68 research outputs found


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    The staff of  D. Alpern Pathological Physiology Department of Kharkiv National Medical University developed and implemented in the educational process the new approach to evaluation of student achievement and identify the level of knowledge at the end of the course. An ordinary exam, which is implemented to the educational process through a new credit transfer system of learning process organisation, was transformed into a “complex landmark exam”.Колективом кафедри патологічної фізіології ім. Д. О. Альперна  Харківського національного медичного університету розроблено та впроваджено у навчальний процес новий підхід до оцінювання досягнень студентів і виявлення рівня знань наприкінці курсу. Звичайний іспит, який впроваджено у навчальний процес завдяки новій кредитно-трансферній системі організації навчального процесу було трансформовано в “комплексний етапний іспит”

    Study of acute and chronic toxicity of feed additive based on vermiculture

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    The paper presents the results of study of the toxicity of a feed additive, which includes Leuzea safflower (Rhaponticum carthamoides) and protein obtained from vermiculture. The acute toxicity of the feed additive was studied in 31 SD white rats. It has been established that the acute oral toxicity of the feed additive is above 2500 mg/kg, which makes it possible to classify the feed additive as hazard class 3 and classify it as “moderately hazardous” according to GOST 12.1.007-76. The chronic toxicity of the feed additive was studied in 22 SD white rats. The feed additive was administered orally at a dose of 120 and 1200 mg/kg for 30 days. Long-term effects were assessed 14 days after the last introduction of the feed additive. To assess the toxic effects, the effect of the additive on the general condition of the animals, food and water intake was evaluated, blood and urine were analyzed. Complete blood count was carried out by standard methods with the determination of the following parameters: hematocrit, hemoglobin level, the number of erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes, eosinophils, segmented neutrophils, lymphocytes and monocytes. The study of biochemical parameters of blood was carried out using standard kits for biochemical analysis. The following indicators were determined: ALT, total bilirubin, glucose, creatinine and urea. The urinalysis included the determination of the following indicators: density, leukocytes, nitrites, pH, erythrocytes, protein,  glucose, ascorbic acid, ketones, urobilinogen, bilirubin. There was no statistically significant difference in blood and urine parameters between the animals of the control and experimental groups. A pathohistological examination of the stomach, liver, kidneys and heart was carried out, which showed the absence of a toxic effect of the feed additive. Local irritant action was studied in pathomorphological studies. It has been established that the feed additive does not have an irritating effect at the injection site. Thus, the feed additive can be used in feeding farm animals and birds at the recommended dose


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    Formulations of new alkyd resins using tall oil fatty acids have been developed, as well as a technology for their production under laboratory conditions. Alkyd film formers modified with fatty acids of tall oil were synthesized


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    In this paper, the deposition mode of a dendritic nickel deposit firmly adhered to the substrate was established. Deposition of a dendritic layer significantly increases the real surface area of the electrode and reduces the overpotential of hydrogen and oxygen evolution on nickel electrodes in alkaline solutions.В работе установлен режим осаждения дендритного осадка никеля, прочно сцепленного с подложкой. Показано, что нанесение дендритного слоя значительно увеличивает истинную площадь поверхности электрода и снижает перенапряжение выделения водорода и кислорода на никелевых электродах в щелочных растворах

    Experiense of treatment with a growth hormone receptor antagonist in patients with hereditary form of acromegaly: clinical cases

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    Acromegaly is a severe neuroendocrine disease caused by chronic excessive production of somatotropic hormone (STH), characterized by specific changes in appearance, metabolic disorders. In 95% of cases, the cause of pathology is STH-producing pituitary adenomas. The priority method of treatment for acromegaly is transnasal transsphenoidal adenomectomy. If it is impossible to carry out neurosurgical intervention, in order to prevent the progression of the disease and the development of complications, patients are recommended drug therapy with long-acting somatostatin analogues, and if their effectiveness is low, additional radiation therapy may be applied to the neoplasm area. The usage of a relatively new group of drugs, antagonists of STH receptors, namely Pegvisomant for the purpose of drug treatment of acromegaly demonstrates high efficacy even in cases of aggressive forms resistant to other types of treatment. In this article we present two clinical cases of hereditary acromegaly, when the initiation of Pegvisomant therapy led to the achievement of clinical and laboratory remission of acromegaly in patients with an aggressive form of the disease, accompanied by continued growth of residual neoplasm tissue and preservation of its secreting ability even after surgical interventions, radiatiotherapy and long-term drug treatment with somatostatin analogues. The results of the above clinical cases confirm the success of mono- or combined (in cases with continued growth of the neoplasm) therapy with a growth hormone receptor antagonist, Pegvisomant, especially in the case of aggressive acromegaly

    Long action somatostatin analogues in patients with TSH-secreted pituitary adenomas: treatment experience

