425 research outputs found

    Psychosemantical Approach to Volition Research

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    The research into the ratio of objective and subjective indicators of the volitional qualities of an individual conducted by the Department of General and Social Psychology of the UrFU discovered some limitations of the corresponding approaches to such multidimensional objects as volition. The research into individual semanticfields of the concept of ‘volition’ will make up for the existing methodological gap in that area. The research was conducted in 2017. The sample consisted of 77 students of the Department of Psychology. The semantic differential method in the modification by I.L. Solomin was used as a basis. The list of objects has been changed and expanded according to the tasks of the research. The second method of research is the associative experiment. The results were processed by using the methods of cluster analysis, factor analysis and content analysis. An analysis of individual cluster trees discovered a rather large variability of the semantic relationships between the objects under study. Several sub-groups of respondents were identified according to the individual characteristics of the semantic fields in relation to the object ‘volition’, the sub-group ‘success of activities’, the sub-group ‘personality qualities’, the subgroup ‘negative objects’ and the sub-group ‘object is not defined’. Most students consider volition either as an applied tool of educational or professional activities, or as a self-sufficient personal mechanism. With the help of factor analysis, the features of the affective attitude toward the object ‘volition’ in respect to the sample as a whole are revealed. The associative experiment made it possible to identify the key topic markers that characterize the volition of respondents of different semantic sub-groups. For the sub-group ‘success of activities’, it is ‘power’; it is ‘time’ for the sub-group ‘personality qualities’, in particular, ‘responsibility’; it is ‘firmness’ for the sub-group ‘negative objects’. The psychosemantics approach in studying volition allows us to identify topics that clarify the semantic nuances of the concept of ‘volition’ in the minds of the subjects. The method of the semantic differential and the method of associative experiment are mutually complementary with respect to research into the semantic sphere of a personality. The results obtained provide a necessary part of a comprehensive study of volition and the volitional qualities of aperson. Keywords: volition, volitional qualities, responsibility, students, psychosemantic approach, semantic differential, semantic field, associative experiment, semantic structures of consciousness, representations, individuality, cluster trees, topic marker

    Теоретико-прикладные аспекты взаимодействия международной и национальной правовых систем

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    The subject. The interaction of modern national legal systems and the international legal system is still the most controversial legal phenomenon. An exclusively national approach to solving issues of the general theory of international law could not and cannot justify expectations and close the need for legal comprehension. The situation is aggravated by the fact that, at the level of universal international law, the solution of issues on the agenda with the help of positive methods of legal regulation, and, consequently, the implementation of the norms of existing international treaties today are criticized, tested and often completely violated. The implementation of the norms of existing international treaties is increasingly faced with attempts to refute their postulates using the "customs" under which those "rules" are veiled. In such conditions, national legal systems may experience an increased "feeling of jealousy" to their sovereignty and try to "close" as much as possible using the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of the state.Purpose of the study. In such conditions, it is most important to choose the right vector in improving international law, and not order, law based on normative principles. It is important to correctly "choose the key" to harmonizing the will of sovereign states of our time. The article is devoted to the search for a more correct way of developing international law through its interaction, and not counteraction with the national one.Methodology. The research was carried out using a formal legal interpretation of international legal acts, as well as a comparative analysis of Russian and foreign legal literature. Structural and systemic methods are also the backbone of the study. The conclusions of the work are based on dialectical unity and the struggle of opposites, as well as on interacting deduction and induction in relation to legal systems.The main results. The growing trend towards fragmentation of international law leads to a reduction in the base of sources in the universal sphere of international law. The intensification of regionalization and the creation of regional unions of sovereign states is becoming a source of polar processes: on the one hand, supranational control over the observance of international law by states within their legal system increases, on the other hand, natural situations of non-execution of decisions of international judicial bodies arise. Such situations, without a proper assessment of the reasons for the issuance of the international acts of law enforcement themselves, can lead to unfounded criticism. There is an impressive amount of work in the field of correlation between international and national law, as well as in the field of enforcement of decisions of international judicial bodies. Despite this, in the field of practical implementation of the norms of international law, there remains a lack of doctrinal developments. Such a situation will inevitably lead to attempts to create a semblance of a norm, an escalation of confrontation, and an inability to reach agreement on issues on the agenda. The situation at the level of the universal international legal system is aggravating, therefore, the verification of the limits of competence of regional education authorities, in particular of supranational judicial control bodies, becomes even more important.Сonclusions. The author comes to the conclusion that, on the one hand, in the sphere of universal international law, there is a reduction in the base of sources of international law. On the other hand, in the field of regional international integration, on the contrary, the number of sources of international legal regulation is increasing, and the process of their implementation is intensifying. Universal international law based on the principles of the UN Charter is the most qualitative regulator of the field of international public relations. However, at the present stage of development of the international community, regional integration may well come to its aid: through regional interaction, the consolidation of the wills of sovereign states can and should be achieved a legal constructive dialogue on key issues of already universal international law. Using the approaches of national legal regulation exclusively and unilaterally, it is impossible to productively approach issues of international law: neither in the field of creating international organizations of various types, nor in matters of fulfilling obligations under international law. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that only non-confrontational interaction of specialists in the field of international and national (primarily constitutional) law can provide the construction of the most effective model of interaction of these legal systems. This requires a transformation of the basic approaches to the issues of interaction between international and national law. The basic unity of the general theory of law and the specific features of legal systems should be the starting points for doctrinal research of existing legal structures and the practice of their implementation.Выделяются аспекты функционирования международного права, которые отражаются на самом процессе взаимодействия международной и национальной правовых систем. Делается предположение о том, что эффективным способом прогрессивного развития международной правовой системы, испытывающей сейчас серьезную нагрузку, и ее взаимодействия с национальными правовыми системами может стать дальнейшее развитие институтов региональной интеграции. В области международно-правовых стандартов прав и свобод человека констатируется эффективность взаимодействия правовых систем в формате создания соответствующих норм Основного закона государства. Этот вывод порождает правовое обоснование расширения компетенции органа конституционного контроля в области взаимодействия национального и международного права


