21 research outputs found

    Retrospective analysis of the spread of bacterial poultry diseases on the territory of Ukraine for the period 2012–2020

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    One of the most important livestock industries in the world is poultry breeding, which meets human needs for high-quality protein products (poultry meat, eggs) and is characterized by rapid return on investment. Bacterial infectious diseases of poultry are a major problem for the poultry industry and its strategic future. Given the relevance of bacterial diseases of poultry in the world and in Ukraine in particular, the authors conducted a retrospective analysis of the spread of these diseases in Ukraine for the period 2012–2020 by analyzing and systematizing the results of bacteriological investigations. In order to analyze the spread of bacterial diseases of poultry in terms of regions in Ukraine, we analyzed data on 20 diseases of poultry, namely: hemophilosis, infectious enterotoxemia, yersiniosis, campylobacteriosis, colibacteriosis, coligranulomatosis, klebsiella, listeriosis, mycoplasmosis, neisseriosis, pasteurellosis, pathogenic proteus, pneumococcosis, pseudomonosis, pullorosis, erysipelas septicemia, salmonellosis, staphylococcosis, streptococcosis and tuberculosis. According to the results of research, it is found that bacterial diseases of poultry are significantly common in Ukraine, the average infection of poultry with bacterial diseases for the period from 2012 to 2020 was 0.8%. The leading role in the etiological structure of pathogens of bacterial diseases of poultry was played by colibacillosis – 56.9% of the total number of all positive samples. Also, the dominant bacterial diseases of poultry in Ukraine during the analyzed period are: salmonellosis (13.5%), staphylococcosis (7.8%), pasteurellosis (7.0%), pseudomonosis (6.8%), pullorosis (3.6%) and streptococcus (2.6%). Significantly fewer positive samples were registered in the bacteriological investigations of other diseases: pneumococcosis 0.5%, tuberculosis 0.4%, infectious enterotoxemia 0.3%, pathogenic proteus 0.2%, erysipelas septicemia 0.1%, klebsiellosis 0.1%, listeriosis 0.1%, neisseriosis 0.08%, coligranulomatosis 0.05% and hemophilosis 0.02%. According to the results of bacteriological research of poultry for such diseases as yersiniosis, campylobacteriosis and mycoplasmosis – no positive test was found for the entire analyzed period. According to the results of ecological and geographical analysis, the heterogeneity of the nosological profile of bacterial diseases of poultry in different regions of Ukraine was established

    Antibiotic resistance of microflora to drugs in case of conjunctivitis of cats of bacterial origin

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    Currently, the most common ophthalmic pathology in cats is inflammatory processes. Pathologies are observed frequently and regardless of breed, sex, and age. The causes of the disease are the prevalence of infections affecting the visual analyzer, inadequate care of their pets by the owners, untimely visits to a veterinarian, etc. It is essential to diagnose the cause of inflammation of the ocular mucosa in time, as knowing the etiology of the disease is necessary to prescribe effective treatment, which can lead to complications. Bacteriological tests play an important role, allowing us not only to identify the pathogen but also to determine its sensitivity or resistance to a particular drug, to prescribe effective treatment in time, to reduce the economic costs of treatment, the treatment period, etc. Most of the microorganisms that can be found in the conjunctival sac are non-pathogenic, although some of them are opportunistic. The study was conducted at the VetExpert veterinary center on cats of all ages and sexes with signs of conjunctivitis during 2022–2023. Out of 473 cats examined, cases of eye disease were detected in 105 cats or 22.1 % of the total number of ophthalmopathology cases. According to the results of the research, it was found that conjunctivitis was caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Nonhaemolytic Streptococcus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In treating conjunctivitis of bacterial etiology, topical application of the drug and systemic antibiotic therapy should be prescribed. In treating cats with bacterial conjunctivitis, systemic drugs, and antibiotic therapy should be prescribed. Antibiotics and antibacterial drugs should be prescribed only based on the results of bacteriological examination and antibioticogramа

    Biofilm formation and cellulose expression by <i>Bordetella avium</i> 197N, the causative agent of bordetellosis in birds and an opportunistic respiratory pathogen in humans

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    Although bacterial cellulose synthase (bcs) operons are widespread within the Proteobacteria phylum, subunits required for the partial-acetylation of the polymer appear to be restricted to a few γ-group soil, plant-associated and phytopathogenic pseudomonads, including Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 and several Pseudomonas syringae pathovars. However, a bcs operon with acetylation subunits has also been annotated in the unrelated β-group respiratory pathogen, Bordetella avium 197N. Our comparison of subunit protein sequences and GC content analyses confirms the close similarity between the B. avium 197N and pseudomonad operons and suggests that, in both cases, the cellulose synthase and acetylation subunits were acquired as a single unit. Using static liquid microcosms, we can confirm that B. avium 197N expresses low levels of cellulose in air–liquid interface biofilms and that biofilm strength and attachment levels could be increased by elevating c-di-GMP levels like the pseudomonads, but cellulose was not required for biofilm formation itself. The finding that B. avium 197N is capable of producing cellulose from a highly-conserved, but relatively uncommon bcs operon raises the question of what functional role this modified polymer plays during the infection of the upper respiratory tract or survival between hosts, and what environmental signals control its production