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    Thyrotoxicosis, which characteristics are increased excitability, emotional lability, tachycardia episodes, increasing of free fractions of tetraiodothyronine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) is one of the most common endocrinological syndromes. However, during the interpretation of thyroid status it is very important to take into account the possibility that a patient has TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma. Timely diagnosis of TSH-secreting adenomas plays prominent role in guiding the treatment course since it is associated with an improvement of long-term prognosis and an increase of the patient’s total life expectancy. Needed to underline that in some patients with TSH-secreting adenomas manifestations of the other pituitary hormones hypersecretion (first of all — somatotropin and prolactin) come to the fore, that lead to the development of acromegaly and hyperprolactinemia accordingly. Our work basing on two clinical cases presents main principles of diagnosis and specific clinical manifestations of TSH-secreting pituitary adenomas and demonstrates efficacy of somatostatin analogues in the treatment of this pathology

    Studying the effect of combination of metotrexat and hepatoprotectors on urine indicators in experiment on white laboratory rats

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    The article presents the results of an experiment in which the effect of the use of methotrexate and hepatoprotectors on laboratory parameters of urine, mortality, as well as the general condition of laboratory rats on dynamic body weight indicators compared with methotrexate monotherapy and the introduction of physiological protein was tested.В статье представлены результаты эксперимента, в ходе которого проверялось влияние применения комбинации метотрексата и гепатопротекторов на лабораторные показатели мочи, летальность, а также общее состояние лабораторных крыс по динамике массы тела в сравнении с монотерапией метотрексатом и введением физиологического раствора

    Echocardiography in laboratory rabbits

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    Introduction. Rabbits are used as convenient models for studying drug cardiotoxicity. Echocardiography is one of the most informative non-invasive methods of assessing the cardiovascular system function. In literature, there is no clearly formulated protocol for heart ultrasound examination in rabbits. Purpose was the systematization of literature data on echocardiography techniques in rabbitsЦель работы — систематизация данных литературы о методиках эхокардиографии у кролико

    Leflunomide and essential phospholipids effect on electrocardiographic parameters of laboratory rabbits

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    The article deals with influence analysis of leflunomide and its combination with essential phospholipids on electrocardiographic parameters of laboratory rabbits. It was shown that leflunomide 10 mg/kg exposition during 42 days moderate prolongate RR interval but does not influence on P wave and PQ, QT and corrected QT interval durationВ статье приведён анализ влияния лефлуномида и его комбинации с эссенциальными фосфолипидами на электрокардиографические параметры лабораторных кроликов. Показано, что введение лефлуномида в дозе 10 мг/кг в течение 42 дней умеренно удлиняет интервал RR, но не влияет на продолжительность зубца P и длину интервалов PQ, QT и корригированного QT

    Importance of Post-Translational Modifications for Functionality of a Chloroplast-Localized Carbonic Anhydrase (CAH1) in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Background: The Arabidopsis CAH1 alpha-type carbonic anhydrase is one of the few plant proteins known to be targeted to the chloroplast through the secretory pathway. CAH1 is post-translationally modified at several residues by the attachment of N-glycans, resulting in a mature protein harbouring complex-type glycans. The reason of why trafficking through this non-canonical pathway is beneficial for certain chloroplast resident proteins is not yet known. Therefore, to elucidate the significance of glycosylation in trafficking and the effect of glycosylation on the stability and function of the protein, epitope-labelled wild type and mutated versions of CAH1 were expressed in plant cells. Methodology/Principal Findings: Transient expression of mutant CAH1 with disrupted glycosylation sites showed that the protein harbours four, or in certain cases five, N-glycans. While the wild type protein trafficked through the secretory pathway to the chloroplast, the non-glycosylated protein formed aggregates and associated with the ER chaperone BiP, indicating that glycosylation of CAH1 facilitates folding and ER-export. Using cysteine mutants we also assessed the role of disulphide bridge formation in the folding and stability of CAH1. We found that a disulphide bridge between cysteines at positions 27 and 191 in the mature protein was required for correct folding of the protein. Using a mass spectrometric approach we were able to measure the enzymatic activity of CAH1 protein. Under circumstances where protein N-glycosylation is blocked in vivo, the activity of CAH1 is completely inhibited. Conclusions/Significance: We show for the first time the importance of post-translational modifications such as N-glycosylation and intramolecular disulphide bridge formation in folding and trafficking of a protein from the secretory pathway to the chloroplast in higher plants. Requirements for these post-translational modifications for a fully functional native protein explain the need for an alternative route to the chloroplast.This work was supported by the Swedish Research Council (VR), the Kempe Foundations and Carl Tryggers Foundation to GS, and grant numbers BIO2006-08946 and BIO2009-11340 from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) to A