4,373 research outputs found

    A new measure of conservation value combining rarity and ecological diversity: a case study with light trap collected caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera)

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    The objective of the present study was to analyse the conservation importance of streams, rivers and lakes for maintaining caddistly assemblages of Hungarian localities. Light traps ensured comparable catches of caddisflies from different aquatic habitats. A total of 245,363 individuals belonging to 152 species collected from 23 localities over the flight period were included in the analysis. Conservation value of caddistly assemblages was evaluated on the basis of a newly developed Rarity and Ecological Diversity (RED)-index expressing ecological diversity and the average rarity of caddistlies in Hungarian localities. The results showed that streams were the most suitable habitats for maintaining rare caddisfly species in diverse assemblages, while rivers had the lowest conservation importance

    Comment on ''Properties of highly clustered networks"

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    We consider a procedure for generating clustered networks previously reported by Newman [Phys. Rev. E 68, 026121 (2003)]. In the same study, clustered networks generated according to the proposed model have been reported to have a lower epidemic threshold under susceptible-infective-recovered-type network epidemic dynamics. By rewiring networks generated by this model, such that the degree distribution is conserved, we show that the lower epidemic threshold can be closely reproduced by rewired networks with close to zero clustering. The reported lower epidemic threshold can be explained by different degree distributions observed in the networks corresponding to different levels of clustering. Clustering results in networks with high levels of heterogeneity in node degree, a higher proportion of nodes with zero connectivity, and links concentrated within highly interconnected components of small size. Hence, networks generated by this model differ in both clustering and degree distribution, and the lower epidemic threshold is not explained by clustering alone

    Job-queuing and Auto-scaling in Container-based Cloud Environments

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    Many applications process large quantities of data that takes significant time and requires big amount of compu- tational resources. Optimising the execution of such applications in a cloud computing environment by keeping costs at minimum but still completing the task by a set deadline has paramount importance. As container-based technologies are becoming more widespread, support for job-queuing and auto-scaling in such environments is becoming important. Current container tech- nologies, such as Docker or Kubernetes provide limited support in this area. This paper presents JQueuer and CAutoScaler, a couple of cloud-independent solutions that offer job-queuing and automated scalability at the level of containers. Applying these solutions leads to more cloud-aware applications providing transparent auto-scaling for end-users and optimising execution time and costs. Business and science gateways will benefit from using an orchestrator combined with JQueuer and CAutoScaler since it will provide the layers needed to auto-scale the containers and to batch/sweep the jobs from a queue depending on a user- defined policy

    Parametric amplification of the mechanical vibrations of a suspended nanowire by magnetic coupling to a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We consider the possibility of parametric amplification of a mechanical vibration mode of a nanowire due to its interaction with a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of ultracold atoms. The magneto-mechanical coupling is mediated by the vibrationally modulated magnetic field around the current-carrying nanowire, which can induce atomic transitions between different hyperfine sublevels. We theoretically analyze the limitations arising from the fact that the spin inverted atomic medium which feeds the mechanical oscillation has a finite bandwidth in the range of the chemical potential of the condensate

    Tegzesek (Trichoptera) szezonális rajzás-aktivitásának jellemzése eltérő élőhelyeken történő fénycsapdás monitorozás alapján | Characterising of seasonal flight activity of caddisflies (Trichoptera) based on light trapping monitoring in different habitats

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    A dolgozat egy hullámtéri (nedves) és egy nyílt homokpuszta gyep (száraz) élőhelyen, két évig folytatott kísérleti fénycsapdázás nyomán 3 tegzesfaj (Ecnomus tenellus, Oecetis ochracea, Agraylea sexmaculata) szezonális rajzásaktivitási mintázatait mutatja be és írja le. A szezonalitást a rajzás időbeli eloszlásával (kezdetével és végével, a hosszával, az aktivitási csúcsokkal), és a szinkronitás mértékével jellemzi. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a 3 faj aciklikus rajzású és gyakran májustól szeptember végéig aktívak. A tömeges rajzásuk általában június közepétől augusztus közepéig tart. A rajzási mintázatban egy vagy több aktivitási csúcs is felléphet, amelyek ugyanazon faj esetében helytől és szezontól függően változhatnak (pl. E. tenellus). A dokumentált rajzás-mintázatok az alföldi régió néhány karakterisztikus állóvízi tegzes fajának ismeretéhez járulnak hozzá. | The study shows and describes the seasonal flight activity patterns of three caddisfly species (Ecnomus tenellus, Oecetis ochracea and Agraylea sexmaculata) collected during a two-year experimental light trapping conducted near a gallery forest in river bank (wet habitat), and in an opened sandy grassland area (dry habitat). The seasonality was characterised by the temporal distribution of flights (start and end of flight, flight length, peak of activity and modality), and the degree of synchrony between the patterns. The results showed that the three caddisfly species have non-cyclic flight type and frequently swarm from May to late-September. Their mass flight was recorded between mid-June and mid-August. One or more (2-4) activity peaks were found in the flight patterns, which were variable in the same species depending on sites and seasons (e.g. E. tenellus). The flight patterns documented here contribute to the knowledge of some characteristic caddisflies inhabiting standing water habitats of lowland region

    Towards the Sustainable Food Consumption in Central Europe: Stochastic Relationship Between Water Footprint and Nutrition

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    Sustainable nutrition (SN) considers the environmental impact of food production. This study aims to analyse the relationship between nutrient density and water footprint (WF) of the most consumed food items in Hungary and to create a classification of nutrients. Based on a comprehensive analysis of literature and different data sources, the authors analysed the stochastic relationship between WF and nutrient density of different food items by Spearman's rank correlation. The analysis proved significant (P<0.05) relationship between nutrient density and WF of the most relevant food items in Hungary. Based on the classification, there are nutrients that are overconsumed among the Hungarian population and positively correlate with WF (e.g., cholesterol) and there are nutrients that are under-consumed among the Hungarian population and negatively correlate with WF (e.g., dietary fibres). In general, it can be concluded that the re-structuration of food consumption patterns in Hungary is an important and urgent task, which serves both the public health and ecologic goals. These efforts should be based on a complex evaluation of the problem. This study was one initial step to analyse SN focused on Hungary and further studies are definitely needed

    Influence of Ozone Content on Light Trapped Trichoptera Species in Central Europe

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    The study deals with the connection between ozone content of air and light trap catch of ten Caddisflies (Trichoptera) species from a Jermy-type light-trap. Five species were collected in connection with the increasing the high values of the ozone content, but decrease were observed in case of four species. The results can be written down with second- or third-degree polynomials. Our results proved that the daily catches were significantly modified by the ozone content of air, expressing the different lengths and intensities of the ozone content. The different form of behaviour, however, is not linked to the taxonomic position. Further testing will be required for fuller explanation of the results
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