158 research outputs found
Speech Conflict in Family Communication
The study was performed in line with the actual scientific areas of language conflictology and linguistic axiology. The article is devoted to the linguistic description of conflict situations in family communication by the material of the film “Inadequate people” (directed by Roman Karimov). The relevance of the study is due to the need to study communication in small social groups (in particular, in the family), as there is a high level of emotionality and intensity of communication, and it often becomes a conflictogenic factor. The text fragments representing speech conflicts between a teenager and adult relatives are analyzed. The markers of destructive communication and speech aggression in the communicative behaviour of adults (negatively charged language means and non-cooperative speech-behavioral tactics of condemnation, threat, coercion, etc.) and adolescents (high tone, insults, rude demand, disharmonizing strategy of discredit, tactics of “rudeness” and other). Special attention is paid to implicit speech aggression, which is embodied in irony, sarcasm, indirect issues. It is noted that using such techniques, the communicant expresses a negative or critical attitude towards the addressee. It is indicated that the intergenerational conflict is expressed in the deformation of interpersonal communication, in the failure of mechanisms of understanding between parents and children, in disagreements concerning moral and value orientations
Semantic and Pragmatic Potential of Adverb <i>po-kitayski </i>‘in Chinese’ in Modern Russian Media
The research is carried out in the context of pragmalinguistics and is devoted to the question of means of forming stereotypes in the texts of journalistic discourse. The semantics and pragmatics of the lexeme po-kitayski ‘in Chinese’ as a diagnostic language means manifesting collective stereotypical ideas about China are considered. The material for the study is the statements extracted from the modern Russian media in the electronic database Integrum. Texts about policy, state economy, Chinese cuisine and New year’s holiday in China are presented. It is shown that the analyzed adverb is used in verbal and substantive word combinations with concrete and abstract nouns. The material indicates that verbal phrases characterize specific processes occurring in China. The thesis that substantial-adverbial word combinations are used to characterize or reinterpret known concepts is put forward. The article presents the results of the analysis of the contextual semantics of the adverb po-kitayski , which is complicated by the background features that actualize a number of typical characteristics of the Eastern state (a specific form of globalization, a special socialist model, the task of eradicating corruption at all levels, economic breakthrough, preservation of cultural traditions). In the Russian media there is an estimated duality in the representation of China. Stereotypes about China are mostly positive: a prosperous economy, political independence, ancient traditions. In particular, the low quality of goods produced in China and the cruelty of political measures receive a negative assessment
What speech therapists need to know about "The logopedist"
The paper is devoted to the issue of reading by the students of non-philological faculties. The authors' objective is to show the opportunities for increasing the students' motivation to study universal cultural and professional courses by means of revealing interdisciplinary links. The novel “The Logopedist” written by Valeriy Votrin in 2013 is taken as a basis for discussion of the philosophical issues of connection between language and mentality, the role of the language in shaping the basic national values and axiological preferences. The authors show that the novel's narrative also allows raising a number of issues, which are important for the job of a speech therapist, namely, the possibility to correctly render in writing the peculiarities of various logopedic diagnoses, the significance of pronunciation norms, and the peculiarities of communicative behavior.Статья посвящена проблеме читательской деятельности студентов нефилологических факультетов. На материале романа Валерия Вотрина "Логопед" рассматривается ряд вопросов, важных для профессии логопеда
Image of Presenter of Political Talk Show: on Problem of Gender Peculiarities
The study is done within actual direction of modern science - the gender linguistics. The article is devoted to the question of the communicative image of the TV presenters of political talk-show Vladimir Solovyov and Olga Skabeyeva. The results of a comparative analysis of the components of the public image of each media person are presented: appearance, communicative behavior, speech manners. It is shown that Solovyov and Skabeyeva have a bright, catchy, wistful image, and their similarities - leading position, business style in clothes, gestures system, categoricalness - are determined by the program format. It is proved that at the same time, communicative images of the presenters have a specific gender identity: Vladimir Solovyov’s image corresponds to stereotypical idea of a real man, while Olga Skabeyeva’s image combines both typically female (modesty, elegance, parity) and male characteristics (rationality, rigidity, hardness). Special attention is given to verbal behaviour that detects the individual characteristics of each media person. Vladimir Solovyov’s manner of speech can be characterized as assertive, poly-stylistic, management one. The authors argue that the dominant for this presenter is a strategy of self-presentation, while the main intention can be defined as the retention of communicative leadership. The general speech style of Olga Skabeyeva can be described as aggressive, but the presenter purely uses female methods of mitigating the conflict. It is proved that the communicative style of the presenter is not free from gender peculiarities of the personality
