299 research outputs found

    A study of phase separation processes in presence of dislocations in binary systems subjected to irradiation

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    Dislocation-assisted phase separation processes in binary systems subjected to irradiation effect are studied analytically and numerically. Irradiation is described by athermal atomic mixing in the form of ballistic flux with spatially correlated stochastic contribution. While studying the dynamics of domain size growth we have shown that the dislocation mechanism of phase decomposition delays the ordering processes. It is found that spatial correlations of the ballistic flux noise cause segregation of dislocation cores in the vicinity of interfaces effectively decreasing the interface width. A competition between regular and stochastic components of the ballistic flux is discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Принцип оптимальності для траєкторії виведення динамічної системи з альтернативою

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    Lagrange problem with the account of functional limitation at any functional limitations atany moment in a given interval is presented. The required conditions for optimal trajectories of thedeterminated dynamic system synthesized as space vehicle trajectories have been obtainedРассмотрена задача Лагранжа с учетом действия функционального ограничения в каждый момент времени назаданном интервале. Получены необходимые условия оптимальности траектории детерминированной динамической системы, интерпретируемой как траектория выведения космического летательного аппаратаРозглянуто задачу Лагранжа з урахуванням дії функціонального обмеження в кожен момент часу на заданому інтервалі. Отримано необхідні умови оптимальності траєкторії детермінованої динамічної системи, що інтерпретується як траєкторія виведення космічного літального апарат

    Правове регулювання господарської діяльності в Україні

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    The textbook discusses the concept, legal status of business entities, the order of their formation and operation, lending, legal regulation of leasing and renting, exchange activities. After each topic, tests, practical tasks and topics for abstracts are provided. For students, graduate students and teachers of economics, philology and technical specialties.У навчальному посібнику розглядається поняття, правовий статус суб’єктів підприємницької діяльності, порядок їх утворення та діяльності, кредитування, правове регулювання лізингу та оренди, біржова діяльність. Після кожної теми надаються тести, практичні завдання та теми для рефератів. Для студентів, аспірантів та викладачів економічних, філологічних та технічних спеціальностей


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    Eysenck questionnaire was offered to 45 patients with vascular optical and glaucomaous neuropathy. The results showed that 40 patients (88.9 %) had melancholic temperament. These patients are demonstrated isolation, lability of the nervous system, instability in stressful situations and propensity to development of neuroses.После обследования 45 пациентов с сосудистыми оптическими и глаукомными нейропатиями при помощи опросника Х. Айзенка у 40 человек (88,9 %) выявлен меланхолический тип темперамента. Эти пациенты характеризуются замкнутостью, лабильностью нервной системы, неустойчивостью в стрессовых ситуациях и склонностью к развитию неврозов

    Phase field modelling voids nucleation and growth in binary systems

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    We present a comprehensive study of voids formation, nucleation and growth in a prototype model of binary alloys subjected to irradiation by using a combined approach based on phase field and rate theories. It is shown that voids formation is caused by interaction of irradiation-produced vacancies through elastic deformation of a lattice and vacancy coupling with composition field of the alloy. Phase diagrams illustrating the formation of states related to solid solution, phase decomposition, and patterning are obtained. Formation of voids from supersaturated ensemble of vacancies is accompanied by composition rearrangement of alloy components. It was found that elastic inhomogeneity leading to the formation of anisotropic precipitates in an initially prepared binary alloy results in the formation of a void super-lattice under irradiation. It was shown that voids nucleate and grow with dose according to diffusion controlled precipitation processes, where universal dynamics of voids growth is revealed. Estimations of main quantitative and statistical characteristics of voids by using material parameters relevant to most of alloys and steels give good agreement with experimental observations.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Advantages and perspectives of using medicines in the form of auto injectors and prefilled syringes

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    Today, there is a need to introduce medical devices into everyday medical practice with the goal to self-administer injectional drugs. The speed and safety of auto-injectors / pre-filled syringe pens use (AI/PFS) is the introduction of an injectional form drug in a special medical device, which allows patients to enter a pre-designated therapeutic dose due to the characteristics of the structure of the product, automatic dosing, data of the interactive display on some devices, comfortable design, etc. Considering that AI/PFS were developed to improve the quality of life of patients with various pathological conditions, therefore the creation of affordable medical devices for low-income groups of the population is relevant today. Also an actual issue is the provision of high-quality first-aid kits for soldiers, which is a vital component for medical care in the context of active combat conditions and the lack of the required number of field hospitals.The speed of administration, the onset of effect and ease of use provides significant advantages for AI / PFS. Therefore, the issue of affordability for the low-income groups of the population and the army with the necessary drugs should be sufficiently supported by state regulation.Purpose of study – study of the international experience in the implementation and use of drugs (drugs) in the form of affordable, safe and effective modern dosage forms in the form of autoinjectors.Materials and methods – foreign and domestic literature on the use of AI/PFS in complex and monotherapy treatment of various diseases. State registries of medicines of Ukraine, the USA and some EU countries. The study used systematic, statistical and comparative analyzes, as well as the generalization of information. The data used is freely available among various medical scientific and metric bases, the Internet and international scientific conferences.The analysis of the use of AI/PFS indicates that today the world market of medicines and medical devices contains a large number of drugs under different trade names. However, many patients in the world refrain from using these dosage forms due to the significant cost of medical devices, which makes impossible the required regular use of such drugs for the low-income population groups. This is a significant disadvantage, since AI / PFS is implemented to correct not only chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, but also to provide emergency careinurgent conditions (anaphylactic reactions, intense pain, etc.).In the global market for drugs and medical devices, injectable medicines in the form of AI/PFS are widely represented. The effectiveness of the use of such devices indicates the advantages and prospects for the use of existing AI/PFS on the global market for patients and medical personnel. Today, the most commonly used drugs in AI/PFSare for the treatment of diabetes, emergency conditions in civil and military medicine, chronic diseases of various etiologies, pediatric practice. The use of AI /PFS significantly improves patient compliance for the treatment of chronic diseases due to ease of use and reduction of adverse reactions at the site of administration. Most of the analyzed sources indicate a low level of economic affordability of drugs in the form of AI/PFS for the population and the government sector of drug supply due to the high cost of the medical devices, compared to traditional syringes. But the results of the study indicate a high level of advantages and prospects in the use of drugs in AI/PFS in medical practice for both medical personnel and patients