543 research outputs found
Dilepton production in proton-proton collisions at top RHIC energy
We study dielectron production in proton-proton collisions at top RHIC beam
energy within an extended statistical hadronization model. The invariant mass
spectrum of correlated dielectron pairs is evaluated in the low invariant mass
region and calculated results are compared with the PHENIX experiment. The
model is found to be able to describe the data very well up to invariant masses
of 1 GeV with few adjustable parameters.Comment: Proceedings of Hot Quarks 201
Development of interconnections for mm-wave antenna module package
Abstract. The increase in mobile network data usage has led to interests in mm-wave frequencies (for example 26.5–29.5 GHz) on becoming fifth generation (5G) networks in addition to previously used sub-6 GHz frequencies. The advantage of mm-wave frequencies is larger bandwidth, leading to larger throughput with a tradeoff of smaller coverage due to shorter wavelength. The coverage issue can be compensated by using antenna arrays instead of one antenna. There have been some studies about stacking antenna module package vertically on motherboard, and in more advanced approach, the RFIC is integrated into the bottom of the antenna module package.
This thesis concentrates on developing the interconnection between two PWBs on mm-wave frequency (26.5–29.5 GHz) between the antenna module and motherboard. More accurately, creating interconnection around via structure, carrying RF-signal from antenna module to motherboard by applying vertical stacking. This method may reduce the overall price of the system, while increasing the level of integration in the system. The overall aim of this thesis was to provide a functional and optimized interconnection method with measurement results and limitations of Nokia Factory.
The interconnection can be created by using electromagnetic coupling or galvanic connection. The galvanic connection was chosen for many reasons and different interconnection methods applying galvanic connection were introduced. These methods include LGA and BGA soldering, traditional RF-connector and antenna array connector with 16-ports. After considering the options and Nokia Factory limitations, the most suitable interconnection method turned out to be LGA soldering.
The research work includes partial design of antenna module and motherboard, and the optimization for connection. Prototypes were created based on the design, and the measurement results and conclusions of interconnection functionality were provided as well. Six prototypes were made, from which prototypes 3–6 were functional in terms of solder height. The measurement results show that there was variation in matching between different prototypes and between simulation and measurement results. By doing x-ray and failure analysis, a few reasons were found to explain the variation. One reason can be found from voids in signal soldering, which widens the soldering horizontally, leading to decreased matching due to changed solder diameter and asymmetric grounding. However, by utilizing the solder bumping method, the appearance and diameter of voids can be minimized.
The conclusion with prototypes was that the system functions well, but improvements are recommended, and simulations should be re-done with modifications from failure analysis. Overall, the aim of the thesis was reached.Antennimoduulipaketin liitäntöjen kehittäminen millimetriaalto taajuuksille. Tiivistelmä. Datankäytön jatkuvan kasvun takia viidennen sukupolven (5G) matkapuhelinteknologian kehitys on keskittynyt aiemmin käytettyjen alle 6 GHz taajuuksien lisäksi uusille, korkeammille, millimetriaaltojen (esim. 26.5–29.5 GHz) taajuuskaistalle. Korkeammat taajuudet tarjoavat mahdollisuuden käyttää suurempia kaistanleveyksiä kasvattaen läpikulkevan datan määrää, mutta sen hintana on signaalin kantomatkan pienentyminen aallonpituuden pienentymisen takia. Kantomatkan lyhenemistä voidaan kuitenkin kompensoida käyttämällä antenniryhmiä yksittäisten antennien asemasta. Antenniryhmien integroinnista systeemiin on tehty erilaisia tutkimuksia, joita ovat esimerkiksi vertikaalinen pinoaminen, jossa antennilevy juotetaan toiselle piirilevylle. Edistyksellisemmässä versiossa kyseisen antennilevyn pohjaan on liitetty RFIC piiri.
Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin kahden piirilevyn välistä liityntäkohtaa vertikaalisella pinoamisella. Liityntäkohta kuljettaa millimetriaaltotaajuista RF-signaalia (26.5–29.5 GHz) antennilevyltä äitilevylle. Kyseisellä rakenteella voidaan saada pienennettyä mahdollisen tuotteen kustannuksia, samalla pienentäen myös sen fyysistä kokoa. Työn tarkoituksena on tarjota Nokialle valmiiksi optimoitu liitäntäratkaisu mittaustuloksineen ja tuotannon rajoitteineen dokumentoituna.