Регуляторы роста паннуса при ревматоидном артрите, являющиеся потенциальными мишенями биологической терапии
The main goal of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is to suppress inflammation using basic and symptomatic therapies. At the same time, the above strategy does not significantly stop joint destruction that leads to disability in patients. The review analyzes publications dealing with a search for intercellular interaction regulators among the main effector cells in the pannus – fibroblast- like synoviocytes (FLSs). It assesses the influence of FLS aggression factors on invasive pannus behavior, the possibility of their targeted deactivation during biological therapy, and the preliminary results of similar treatment by the examples of animal models. It is shown that the most promising targets for biological therapy may be FLS adhesion molecules, such as transmembrane receptor cadherin 11, integrins α5/β1, and VCAM1, ICAM1, which actively participate in the attachment of FLSs to the cartilage surface and activate their production of cytokines, growth factors and aggression factors.Основной целью лечения ревматоидного артрита (РА) является подавление воспаления с помощью базисной и симптоматической терапии. При этом указанная стратегия значимо не останавливает деструкцию сустава, ведущую к инвалидизации пациентов. В обзоре представлен анализ публикаций, посвященных поиску регуляторов межклеточного взаимодействия среди основных эффекторных клеток паннуса – фибробластоподобных синовиоцитов (ФПС). Представлены оценка влияния факторов агрессии ФПС на инвазивное «поведение» паннуса, возможность их прицельной дезактивации в рамках биологической терапии, а также предварительные результаты подобного лечения на примерах животных моделей. Показано, что наиболее перспективными мишенями биологической терапии могут являться молекулы адгезии ФПС: трансмембранный рецептор кадгерин 11, интегрины α5/β1, VCAM1, ICAM1, активно участвующие в процессах прикрепления ФПС к поверхности хряща и активирующие выработку ими цитокинов, факторов роста и агрессии
Фармакоэкономическое исследование лечения артериальной гипертензии у детей и подростков методом анализа стоимости болезни
Background. The cost-of-illness (COI) analysis allows to estimate and plan costs for calculations between the subjects of the health care system and medical insurance organizations. The primary morbidity of the population with diseases of the circulatory system increased from 4,784 thousand people in 2018 to 5,136 thousand in 2019. A growth in the number of cases resulted in an increase in the demand for drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.Objective: to perform a pharmacoeconomic study of the treatment of arterial hypertension in children and adolescents by COI-analysis.Material and methods. The source of information for COI-analysis was the real clinical practice – medical records of sick children and adolescents. A pharmacoeconomic study using COI-analysis was carried out at the inpatient and outpatient stages of care and included the calculation of direct medical costs (the costs of laboratory, instrumental medical services, non-drug and drug antihypertensive therapy). The study included 102 children diagnosed with arterial hypertension. The average stay of patients in the hospital was 10 (10.4±0.35) bed-days and treatment on an outpatient basis varied from 3 months to 1 year.Results. The leading place in the structure of costs for antihypertensive therapy is occupied by the beta-blockers pharmacological group (35%). The total cost of arterial hypertension in children and adolescents in inpatient and outpatient settings was 4,459.00 and 29,638.90 rubles, respectively.Conclusion. The COI-analysis of arterial hypertension confirms the need for timely diagnosis and treatment and preventive measures for high blood pressure in children and adolescents to reduce the development of risk factors for such serious cardiovascular complications as stroke and myocardial infarction in adulthood, the treatment of which requires large cash costs.Актуальность. Метод анализа стоимости болезни (англ. cost of illness, COI) позволяет оценить и запланировать затраты для расчетов между субъектами системы здравоохранения и страховыми медицинскими организациями. Первичная заболеваемость населения болезнями системы кровообращения возросла с 4784 тыс. человек в 2018 г. до 5136 тыс. в 2019 г. С ростом числа заболевших увеличивается спрос на лекарственные препараты для лечения сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний.Цель: провести фармакоэкономическое исследование лечения артериальной гипертензии у детей и подростков методом COI-анализа.Материал и методы. Источником информации для проведения COI-анализа послужила реальная клиническая практика – медицинские карты больных детей и подростков. Фармакоэкономическое исследование методом COI-анализа проведено на стационарном и амбулаторном этапах оказания помощи и включило расчет прямых медицинских затрат, а именно затрат на лабораторные, инструментальные медицинские услуги, немедикаментозную и медикаментозную антигипертензивную терапию. В исследование были отобраны 102 ребенка с диагнозом артериальной гипертензии. Срок пребывания пациентов в стационаре в среднем составил 10 (10,4±0,35) койко-дней, а срок лечения в амбулаторных условиях – от 3 мес до 1 года.