134 research outputs found

    Inter-Market and Seasonal Variation in Price: An Appraisal of Maize Marketing in Kwara State.

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    This study investigated inter-market and seasonal variation in prices of maize in Kwara State. Secondary time series data on average monthly retail price of maize in urban and rural markets between 1998 and 2003 were used for the study. Primary data on the average storage cost of maize and the average selling price of maize for 2004 were also used for the study. The study described the seasonal pattern of maize, examined its seasonal price rise and analyzed the inter-market variation in prices of maize in the study area. The study revealed that the seasonal price rise exceeds storage cost but the difference is minimal. The effect of kilometer separation between market- pairs on their Price difference is significant (p < 0.05). Thus, if storage cost should be reduced the inter-market price variation will be reduced while transportation cost should also be reduced to facilitate the movement of food commodities between markets. Keywords: Inter-market, Price difference, Seasonal, Variation, and Maize. Agrosearch Vol. 7 (1&2) 2005: pp. 51-6

    A new Numerical Integrator for the Solution of Problems Arising from Some Dynamical Systems

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    In this paper, we developed a new Numerical Integrator for solving oscillatory and exponential problems that can be represented by  Ordinary Differential Equation. This integrator was applied in solving some physical problems including the dynamic and aerospace routing problem. The results obtained showed that the numerical integrator is suitable for the simulation of these  problems. KEYWORDS: Dynamic Aerospace problem, Numerical  Integrator, Algorithms, Oscillatory and Exponential problems. Dynamical systems

    GC-MS analysis and invitro cytotoxic activity of Ocimum basilicum (Lamiaceae) volatile oil and active fraction composed majorly of estragole

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    Ocimum basilicum leaves contain some bioactive compounds and this study was designed to evaluate the cytotoxic efficacy of its volatile oil and fractions. Preliminary screening of the oil obtained by hydrodistillation was carried out using bench-top assay methods employing tadpoles of Raniceps ranninus (10-40 μg/mL), nauplii of Artemia salina (10-1000 μg/mL) and radicles of Sorghum bicolor seeds (1-30 mg/mL). Application of column chromatography and preparative TLC on the oil resulted in fractions that were tested alongside the oil on breast (AU 565) and cervical (HeLa) cancer cell lines at 50 μg/mL. GCMS analysis was carried out on the oil and the most active fraction. A concentration dependent activity was observed in the preliminary screening with the bench-top assays. The active fraction produced greater growth inhibition of the radicle of S. bicolor seeds than the oil. Inhibitions of -1.02 and +23.02 % were realized against AU 565 and HeLa cell lines respectively with the oil, and these were increased to +33.19 and +89.3 % inhibitions respectively with the active fraction. GCMS results revealed the presence of estragole (88.61 %) as being most abundant in the fraction. This result shows the cytotoxic potential of O. basilicum volatile oil, which was increased in its estragole-containing fraction

    Subordination Properties for Analytic Functions Defined By Convolution

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    In this paper, we derive several interesting subordination results for certain class of analytic functions defined by the Salagean Operator which was introduced and studied by Oyekan et. Al.[1]

    Farmers Utilization of Farm - Radio Programmed for Marketing of Agricultural Commodities in Oyo State, Nigeria

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    Radio can persuade and effectively influence large audience, thereby contributing substantially to the building of national consensus. It is a powerful instrument in the area of public enlightenment, on health issues, family planning, cultural reawakening, and marketing of agricultural products, business improvement and other social issues. The study examined the used of radio for the marketing of agricultural products in Oyo State, Nigeria. A random sampling technique was used to select one hundred and fifty (150) farmers for the study. The results of the findings showed that majority of the respondents (66.7%) were women with most of them between 41-50years of age. Majority of the respondents were married (67.3%) and educated (72.0%), which has positive effect on their use of marketing information. Farming constitutes the major occupation (81.3%) of the respondents, with many of them (68.0%) having between 6-15years farming experience. The result further shows that majority of the farmers (84.0%) used the radio agricultural programme as their agricultural market information source. Inferential statistics results indicate that there were significant relationship between farmers use of farm-radio programme for marketing agricultural commodities and educational attainment (X2 = 16.35; &lt; 0.05) and primary occupation (X2 = 61.25; &lt; 0.05). However age (X2 = 5.54; &gt; 0.05) and marital status (X2 = 10.46; &gt; 0.05) among other variables had no significant relationship with the use of farm-radio programme for marketing agricultural commodities. Also the results on farmers awareness (r = 0.632, p &lt; 0.05) and use of farm-radio for marketing agricultural commodities had a positive relationship while constraints (r = -0.0256, p &lt; 0.05) had a negative relationship with farmers use of farm-radio for marketing agricultural commodities. The study concluded that apart from radio, the mostly widely use source of market information by farmers are extension agents and verbal contact with fellow farmers. Keywords: Radio, Marketing, Utilization, Farmers, Agricultural, Commodities

    Evaluation of cytotoxic effect of Tetrapleura tetraptera (Mimosaceae) pod, root and stem bark extracts on AU565 breast cancer cells

