11 research outputs found

    Hypoxia Sensitive Metal β-Ketoiminate Complexes Showing Induced Single Strand DNA Breaks and Cancer Cell Death by Apoptosis

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    A series of ruthenium and iridium complexes have been synthesised and characterised with 20 novel crystal structures discussed. The library of β-ketoiminate complexes has been shown to be active against MCF-7 (human breast carcino-ma), HT-29 (human colon carcinoma), A2780 (human ovarian carcinoma) and A2780cis (cisplatin resistant human ovarian carcinoma) cell lines, with selected complexes being more than three times as active as cisplatin against the A2780cis cell line. Complexes have also been shown to be highly active under hypoxic conditions, with the activities of some complexes increasing with a decrease in O2 concentration. The enzyme thioredoxin reductase is over-expressed in cancer cells and complexes reported herein have the advantage of inhibiting this enzyme, with IC50 values measured in the nanomolar range. The anti-cancer activity of these complexes was further investigated to determine whether activity is due to effects on cellular growth or cell survival. The complexes were found to induce significant cancer cell death by apoptosis with levels induced correlating closely with activity in chemosensitivity studies. As a possible cause of cell death, the ability of the complexes to induce damage to cellular DNA was also assessed. The complexes failed to induce double strand DNA break or DNA crosslinking but induced significant levels of single DNA strand breaks indi-cating a different mechanism of action to cisplatin

    Synthesis of a platinum(II) complex of chloroanilic acid

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