358 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Uncertainties in the Electron Temperature and Radial Speed Measurements Using White Light Corona Eclipse Observations

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    We examine the uncertainties in two plasma parameters from their true values in a simulated asymmetric corona. We use the Corona Heliosphere (CORHEL) and Magnetohydrodynamics Around the Sphere (MAS) models in the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) to investigate the differences between an assumed symmetric corona and a more realistic, asymmetric one. We were able to predict the electron temperatures and electron bulk flow speeds to within +/-0.5 MK and +/-100 km s(exp1), respectively, over coronal heights up to 5.0 R from Sun center.We believe that this technique could be incorporated in next-generation white-light coronagraphs to determine these electron plasma parameters in the low solar corona. We have conducted experiments in the past during total solar eclipses to measure the thermal electron temperature and the electron bulk flow speed in the radial direction in the low solar corona. These measurements were made at different altitudes and latitudes in the low solar corona by measuring the shape of the K-coronal spectra between 350 nm and 450 nm and two brightness ratios through filters centered at 385.0 nm/410.0 nm and 398.7 nm/423.3 nm with a bandwidth of is approximately equal to 4 nm. Based on symmetric coronal models used for these measurements, the two measured plasma parameters were expected to represent those values at the points where the lines of sight intersected the plane of the solar limb

    STEREO SECCHI COR1-A/B Intercalibration at 180 deg Separation

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    The twin Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft reached a separation angle of 180 degrees on 6 February 2011. This provided a unique opportunity to test the intercalibration between the Sun-Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI) telescopes on both spacecraft for areas above the limb. So long as the corona is optically thin, at 180 degree separation each spacecraft sees the same corona from opposite directions. Thus, the data should appear as mirror images of each other. We report here on the results of the comparison of the images taken by the inner coronagraph (COR1) on the STEREO Ahead and Behind spacecraft in the hours when the separation was close to 180 degrees. We find that the intensity values seen by the two telescopes agree with each other to a high degree of accuracy. This validates both the radiometric intercalibration between the COR1 telescopes, and the method used to remove instrumental background from the images. The relative error between COR1-A and COR1-B is found to be less than 10(exp -9) B/B solar over most of the field-of-view, growing to a few x 10(exp -9) B/B solar for the brighter pixels near the edge of the occulter. The primary source of error is the background determination. We also report on the analysis of star observations which show that the absolute radiometric calibration of either COR1 telescope has not changed significantly since launch

    Properties of High-Latitude CME-Driven Disturbances During Ulysses Second Northern Polar Passage

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    Ulysses observed five coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and their associated disturbances while the spacecraft was immersed in the polar coronal hole (CH) flow above 70° N in late 2001. Of these CMEs, two were very fast (\u3e850 km s−1) driving strong shocks in the wind ahead, and two others were over-expanding. The two fast CMEs were observed leaving the Sun by LASCO/SOHO, and were observed in the ecliptic by Genesis and ACE. These were large events, spanning at least from the northern heliospheric pole to the ecliptic. One-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations indicate that these could be described as overpressured CMEs launched from the Sun at speeds initially faster than ambient, but then decelerating to the ambient solar wind speed as they propagated outward. The two over-expanding CMEs mark their first occurrence since Ulysses’ first orbit when such CMEs were only observed in polar CH flow

    Solar Energetic Particle-Associated Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Mk3 and Mk4 Coronameters

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    We report on the first comprehensive study of the coronal mass ejections (CMEs) associated with ∼\sim25 MeV solar energetic proton (SEP) events in 1980-2013 observed in the low/inner corona by the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (MLSO) Mk3 and Mk4 coronameters. Where possible, these observations are combined with spacebased observations from the Solar Maximum Mission C/P, P78-1 SOLWIND or SOHO/LASCO coronagraphs. The aim of the study is to understand directly-measured (rather than inferred from proxies) CME motions in the low to middle corona and their association with SEP acceleration, and hence attempt to identify early signatures that are characteristic of SEP acceleration in ground-based CME observations that may be used to warn of impending SEP events. Although we find that SEP events are associated with CMEs that are on average faster and wider than typical CMEs observed by MLSO, a major challenge turns out to be determining reliable estimates of the CME dynamics in the low corona from the 3-minute cadence Mk3/4 observations since different analysis techniques can produce inconsistent results. This complicates the assessment of what early information on a possible SEP event is available from these low coronal observationsComment: To be published in Solar Physic

    Time Variations in Elemental Abundances in Solar Energetic Particle Events

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    The Solar Isotope Spectrometer (SIS) on-board the Advanced Composition Explorer has a large collection power and high telemetry rate, making it possible to study elemental abundances in large solar energetic particle (SEP) events as a function of time. Results have now been obtained for more than 25 such events. Understanding the causes of these variations is key to obtaining reliable solar elemental abundances and to understanding solar acceleration processes. Such variations have been previously attributed to two models: (1) a mixture of an initial impulsive phase having enhanced heavy element abundances with a longer gradual phase with coronal abundances and (2) rigidity dependent escape from CME-driven shocks through plasma waves generated by wave-particle interactions. In this second model the injected abundances are assumed to be coronal. Both these models can be expected to depend upon solar longitude since impulsive events are associated with flares at longitudes well-connected magnetically to the observer, and shock properties and connection of the observer to the shock are also longitude dependent. We present results on temporal variations from event to event and within events and show that they appear to have a longitude dependence. We show that the events which have been well-explained by model (2) tend to be near central meridian or the west limb. In addition, we show that there are events with little time variation and heavy element enhancements similar to those of impulsive events. These events seem to be better explained by model (1) with only an impulsive phase

    NASA's Internal Space Weather Working Group

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    Measurements from many of NASA's scientific spacecraft are used routinely by space weather forecasters, both in the U.S. and internationally. ACE, SOHO (an ESA/NASA collaboration), STEREO, and SDO provide images and in situ measurements that are assimilated into models and cited in alerts and warnings. A number of years ago, the Space Weather laboratory was established at NASA-Goddard, along with the Community Coordinated Modeling Center. Within that organization, a space weather service center has begun issuing alerts for NASA's operational users. NASA's operational user community includes flight operations for human and robotic explorers; atmospheric drag concerns for low-Earth orbit; interplanetary navigation and communication; and the fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles, high altitude aircraft, and launch vehicles. Over the past three years we have identified internal stakeholders within NASA and formed a Working Group to better coordinate their expertise and their needs. In this presentation we will describe this activity and some of the challenges in forming a diverse working group

    Earth-Affecting Solar Causes Observatory (EASCO): A Potential International Living with a Star Mission from Sun-Earth L5

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    This paper describes the scientific rationale for an L5 mission and a partial list of key scientific instruments the mission should carry. The L5 vantage point provides an unprecedented view of the solar disturbances and their solar sources that can greatly advance the science behind space weather. A coronagraph and a heliospheric imager at L5 will be able to view CMEs broadsided, so space speed of the Earth-directed CMEs can be measured accurately and their radial structure discerned. In addition, an inner coronal imager and a magnetograph from L5 can give advance information on active regions and coronal holes that will soon rotate on to the solar disk. Radio remote sensing at low frequencies can provide information on shock-driving CMEs, the most dangerous of all CMEs. Coordinated helioseismic measurements from the Sun Earth line and L5 provide information on the physical conditions at the base of the convection zone, where solar magnetism originates. Finally, in situ measurements at L5 can provide information on the large-scale solar wind structures (corotating interaction regions (CIRs)) heading towards Earth that potentially result in adverse space weather
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