168 research outputs found

    A flexible sequential learning deficit in patients with Parkinson’s disease: a 2 × 8 button-press task

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    A 2 × 8 button-press task is a sequential hand movement task in which subjects are required to press eight pairs of buttons as accurately and quickly as possible. The 2 × 8 task allows us to examine flexible sequential learning, more aptly called sequence-unselective learning. Sequence-unselective learning is observed after repeated experiences with the task, when subjects have shown good progress in learning, with new sequences as well as previously learned ones. Although cognitive inflexibility has been reported in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), there have been few studies investigating their flexibility in sequential learning. We examined PD patients’ ability for sequence-unselective learning through the use of a 2 × 8 button-press task. In the first session, PD patients and subjects from the control group performed a sequential 2 × 8 task until the learning criterion was fulfilled (Session 1). After 1 month, they participated in other sessions: one involving the learned sequence (Session 2) and another involving the new sequence (Session 3). We found that PD patients made more errors than the normal control subjects only when learning the new sequence (Session 3) (P < 0.01). In Session 3, control subjects reached the learning target with fewer errors than in the Session 1 (normal sequence-unselective learning), whereas the PD patients did not exhibit such an improvement. Our results revealed a sequence-unselective deficit in PD patients. The deficit may help to emphasize the cognitive and physical inflexibility of PD

    Attentional Set-Shifting Deficit in Parkinson’s Disease Is Associated with Prefrontal Dysfunction: An FDG-PET Study

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    The attentional set-shifting deficit that has been observed in Parkinson’s disease (PD) has long been considered neuropsychological evidence of the involvement of meso-prefrontal and prefrontal-striatal circuits in cognitive flexibility. However, recent studies have suggested that non-dopaminergic, posterior cortical pathologies may also contribute to this deficit. Although several neuroimaging studies have addressed this issue, the results of these studies were confounded by the use of tasks that required other cognitive processes in addition to set-shifting, such as rule learning and working memory. In this study, we attempted to identify the neural correlates of the attentional set-shifting deficit in PD using a compound letter task and 18F-fluoro-deoxy-glucose (FDG) positron emission tomography during rest. Shift cost, which is a measure of attentional set-shifting ability, was significantly correlated with hypometabolism in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, including the putative human frontal eye field. Our results provide direct evidence that dysfunction in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex makes a primary contribution to the attentional set-shifting deficit that has been observed in PD patients

    Evidence of Dopaminergic Processing of Executive Inhibition

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    Inhibition of unwanted response is an important function of the executive system. Since the inhibitory system is impaired in patients with dysregulated dopamine system, we examined dopamine neurotransmission in the human brain during processing of a task of executive inhibition. The experiment used a recently developed dynamic molecular imaging technique to detect and map dopamine released during performance of a modified Eriksen's flanker task. In this study, young healthy volunteers received an intravenous injection of a dopamine receptor ligand (11C-raclopride) after they were positioned in the PET camera. After the injection, volunteers performed the flanker task under Congruent and Incongruent conditions in a single scan session. They were required to inhibit competing options to select an appropriate response in the Incongruent but not in the Congruent condition. The PET data were dynamically acquired during the experiment and analyzed using two variants of the simplified reference region model. The analysis included estimation of a number of receptor kinetic parameters before and after initiation of the Incongruent condition. We found increase in the rate of ligand displacement (from receptor sites) and decrease in the ligand binding potential in the Incongruent condition, suggesting dopamine release during task performance. These changes were observed in small areas of the putamen and caudate bilaterally but were most significant on the dorsal aspect of the body of left caudate. The results provide evidence of dopaminergic processing of executive inhibition and demonstrate that neurochemical changes associated with cognitive processing can be detected and mapped in a single scan session using dynamic molecular imaging

    Analysis of Variance in Neuroreceptor Ligand Imaging Studies

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    Radioligand positron emission tomography (PET) with dual scan paradigms can provide valuable insight into changes in synaptic neurotransmitter concentration due to experimental manipulation. The residual t-test has been utilized to improve the sensitivity of the t-test in PET studies. However, no further development of statistical tests using residuals has been proposed so far to be applied in cases when there are more than two conditions. Here, we propose the residual f-test, a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and examine its feasibility using simulated [11C]raclopride PET data. We also re-visit data from our previously published [11C]raclopride PET study, in which 10 individuals underwent three PET scans under different conditions. We found that the residual f-test is superior in terms of sensitivity than the conventional f-test while still controlling for type 1 error. The test will therefore allow us to reliably test hypotheses in the smaller sample sizes often used in explorative PET studies

