2,778 research outputs found

    The Físchlár digital video system: a digital library of broadcast TV programmes

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    Físchlár is a system for recording, indexing, browsing and playback of broadcast TV programmes which has been operational on our University campus for almost 18 months. In this paper we give a brief overview of how the system operates, how TV programmes are organised for browse/playback and a short report on the system usage by over 900 users in our University

    Measurement of atmospheric nitrous acid at Blodgett Forest during BEARPEX2007

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    Nitrous acid (HONO) is an important precursor of the hydroxyl radical (OH) in the lower troposphere. Understanding HONO chemistry, particularly its sources and contribution to HO_x (=OH+HO_2) production, is very important for understanding atmospheric oxidation processes. A highly sensitive instrument for detecting atmospheric HONO based on wet chemistry followed by liquid waveguide long path absorption photometry was deployed in the Biosphere Effects on Aerosols and Photochemistry Experiment (BEARPEX) at Blodgett Forest, California in late summer 2007. The median diurnal variation shows minimum HONO levels of about 20–30 pptv during the day and maximum levels of about 60–70 pptv at night, a diurnal pattern quite different from the results at various other forested sites. Measured HONO/NO_2 ratios for a 24-h period ranged from 0.05 to 0.13 with a mean ratio of 0.07. Speciation of reactive nitrogen compounds (NO_y) indicates that HONO accounted for only ~3% of total NO_y. However, due to the fast HONO loss through photolysis, a strong HONO source (1.59 ppbv day^(−1)) existed in this environment in order to sustain the observed HONO levels, indicating the significant role of HONO in NO_y cycling. The wet chemistry HONO measurements were compared to the HONO measurements made with a Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer (CIMS) over a three-day period. Good agreement was obtained between the measurements from the two different techniques. Using the expansive suite of photochemical and meteorological measurements, the contribution of HONO photolysis to HO_x budget was calculated to be relatively small (6%) compared to results from other forested sites. The lower HONO mixing ratio and thus its smaller contribution to HO_x production are attributed to the unique meteorological conditions and low acid precipitation at Blodgett Forest. Further studies of HONO in this kind of environment are needed to test this hypothesis and to improve our understanding of atmospheric oxidation and nitrogen budget

    Lamb Shift of Laser-Dressed Atomic States

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    We discuss radiative corrections to an atomic two-level system subject to an intense driving laser field. It is shown that the Lamb shift of the laser-dressed states, which are the natural state basis of the combined atom-laser system, cannot be explained in terms of the Lamb shift received by the atomic bare states which is usually observed in spectroscopic experiments. In the final part, we propose an experimental scheme to measure these corrections based on the incoherent resonance fluorescence spectrum of the driven atom.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, submitted for publicatio

    Polysaccharide utilization loci and nutritional specialization in a dominant group of butyrate-producing human colonic Firmicutes

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    Acknowledgements The Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health (University of Aberdeen) receives financial support from the Scottish Government Rural and Environmental Sciences and Analytical Services (RESAS). POS is a PhD student supported by the Scottish Government (RESAS) and the Science Foundation Ireland, through a centre award to the APC Microbiome Institute, Cork, Ireland. Data Summary The high-quality draft genomes generated in this work were deposited at the European Nucleotide Archive under the following accession numbers: 1. Eubacterium rectale T1-815; CVRQ01000001–CVRQ0100 0090: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/data/view/PRJEB9320 2. Roseburia faecis M72/1; CVRR01000001–CVRR010001 01: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/data/view/PRJEB9321 3. Roseburia inulinivorans L1-83; CVRS01000001–CVRS0 100 0151: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/data/view/PRJEB9322Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Magnetic stress as a driving force of structural distortions: the case of CrN

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    We show that the observed transition from rocksalt to orthorhombic Pnma_{nma} symmetry in CrN can be understood in terms of stress anisotropy. Using local spin density functional theory, we find that the imbalance between stress stored in spin-paired and spin-unpaired Cr nearest neighbors causes the rocksalt structure to be unstable against distortions and justifies the observed antiferromagnetic ordering. This stress has a purely magnetic origin, and may be important in any system where the coupling between spin ordering and structure is strong.Comment: 4 pages (two columns) 4 figure

    What Fraction of Gravitational Lens Galaxies Lie in Groups?

