274 research outputs found

    Система экологического менеджмента как средство снижения вероятности техногенных аварий и загрязнения окружающей природной среды на предприятиях авиакосмического комплекса

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    Due to the costs caused by environmental pollution, Russia loses about 10% of the gross domestic product (GDP) annually. The negative impact on the environment is exacerbated by industrial accidents. Enterprises from the category of hazardous industrial facilities must carry out preparations for emergency situations and industrial accidents. Accidents occurring at machine-building enterprises can also cause significant damage to the environment. Creation of environmental management systems at the enterprises will allow providing effective response to accidents at all types of enterprises, because one of the stages of the system implementation is preparation for emergency situations. At this stage, we consider the features of production and technological processes, the properties of hazardous substances used in production, we carry out the identification of possible emergency situations and environmental pollution arising from this, we select the most probable and large-scale emergency situations, and we develop a system of measures that impede their occurrence and contribute to reducing their negative consequences.Los costos causados por la contaminación ambiental generan a Rusia unas pérdidas anuales de alrededor del 10% de su producto interno bruto. El impacto negativo sobre el medio ambiente se ve agravado por los accidentes industriales. Las empresas que pertenecen a la categoría de instalaciones industriales peligrosas deben estar debidamente preparadas para situaciones de emergencia y accidentes industriales. Aquellos accidentes que ocurren en empresas de construcción de maquinaria también pueden causar daños significativos al medio ambiente. La creación de sistemas de gestión ambiental permite proporcionar una respuesta efectiva a las emergencias en todo tipo de empresas, ya que una de las etapas de la implementación del sistema es la preparación para situaciones de accidente. En esta etapa, se toman en consideración las características de los procesos tecnológicos y de producción, las propiedades de las sustancias peligrosas utilizadas, la identificación de posibles situaciones de emergencia y la contaminación ambiental derivada de la actividad industrial. Tras ello, se desarrolla un sistema de medidas que reducen significativamente tanto el riesgo de que dichos accidentes se produzcan como las consecuencias negativas de los mismos en caso de que sucedan.Из-за расходов, вызванных загрязнением окружающей среды, Россия ежегодно теряет около 10% валового внутреннего продукта. Негативное воздействие на окружающую среду усугубляется при возникновении промышленных аварий. Предприятия, относящиеся к категории опасных промышленных объектов, должны в обязательном порядке проводить работы по подготовке к чрезвычайным ситуациям и авариям на производстве. Аварии, возникающие на машиностроительных предприятиях, также могут наносить значительный ущерб окружающей природной среде. Создание на предприятиях систем экологического менеджмента позволит обеспечить эффективное противодействие авариям на всех типах предприятий, так как одним из этапов внедрения системы является подготовка к чрезвычайным ситуациям. На этом этапе рассматриваются особенности производства и технологических процессов, свойства используемых в производстве и производимых опасных веществ, проводится идентификация возможных аварийных ситуаций и возникающих при этом загрязнений окружающей среды, выбираются наиболее вероятные и масштабные аварийные ситуации, разрабатывается система мероприятий, препятствующих их возникновению и способствующих уменьшению их негативных последствий

    Tyrosol induces multiple drug resistance in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    In yeast, multiple (pleiotropic) drug resistance (MDR) transporters efflux xenobiotics from the cytoplasm to the environment. Additionally, upon the accumulation of xenobiotics in the cells, MDR genes are induced. At the same time, fungal cells can produce secondary metabolites with physico-chemical properties similar to MDR transporter substrates. Nitrogen limitation in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae leads to the accumulation of phenylethanol, tryptophol, and tyrosol, which are products of aromatic amino acid catabolism. In this study, we investigated whether these compounds could induce or inhibit MDR in yeast. Double deletion of PDR1 and PDR3 genes, which are transcription factors that upregulate the expression of PDR genes, reduced yeast resistance to high concentrations of tyrosol (4–6 g/L) but not to the other two tested aromatic alcohols. PDR5 gene, but not other tested MDR transporter genes (SNQ2, YOR1, PDR10, PDR15) contributed to yeast resistance to tyrosol. Tyrosol inhibited the efflux of rhodamine 6G (R6G), a substrate for MDR transporters. However, preincubating yeast cells with tyrosol induced MDR, as evidenced by increased Pdr5-GFP levels and reduced yeast ability to accumulate Nile red, another fluorescent MDR-transporter substrate. Moreover, tyrosol inhibited the cytostatic effect of clotrimazole, the azole antifungal. Our results demonstrate that a natural secondary metabolite can modulate yeast MDR. We speculate that intermediates of aromatic amino acid metabolites coordinate cell metabolism and defense mechanisms against xenobiotics

