727 research outputs found

    Solar and wastewater effects on zooplankton communities of the Imandra Lake (Kola Peninsula, Russia), 1990 to 2003

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    Both heliophysical and anthropogenic (wastewater) effects on zooplankton biomass and abundance of the Imandra Lake (the largest subarctic lake at Kola Peninsula, Russia) were investigated during the 1990 - 2003 period. We used different indexes of solar activity (sunspot numbers and UV- radiation values) as heliophysical factors. Information about UV- radiation values was derived from satellite data. As a parameter of anthropogenic pollution we used the information about wastewaters input in Imandra Lake by copper-nickel (Severonikel plant) enterprise and apatite-nepheline industry (AO Apatit). Besides we used the direct measurements of concentrations of the most important pollutants (Al, Ni, Cu) and biogenic components (N and P) in the Imandra Lake. It was shown that the correlation between heliophysical factors and zooplankton biomass and abundance was high and significant (r= 0.7- 0.8), and it was not significant between waste waters input volume and zooplankton productivity. According to the results obtained the main factor influencing zooplankton bioproductivity is solar UV-B radiation due to its damage effects. In addition for middle latitude Krasnoye Lake (Karelia, Russia; 1964 to 1984) and Lake Michigan (USA, 1984 to 1990) data we found nearly the same effect- anticorrelation between UV radiation level and zooplankton bioproductivity, but unfortunately the significance level was not sufficient. However, the effect at middle latitudes was some lower than at high-latitude Imandra Lake. Such discrepancy seemed to be associated with different day duration at high and middle latitudes. Our results seem to prove that solar forcing (mainly UV-B radiation) is significant factor governing zooplankton bioproductivity in subarctic lakes even in such polluted one like Imandra Lake

    Institutionalization of Counter-Terrorism Cooperation in the Eurasian Area: Current Issues and Prospects

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    The objective is to define the main parameters and current state of the institutionalization of international anti-terrorist activities in the Eurasian area. At the same time, the authors focus is on the institutional and legal aspects of institutionalizing the fight against terrorism in formats of CIS, CSTO, SCO. Also, the article defines and characterizes the problematic field of the stable system formation for interaction between different anti-terrorist structures in the Eurasian space in the context of existing institutionalization models of anti-terrorist cooperation (UN, NATO, EU, etc.). Authors justified the assumptions about the institutionalization and possible prospects of the Eurasian anti-terrorist initiative and the role of Russia in its implementation

    Migration Crisis as a Growing Threat to European Security (2015–2023)

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    The purpose of the article is to reflect the features of the ongoing migration crisis in Europe, its impact on the legal and institutional foundations of the European Union, the relations of the EU countries, the prospects for European unity. It is obvious that the causes of the migration crisis have changed little in recent years.   Despite a certain stabilization of the situation in the Middle East, especially, in Syria, many millions of Arabs, Afghans, Africans still intend to move to what they consider to be a prosperous Europe. Millions of Ukrainian citizens have recently been added to them. At the same time, in the context of the ongoing crisis of the neoliberal model of globalization in the context of the rivalry of the great Powers, the migration challenge has acquired unprecedented acuteness and significance of an existential threat to European security. In 2022, European countries and supranational institutions of the EU signed their inability to adequately respond to the new aggravation of the migration crisis, which seems to have acquired a permanent, stable, and extremely destructive character. All attempts to curb illegal migration flows have proved futile and have created new problems, including in the relations of the EU member States. This is especially convincingly evidenced by the experience of Italy, which enjoys increased attention from migrants and refugees. Largely due to the aggravation of the problem under consideration in September 2022, the center-right coalition won the parliamentary elections in this country. The new government headed by Giorgia Meloni, faced with the migration crisis, is in search of optimal mechanisms for its settlement. Relying less and less on supranational institutions, it seeks to pursue a nationally oriented policy, without regard to Brussels. In the humanitarian activities of the institutions of the “global society” in the person of the NGOs, the Italian authorities note exclusively malicious, selfish, even criminal motives and defiantly refuse to cooperate with them. All this confirms the failure of the EU migration policy and testifies to the intensification of the erosion of European solidarity in the sensitive security sphere for the EU. On this basis, there is a clash of many interests, both “European solidarity” and the ability of the EU supranational structures to fend off new challenges to European security without violating the agreements reached on fundamental human rights are being tested

