5,083 research outputs found

    High-energy effective theory for matter on close Randall Sundrum branes

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    Extending the analysis of hep-th/0504128, we obtain a formal expression for the coupling between brane matter and the radion in a Randall-Sundrum braneworld. This effective theory is correct to all orders in derivatives of the radion in the limit of small brane separation, and, in particular, contains no higher than second derivatives. In the case of cosmological symmetry the theory can be obtained in closed form and reproduces the five-dimensional behaviour. Perturbations in the tensor and scalar sectors are then studied. When the branes are moving, the effective Newtonian constant on the brane is shown to depend both on the distance between the branes and on their velocity. In the small distance limit, we compute the exact dependence between the four-dimensional and the five-dimensional Newtonian constants.Comment: Updated version as published in PR

    Discrimination and visualization of ELM types based on a probabilistic description of inter-ELM waiting times

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    Discrimination and visualization of different observed classes of edge-localized plasma instabilities (ELMs), using advanced data analysis techniques has been considered. An automated ELM type classifier which effectively incorporates measurement uncertainties is developed herein and applied to the discrimination of type I and type III ELMs in a set of carbon-wall JET plasmas. The approach involves constructing probability density functions (PDFs) for inter-ELM waiting times and global plasma parameters and then utilizing an effective similarity measure for comparing distributions: the Rao geodesic distance (GD). It is demonstrated that complete probability distributions of plasma parameters contain significantly more information than the measurement values alone, enabling effective discrimination of ELM type

    Role of the conduction electrons in mediating exchange interactions in Heusler alloys

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    Because of large spatial separation of the Mn atoms in Heusler alloys the Mn 3d states belonging to different atoms do not overlap considerably. Therefore an indirect exchange interaction between Mn atoms should play a crucial role in the ferromagnetism of the systems. To study the nature of the ferromagnetism of various Mn-based semi- and full-Heusler alloys we perform a systematic first-principles calculation of the exchange interactions in these materials. The calculation of the exchange parameters is based on the frozen-magnon approach. The calculations show that the magnetism of the Mn-based Heusler alloys depends strongly on the number of conduction electrons, their spin polarization and the position of the unoccupied Mn 3d states with respect to the Fermi level. Various magnetic phases are obtained depending on the combination of these characteristics. The Anderson's s-d model is used to perform a qualitative analysis of the obtained results. The conditions leading to diverse magnetic behavior are identified. If the spin polarization of the conduction electrons at the Fermi energy is large and the unoccupied Mn 3d states lie well above the Fermi level, an RKKY-type ferromagnetic interaction is dominating. On the other hand, the contribution of the antiferromagnetic superexchange becomes important if unoccupied Mn 3d states lie close to the Fermi energy. The resulting magnetic behavior depends on the competition of these two exchange mechanisms. The calculational results are in good correlation with the conclusions made on the basis of the Anderson s-d model which provides useful framework for the analysis of the results of first-principles calculations and helps to formulate the conditions for high Curie temperature.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    Registration of Ten Sorghum Parental Lines

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    The Nebraska Agric. Exp. Stn. and AR-SEA-USDA released in January 1980 10 pairs of A and B (male-sterile and maintainer) Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench inbred lines for producing grain and forage sorghum hybrids. All A-lines have milo cytoplasm

    Registration of Ten Sorghum Parental Lines

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    The Nebraska Agric. Exp. Stn. and AR-SEA-USDA released in January 1980 10 pairs of A and B (male-sterile and maintainer) Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench inbred lines for producing grain and forage sorghum hybrids. All A-lines have milo cytoplasm

    Registration of Ten Sorghum Parental Lines

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    The Nebraska Agric. Exp. Stn. and AR-SEA-USDA released in January 1980 10 pairs of A and B (male-sterile and maintainer) Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench inbred lines for producing grain and forage sorghum hybrids. All A-lines have milo cytoplasm

    Beaufort sea ice zones by means of microwave imagery

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    An analysis of the aircraft microwave data obtained during the AIDJEX pilot experiment is presented and compared with a recent analysis of the microwave brightness temperatures measured in situ in the vicinity of the n main AIDJEX camp. The sea ice is divided into five distinct zones, the properties of each are discussed in detail

    Results of the US contribution to the joint US/USSR Bering Sea experiment

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    The atmospheric circulation which occurred during the Bering Sea Experiment, 15 February to 10 March 1973, in and around the experiment area is analyzed and related to the macroscale morphology and dynamics of the sea ice cover. The ice cover was very complex in structure, being made up of five ice types, and underwent strong dynamic activity. Synoptic analyses show that an optimum variety of weather situations occurred during the experiment: an initial strong anticyclonic period (6 days), followed by a period of strong cyclonic activity (6 days), followed by weak anticyclonic activity (3 days), and finally a period of weak cyclonic activity (4 days). The data of the mesoscale test areas observed on the four sea ice option flights, and ship weather, and drift data give a detailed description of mesoscale ice dynamics which correlates well with the macroscale view: anticyclonic activity advects the ice southward with strong ice divergence and a regular lead and polynya pattern; cyclonic activity advects the ice northward with ice convergence, or slight divergence, and a random lead and polynya pattern