    Совершенствование контроля удержаний из заработной платы и расчетов по социальному в КСУП ”Липнянка“

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    В данной статье авторами проведена оценка состояния контроля в части удержаний из заработной платы работников в КСУП ”Липнянка“. Авторами разработан тест оценки контроля. Предложены ведомости проверки правильности бухгалтерских записей по счетам и правильности документального оформления удержаний из заработной платы

    Crystal structure of new carboxylate phosphabetaines and phosphonium salts conjugated with them

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.Earlier unknown crystalline forms of three carboxylate phosphabetaines and conjugated with them phosphonium salts differing by β substituent with respect to the carboxylate group were studied. The structure of studied compounds in crystal is determined by intermolecular electrostatic interactions. This leads to the trans arrangement of the carboxylate and the phosphonium groups

    Antibacterial and photochemical properties of cellulose nanofiber-titania nanocomposites loaded with two different types of antibiotic medicines

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    Nanocomposite dermal drug delivery systems based on cellulose nanofibers with grafted titania nanoparticles loaded by two antibiotic medicines from different classes, i.e. tetracycline (TC) and phosphomycin (Phos), were successfully produced by a ‘‘green chemistry’’ approach in aqueous media. The influence of a different surface binding mechanism between the drug molecule and modified cellulose nanofibers on the release of the drug and, as a result, on antimicrobial properties against common pathogens Gram-positive, Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative Escherichia coli was investigated. The disk diffusion method and broth culture tests using varying concentrations of drugs loaded to nanocomposites were carried out to investigate the antibacterial effects. The influence of UV irradiation on the stability of the obtained nanocomposites and their antibacterial properties after irradiation were also investigated, showing enhanced stability especially for the TC loaded materials. These findings suggest that the obtained nanocomposites are promising materials for the development of potentially useful antimicrobial patches

    L-Selectin Shedding Does Not Regulate Constitutive T Cell Trafficking but Controls the Migration Pathways of Antigen-activated T Lymphocytes

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    L-Selectin mediates rolling of lymphocytes in high endothelial venules (HEVs) of peripheral lymph nodes (PLNs). Cross-linking of L-selectin causes proteolytic shedding of its ectodomain, the physiological significance of which is unknown. To determine whether L-selectin shedding regulates lymphocyte migration, a mutant form that resists shedding (LΔP-selectin) was engineered. Transgenic mice expressing either LΔP or wild-type (WT) L-selectin on T cells were crossed with L-selectin knockout (KO) mice. The cellularity and subset composition of secondary lymphoid organs did not differ between LΔP and WT mice, however, they were different from C57BL/6. Plasma levels of soluble L-selectin in LΔP mice were reduced to <5% of WT and C57BL/6 mice. The rolling properties of T lymphocytes from LΔP and WT mice on immobilized L-selectin ligands were similar. Furthermore, similar numbers of LΔP and WT T lymphocytes were recruited from the bloodstream into PLNs in mice, although LΔP T cells transmigrated HEVs more slowly. WT, but not LΔP-selectin, underwent rapid, metalloproteinase-dependent shedding after TCR engagement, and LΔP T cells retained the capacity to enter PLNs from the bloodstream. These results suggest that the ability to shed L-selectin is not required for T cell recirculation and homing to PLNs. However, L-selectin shedding from antigen-activated T cells prevents reentry into PLNs