Tutkittu liityntäkohta voidaan muodostaa sähkömagneettisella kytkeytymisellä tai galvaanisesti, joista jälkimmäinen on huomattavasti järkevämpi ja tässä työssä on esitetty sille erilaisia vaihtoehtoja, joita on vertailtu toisiinsa. Näihin vaihtoehtoihin sisältyy koneellinen juottaminen LGA tai BGA tavalla, RF-liittimien käyttö ja antenniryhmää varten kehitetty 16 porttinen liitin. Kyseisistä liitäntä vaihtoehdoista parhaaksi ja soveltuvimmaksi osoittautui LGA juotos.
Tutkimustyö sisältää antennilevyn ja äitilevyn osittaisen suunnittelun ja optimoinnin, ja sen perusteella tehdyn prototyypin, mittaustulokset ja päätelmät liitynnän toimivuudesta. Prototyyppejä tehtiin kaikkiaan kuusi, joista viimeiset 3–6 olivat onnistuneita juotospaksuuden perusteella. Mittausten perusteella sovituksessa on paljon vaihtelua, jolle löydettiin muutamia syitä röntgen tarkastuksessa ja virheanalyysissa. Näihin syihin sisältyy juotoksesta löytyneet kaasukuplat, jotka johtavat juotoksen laajenemiseen horisontaalisesti, mikä taas heikentää maadoitusta ja täten sovitusta. Juotoksen kaasukuplat voidaan kuitenkin välttää niin kutsutulla juotoksen pallottamisella (Engl. Solder Bumping), jossa kaasukuplia ilmeni huomattavasti vähemmän ja ne olivat pienempiä.
Lopputulemana todettiin, että työ on onnistunnut ja prototyyppi on toimiva, mutta tarjotut kehitysideat kannattaa huomioida mahdollisessa jatkokehityksessä ja simuloinnit tulisi tehdä uudelleen virheanalyysistä saaduilla arvoilla ja tiedoilla
Dilepton production in p+p, Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at 200 AGeV
We study dilepton production in proton-proton, Cu+Cu as well as in Au+Au
collisions at the center-of-mass energy 200 GeV per participating nucleon pair
within an extended statistical hadronization model. In extension to earlier
studies we incorporate transport calculations for an estimate of uncorrelated
e+e- -pairs from semileptonic D meson decays. While the invariant mass spectrum
of dielectrons is well understood in the p+p collisions, severe discrepancies
among different model scenarios based on hadronic degrees of freedom and recent
data from the PHENIX Collaboration are found in heavy-ion collisions in the low
mass region from 0.15 to 0.6 GeV as well as in the intermediate mass regime
from 1.1 to 3 GeV when employing the standard dilepton sources. We investigate,
furthermore, the background from correlated dileptons that are not emitted as a
pair from a parent hadron but emerge from semileptonic decays of two correlated
daughter hadrons. Our calculations suggest a sizeable contribution of such
sources in central heavy-ion collisions in the low mass region. However, even
the upper limits of our calculations are found to be far below the dilepton
mass spectra of the PHENIX Collaboration.Comment: revised version, 17 pages, 13 figure
Long hold times in a two-junction electron trap
The hold time of a single-electron trap is shown to increase
significantly due to suppression of environmentally assisted tunneling events.
Using two rf-tight radiation shields instead of a single one, we demonstrate
increase of by a factor exceeding , up to about 10 hours, for a
trap with only two superconductor (S) -- normal-metal (N) tunnel junctions and
an on-chip resistor (R-SNS structure). In the normal state, the improved
shielding made it possible to observe 100 s, which is in reasonable
agreement with the quantum-leakage-limited level expected for the two-electron
cotunneling process.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Elevated temperature material properties of a new high-chromium austenitic stainless steel
A testing programme was conducted to investigate the material properties of a new high-chromium grade of austenitic stainless steel - EN 1.4420 at elevated temperatures. A total of 164 tensile coupons extracted from both cold-rolled and hot-rolled sheets were tested; 80 coupons were tested isothermally with temperatures ranging from 25 °C to 1100 °C, and 84 were tested anisothermally with stress levels ranging from 10% to 90% of the material 0.2% proof stress at room temperature. The experimentally derived reduction factors for the key material properties were compared with existing design values. Design recommendations for the elevated temperature reduction factors were then proposed for this new grade, and a two-stage Ramberg–Osgood model was shown to be able to accurately represent the material stress–strain response at elevated temperature
New type of ensemble of quasi-periodic, long-lasting VLF emissions at the auroral zone
A new type of the series of quasi-periodic (QP) very low
frequency (VLF) emissions in frequency range of 1–5 kHz, and not associated
with geomagnetic pulsations, has been discovered at auroral latitudes
(<I>L</I> = 5.3) during the Finnish VLF campaign (held in December 2011). At least
five unusually spectacular events, each with a duration of several hours,
have been observed during the night under conditions of quiet geomagnetic
activity (Kp = 0–1), although QPs usually occur during the daytime. Contrary