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    Tetrapleura tetraptera is a medicinal plant used to treat a variety of diseases, including tumor-related ailments in ethnomedical practice. This study was undertaken to assess its pod, root, and stem bark extracts for cytotoxicity against AU 565 human breast cancer cell line. The plant parts were extracted with methanol and organic solvent partitioning carried out on the pod extract using hexane and chloroform. Preliminary screening was conducted on the extracts and fractions with brine shrimp of Artemia salina nauplii (10-1000 g/mL) and growth inhibition test with Sorghum bicolor seed radicles (5 mg/mL). Antiproliferation effect on AU565 was assessed by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay at 50 μg/mL. The extracts showed moderate cytotoxic activity with A. salina nauplii. T. tetraptera root extract produced the highest antiproliferative activity, with +99.79 % inhibition on AU 565 cell line. No cytotoxic action was observed with the pod extract on the cell line but its chloroform fraction had high growth inhibitory action on S. bicolor radicles and high cytotoxic effect on the cancer cell line, with 81.98 and 82.27% inhibitions realized respectively. The root bark extract and chloroform fraction of the pod extract demonstrated potent cytotoxic activity on the cell line and seem to justify the use of the plant in preparation of recipes for tumor-related ailments

    Awareness of Cervical Cancer and Screening in a Nigerian Female Market Population

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    Background: Cervical cancer, although largely preventable, remains a leading cause of cancer death among females in the developing world. The study was aimed at providing useful information on awareness of market women, who are from diverse social backgrounds, about cervical cancer and evaluate the extent of utilisation of Papanicolaou's smear by them. It was also aimed at determining the prevalence of risk factors for development of cervical cancer among the population. Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive survey was carried out among market women at Aleshinloye market in November 2003, among 483 randomly selected respondents. A questionnaire probing into their sexual history, awareness about cervical cancer and the extent of utilisation of Pap smear was the survey instrument. Results: The majority (79.5%) of the women were sexually active. One hundred and eighty-six (38.5%) had early sexual debut and 163 (33.7%) had multiple sexual partners. Only 197 respondents (40.8%) were aware of cervical cancer. Of these, 95 (19.7%) were aware of Pap smear as a screening test. The common media of awareness were radio and television (46.6%), public lecture (27.8%) and friends/ relatives (19.9%). However, only 25 respondents (5.2%) have had previous Pap smear done. Conclusion: Though the market women are at considerable risk of developing cancer of the cervix, they are poorly informed about the disease and its prevention. Therefore, there is need for continuous awareness campaign and well-organized screening programmes among this unique category of women.Contexte: Le cancer du col, bien qu'\ue9vitable, demeure la principale cause de d\ue9c\ue8s par cancer chez la femme dans les pays en d\ue9veloppement. Le but de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait de donner des informations utiles sur la connaissance du cancer du col et l'\ue9valuation de l'utilisation du test de Papanicolaou, par des vendeuses au march\ue9, de couches sociales diverses. Il s'agissait \ue9galement de d\ue9terminer la pr\ue9valence des facteurs de risque de d\ue9velopper le cancer de la prostate dans cette population. M\ue9thodes : Cette \ue9tude descriptive sur un \ue9chantillon repr\ue9sentatif a \ue9t\ue9 r\ue9alis\ue9e au sein de femmes au march\ue9 Aleshinloye en Novembre 2003, aupr\ue8s de 483 femmes s\ue9lectionn\ue9es au hasard. L'enqu\ueate reposait sur un questionnaire s'int\ue9ressant \ue0 la sexualit\ue9, la connaissance du cancer du col et l'utilisation du test de Papanicolaou. R\ue9sultats : La majorit\ue9 des femmes (79,5) \ue9taient sexuellement actives. Cent quatre six (38,5%) avaient pr\ue9cocement d\ue9marr\ue9 leur activit\ue9 sexuelle et 163 (33,7%) avaient des partenaires sexuels multiples. Seuls 197 (40,8%) avaient connaissance du cancer du col. Parmi elle, 95 (19,7%) connaissaient le d\ue9pistage par le test de Papanicolaou. Les moyens habituels d'information \ue9taient constitu\ue9s par la radio et le t\ue9l\ue9vision (46,6%), les conf\ue9rences publiques (27,8%) et les amis/parents (19,9%). Cependant, seuls 25 femmes (5,2%) avaient d\ue9j\ue0 b\ue9n\ue9fici\ue9s de test de Papanicolaou. Conclusion: Quoique, \ue0 risque consid\ue9rable de d\ue9velopper le cancer du col, ces femmes sont peu inform\ue9es \ue0 propos de cette maladie et sa pr\ue9vention. A cet effet, il est n\ue9cessaire de continuer les campagnes d'information et de mener des campagnes de d\ue9pistage bien organis\ue9es au sein de cette cat\ue9gorie de femmes

    Household Level Factors Responsible for Gender Poverty Among Cassava Farmers in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State

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    Poverty is multidimensional, enduring and is prevailing not only globally, but also particular cultural, political and economic features of a specific country increasing it. The gulf between haves and have-nots has lingered. Gender disparities, inequality, spatial dimensions, political instability, week institutions and lack of spiritual capital causes the poverty. The objective of this study was to examine the determinants of poverty among cassava producing households by gender of household heads in Odeda local government area of Ogun state. A total of 120 cassava farming household comprising of 76 male headed households and 46 female headed households were interviewed using structured questionnaire, in obtaining information from them. The study revealed that there is a positive relationship between the household size and poverty status for both the female headed households and male headed households and also the age of the household head has a negative relationship with the poverty status of the female household while farm experience and off farm activities were negatively related to the poverty status among the male household. Also, it was found out that neither of the households dominates one another in the poverty analysis. It was concluded that the household size of both the male and female households is an important determinant of poverty status as it was significant to the poverty status of the respondents.&nbsp