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    We predict how the observed variations in galaxy populations with environment affect the number and properties of gravitational lenses in different environments. Two trends dominate: lensing strongly favors early-type galaxies, which tend to lie in dense environments, but dense environments tend to have a larger ratio of dwarf to giant galaxies than the field. The two effects nearly cancel, and the distribution of environments for lens and non-lens galaxies are not substantially different (lens galaxies are slightly less likely than non-lens galaxies to lie in groups and clusters). We predict that about 20% of lens galaxies are in bound groups (defined as systems with a line-of-sight velocity dispersion sigma in the range 200 < sigma < 500 km/s), and another roughly 3% are in rich clusters (sigma > 500 km/s). Therefore at least roughly 25% of lenses are likely to have environments that significantly perturb the lensing potential. If such perturbations do not significantly increase the image separation, we predict that lenses in groups have a mean image separation that is about 0.2'' smaller than that for lenses in the field and estimate that 20-40 lenses in groups are required to test this prediction with significance. The tail of the distribution of image separations is already illuminating. Although lensing by galactic potential wells should rarely produce lenses with image separations theta >~ 6'', two such lenses are seen among 49 known lenses, suggesting that environmental perturbations of the lensing potential can be significant. Further comparison of theory and data will offer a direct probe of the dark halos of galaxies and groups and reveal the extent to which they affect lensing estimates of cosmological parameters.Comment: 32 pages, 6 embedded figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Symmetric Strategy Improvement

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    Symmetry is inherent in the definition of most of the two-player zero-sum games, including parity, mean-payoff, and discounted-payoff games. It is therefore quite surprising that no symmetric analysis techniques for these games exist. We develop a novel symmetric strategy improvement algorithm where, in each iteration, the strategies of both players are improved simultaneously. We show that symmetric strategy improvement defies Friedmann's traps, which shook the belief in the potential of classic strategy improvement to be polynomial

    An analytic study of the off-diagonal mass generation for Yang-Mills theories in the maximal Abelian gauge

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    We investigate a dynamical mass generation mechanism for the off-diagonal gluons and ghosts in SU(N) Yang-Mills theories, quantized in the maximal Abelian gauge. Such a mass can be seen as evidence for the Abelian dominance in that gauge. It originates from the condensation of a mixed gluon-ghost operator of mass dimension two, which lowers the vacuum energy. We construct an effective potential for this operator by a combined use of the local composite operators technique with the algebraic renormalization and we discuss the gauge parameter independence of the results. We also show that it is possible to connect the vacuum energy, due to the mass dimension two condensate discussed here, with the non-trivial vacuum energy originating from the condensate , which has attracted much attention in the Landau gauge.Comment: 24 pages, 2 .eps figures. v2: version accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    A deep, high resolution survey of the low frequency radio sky

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    We report on the first wide-field, very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) survey at 90 cm. The survey area consists of two overlapping 28 deg^2 fields centred on the quasar J0226+3421 and the gravitational lens B0218+357. A total of 618 sources were targeted in these fields, based on identifications from Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS) data. Of these sources, 272 had flux densities that, if unresolved, would fall above the sensitivity limit of the VLBI observations. A total of 27 sources were detected as far as 2 arcdegrees from the phase centre. The results of the survey suggest that at least 10% of moderately faint (S~100 mJy) sources found at 90 cm contain compact components smaller than ~0.1 to 0.3 arcsec and stronger than 10% of their total flux densities. A ~90 mJy source was detected in the VLBI data that was not seen in the WENSS and NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) data and may be a transient or highly variable source that has been serendipitously detected. This survey is the first systematic (and non-biased), deep, high-resolution survey of the low-frequency radio sky. It is also the widest field of view VLBI survey with a single pointing to date, exceeding the total survey area of previous higher frequency surveys by two orders of magnitude. These initial results suggest that new low frequency telescopes, such as LOFAR, should detect many compact radio sources and that plans to extend these arrays to baselines of several thousand kilometres are warranted.Comment: Accepted by The Astrophysical Journal. 39 pages, 4 figure

    Físchlár: an on-line system for indexing and browsing broadcast television content

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    This paper describes a demonstration system which automatically indexes broadcast television content for subsequent non-linear browsing. User-specified television programmes are captured in MPEG-1 format and analysed using a number of video indexing tools such as shot boundary detection, keyframe extraction, shot clustering and news story segmentation. A number of different interfaces have been developed which allow a user to browse the visual index created by these analysis tools. These interfaces are designed to facilitate users locating video content of particular interest. Once such content is located, the MPEG-1 bitstream can be streamed to the user in real-time. This paper describes both the high-level functionality of the system and the low-level indexing tools employed, as well as giving an overview of the different browsing mechanisms employe