Результаты. Лидирующую позицию в структуре затрат на антигипертензивную терапию занимает фармакологическая группа бетаадреноблокаторов (35%). Общая стоимость заболевания «артериальная гипертензия» у детей и подростков в стационарных и амбулаторных условиях составила 4459,00 и 29 638,90 руб. соответственно.Заключение. COI-анализ стоимости болезни «артериальная гипертензия» подтверждает необходимость проведения своевременной диагностики и лечебно-профилактических мероприятий при повышенном артериальном давлении у детей и подростков с целью снижения развития факторов риска таких серьезных сердечно-сосудистых осложнений, как инсульт и инфаркт миокарда, во взрослом возрасте, лечение которых требует больших денежных затрат
Pyrrolylquinoxaline-2-one derivative as a potent therapeutic factor for brain trauma rehabilitation
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) often causes massive brain cell death accompanied by the accumulation of toxic factors in interstitial and cerebrospinal fluids. The persistence of the damaged brain area is not transient and may occur within days and weeks. Chaperone Hsp70 is known for its cytoprotective and antiapoptotic activity, and thus, a therapeutic approach based on chemically induced Hsp70 expression may become a promising approach to lower post-traumatic complications. To simulate the processes of secondary damage, we used an animal model of TBI and a cell model based on the cultivation of target cells in the presence of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from injured rats. Here we present a novel low molecular weight substance, PQ-29, which induces the synthesis of Hsp70 and empowers the resistance of rat C6 glioma cells to the cytotoxic effect of rat cerebrospinal fluid taken from rats subjected to TBI. In an animal model of TBI, PQ-29 elevated the Hsp70 level in brain cells and significantly slowed the process of the apoptosis in acceptor cells in response to cerebrospinal fluid action. The compound was also shown to rescue the motor function of traumatized rats, thus proving its potential application in rehabilitation therapy after TBI. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 0124-2019-002Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 20-33-70102Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 18-74-10087Funding: This research was funded by Russian Science Foundation, research project #18-74-10087 (V.F.L., E.A.D., M.A.M., E.R.M.), Russian Foundation for Basic Research, research project #20-33-70102 (I.A.U., O.N.C., V.N.C, M.?.T., I.V.G.), and by The Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation № 0124-2019-002 (R.V.S., N.D.A., B.A.M.)
Perspectives of using Illumina MiSeq for identification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) form one of the most common symbiosis with the majority of land plants. AMF supply the plant with various mineral elements, primarily phosphorus, and improve the water supply. The search for the most effective AMF strains for symbiosis and the creation of microbial preparations on that basis is an important task for modern biology. Owing to the difficulties of cultivation without a host plant and their high genetic polymorphism, identifying AMF is very difficult. The high number of cryptic species often also makes morphological identification unreliable. Recent years have seen growth in the number of AMF biodiversity studies performed by modern NGS-based methods, Illumina MiSeq in particular. Currently, there are still many questions that remain for the identification of AМF. The most important are whether conservative or variable sequences should be used to select a marker for barcoding and whether universal primers or those specific to AMF should be used. In our work, we have successfully used universal primers ITS3 and ITS4 for the sequencing in Illumina MiSeq of the 5.8S rDNA – ITS2 region of the 35S rRNA genes, which contain both a conservative and variable regions. The molecular genetic approach for AMF identification was quite effective and allowed us to reliably identify eight of nine isolates to the species level: five isolates of Rhizophagus irregularis, and one isolate of R. invermaius, Paraglomus laccatum, and Claroideoglomus etunicatum, respectively. For all five R. irregularis isolates high variability in the ITS region and the absence of ecotopic-related molecular characters in the ITS2 region were demonstrated. The NCBI data is still insufficient for accurate AMF identification of Acaulospora sp. isolates from the genus to the species level
The report contains a comparative analysis of radiation protection consists of several layers of different materials and homogeneous radiation shielding materials the same part of the core material and thickness. Calculated multiplicity of weakening and cost of radiation shielding materials. During the work were applied to the calculation of Monte-Carlo. The results of calculations recommendations for the optimization of radiation shielding materials
Comparison of the classical kinetics of the nuclear reactor with the kinetics of the Markov chain nuclear reaction had established the limits of application of the classical kinetics, depending on the reactivity and the degree of divergence from the kinetics of the Markov chain reaction
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