    Как нагрузить порожний вагонопоток

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    For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version).ABSTRACT The topic of increasing the efficiency of empty gondola cars is considered by the authors at the example of the West Siberian Railway. In the process of analyzing the situation, it was revealed that the main problems that have arisen with the multiplicity of owners of rolling stock are a consequence of the lack of a single mechanism for managing cargo flows and are at the interface of interaction with different structures, small and large, federal and local. It is necessary to build a new management system for empty car flows and regulate this system, in particular the roles of participants in the transportation process, including the operator. The technology of operation of companies-operators with a park of empty open cars, the order of normalization and planning of their approach to coal loading stations of the road are shown. Compliance with such technology allows to significantly increase the level of loading of cars, improve the fulfillment of delivery deadlines. Keywords: management, railway, empty car flow, operator, cargo owner, plurality of owners, transportation process. REFERENCES 1.Khusainov, F. I. Reform of the railway industry in Russia: the problems of unfinished liberalization: Monograph [Reforma zheleznodorozhnoj otrasli v Rossii: problemy nezavershjonnoj liberalizacii: Monografija].Moscow, Nauka publ., 2015, 272 p. 2.INFOLine on change of paradigm of the railway market: from surplus of car fleet to a balance with accelerated replacement of outdated rolling stock with innovative [INFOLine o smene paradigmy zheleznodorozhnogo rynka: ot proficita vagonnogo parka k balansu s uskorennym zameshheniem ustarevshego podvizhnogo sostava innovacionnym].http://infoline.spb.ru/m/news/102859/.Last accessed 27.07.2016. 3.Federal Law No.503-FZ dated December 31, 2014 [Federal’nyj zakon № 503-FZ ot 31.12.2014].Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Тема повышения эффективности работы порожних полувагонов рассматривается авторами на примере Западно-Сибирской железной дороги. В процессе анализа ситуации выявлено, что основные проблемы, возникшие при множественности владельцев подвижного состава, являются следствием отсутствия единого механизма управления грузовыми потоками и находятся на стыке взаимодействия с разными структурами, мелкими и крупными, федеральными и местными. Необходимо построение новой системы управления порожними вагонопотоками и нормативного закрепления этой системы, в частности ролей участников перевозочного процесса, включая оператора. Показаны технология работы компаний-операторов с парком порожних полувагонов, порядок нормирования и планирования их подвода на углепогрузочные станции дороги. Соблюдение такой технологии позволяет значительно повысить уровень погрузки и маршрутизации вагонов, улучшить выполнение сроков доставки грузов

    C→N migration of methoxycarbonyl and acetyl groups in reactions of functionally substituted carbanions with aryl isocyanates. Kinetics and mechanism of the reactions

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    The kinetics and mechanism of C→N migrations of methoxycarbonyl and acetyl groups in the reactions of the sodium derivative of methyl (2-cyano-2-phenyl)acetate and 1,1-diacetyl-2-phenyl-2-tributylphosphonioethanide with aryl isocyanates were studied by spectrophotometry. The reactions afford a prereaction complex via a concerted mechanism, according to which the nucleophilic attack of the carbanionic center to the carbon atom of the isocyanate group and the subsequent nucleophilic attack of the nitrogen atom to the carbonyl carbon atom, resulting in the C-C bond cleavage, occur almost simultaneously in the framework of the same transition state. © Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006

    An unusual reaction of triphenylphosphine with dichlorodinitrobenzofuroxan

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    A novel phosphorylation reaction of dichlorodinitrobenzofuroxan by triphenylphosphine has been studied. An unusual course of the reaction with the participation of benzofuroxan nitro groups as reactive centers has been established. It is shown that as final product of the reaction, a stable diphenolate diphosphabetaine with strong participation of the mesomeric ketoylide structure is formed. The structure of the product has been confirmed by X-ray diffraction