    South Tyrol Issue as a Factor of Interstate Relations between Italy and Austria

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    The research highlights the ethnopolitical conflict within the European Union (using the example of the South Tyrol autonomy). The article states the reasons for the formation of separatist sentiments on the territory of this region, considers in detail the foreign policy activities of the Republic of Austria and the relationship between Austria and Italy. This paper discusses the historical background and the current state of the ethnopolitical conflict in the South Tyrol region. The purpose of the study is to disclose the nature and manifestations of the conflict, policy statements, documents, reasons and actions of Austrian and Italian officials, aimed at escalating as well as settlement of the conflict. Taking into consideration the objectives and preferences of the local population, the authors question the possibility of further autonomization of the Italian province and its political self-determination. However, they do not exclude the future aggravation of the conflict and exacerbation of the Austria-Italy relations in the context of the European Union transformation

    Бронхолитическая терапия при хронической обструктивной болезни легких: что следует учитывать в клинической практике при выборе режима дозирования?

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    The use of long-acting bronchodilators is central to the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) therapy. One of the goals of bronchodilation is to reduce the morning COPD symptoms that are associated with a more severe disease and an increased risk of exacerbations.The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of switching COPD patients with severe morning symptoms who received combinations of long-acting bronchodilators QD to a fixed-dose combination of aclidinium bromide (AB) and formoterol fumarate (FF) BID.Methods. We examined COPD patients treated with combinations of long-acting β2-agonists and M-anticholinergics (but not AB and FF), who continued to complain of severe symptoms in the morning despite the treatment. After examination, the patients were switched to the fixed-dose combination of AB 0.4 mg and FF 0.012 mg (AB/FF) BID in the form of a metered-dose powder inhaler. The patients were examined at baseline and at 6-month follow-up.Results. Of the 115 included COPD patients, 90 completed the study. After 6 months of treatment, they showed a significant decrease in the intensity of cough, sputum amount, severity of distant wheezing, and shortness of breath in the morning (–0.88, –0.38, –0.29, –0.58 on a 4-point scale, the mean score –0.44; p < 0.001). The result of the COPD Assessment test decreased from 28 (24; 34) to 24 (20; 28) (p = 0.011), the distance of a 6-minute walk increased from 319 ± 72 to 354 ± 67 m (p < 0.001). The fixed-dose combination of AB/FF did not cause serious adverse events.Conclusion. The fixed-dose AB/FF combination in COPD patients resulted in a significant clinical improvement and was well tolerated. The AB/FF combination with twice daily dosing regimen is advisable for the patients with morning symptoms persisting despite therapy with other combinations of long-acting bronchodilators with once daily dosing regimen.Применение бронхолитических препаратов длительного действия (ДД) составляет основу лечения хронической обструктивной болезни легких (ХОБЛ). Одной из задач бронхолитической терапии является уменьшение интенсивности утренних симптомов ХОБЛ, которые ассоциируются с более тяжелым течением заболевания и повышенным риском обострений.Целью исследования явилась оценка клинической эффективности переключения больных ХОБЛ с выраженными утренними симптомами, получающих комбинации бронхолитических препаратов ДД с однократным режимом дозирования, на фиксированную двойную комбинацию М-холинолитического препарата аклидиния бромида (АБ) и β2-агониста адренорецепторов (БААР) формотерола фумарата (ФФ) c двукратным режимом дозирования.Материалы и методы. Обследованы пациенты с ХОБЛ (n = 115), получавшие комбинации ДД БААР и М-холинолитических препаратов (но не АБ и ФФ), у которых, несмотря на лечение, сохранялись жалобы на выраженные симптомы при пробуждении в утреннее время (кашель, отделение мокроты, дистантные хрипы, одышка). После обследования пациентам назначалась терапия фиксированной комбинацией АБ (0,4 мг) и ФФ (0,012 мг) в виде дозированного порошкового ингалятора по 1 дозе 2 раза в сутки. Результаты оценивались при повторном обследовании через 6 мес. лечения.Результаты. Завершили лечение 90 пациентов с ХОБЛ. На фоне лечения у больных отмечено существенное уменьшение интенсивности кашля, количества мокроты, выраженности дистантных хрипов и одышки в утреннее время после пробуждения (–0,88, –0,38, –0,29, –0,58 балла по 4-балльной шкале соответственно; уменьшение на 0,44 балла в среднем; р < 0,001). Результат теста по оценке ХОБЛ уменьшился с 28 (24; 34) до 24 (20; 28) баллов (р = 0,011); дистанция при выполнении 6-минутного шагового теста возросла с 319 ± 72 до 354 ± 67 м (p < 0,001). При применении фиксированной комбинации АБ и ФФ серьезных нежелательных явлений не отмечено.Заключение. Назначение фиксированной двойной комбинации АБ и ФФ больным ХОБЛ сопровож далось значительным клиническим улучшением и хорошо переносилось. Выбор комбинации АБ и ФФ с двукратным режимом дозирования в течение 1 суток в особенности целесообразен для пациентов с утренними симптомами заболевания, сохраняющимися, несмотря на терапию иными комбинациями ДД бронхолитических препаратов с однократным режимом дозирования

