81 research outputs found
Etiquette Behavior in the Context of University Organizational Culture
The aim of this study is to reveal interrelationship between the notions of etiquette behavior of students and teachers and the characteristics of organizational culture at universities. Methods. The research is based on a survey. The sample included 141 students and 69 teachers from Russian universities. A set of diagnostic methods was used to gather the empirical data. Data on teachers’ and students’ attitude to institutionalization of etiquette rules and dress code as well as students’ compliance with etiquette rules were collected using the author’s questionnaire; data on evaluation of etiquette functions were obtained through the questionnaire Subjective Evaluation of Etiquette Functions’ Significance by O.I. Danilenko, data on existing and preferred organizational culture in the respondents’ universities – through Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) by K. Cameron and R. Quinn. Results. Correlations between indicators, characterizing etiquette behavior and current organizational culture type, were identified in both groups: positive for clan and adhocracy culture type, negative – for hierarchical. Statistically significant positive correlations between evaluation of etiquette functions' significance and evaluation of students’ compliance with etiquette rules and clan culture, negative correlations between the same indicators of etiquette behavior and hierarchical culture were revealed in the students’ group. In teachers’ group, evaluation of etiquette functions' significance, positive attitude to institutionalization of etiquette rules and dress code are correlated positively with clan and adhocracy organizational culture, negatively – with hierarchical. Conclusion. The gathered data indicate: the higher both students and teachers evaluate characteristics of clan and adhocracy culture, the higher is their evaluation of the importance of etiquette behavior. The higher are values of hierarchical culture characteristics, the lower is evaluation of etiquette importance
Effect of strain rate on the formation of the microstructure of a 1950/10% SiC metal matrix composite under high temperature
The paper studies the effect of strain rate on the formation of grains and low-angle boundaries in an aluminum matrix composite based on the 1950 alloy (analogous to the AA7075 alloy) with 10 vol% SiC. The deformation of the metal matrix composite, produced by a powder technique, is investigated at a temperature of 500 °C. The specimens are investigated by electron backscatter diffraction before and after deformation at strain rates ranging from 0.1 to 5.5 s-1. It has been established that continuous dynamic recrystallization occurs in the composite at 500 °C in the whole strain rate range considered. The recrystallization is followed by a decrease in the average grain diameter and an increase in the density of the low-angle boundaries with increasing strain rate. © 2017 Author(s).The work was partially financially supported rheological behavior of a metal matrix composite
Статья содержит результаты масштабного исследования кадровых служб и служб управления качеством промышленных предприятий по вопросам формирования системы подготовки специалистов по управлению качеством.The article presents the results of the large analysis of personnel administration and quality control offices of industrial enterprises on the forming a system of expert in quality management training
Development of 3d skin bioequivalent
The paper presents the results of studies on the development of a bioequivalent skin(dermis) based on autologous cells deposited on biodegradable microspheres. The 3D tissue-engineering design under development is intended for the pathogenetic treatment of severe skin lesions by filling in the deficit of the organ cell mass in the affected area, as well as stimulating tissue regeneration processes in patients with trophic ulcers in diabetes mellitus, pressure sores and other skin diseases.В работе представлены результаты исследований по разработке биоэквивалента кожи на основе аутологичных клеток, осажденных на биоразлагаемые микросферы. Разрабатываемая 3D тканеинженерная конструкция предназначена для патогенетической терапии тяжёлых повреждений кожи путем восполнения дефицита клеточной массы органа в области поражения, а также стимуляции процессов регенерации ткани у пациентов с трофическим язвами при сахарном диабете, пролежнях и других заболеваниях кожных покрово
Exosomes as a means of targeted drug delivery
