16 research outputs found

    Spinning-Down of Moving Magnetars in the Propeller Regime

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    We use axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic simulations to investigate the spinning-down of magnetars rotating in the propeller regime and moving supersonically through the interstellar medium. The simulations indicate that magnetars spin-down rapidly due to this interaction, faster than for the case of a non-moving star. From many simulation runs we have derived an approximate scaling laws for the angular momentum loss rate, \dot{L} \propto \~\eta_m^{0.3}\mu^{0.6}\rho^{0.8}{\cal M}^{-0.4} \Omega_*^{1.5}, where \rho is the density of the interstellar medium, \cal M is Mach number, \mu is the star's magnetic moment, \Omega_* is its angular velocity, and \eta_m is magnetic diffusivity. A magnetar with a surface magnetic field of 10^{13} - 10^{15} G is found to spin-down to a period P > 10^5-10^6 s in \sim 10^4 - 10^5 years. There is however uncertainty about the value of the magnetic diffusivity so that the time-scale may be longer. We discuss this model in respect of Soft Gamma Repeaters (SGRs) and the isolated neutron star candidate RXJ1856.5-3754.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, accepted by MNRAS. See version with better resolution figures and animation at http://astrosun2.astro.cornell.edu/us-rus/propeller.ht

    Bondi-Hoyle Accretion onto Magnetized Neutron Star

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    Axisymmetric MHD simulations are used to investigate the Bondi-Hoyle accretion onto an isolated magnetized neutron star moving supersonically (with Mach number of 3) through the interstellar medium. The star is assumed to have a dipole magnetic field aligned with its motion and a magnetospheric radius R_m less then the accretion radius R_BH, so that the gravitational focusing is important. We find that the accretion rate to a magnetized star is smaller than that to a non-magnetized star for the parameters considered. Close to the star the accreting matter falls to the star's surface along the magnetic poles with a larger mass flow to the leeward pole of the star. In the case of a relatively large stellar magnetic field, the star's magnetic field is stretched in the direction of the matter flow outside of R_m (towards the windward side of the star). For weaker magnetic fields we observed oscillations of the closed magnetosphere frontward and backward. These are accompanied by strong oscillations of the mass accretion rate which varies by factors ~ 3. Old slowly rotating neutron stars with no radio emission may be visible in the X-ray band due to accretion of interstellar matter. In general, the star's velocity, magnetic moment, and angular velocity vectors may all be in different directions so that the accretion luminosity will be modulated at the star's rotation rate.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Long duration radio transients lacking optical counterparts are possibly Galactic Neutron Stars

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    (abridged) Recently, a new class of radio transients in the 5-GHz band was detected by Bower et al. We present new deep near-Infrared (IR) observations of the field containing these transients, and find no counterparts down to a limiting magnitude of K=20.4 mag. We argue that the bright (>1 Jy) radio transients recently reported by Kida et al. are consistent with being additional examples of the Bower et al. transients. We refer to these groups of events as "long-duration radio transients". The main characteristics of this population are: time scales longer than 30 minute but shorter than several days; rate, ~10^3 deg^-2 yr^-1; progenitors sky surface density of >60 deg^-2 (95% C.L.) at Galactic latitude ~40 deg; 1.4-5 GHz spectral slopes, f_\nu ~ \nu^alpha, with alpha>0; and most notably the lack of any counterparts in quiescence in any wavelength. We rule out an association with many types of objects. Galactic brown-dwarfs or some sort of exotic explosions remain plausible options. We argue that an attractive progenitor candidate for these radio transients is the class of Galactic isolated old neutron stars (NS). We confront this hypothesis with Monte-Carlo simulations of the space distribution of old NSs, and find satisfactory agreement for the large areal density. Furthermore, the lack of quiescent counterparts is explained quite naturally. In this framework we find: the mean distance to events in the Bower et al. sample is of order kpc; the typical distance to the Kida et al. transients are constrained to be between 30 pc and 900 pc (95% C.L.); these events should repeat with a time scale of order several months; and sub-mJy level bursts should exhibit Galactic latitude dependence. We discuss possible mechanisms giving rise to the observed radio emission.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 17 pages, 10 figure

    Spherical Bondi accretion onto a magnetic dipole

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    Quasi-spherical supersonic (Bondi-type) accretion to a star with a dipole magnetic field is investigated using resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations. A systematic study is made of accretion to a non-rotating star, while sample results for a rotating star are also presented. A new stationary subsonic accretion flow is found with a steady rate of accretion to the magnetized star smaller than the Bondi accretion rate. Dependences of the accretion rate and the flow pattern on the magnetic momentum of the star and the magnetic diffusivity are presented. For slow star's rotation the accretion flow is similar to that in non-rotating case, but in the case of fast rotation the structure of the subsonic accretion flow is fundamentally different and includes a region of ``propeller'' outflow. The methods and results described here are of general interest and can be applied to systems where matter accretes with low angular momentum.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, used emulapj.st

    Numerical Hydrodynamics and Magnetohydrodynamics in General Relativity

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    Different regimes of accretion to a star with a dipole magnetic field were investigated using 2D numerical axisymmetric resistive MHD simulations. Numerical technique was improved over our recently published results (Toropin et al., 1999, referred as T99 below). A new model for the gravitating star with a dipole magnetic field was adopted for presented simulation set. Spherical accretion to a non-rotating star with a dipole field was modeled. Existence of the stationary accretion flow with polar columns inside the Alfven surface was confirmed. The accretion rate to the dipole in the axially symmetric flow is always smaller than in the Bondi accretion to corresponding non-magnetized star. Investigations of the cylindrical accretion (parallel to the star's magnetic momentum) were started. If the value of the star's gravitational capture radius is close to its Alfven radius then the magnetic field surveys as an effective obstacle for the incoming flow deflecting it from the star. Simulated flow structure is discussed