    Sildenafil attenuates pulmonary arterial pressure but does not improve oxygenation during ARDS

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    OBJECTIVE: Pulmonary hypertension is a characteristic feature of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and contributes to mortality. Administration of sildenafil in ambulatory patients with pulmonary hypertension improves oxygenation and ameliorates pulmonary hypertension. Our aim was to determine whether sildenafil is beneficial for patients with ARDS. DESIGN: Prospective, open-label, multicenter, interventional cohort study. SETTING: Medical-surgical ICU of two university hospitals. PATIENTS: Ten consecutive patients meeting the NAECC criteria for ARDS. INTERVENTIONS: A single dose of 50 mg sildenafil citrate administered via a nasogastric tube. MAIN RESULTS: Administration of sildenafil in patients with ARDS decreased mean pulmonary arterial pressure from 25 to 22 mmHg (P = 0.022) and pulmonary artery occlusion pressure from 16 to 13 mmHg (P = 0.049). Systemic mean arterial pressures were markedly decreased from 81 to 75 mmHg (P = 0.005). Sildenafil did not improve pulmonary arterial oxygen tension, but resulted in a further increase in the shunt fraction. CONCLUSION: Although sildenafil reduced pulmonary arterial pressures during ARDS, the increased shunt fraction and decreased arterial oxygenation render it unsuitable for the treatment of patients with ARD

    Gray matter injury associated with periventricular leukomalacia in the premature infant

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    Neuroimaging studies indicate reduced volumes of certain gray matter regions in survivors of prematurity with periventricular leukomalacia (PVL). We hypothesized that subacute and/or chronic gray matter lesions are increased in incidence and severity in PVL cases compared to non-PVL cases at autopsy. Forty-one cases of premature infants were divided based on cerebral white matter histology: PVL (n = 17) with cerebral white matter gliosis and focal periventricular necrosis; diffuse white matter gliosis (DWMG) (n = 17) without necrosis; and

    Goal-directed and habitual control in the basal ganglia: implications for Parkinson's disease

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    Progressive loss of the ascending dopaminergic projection in the basal ganglia is a fundamental pathological feature of Parkinson's disease. Studies in animals and humans have identified spatially segregated functional territories in the basal ganglia for the control of goal-directed and habitual actions. In patients with Parkinson's disease the loss of dopamine is predominantly in the posterior putamen, a region of the basal ganglia associated with the control of habitual behaviour. These patients may therefore be forced into a progressive reliance on the goal-directed mode of action control that is mediated by comparatively preserved processing in the rostromedial striatum. Thus, many of their behavioural difficulties may reflect a loss of normal automatic control owing to distorting output signals from habitual control circuits, which impede the expression of goal-directed action. © 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

    Executive Functioning in Daily Life in Parkinson's Disease: Initiative, Planning and Multi-Task Performance

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    Impairments in executive functioning are frequently observed in Parkinson's disease (PD). However, executive functioning needed in daily life is difficult to measure. Considering this difficulty the Cognitive Effort Test (CET) was recently developed. In this multi-task test the goals are specified but participants are free in their approach. This study applies the CET in PD patients and investigates whether initiative, planning and multi-tasking are associated with aspects of executive functions and psychomotor speed. Thirty-six PD patients with a mild to moderate disease severity and thirty-four healthy participants were included in this study. PD patients planned and demonstrated more sequential task execution, which was associated with a decreased psychomotor speed. Furthermore, patients with a moderate PD planned to execute fewer tasks at the same time than patients with a mild PD. No differences were found between these groups for multi-tasking. In conclusion, PD patients planned and executed the tasks of the CET sequentially rather than in parallel presumably reflecting a compensation strategy for a decreased psychomotor speed. Furthermore, patients with moderate PD appeared to take their impairments into consideration when planning how to engage the tasks of the test. This compensation could not be detected in patients with mild PD