to the QP emissions typically occurring during the day, the spectral
structure of these QP events represented an extended, complicated sequence
of repeated discrete rising VLF signals. Their duration was about 2–3 min
each, with the repetition periods ranging from ~1 min to
~10 min. Two such nighttime non-typical events are reported
in this paper. The fine structure of the separated QP elements may represent
a mixture of the different frequency band signals, which seem to have
independent origins. It was found that the periodic signals with lower
frequency appear to trigger the strong dispersive upper frequency
signals. The temporal dynamics of the spectral
structure of the QPs studied were significantly controlled by some
disturbances in the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). This finding is very important for
future theoretical investigations because the generation mechanism of this
new type of QP emissions is not yet understood
Dilepton production from parton interactions in the early stage of relativistic heavy-ion collisions
We address the dilepton production from the parton interactions in the early
stage of relativistic heavy-ion collisions within the parton-hadron-string
dynamics (PHSD) off-shell transport approach. The description of partons in
PHSD is based on the dynamical quasiparticle model (DQPM) matched to reproduce
lattice QCD results in thermodynamic equilibrium. According to the DQPM the
constituents of the strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma (sQGP) are massive
and off-shell quasi-particles (quarks and gluons) with broad spectral
functions. In order to address the electromagnetic radiation of the sQGP, we
derive off-shell cross sections of q+qbar->gamma*, q+qbar->gamma*+g and
q+g->gamma*+q (qbar+g->gamma*+qbar) reactions taking into account the effective
propagators for quarks and gluons from the DQPM. Dilepton production in In+In
collisions at 158 AGeV and in Au+Au at sqrt(s)=200 GeV is calculated by
implementing these off-shell processes into the PHSD transport approach. By
comparing to the data of the NA60 and PHENIX Collaborations, we study the
relative importance of different dilepton production mechanisms and point out
the regions in phase space where partonic channels are dominant.Comment: Talk presented at the International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC
2010) in Vancouver, Canada on July 4 - 9, 2010, to be published in
Analysis of dilepton production in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV within the Parton-Hadron-String Dynamics (PHSD) transport approach
We address dilepton production in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV by
employing the parton-hadron-string dynamics (PHSD) off-shell transport
approach. Within the PHSD one goes beyond the quasiparticle approximation by
solving generalized transport equations on the basis of the off-shell
Kadanoff-Baym equations for the Green's functions in the phase-space
representation. The approach consistently describes the full evolution of a
relativistic heavy-ion collision from the initial hard scatterings and string
formation through the dynamical deconfinement phase transition to the
quark-gluon plasma (QGP) as well as hadronization and to the subsequent
interactions in the hadronic phase. {With partons described in the PHSD by the
dynamical quasiparticle model (DQPM) - matched to reproduce lattice QCD results
in thermodynamic equilibrium} - we calculate, in particular, the dilepton
radiation from partonic interactions through the reactions q+qbar->gamma^*,
q+qbar->gamma^*+g and q+g->gamma^*+q (qbar+g->gamma^*+qbar) in the early stage
of relativistic heavy-ion collisions. By comparing our results to the data from
the PHENIX Collaboration, we study the relative importance of different
dilepton production mechanisms and point out the regions in phase space where
partonic channels are dominant. Furthermore, explicit predictions are presented
for dileptons within the acceptance of the STAR detector system and compared to
the preliminary data.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with
The eye lens exposure among 16 technicians in two nuclear medicine departments at university hospitals in Finland was investigated by measuring the operational quantity H-p(3) using EYE-D dosemeters. For all workers, the annual mean H-p(3) was estimated to be 1.1 mSv (max. 3.9 mSv). The relation between H-p(3) to routinely monitored personal dose equivalent H-p(10) was clearly correlated. Considering individual dose measurement periods (2-4 weeks), the H-p(3)/H-p(10) ratio was 0.7 (Pearson's coefficient r = 0.90, p 0.1 mSv vs. <0.1 mSv, respectively), i.e. higher Hp(10) predicts H-p(3) more reliably. Moreover, annual H-p(10) data from national dose register during 2009-2018 were used to derive the annual H-p(3) applying the H-p(3)/H-p(10) ratio. The data from Finnish nuclear medicine departments imply that routine measurements of H-p(3) among nuclear medicine technicians are not justified.Peer reviewe
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