    Возможности коррекции капиллярного кровообращения в легких у пациентов с хронической обструктивной болезнью легких с сочетанной патологией

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    This study was aimed at investigating pathogenesis of pulmonary vascular abnormalities in COPD with systemic features, and ways to treat these circulatory disorders. Methods. We analyzed pulmonary vascular parameters, molecular markers of endothelial dysfunction, pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) and gas exchange in patients with moderate (n = 64) and severe (n = 70) COPD treated with basic therapy with or without an endothelial protector. Results. The results showed that perfusion disorders could appear in different parts of the lungs, probably, due to different mechanisms of these abnormalities. Localization of perfusion disorders was related to blood levels of molecular markers of endothelial dysfunction: adhesion molecules sP-selectin and sVCAM-1 were related to perfusion abnormalities in the upper lobes, VEGF-A was related to perfusion abnormalities in the lower lobes, and diffuse perfusion abnormalities were related to endothelin-1. Additional treatment with sulodexide improved endothelial function and pulmonary circulation, decreased PAP and blood concentrations of molecular markers of endothelial dysfunction. Conclusion. Predominant localization of microcirculatory abnormalities in COPD patients, especially in the lower lobes, is related to ventilation abnormalities, could predict clinical course of the disease and indicates the need in endotheliotropic therapy.У большинства пациентов с хронической обструктивной болезнью легких (ХОБЛ) в возрастной категории 50 лет и старше отмечаются системные проявления заболевания – атеросклероз с формированием ишемической болезни сердца, системная артериальная гипертензия и дисциркуляторная энцефалопатия; достоверно чаще, чем в среднем в популяции, развивается тромбоэмболия легочной артерии, или thrombosis in situ. В настоящее время медикаментозное лечение ХОБЛ направлено на уменьшение бронхиальной обструкции и воспалительных изменений в бронхах и паренхиме легких. Однако современные стандартные схемы лечения не оказывают непосредственного влияния на сосудистые нарушения, играющие важную роль не только в патогенезе ХОБЛ, но и при развитии коморбидной патологии, усугубляющей течение заболевания и ухудшающей прогноз. Целью исследования явилось определение особенностей формирования сосудистых нарушений в легких и возможности коррекции легочной микроциркуляции у больных ХОБЛ с системными проявлениями. Материалы и методы. Проведен комплексный анализ изменений кровообращения в респираторной зоне, молекулярных маркеров эндотелиальной дисфункции (ЭД), давления в легочной артерии и функции газообмена легких у больных ХОБЛ среднетяжелой (n = 64) и тяжелой (n = 70) степени на фоне лечения препаратами базисной терапии и в сочетании с эндотелиопротектором. Результаты. Получены данные, свидетельствующие о том, что нарушения перфузии возникают в различных отделах легких, что, вероятно, связано с различным механизмом развития перфузионных нарушений, т. к. коррелирует с уровнем различных маркеров в крови: при верхнедолевом типе нарушений – с уровнями молекул адгезии sР-селектина и sVCAM-1, способствующих трансмиграции лейкоцитов в очаг воспаления; при нижнедолевом типе – с уровнем сосудисто-эндотелиального фактора роста А (VEGF-A), а при диффузном – с уровнем эндотелина-1. Показано, что применение препарата Вессел Дуэ Ф (сулодексид) оказывает влияние на функцию эндотелия, способствует восстановлению кровообращения в легких, снижению давления в легочной артерии и уменьшению показателей белков-маркеров ЭД. Заключение. Преимущественная локализация нарушений микроциркуляции коррелирует с выраженностью нарушений вентиляционной функции легких, определяет прогноз заболевания и указывает на необходимость применения препаратов с эндотелиотропным действием у больных ХОБЛ, особенно при нижнедолевом типе нарушений микроциркуляции.Ключевые слова: микроциркуляция, эндотелиальная дисфункция, хроническа

