920,665 research outputs found

    The invariant rings of the Sylow groups of GU(3,q2), GU(4,q2), Sp(4,q) and O+(4,q) in the natural characteristic

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    Let G be a Sylow p -subgroup of the unitary groups GU(3,q2)GU(3,q2), GU(4,q2)GU(4,q2), the symplectic group Sp(4,q)Sp(4,q) and, for q odd, the orthogonal group O+(4,q)O+(4,q). In this paper we construct a presentation for the invariant ring of G acting on the natural module. In particular we prove that these rings are generated by orbit products of variables and certain invariant polynomials which are images under Steenrod operations, applied to the respective invariant form defining the corresponding classical group. We also show that these generators form a SAGBI basis and the invariant ring for G is a complete intersection

    Improving Site-Specific STI Screening in a Philadelphia-Based Academic Family Medicine Office

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    Background In the last decade, rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are rising both in Philadelphia and across the United States1, 2 STIs are often asymptomatic3 Site-specific screening for gonorrhea and chlamydia (GC/CT) infections may increase STI detection o Genitourinary (GU), pharyngeal, and rectal sites o GU is the most common site tested, but GU-only testing may lead to missed diagnoses

    Efficient Learning for Undirected Topic Models

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    Replicated Softmax model, a well-known undirected topic model, is powerful in extracting semantic representations of documents. Traditional learning strategies such as Contrastive Divergence are very inefficient. This paper provides a novel estimator to speed up the learning based on Noise Contrastive Estimate, extended for documents of variant lengths and weighted inputs. Experiments on two benchmarks show that the new estimator achieves great learning efficiency and high accuracy on document retrieval and classification.Comment: Accepted by ACL-IJCNLP 2015 short paper. 6 page

    'Cleiffis of Irne:' Clann Choinnich agus gnìomhachas iarainn, c. 1569-1630

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    Tha mòran luchd eachdraidh air a bhith dhan bheachd nach robh (is nach eil) math sam bith anns a' Ghaidhealtachd airson gnìomhachas neo obair 'adhartach' sam bith. Ach tha fianais ann o oighreachd MhicChoinnich, 1569-1630, a thogas ceistean ann an aghaidh leithid de mhodail. A rèir cunntasan on oighreachd bhathar ag obrachadh iarann air taobh siar Rois gu ìre meadhanach mòr rè an t-siathamh linn deug. Ged a tha luchd eachdraidh air mothachadh gu robh gnìomhachas air taobh Siar Rois, anns a' chiad cairteal dhan 17mh linn, bha e soilleir carson - sin gu robh Sir George Hay, ''adventurer' agus 'planter' Gallda agus 'sìobhalta' a' dol suas am measg nam borbaich (i.e. na Gaidheil) gus 'adhartas' a shealltainn dhaibh. Ach ged nach eil seo uile gu lèir ceàrr, tha fianais eile ann a sheallas gu robh gnothaich aig Clann Choinnich ris a' ghnìomhachas seo gu ìre tòrr mòr na bu mhotha na bhathar an dùil gu ruige seo. Tha an aiste seo a' toirt sùil mhionaideach air a' ghnìomhachas seo air taobh Siar Rois ann an sgìre Chinn Loch Iù. This essay, written in Gaelic, examines the iron industry in the Kinlochewe and Loch Maree areas in Wester Ross between 1569 and 1630. While historians have long known about industrial activity in this area, this has traditionally been attributed to the "civilised" planter, Sir George Hay who was active in the area between c.1607 and c.1620. New evidence, drawn from estate papers and other sources sheds new light on the nature of the iron industry in the area and is used to argue that this iron working activity predates the advent of Hay, and that it was instead controlled and directed locally

    Inter- and intra-rater reliability of computerized photogrammetry and universal goniometer in the measurement of hip flexion and abduction

