305 research outputs found

    On the efficiency of quantum lithography

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    Quantum lithography promises, in principle, unlimited feature resolution, independent of wavelength. However, in the literature at least two different theoretical descriptions of quantum lithography exist. They differ in to which extent they predict that the photons retain spatial correlation from generation to the absorption, and while both predict the same feature size, they differ vastly in predicting how efficiently a quantum lithographic pattern can be exposed. Until recently, essentially all experiments reported have been performed in such a way that it is difficult to distinguish between the two theoretical explanations. However, last year an experiment was performed which gives different outcomes for the two theories. We comment on the experiment and show that the model that fits the data unfortunately indicates that the trade-off between resolution and efficiency in quantum lithography is very unfavourable.Comment: 19 pages, extended version including a thorough mathematical derivatio

    A measurable entanglement criterion for two qubits

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    We propose a directly measurable criterion for the entanglement of two qubits. We compare the criterion with other criteria, and we find that for pure states, and some mixed states, it coincides with the state's concurrency. The measure can be obtained with a Bell state analyser and the ability to make general local unitary transformations. However, the procedure fails to measure the entanglement of a general mixed two-qubit state.Comment: 5 page

    Superconductor-ferromagnet junction phase qubit

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    We propose a scheme for a phase qubit in an SIFIS junction, consisting of bulk superconductors (S), a proximity-induced ferromagnet (F), and insulating barriers (I). The qubit state is constituted by 0 and π\pi phase states of the junction, in which the charging energy of the junction leads to the superposition of the two states. The qubit is operated by the gate voltage applied to the ferromagnet, and insensitive to the decoherence sources existing in other superconducting qubits. We discuss a scalable scheme for qubit measurement and tunable two-qubit coupling.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Graphite and Hexagonal Boron-Nitride Possess the Same Interlayer Distance. Why?

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    Graphite and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) are two prominent members of the family of layered materials possessing a hexagonal lattice. While graphite has non-polar homo-nuclear C-C intra-layer bonds, h-BN presents highly polar B-N bonds resulting in different optimal stacking modes of the two materials in bulk form. Furthermore, the static polarizabilities of the constituent atoms considerably differ from each other suggesting large differences in the dispersive component of the interlayer bonding. Despite these major differences both materials present practically identical interlayer distances. To understand this finding, a comparative study of the nature of the interlayer bonding in both materials is presented. A full lattice sum of the interactions between the partially charged atomic centers in h-BN results in vanishingly small monopolar electrostatic contributions to the interlayer binding energy. Higher order electrostatic multipoles, exchange, and short-range correlation contributions are found to be very similar in both materials and to almost completely cancel out by the Pauli repulsions at physically relevant interlayer distances resulting in a marginal effective contribution to the interlayer binding. Further analysis of the dispersive energy term reveals that despite the large differences in the individual atomic polarizabilities the hetero-atomic B-N C6 coefficient is very similar to the homo-atomic C-C coefficient in the hexagonal bulk form resulting in very similar dispersive contribution to the interlayer binding. The overall binding energy curves of both materials are thus very similar predicting practically the same interlayer distance and very similar binding energies.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Observation of geometric phases in quantum erasers

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    We introduce a simple experiment involving a double-slit interferometer by which one can learn basic concepts of quantum interference such as which-path marking, quantum erasers, and geometric phases. Each of them exhibits seemingly mysterious phenomena in quantum physics. In our experiment, we use the double-slit interference of visible light with the polarization as an internal state to demonstrate the disappearance of fringes by which-path marking, recovery of interference using quantum erasers, and the rapid shifting of the fringe pattern induced by the geometric phase. We also present a simple theoretical analysis of an interferometer with an internal state.Comment: 7 pages, 14 figure

    Low oxygen affects photophysiology and the level of expression of two-carbon metabolism genes in the seagrass <i>Zostera muelleri</i>

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    © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. Seagrasses are a diverse group of angiosperms that evolved to live in shallow coastal waters, an environment regularly subjected to changes in oxygen, carbon dioxide and irradiance. Zostera muelleri is the dominant species in south-eastern Australia, and is critical for healthy coastal ecosystems. Despite its ecological importance, little is known about the pathways of carbon fixation in Z. muelleri and their regulation in response to environmental changes. In this study, the response of Z. muelleri exposed to control and very low oxygen conditions was investigated by using (i) oxygen microsensors combined with a custom-made flow chamber to measure changes in photosynthesis and respiration, and (ii) reverse transcription quantitative real-time PCR to measure changes in expression levels of key genes involved in C4 metabolism. We found that very low levels of oxygen (i) altered the photophysiology of Z. muelleri, a characteristic of C3 mechanism of carbon assimilation, and (ii) decreased the expression levels of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and carbonic anhydrase. These molecular-physiological results suggest that regulation of the photophysiology of Z. muelleri might involve a close integration between the C3 and C4, or other CO2 concentrating mechanisms metabolic pathways. Overall, this study highlights that the photophysiological response of Z. muelleri to changing oxygen in water is capable of rapid acclimation and the dynamic modulation of pathways should be considered when assessing seagrass primary production

    Catalyst composition and impurity-dependent kinetics of nanowire heteroepitaxy.

