16 research outputs found
Bestimmung der effektivsten werbeträger für butter der ÖAG "Butterwerk Zhytomyr "
Das Wettbewerbsumfeld zwingt die Butterhersteller dazu, nach Wegen zu suchen, um ihre Position auf dem Buttermarkt zu verbessern. Dieses Problem entstand auch vor der ÖAG "Butterwerk Zhytomyr"
Introduction. It is known that patients with ischemic heart diseases have endothelial dysfunction, but there is lack of research about microcirculation in these patients with diffuse liver diseases, especially diagnosed with digital capillaroscopy. Aim. To investigate hemodynamic disorders and microcirculation in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease depending on the presence of diffuse liver diseases and its severity with the digital capillaroscopy. Materials and methods. Our prospective study included 187 patients according to the criteria of inclusion. The data of echocardiography and digital capillaroscopy were analysed. Results. In our research in patients with ejection fraction less than 40% there was revealed thickening of the wall of the left ventricle, low blood supply in arterial and venous parts of capillaries. Patients with ejection fraction less than 40% and progressive diffuse liver diseases had advanced thickening of the wall of the left ventricle. Patients with liver cirrhosis had more adverse changes in hemodynamics. Patients with ischemic heart disease and diffuse liver disease had the worst capillary blood supply. Patients with ejection fraction less than 40% and diffuse liver diseases had structural changes of capillaries such as bi-, trifurcation and bushy forms. Conclusions. So, diffuse liver diseases, especially severe, cause endothelial dysfunction in patients with ischemic heart diseases. Digital capillaroscopy is a noninvasive method for microcirculation diagnosis and patients’ monitoring.Introduction. It is known that patients with ischemic heart diseases have endothelial dysfunction, but there is lack of research about microcirculation in these patients with diffuse liver diseases, especially diagnosed with digital capillaroscopy. Aim. To investigate hemodynamic disorders and microcirculation in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease depending on the presence of diffuse liver diseases and its severity with the digital capillaroscopy. Materials and methods. Our prospective study included 187 patients according to the criteria of inclusion. The data of echocardiography and digital capillaroscopy were analysed. Results. In our research in patients with ejection fraction less than 40% there was revealed thickening of the wall of the left ventricle, low blood supply in arterial and venous parts of capillaries. Patients with ejection fraction less than 40% and progressive diffuse liver diseases had advanced thickening of the wall of the left ventricle. Patients with liver cirrhosis had more adverse changes in hemodynamics. Patients with ischemic heart disease and diffuse liver disease had the worst capillary blood supply. Patients with ejection fraction less than 40% and diffuse liver diseases had structural changes of capillaries such as bi-, trifurcation and bushy forms. Conclusions. So, diffuse liver diseases, especially severe, cause endothelial dysfunction in patients with ischemic heart diseases. Digital capillaroscopy is a noninvasive method for microcirculation diagnosis and patients’ monitoring
Correlation of intracardiac hemodynamics indicators with von Willebrand factor – Marker of endothelial dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease combined with coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
The research relevance is predefined by the need to establish the relationship and identify new markers and potential contributions to clinical practice and scientific progress. This opens up new opportunities for further development in the field of cardiology and infectious diseases, which is of great importance for improving diagnosis and treatment. The research aims to establish the relationship between indicators and the role of endothelial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of various conditions. The clinical observation method was used, and data such as symptoms, medical history, and laboratory and instrumental studies were collected. The conclusions of the study are based on the analysis of the collected data and indicate the existence of a relationship between the indicators. The study revealed an increased activity of von Willebrand factor in the majority of patients. When comparing groups of patients depending on the presence of concomitant coronavirus disease, it was found that the highest level of von Willebrand factor was observed in patients with coronary heart disease in combination with coronavirus disease, a lower level in patients with coronavirus disease alone, and the lowest level in patients with chronic coronary heart disease. This indicates a correlation between the level of von Willebrand factor and the presence of concomitant coronavirus disease, which emphasises the importance of vascular endothelial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of coronary heart disease. It was found that the value of the von Willebrand factor correlates with the left ventricular end-diastolic size in both patients with coronary heart disease and patients with coronary heart disease in combination with coronavirus disease. This demonstrates that there is a strong association between von Willebrand factor and the clinical manifestation of coronary heart disease in combination with coronavirus disease, which may indicate a dysfunction of the vascular endothelium in these patients
Dependence of variability in winter wheat productivity subject to air temperature and precipitation total
Наведено результати дослідження впливу середньомісячних температур і місячних сум опадів на врожайність озимої пшениці в Луганській області за 60 років. Встановлено, що температура повітря та опади мають вирішальне значення у динаміці врожайності озимої пшениці.Наведено результати дослідження впливу середньомісячних температур і місячних сум опадів на врожайність озимої пшениці в Луганській області за 60 років. Встановлено, що температура повітря та опади мають вирішальне значення у динаміці врожайності озимої пшениці.Data of influence of the average monthly temperatures and monthly precipitation total on productivity of winter wheat in the Lugansk region for 60 years are presented. The atmospheric temperature and precipitation have decisive importance in dynamics of the winter wheat’s crop-producing power.