Exosomes are a subgroup of extracellular vesicles ranging in size from 40 nm to 100 nm. They are an endogenous mechanism of intercellular communication. Since the discovery that there are specific receptors on the surface of exosome membranes that facilitate the targeted transfer of biological information to specific "target cells", the potential use of exosomes as drug delivery vehicles has gained considerable scientific interest. This type of extracellular vesicle may have many advantages over currently available drug delivery systems, such as the ability to overcome natural barriers, their cell-targeting properties, and the protection of the contents from environmental influences. The aim of this work is to generalize the approaches of loading extracellular vesicles with exogenous loads and to discuss their advantages and limitationsЭкзосомы являются подгруппой внеклеточных везикул размерами от 40 нм до 100 нм. Они осуществляютё эндогенный механизм межклеточной коммуникации. С момента открытия того, что на поверхности мембран экзосом имеются специфические рецепторы, которые способствуют целенаправленной передаче биологической информации конкретным «клеткаммишеням», потенциальное использование экзосом в качестве средств доставки лекарств приобрело значительный научный интерес. Данный вид внеклеточных везикул может иметь множество преимуществ перед имеющимися в настоящее время средствами доставки лекарственных средств, таких как способность преодолевать естественные барьеры, их свойства нацеливания на клетки и защита содержимого от воздействия окружающей среды. Целью данной работы является обобщение подходов нагрузки внеклеточных везикул экзогенными грузами и обсуждение их преимуществ и ограничений
The main stages of bismuth telluride processing comprising sintering with NaOH, leaching and precipitation were investigated. Bi2Te3 samples produced by "ADV Engineering" were used as starting compounds. The studies revealed regularities of tellurium behavior during the sintering of Bi2Te3 with NaOH and the resulting the solid residue leaching. It was noted that annealing at 350-450°C with NaOH transforms tellurium into Na2TeO3, which is an appropriate form for further dissolution and separation from bismuth. Increasing temperature results in Na2TeO3 oxidation and formation of the water-insoluble compound Na2TeO4. Thus, it decreases tellurium extraction degree during the leaching. It has been shown that increasing temperature from 8 to 25°C at the step of tellurium hydrolytic precipitation slightly affects the extraction degree, the value of which is 93.5-98.2%.В работе исследованы основные стадии переработки теллурида висмута Bi2Te3, включающие: спекание с NaOH, выщелачивание и гидролитическое осаждение. В качестве исходных веществ использованы образцы ООО «АДВ Инжиниринг». В результате проведенных исследований выявлены закономерности поведения теллура на стадии спекания Bi2Te3 с NaOH и выщелачивания полученного спека. Отмечено, что при температуре 350-450°С на стадии спекания с NaOH теллур переходит в форму Na2TeO3, удобную для дальнейшего извлечения в раствор и отделения от висмута. Увеличение температуры приводит к окислению Na2TeO3 и образованию Na2TeO4 - соединения, не растворимого в воде, и тем самым - снижению степени извлечения теллура на стадии выщелачивания. Показано, что увеличение температуры от 8 до 25°С на стадии гидролитического осаждения теллура практически не влияет на степень его извлечения, которая составляет 93.5-98.2%
Влияние гуминовых веществ угля и биокомпозиций с наночастицами серебра на их основе на баланс аргинина в перитонеальных макрофагах интактных мышей
Background. Antigen-presenting cells (APCs), especially macrophages, play an important role in the body defense against various pathogens. Their dysfunction and polarization are associated with most inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The inflammatory process is regulated by activation and / or inhibition of genes differentially expressed by macrophages. Successful correction of inflammation leads firstly to elimination of inflammatory stimuli and then to remodeling and restoration of tissues and organs. It was experimentally confirmed that silvercontaining bionanocomposites based on natural humic substances (HS) obtained from coal of different origin, as well as initial matrices of these HS, are capable of activating pro- and anti-inflammatory properties of macrophages.Aim. To study cytotoxic, pyrogenic, and immunomodulatory properties (arginine balance) of initial HS samples and samples of silver nanoparticles ultradispersed in these HS matrices (HS-AgNPs) in the cell culture of peritoneal macrophages, as well as their effect on pro- and anti-inflammatory properties of APCs.Materials and methods. Cultural and biochemical methods were used in the study.Results. The study showed that the samples CHE-K, CHE-AgNPs, CHS-K, and CHP-K increased M1 macrophage polarization due to stimulation of the NO-synthase activity and inhibition of arginase. The samples CHI-K, CHIAgNPs, CHP-AgNPs, and CHS-AgNPs modulated an alternative M2 or M2-like state of macrophage activation. At the same time, HS are not cytotoxic at effective concentrations, and three out of four studied samples did not contain pyrogenic impurities.Conclusion. The use of HS and their silver-containing bionanocomposites, which have the ability to greatly affect the polarization of antigen-presenting cells, is a promising research area in correction of the inflammatory response for solving an important social