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    The universal goniometer (UG) is the most frequently used tool for measuring range of motion (ROM), with demonstrated reliability. Computerized photogrammetry (CP) is widely used for postural assessment, but its role in the measurement of ROM of hip flexion and abduction has not yet been fully explored. This study aimed to test inter- and intra-rater reliability for measuring ROM of hip flexion and abduction using UG and CP, as well as the reliability between the instruments. Our sample consisted of 40 healthy volunteers (aged from 18 to 28 years). Measurements of ROM were conducted by two independent raters, 15 minutes apart, using UG and CP to assess inter-rater reliability. The procedures were repeated one week later by the first rater (intra-rater reliability). Using UG, inter-rater reliability was excellent for flexion and abduction (ICC=0.92 and 0.91, respectively); using CP, it was rated as very good (ICC=0.77 and 0.80, respectively). Intra-rater reliability using UG was excellent for flexion and abduction (ICC=0.95 and 0.92), and very good using CP (ICC= 0.81 and 0.89). The correlation between the instruments was excellent for flexion and very good for abduction (r=0.92 and r=0.82). Future investigations should seek a more diversified sample and symptomatic patients. Inter- and intra-rater reliability is high when measuring range of motion of hip flexion and abduction using both UG and CP, and the correlation between instruments is excellent for flexion and very good for abduction, meaning that both are valid.El goniómetro universal (GU) es un instrumento comprobadamente fiable que se emplea para medir la amplitud del movimiento (AM). La fotogrametría computadorizada (FC) es más utilizada para evaluar la postura, pero no se emplea mucho para medir la AM de la abducción y flexión de las caderas. En este estudio el propósito es comprobar la exactitud entre e intraexaminadores en medir la AM de la abducción y flexión de las caderas, empleando el GU y la FC, además de la exactitud entre instrumentos. Participaron cuarenta personas sanas (con edad entre 18 y 28 años). Dos examinadores independientes midieron la AM, con 15 minutos de intervalo, empleando el GU y la FC para evaluar la exactitud entre examinadores. Los procedimientos fueron repetidos una semana después por el primer examinador (entre e intraexaminadores). Con el GU, la exactitud entre e intraexaminadores fue excelente para la flexión y abducción (ICC=0,92 y 0,91, respectivamente); y se clasificó la FC como muy buena (ICC=0,77 y 0,80, respectivamente). Con el empleo del GU, la exactitud intra y entre examinadores fue excelente para la flexión y abducción (ICC=0,95 y 0,92), y muy buena para la FC (ICC=0,81 y 0,89). La correlación entre instrumentos fue excelente para la flexión y muy buena para la abducción (r=0,92 y r=0,82). Se necesitan más estudios que utilicen un muestreo más diverso y con pacientes sintomáticos. La exactitud entra e intraexaminadores es muy eficaz, cuando se mide la amplitud del movimiento de la flexión y abducción de las caderas con el GU y la FC, y la correlación entre instrumentos es excelente para la flexión y muy buena para la abducción, lo que devela que ambos instrumentos son fiables.O goniômetro universal (GU) é uma ferramenta, com credibilidade comprovada, mais frequentemente usada para medir a amplitude de movimento (AM). A fotogrametria computadorizada (FC) é amplamente utilizada para avaliação postural, mas seu uso para medir a AM da abdução e flexão do quadril ainda não foi totalmente explorado. Este estudo visou testar a confiabilidade inter e intra-avaliadores para a medição da AM da abdução e flexão do quadril usando o GU e a FC, além da confiabilidade entre instrumentos. Nossa amostra constituiu-se de 40 voluntários saudáveis (idade entre 18 e 28 anos). As medições da AM foram conduzidas por dois avaliadores independentes, com 15 minutos de intervalo, usando o GU e a FC para analisar a confiabilidade entre avaliadores. Os procedimentos foram repetidos uma semana depois pelo primeiro avaliador (inter e intra-avaliadores). Com o GU, a confiabilidade inter e intra-avaliadores foi excelente para a flexão e abdução (ICC=0,92 e 0,91, respectivamente); a FC foi classificada como muito boa (ICC=0,77 e 0,80, respectivamente). Usando-se o GU, a confiabilidade inter e intra-avaliadores foi excelente para a flexão e abdução (ICC=0,95 e 0,92), e muito boa para a FC (ICC=0,81 e 0,89). A correlação entre instrumentos foi excelente para a flexão e muito boa para a abdução (r=0,92 e r=0,82). Estudos futuros sobre o assunto deveriam usar uma amostra mais diversificada e pacientes sintomáticos. A confiabilidade inter e intra-avaliadores é alta quando se mede a amplitude do movimento da flexão e abdução do quadril, usando-se o GU e a FC, e a correlação entre instrumentos é excelente para a flexão e muito boa para a abdução, o que significa que ambos são válidos

    Toxicity after moderately hypofractionated versus conventionally fractionated prostate radiotherapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the current literature

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    Background: Moderately hypofractionated radiotherapy (RT) currently represents the standard RT approach for all prostate cancer (PCa) risk categories. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of available literature, focusing on acute and late genitourinary (GU) and gastrointestinal (GI) adverse events (AEs) of moderate hypofractionation for localized PCa. Materials and methods: Literature search was performed and two independent reviewers selected the records according to the following Population (P) Intervention (I) Comparator (C) and Outcomes (O) (PICO) question: “In patients affected by localized PCa (P), moderately hypofractionated RT (defined as a treatment schedule providing a single dose per fraction of 3–4.5 Gy) (I) can be considered equivalent to conventionally fractionated RT (C) in terms of G > 2 GI and GU acute and late adverse events (O)?”. Bias assessment was performed using Cochrane Cochrane Collaboration's Tool for Assessing Risk of Bias. Results: Thirteen records were identified and a meta-analysis was performed. Risk of acute GI and GU > 2 adverse events in the moderately hypofractionated arm was increased by 9.8 % (95 %CI 4.8 %–14.7 %; I2 = 57 %) and 1.5 % (95 % CI -1.5 %-4.4 %; I2 = 0%), respectively. Discussion: Overall, majority of trials included in our meta-analysis suggested that moderately hypofractionated RT is equivalent, in terms of GI and GU adverse events, to conventional fractionation. Pooled analysis showed a trend to increased GI toxicity after hypofractionated treatment, but this might be related to dose escalation rather than hypofractionation

    Concerning Order and Disorder in the Ensemble of Cu-O Chain Fragments in Oxygen Deficient Planes of Y-Ba-Cu-O

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    In connection with numerous X-ray and neutron investigations of some high temperature superconductors (YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x} and related compounds) a non-trivial part of the structure factor, coming from partly disordered Cu-O-\dots-O-Cu chain fragments, situated within basal planes, CuOx_x, can be a subject of theoretical interest. Closely connected to such a diffusive part of the structure factor are the correlation lengths, which are also available in neutron and X-ray diffraction studies and depend on a degree of oxygen disorder in a basal plane. The quantitative measure of such a disorder can be associated with temperature of a sample anneal, TqT_q, at which oxygen in a basal plane remains frozen-in high temperature equilibrium after a fast quench of a sample to room or lower temperature. The structure factor evolution with xx is vizualized in figures after the numerical calculations. The theoretical approach employed in the paper has been developed for the orthorhombic state of YBCO.Comment: Revtex, 27 pages, 14 PostScript figures upon request, ITP/GU/94/0