Лікування собак за ентеропатії із PLE
One of the most common and poorly understood diseases in dogs and cats is enteropathy with PLE. The disease occurs, according to studies, in dogs of 2-6 years old breeds: Yorkshire terrier, German shepherd, and Golden Retriever. The disease in most cases is manifested by anorexia, polydipsia, diarrhea, fever up to 39.7 °C, tachycardia (145–170 bpm), and abdominal pain. In sick dogs, leucocytosis (21.0 ± 0.50 g/l), thrombocytosis (480.0 ± 10.13 g/l), oligocythaemia (4.8 ± 0.12 T/l), oligochromemia (109.0 ± 5.06 g/l), decrease in haematocrit value (29.0 ± 1.21 % in healthy people 42.3 ± 0.65 %). In a biochemical study of blood in dogs with enteropathy with PLE, hypoproteinaemia (38.2 ± 0.65 g/l), hypoalbuminemia (9.6 ± 0.61 g/l); hyperazotemia (8.6 ± 0.37 mmol/l), hypercholesterolemia (8.0 ± 0.23 mmol/l), hyperenzymemia of LF (ALP) and ALT (alanine aminotransferase), hyponatremia, hypokalaemia, hypochloraemia, decreased blood pH values (7.26 ± 0.013), HCO3- (15.3 ± 0.71 mmol/L) and AG (2.85 ± 0.084 mmol/L, in healthy people 14.3 ± 1.17 mmol/L). The diagnosis of enteropathy with PLE was confirmed by studies in feces of α1-antitrypsin, which in sick dogs with PLE was more than 22 mg/dL (in clinically healthy dogs up to 18 mg/dL). A treatment regimen with trometamol, Xylat, Disparkol, Voluven, Reopoliglukin, Maropitant, prednisolone, α-lysine escinat, albumin, Presorb and feed additives Vivonex Ten Elemental and Royal Canin Recoveri promotes the recovery of dogs, prevents their death. Under the action of drugs, erythro- and leuсocytopoiesis, protein-synthesizing (the content of total protein and albumin increased by 34.3 and 246.9 %, respectively) and urea-forming functions of hepatocytes improves. We have developed and tested a treatment scheme that restores the acid-base balance of the body, as indicated by the physiological values of blood pH, bicarbonates, anion gap (AG), Na+, K+, Cl- and Mg+.Одним із поширених і маловивчених захворювань у собак і котів є ентеропатія із PLE. Зустрічається захворювання, згідно досліджень у собак 2–6-річного віку порід: йоркширський тер’єр, німецька вівчарка, голденретривер. Захворювання у більшості випадків проявляється анорексією, полідипсією, діареєю, підвищенням температури тіла до 39,7 оС, тахікардією (145–170 уд./хв), абдомінальним болем. У хворих собак лейкоцитоз (21,0 ± 0,50 Г/л), тромбоцитоз (480,0 ± 10,13 Г/л), олігоцитемія (4,8 ± 0,12 Т/л), олігохромемія (109,0 ± 5,06 г/л), зменшення гематокритної величини (29,0 ± 1,21 % у здорових 42,3 ± 0,65 %). За біохімічного дослідження крові у собак за ентеропатії із PLE гіпопротеїнемія (38,2 ± 0,65 г/л), гіпоальбумінемія (9,6 ± 0,61 г/л); гіперазотемія (8,6 ± 0,37 ммоль/л), гіперхолестеролемія (8,0 ± 0,23 ммоль/л), гіперензимемія ЛФ (лужна фосфатаза) і АлАТ (аланінова амінотрансфераза), гіпонатріємія, Гіпокаліємія, гіпохлоремія, знижені величини рН крові (7,26 ± 0,013), HCO3- (15,3 ± 0,71 ммоль/л) і AG (2,85 ± 0,084 ммоль/л, у здорових 14,3 ± 1,17 ммоль/л). Діагноз на ентеропатію із PLE підтверджували дослідженнями у калі α1-антитрипсину, який у хворих собак із PLE був більше 22 мг/дл (у клінічно здорових до 18 мг/дл). Лікувальна схема із застосуванням Трометамолу, Ксилату, Дизпарколу, Волювену, Реополіглюкіну, Маропітанту, Преднізолону, α-лізину есцинату, альбуміну, Пресорбу і кормових добавок Vivonex Ten Elemental та Royal Canin Recoveri сприяє одужанню собак, попереджує їх загибель. За дії лікарських засобів поліпшується еритро- і лейкоцитопоез, протеїносинтезувальна (уміст загального протеїну і альбумінів підвищився, відповідно, на 34,3 і 246,9 %) і сечовиноутворювальна функції гепатоцитів. Розроблена і апробована нами лікувальна схема відновлює кислотно-основний баланс організму, на що вказують фізіологічні величини рН крові, бікарбонатів, аніонного проміжку (AG), Na+, K+, Cl– і Mg+