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    The article examines the process of customs and logistics activities in the use of a temporary storage warehouse. The article presents the sequence of storage operations, the services of temporary storage warehouses. A logistics approach to inventory optimization of materials handling is to conduct a minimum number of inventory actions, the reduced costs for processing one ton of cargo and absolute satisfaction of the customer order


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    The article examines the process of customs and logistics activities in the use of a temporary storage warehouse. The article presents the sequence of storage operations, the services of temporary storage warehouses. A logistics approach to inventory optimization of materials handling is to conduct a minimum number of inventory actions, the reduced costs for processing one ton of cargo and absolute satisfaction of the customer order

    Применение международных договоров Российской Федерации в арбитражном судопроизводстве России

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    The article substantiates the necessity of a system analysis of the processes of applicationof the norms of international treaties by commercial courts of the Russian Federation. Thisneed is justified, at least, by the following: an insignificant amount of special research inthis field in comparison with a similar subject within the courts of general jurisdiction, thecreation of a relatively new body of supranational control over compliance with the normsof international treaties in the field of commercial courts’ practice.The purpose of the study is to identify problems of application of international treaties ofthe Russian Federation arbitration courts of Russia.The author uses methodology of formal legal analysis of Russian legislation and courts’ decisions.The results and scope of it’s application. The author, taking into account the specifics ofcommercial proceedings and the nature of disputes heard in commercial courts, proposedlegal grounds in a concentrated form which allow to state the existence of the obligation toapply the norms of international treaties by Russian commercial courts. Two levels of suchgrounds can be stated – international and domestic.Publication of the texts of international treaties as a problematic segment of their applicability.The article highlights one of the problematic segments of the application process ofthe norms of international treaties for the purpose of more detailed reflection. The practiceof commercial courts demonstrates that in both legislative acts and acts of applying law,the concepts of "official publication" and "bringing to the public" are alternated with eachother. Despite the reform, the procedure of official publication has not acquired the characterof a systemic institution of Russian law. This significantly complicates the activity ofadministering justice with respect to the legislative acts of international law.Conclusions. From the point of view of international law, the state, independently determiningthe procedure and methods of implementing international treaties within its legalsystem, is not limited in its ability to burden itself with the need to abide by additional proceduresnot provided by the international legal system of procedures. Official publication,as a necessary procedure for the entry of a legislative act into the force, represents such anadditional procedure designed to protect more effectively human rights and freedoms andto streamline law enforcement practice. In this connection, the author formulated the provisions,the implementation of which can help in matters of systematization of the institutionof official publication of international treaties of the Russian Federation.В статье обосновывается необходимость системного анализа процессов применения норм международных договоров арбитражными судами Российской Федерации. Автором с учетом специфики арбитражного судопроизводства и характера споров, рассматриваемых в арбитражных судах, в концентрированной форме предложены правовые основания, позволяющие констатировать наличие обязанности применения норм международных договоров арбитражными судами России