and medical problem of treating chronic wounds. Введение. Антигенпрезентирующие клетки, особенно макрофаги, играют важную роль в защите организма от различных патогенов, их дисфункции, и поляризация связана с большинством воспалительных и аутоиммунных заболеваний. Воспалительный процесс жестко регулируется активацией и (или) ингибированием дифференциально экспрессируемых макрофагами генов. Успешная коррекция воспалительного процесса приводит к устранению воспалительных стимулов и далее ремоделированию и восстановлению тканей и органов. Экспериментально доказано, что биокомпозиции с наночастицами серебра на основе природных гуминовых веществ (ГВ) угля различного генеза, а также исходные матрицы данных ГВ способны активировать про- и противовоспалительные свойства макрофагов.Цель. Исследование в культуре клеток перитонеальных макрофагов цитотоксических, пирогенных и иммуномодулирующих свойств (баланс аргинина) исходных образцов ГВ и образцов наночастиц серебра, ультрадиспергированных в данных матрицах гуминовых веществ (ГВ-AgNPs),а также их влияния на про- и противовоспалительные свойства антигенпрезентирующих клеток. Материалы и методы. Использовались культуральные и биохимические методы.Результаты. Показано, что образцы CHE-K, CHE-AgNPs, CHS-K, CHP-K за счет усиления активности NOсинтазы и ингибиции аргиназы способствуют поляризации перитонеальных макрофагов по классическому типу (М1). Образцы CHI-K, CHI-AgNPs, CHP-AgNPs и CHS-AgNPs модулируют альтернативный М2 или M2-подобный тип (M2-like state) активации макрофагов. При этом ГВ не цитотоксичны в эффективных концентрациях, а также три из четырех исследуемых образцов не содержат пирогенных примесей.Заключение. Применение ГВ и серебросодержащих бионанокомпозиций на основе ГВ, обладающих способностью широко влиять на поляризацию антигенпрезентирующих клеток, является перспективным направлением исследований коррекции воспалительной реакции и, в частности, для решения острой социальной и медицинской проблемы – лечения хронических ран.
Prevalence of eating disorders among USMU students
The aim of the study – to assess the prevalence of eating disorders among female students of USMU and to identify the relationship between eating disorders and the nutritional status of female students.Цель исследования – оценить распространённость нарушений пищевого поведения среди студенток УГМУ и выявить связь между пищевыми расстройствами и пищевым статусо
Emerging IT risks: insights from German banking
How do German banks manage the emerging risks stemming from IT innovations such as cyber risk? With a focus on process, roles and responsibilities, field data from ten banks participating in the 2014 ECB stress test were collected by interviewing IT managers, risk managers and external experts. Current procedures for handling emerging risks in German banks were identified from the interviews and analysed, guided by the extant literature. A clear gap was found between enterprise risk management (ERM) as a general approach to risks threatening firms’ objectives and ERM’s neglect of emerging risks, such as those associated with IT innovations. The findings suggest that ERM should be extended towards the collection and sharing of knowledge to allow for an initial understanding and description of emerging risks, as opposed to the traditional ERM approach involving estimates of impact and probability. For example, as cyber risks emerge from an IT innovation, the focus may need to switch towards reducing uncertainty through knowledge acquisition. Since individual managers seldom possess all relevant knowledge of an IT innovation, various stakeholders may need to be involved to exploit their expertise
Character and environmental lability of cyanobacteria-derived dissolved organic matter
Autotrophic dissolved organic matter (DOM) is central to the carbon biogeochemistry of aquatic systems, and the full complexity of autotrophic DOM has not been extensively studied, particularly by high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). Terrestrial DOM tends to dominate HRMS studies in freshwaters due to the propensity of such compounds to ionize by negative mode electrospray, and possibly also because ionizable DOM produced by autotrophy is decreased to low steady-state concentrations by heterotrophic bacteria. In this study, we investigated the character of DOM produced by the widespread cyanobacteriaMicrocystis aeruginosausing high-pressure liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-high-resolution mass spectrometry.M. aeruginosaproduced thousands of detectable compounds in axenic culture. These compounds were chromatographically resolved and the majority were assigned to aliphatic formulas with a broad polarity range. We found that the DOM produced byM. aeruginosawas highly susceptible to removal by heterotrophic freshwater bacteria, supporting the hypothesis that this autotroph-derived organic material is highly labile and accordingly only seen at low concentrations in natural settings
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