Condition of Intracardiac Hemodynamics and Microcirculation in Patients with Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease and Concomitant Diffuse Liver Diseases
Introduction. It is known that patients with ischemic heart diseases have endothelial dysfunction, but there is lack of research about microcirculation in these patients with diffuse liver diseases, especially diagnosed with digital capillaroscopy. Aim. To investigate hemodynamic disorders and microcirculation in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease depending on the presence of diffuse liver diseases and its severity with the digital capillaroscopy. Materials and methods. Our prospective study included 187 patients according to the criteria of inclusion. The data of echocardiography and digital capillaroscopy were analysed. Results. In our research in patients with ejection fraction less than 40% there was revealed thickening of the wall of the left ventricle, low blood supply in arterial and venous parts of capillaries. Patients with ejection fraction less than 40% and progressive diffuse liver diseases had advanced thickening of the wall of the left ventricle. Patients with liver cirrhosis had more adverse changes in hemodynamics. Patients with ischemic heart disease and diffuse liver disease had the worst capillary blood supply. Patients with ejection fraction less than 40% and diffuse liver diseases had structural changes of capillaries such as bi-, trifurcation and bushy forms. Conclusions. So, diffuse liver diseases, especially severe, cause endothelial dysfunction in patients with ischemic heart diseases. Digital capillaroscopy is a noninvasive method for microcirculation diagnosis and patients' monitoring
Graphite/p-SiC Schottky Diodes Prepared by Transferring Drawn Graphite Films onto SiC
Graphite/p-SiC Schottky diodes are fabricated using the recently suggested technique of transferring drawn graphite films onto p-SiC single-crystal substrates. The current–voltage and capacitance–voltage characteristics are measured at different temperatures and at different frequencies of a small-signal AC signal, respectively. The temperature dependences of the potential-barrier height and of the series resistance of the graphite/p-SiC junctions are measured and analyzed. The dominant mechanisms of the charge–carrier transport through the diodes are determined. It is shown that the dominant mechanisms of the transport of charge carriers through the graphite/p-Si Schottky diodes at a forward bias are multi-step tunneling recombination and tunneling described by the Newman formula (at high bias voltages). At reverse biases, the dominant mechanisms of charge transport are the Frenkel–Poole emission and tunneling. It is shown that the graphite/p-SiC Schottky diodes can be used as detectors of ultraviolet radiation since they have the open-circuit voltage Voc = 1.84 V and the short-circuit current density Isc = 2.9 mA/cm2 under illumination from a DRL 250-3 mercury–quartz lamp located 3 cm from the sample
Review of methods certain diagnostic parameters of the electromechanical power converter
Розглядається загальна класифікація методів вимірювання та ідентифікації параметрів силових електромеханічних перетворювачів, які представляють інформаційну значимість для діагостування. Введені відповідні класифікаційні ознаки та представлена загальна характеристика кожного методу.В статье рассматривается общая классификация методов измерения и идентификации параметров силовых электромеханических преобразователей, представляющих информационную значимость для диагностики. Введенные соответствующие классификационные признаки и представлена общая характеристика каждого методаThe article discusses the general classification of measurements methods and identification of parameters
of electromechanical power converters representing the informational value for diagnosis. Imposed by
the relevant classification features and provides a general description of each method