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    The subject. The article is devoted to research the legal nature of international treaties.The purpose of the article is to formulate the feasibility of determining the legal status of international treaties in the composition of the sources of law in terms of its unity.The methodology. The author uses the systematic approach to research, methods of anal-ysis and synthesis, including formal legal analysis of international treaties, Russian legislation and courts’ decisions.The main results and scope of their application. The analysis of the categories of legal act, the regulatory agreement, the international treaty, describing its characteristics, legal characteristics is performed. On the basis of the main legal characteristics of the category of normative legal acts, the expediency of inclusion of an international treaty to this category is proven. It is groundless to detach international treaties on normative legal acts, thereby reducing the extent of the need for their application. This, however, does not change the fact that the source of law in each legal system may have special characteristics depending on such system and complementing the basic characteristics. The international treaty is a legal act of international law. Such a conceptual approach to this issue allows making further conclusions.Conclusions. The author highlights the circumstances of the need for reasonable use of international treaties to resolve disputes, that are significant for the process of enforcement. This position is based on the proposed definition of an international treaty including it to the normative legal acts.Формулируется целесообразность определения правового статуса международного договора в составе источников права с позиции его базового единства. Предлагается анализ категорий нормативно-правового акта, нормативного договора, международного договора, выделяются их признаки, правовые характеристики. Исходя из базовых правовых характеристик категории нормативно-правового акта, обосновывается целесообразность отнесения международного договора к данной категории

    To some issues of modes of speech and translation teachingmedical students - future translators

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    The data obtained showed that students are highly interested in translation learning alongside with resume, summary, article and abstract writing.В статье показано: несмотря на то, что лексическое и грамматическое оформление узкоспециальных текстов различно (статья, аннотация, тезисы, доклад для выступлений), их структура остается такой же


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    Descriptions of underground bodies of parasitic plants, growing in the Urals, are necessary for detection of the general regularities of the adaptation of plants to food at the expense of host resources. Root researches of Pedicularis sibirica subsp. uralensis (Vved.) Ivanina is conducted. It confirmed existence of structural macroscopic and microscopic differentiation of roots long-term hemiparasitic Scrophs that was noted for the first time.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Уральского отделения РАН (проект № 12-И-4-2023)

    Images of Food and Drinks as Part of Mythopoetic Image of City in Vladivostok Text (by Example of Novel by I. Lagutenko, V. Avchenko “Vladivostok-3000”)

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of “food and drinks” symbols used by the authors of urban literary texts in reconstruction of the mythopoetic image of Vladivostok. The novel “Vladivostok-3000” is investigated. The authors consider it as one of the works about Vladivostok, for which the concept of “Vladivostok text” is used, based in turn on the concept of “local text” accepted in the scientific literature. The basic thesis is that one of the characteristics of local (regional, provincial) texts is their myth-generating function - the creation of mythological space, which reflects the features of the region. The novelty of the research is that the images of food and drinks has not been considered before as an element of the Vladivostok text, involved in the formation of the mythopoetic image of the city. On the basis of the novel “Vladivostok-3000,” all language units denoting food and drinks were singled out. The role of the corresponding images in the text is defined: products, dishes and drinks are a marker of the own and others; they act as a means of transformation of the hero; give him strength; symbolically fasten relations between characters; they are part of etiquette; become a bright marker of the fantastic space created by the authors. It is concluded that the images of food and drinks play an important role in the artistic transfer of the specificity of the city (real Vladivostok and fictional Vladivostok-3000), being a necessary element of the Vladivostok text