    Physiological-Biochemical Response of Fish to the Pesticide Effect (a Review)

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    Energy Supply of the Fish Organism under the Impact of Pesticides (a Review)

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    Cтруктурно-параметричний синтез нейронних мереж прямого поширення, з нейронами типу Sigmoid Piecewise

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    The method of structural and parametric synthesis of feedforward neural networks is considered, which includes Sigmoid Piecewise neurons, used in the process of a predictive model construction. The article describes the principles of a new developed Sigmoid Piecewise neuron constructing. It is proposed the method of structural and parametric synthesis with a single layer of  Sigmoid Piecewise neurons.The training algorithm of proposed neural networks is developed. The results of the effectiveness research of Sigmoid Piecewise neurons on real samples are presented.Рассмотрен метод структурного и параметрического синтеза нейронных сетей прямого распространения, в состав которых входят нейроны типа Sigmoid Piecewise, которые использовались при построении прогнозирующей модели. В статье описан принцип построения нового разработанного нейрона типа Sigmoid Piecewise. Приведены результаты исследования эффективности нейронов типа Sigmoid Piecewise на реальных выборках.Розглянуто метод структурного та параметричного синтезу нейронних мереж прямого поширення, до складу яких входять нейрони типу Sigmoid Piecewise, котрі використовувалися при побудові прогнозуючої моделі. У статті описано принцип побудови нового розробленого нейрону типу Sigmoid Piecewise. Наведено результати дослідження ефективності нейронів типу Sigmoid Piecewise на реальних вибірках


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    The objective – to study and analyze morphological differences of gastro-intestinal perforations in newborns. Materials and methods. The causes and morphogenesis of gastro-intestinal perforations in 49 operated newborns are presented in this article. Results and discussions. Clinical and morphological differences between perforated necrotic enterocolitis (NEC) and spontaneous gastro-intestinal perforations (SGIP) are discussed. The analyses of morphological findings showed the following differences between perforations in case of NEC and SGIP: congenital absence or defect of the muscular layer in the intestines or stomach wall in case of SGIP. NEC perforations have extensive necrosis of the intestinal or stomach wall. Morphogenesis of gastro-intestinal perforations in newborns is a basis to prescribe correct medical tactic and choice of sur gical method. Conclusions. SGIP of the gastro-intestinal system is an independent disease and has a essential clinical and morphological differences and as well as surgical treatment.Цель работы. Изучить и проанализировать морфологические различия желудочно-кишечных перфораций у новорожденных. Материалы и методы. В статье предоставлены причины и морфогенез гастроинтестинальних перфораций у 49 проопериров анных новорожденных. Результаты исследования. Обращается внимание на то, что между перфорациями при некротическом энтероколите (НЭК) и спонтанных перфорациях (СП) желудочно-кишечного тракта (ЖКТ) имеют место клинические и морфологические различия. Анализ полученных морфологических данных показал различия между перфорациями при НЭК и СП, а именно, врожденное отсутствие или дефект мышечного слоя стенки кишки или желудка при СП. Перфорации при НЭК имеют массивный некроз кишечной или желудочной стенки. Морфогенез перфораций ЖКТ у новорожденных является основой для разработки верной лечебной тактики и определения вида хир ургического вмешательства. Выводы. СП ЖКТ является самостоятельной нозологической единицей и имеют существенные клинические и морфологические различия и др угое хирургическое лечение.Мета роботи – вивчити і проаналізувати морфологічні відмінності шлунково-кишкових перфорацій у нов онароджених. Матеріали та методи. У статті надані причини і морфогенез гастро- інтестинальних перфорацій у 49 прооперов аних новонароджених. Результати дослідження. Звертається увага на те, що між перфораціями при неспецифічному ентероколіті (НЕК) і спонтанних перфорація (СП) шлунково-кишкового тракту (ШКТ) мають місце клінічні і морфологічні відмінності. Аналіз отриманих морфологічних даних показав відмінності між перфораціями при НЕК і СП, такі як вроджена відсутність або дефект м’язового шару стінки кишки чи шлунку при СП. Перфорації при НЕК мають масивний некроз кишкової чи шлункової стінки. Морфогенез перфорацій ШКТ у новонароджених є основою для розробки вірної лікувальної тактики і визначення виду хірургічного втручання. Висновки. СП ШКТ є самостійною нозологічною одиницею і мають суттєві клінічні й морфологічні відмінності та інше хір ургічне лікування

    МетоД побудовИ прогнозуючоЇ моделІ З дИнамічнИмИ вагамИ

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    Ми представляємо новий метод прогнозування часових рядів, який динамічно знаходить ваги для вхідних факторів в залежності від конкретних значень самих факторів. Запропонований метод був перевірений на наборі реальних часових рядів і показав кращі результати у порівнянні з методом, що використовувався як базовий