    Study of Spin and Decay-Plane Correlations of W Bosons in the e+e- -> W+W- Process at LEP

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    Data collected at LEP at centre-of-mass energies \sqrt(s) = 189 - 209 GeV are used to study correlations of the spin of W bosons using e+e- -> W+W- -> lnqq~ events. Spin correlations are favoured by data, and found to agree with the Standard Model predictions. In addition, correlations between the W-boson decay planes are studied in e+e- -> W+W- -> lnqq~ and e+e- -> W+W- -> qq~qq~ events. Decay-plane correlations, consistent with zero and with the Standard Model predictions, are measured

    Ultrarelativistic sources in nonlinear electrodynamics

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    The fields of rapidly moving sources are studied within nonlinear electrodynamics by boosting the fields of sources at rest. As a consequence of the ultrarelativistic limit the delta-like electromagnetic shock waves are found. The character of the field within the shock depends on the theory of nonlinear electrodynamics considered. In particular, we obtain the field of an ultrarelativistic charge in the Born-Infeld theory.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Study of Inclusive Strange-Baryon Production and Search for Pentaquarks in Two-Photon Collisions at LEP

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    Measurements of inclusive production of the Lambda, Xi- and Xi*(1530) baryons in two-photon collisions with the L3 detector at LEP are presented. The inclusive differential cross sections for Lambda and Xi- are measured as a function of the baryon transverse momentum, pt, and pseudo-rapidity, eta. The mean number of Lambda, Xi- and Xi*(1530) baryons per hadronic two-photon event is determined in the kinematic range 0.4 GeV < pt< 2.5 GeV, |eta| < 1.2. Overall agreement with the theoretical models and Monte Carlo predictions is observed. A search for inclusive production of the pentaquark theta+(1540) in two-photon collisions through the decay theta+ -> proton K0s is also presented. No evidence for production of this state is found

    Measurement of the Cross Section for Open-Beauty Production in Photon-Photon Collisions at LEP

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    The cross section for open-beauty production in photon-photon collisions is measured using the whole high-energy and high-luminosity data sample collected by the L3 detector at LEP. This corresponds to 627/pb of integrated luminosity for electron-positron centre-of-mass energies from 189GeV to 209GeV. Events containing b quarks are identified through their semi-leptonic decay into electrons or muons. The e+e- -> e+e-b b~X cross section is measured within our fiducial volume and then extrapolated to the full phase space. These results are found to be in significant excess with respect to Monte Carlo predictions and next-to-leading order QCD calculations