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    The mechanisms and kinetics of axial Ge-Si nanowire heteroepitaxial growth based on the tailoring of the Au catalyst composition via Ga alloying are studied by environmental transmission electron microscopy combined with systematic ex situ CVD calibrations. The morphology of the Ge-Si heterojunction, in particular, the extent of a local, asymmetric increase in nanowire diameter, is found to depend on the Ga composition of the catalyst, on the TMGa precursor exposure temperature, and on the presence of dopants. To rationalize the findings, a general nucleation-based model for nanowire heteroepitaxy is established which is anticipated to be relevant to a wide range of material systems and device-enabling heterostructures.S.H. acknowledges funding from ERC grant InsituNANO (No. 279342). A.D.G. acknowledges funding from the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission and the National Science Foundation. C.D. acknowledges funding from the Royal Society. A portion of the research was also performed using EMSL, a national scientific user facility sponsored by the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Biological and Environmental Research and located at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). PNNL is operated by Battelle for the U.S. DOE under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830. We gratefully acknowledge the use of facilities within the LeRoy Eyring Center for Solid State Science at Arizona State University. This work was performed in part at CINT, a U.S. DOE, Office of Science User Facility. The research was funded in part by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program at LANL, an affirmative action equal opportunity employer operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC, for the National Nuclear Security Administration of the U.S. DOE under Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396.This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in ACS Nano, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nn402208p. Gamalski AD, Perea DE, Yoo J, Li N, Olszta MJ, Colby R, Schreiber DK, Ducati C, Picraux ST, Hofmann S, ACS Nano 2013, 7 (9), 7689–7697, doi:10.1021/nn402208

    Seagrass and submerged aquatic vegetation (VAS) habitats off the Coast of Brazil: state of knowledge, conservation and main threats

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    Seagrass meadows are among the most threatened ecosystems on earth, raising concerns about the equilibrium of coastal ecosystems and the sustainability of local fisheries. The present review evaluated the current status of the research on seagrasses and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) habitats off the coast of Brazil in terms of plant responses to environmental conditions, changes in distribution and abundance, and the possible role of climate change and variability. Despite an increase in the number of studies, the communication of the results is still relatively limited and is mainly addressed to a national or regional public; thus, South American seagrasses are rarely included or cited in global reviews and models. The scarcity of large-scale and long-term studies allowing the detection of changes in the structure, abundance and composition of seagrass habitats and associated species still hinders the investigation of such communities with respect to the potential effects of climate change. Seagrass meadows and SAV occur all along the Brazilian coast, with species distribution and abundance being strongly influenced by regional oceanography, coastal water masses, river runoff and coastal geomorphology. Based on these geomorphological, hydrological and ecological features, we characterised the distribution of seagrass habitats and abundances within the major coastal compartments. The current conservation status of Brazilian seagrasses and SAV is critical. The unsustainable exploitation and occupation of coastal areas and the multifold anthropogenic footprints left during the last 100 years led to the loss and degradation of shoreline habitats potentially suitable for seagrass occupation. Knowledge of the prevailing patterns and processes governing seagrass structure and functioning along the Brazilian coast is necessary for the global discussion on climate change. Our review is a first and much-needed step toward a more integrated and inclusive approach to understanding the diversity of coastal plant formations along the Southwestern Atlantic coast as well as a regional alert the projected or predicted effects of global changes on the goods and services provided by regional seagrasses and SAV

    CVD-Enabled Graphene Manufacture and Technology.

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    Integrated manufacturing is arguably the most challenging task in the development of technology based on graphene and other 2D materials, particularly with regard to the industrial demand for “electronic-grade” large-area films. In order to control the structure and properties of these materials at the monolayer level, their nucleation, growth and interfacing needs to be understood to a level of unprecedented detail compared to existing thin film or bulk materials. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) has emerged as the most versatile and promising technique to develop graphene and 2D material films into industrial device materials and this Perspective outlines recent progress, trends, and emerging CVD processing pathways. A key focus is the emerging understanding of the underlying growth mechanisms, in particular on the role of the required catalytic growth substrate, which brings together the latest progress in the fields of heterogeneous catalysis and classic crystal/thin-film growth.Funding from the ERC (Grant No. 279342, InSituNANO) and EPSRC (Grant No. EP/K016636/1, GRAPHTED) is acknowledged. R.S.W. acknowledges a research fellowship from St. John’s College, Cambridge.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from ACS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b0105