI, and the frequency of coxitis, enthesitis, and syndesmophytis in the spine. The ESM group versus non-ESM group was significantly more frequently observed to have peripheral arthritis in 148 (67.8%) of the 218 patients and in 70  (33.2%) of the 234 patients, respectively (p<0.0001); fever in 34  (15.6%) and 12 (5.1%), respectively (p<0.0001), anemia in 58  (26.6%) and 26 (11.1%), respectively (p<0.0001); GAs and/or  systemic GCs were taken by 121 (55.5%) and 58 (24.8%) patients, respectively (p<0.0001). Conclusion. ESMs in patients with AS are associated with peripheral arthritis and inflammatory activity indicators.Внескелетные проявления (ВП) часто наблюдаются при анкилозирующем спондилите (АС). Имеющиеся данные о связи ВП с воспалительной активностью и другими клиническими параметрами АС противоречивы.Цель исследования – оценить ассоциацию ВП с воспалительной активностью и другими проявлениями АС.Пациенты и методы. В Научно-исследовательском институте ревматологии им. В.А. Насоновой обследовано 452 пациента (363 мужчины и 89 женщин) с диагнозом АС,  соответствующим Нью-Йоркским критериям (1984). Медиана возраста больных составила  31,5 [24; 41] года, возраста начала болезни – 19,5 [15; 23] года и ее продолжительности –  11,5 [7; 18] года. У 442 (97,7%) пациентов выявлен HLA-В27. Помимо стандартного  клинического, лабораторного и инструментального обследования, 172 больным выполняли трансторакальную эхокардиографию, по показаниям пробу Реберга, исследование IgA, гистологическое исследование подкожной клетчатки или слизистой оболочки  двенадцатиперстной кишки на амилоид, УЗИ почек, колоноскопию, проводили консультации офтальмолога, дерматолога, нефролога, уролога, гастроэнтеролога. В качестве ВП  рассматривали увеит, поражение сердца (нарушение проводимости, изменения аорты и  клапанов), воспалительные заболевания кишечника (ВЗК), гломерулонефрит, псориаз. У  218 (48%) из 452 пациентов выявлены ВП: у 140 (30%) – увеит, у 61 (13,4%) – нарушение  сердечной проводимости, у 17 (3,7%) – псориаз, у 16 (3,5%) – ВЗК, у 16 (3,5%) – нефрит, у 71 (41,2%) из 172 – изменения аорты и клапанов сердца. Проводили сопоставление групп больных с ВП (n=218) и без ВП (n=234) по возрасту начала АС, наличию HLA-В27, артрита периферических суставов, коксита, энтезита, синдесмофитов, лихорадки, анемии,  потребности в назначении генно-инженерных биологических препаратов (ГИБП) и/или  системных глюкокортикоидов (ГК), величине индекса BASDAI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index) и СОЭ.Результаты. Группы с ВП и без ВП были сопоставимы по полу, возрасту, длительности АС, наличию HLA-В27. Достоверных различий по величине СОЭ, BASDAI, частоте коксита,  энтезитов, синдесмофитов в позвоночнике не выявлено. В группе с ВП достоверно чаще в  сравнении с группой без ВП наблюдались периферический артрит – у 148 (67,8%) из 218 и  у 70 (33,2%) из 234 пациентов соответственно (р<0,0001); лихорадка – у 34 (15,6%) из 218 и у 12 (5,1%) из 234 больных соответственно (р<0,0001), анемия – у 58 (26,6%) из 218 и у  26 (11,1%) из 234 пациентов соответственно (р<0,0001); использование ГИБП и/или  системных ГК – у 121(55,5%) из 218 и у 58 (24,8%) из 234 больных соответственно (р<0,0001).Выводы. ВП у больных АС ассоциированы с периферическим артритом и показателями воспалительной активности


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    By the end of the first decade of the 21st century, spondyloarthritis studies have accumulated a certain number of terms that are obsolete, but used by physicians in their everyday speech, on the one hand, and a great variety of different definitions, on the other hand. In January 2014, the first organizational meeting of the Expert Group on Spondyloarthritis, Association of Rheumatologists of Russia, decided that its primary task should be to order the terminology used in this area. The authors primarily collected the terms, which had been already used in medical vocabulary, and then divided them into two categories: obsolete definitions and terms to be finalized and unified. This publication gives guidelines for using the medical terms relevant to spondyloarthritis and separately discusses how to correctly write the term sacroiliitis