1,905 research outputs found

    Феноменологія культури Е. Гуссерля: комунікативний та компрегезивний досвіди

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    The article states the effectiveness of the phenomenological method in solving a wide range of current problems of modern socioculture, both applied and theoretical. It is substantiated that in intentional acts of consciousness the surrounding world acts as a boundary of subjectivity, as a correlate of intentional transformations of interaction of consciousness with the world. Differentiation of communicative and compregensive experience produces the necessary grounds for the interpretation of culture as a mechanism of formation in the mind of the spatial and semantic perspective of perception and understanding of the world. Based on this disposition, we have the opportunity to distinguish between the universality of ways of "capturing" the world, or the metaphysical plan of culture, and its paradigm, or historical and social conditionality. In the dialectic of these dimensions there is a dynamic of the existence of a universal horizon of subjectivity.Key words: culture, subjectivity, intentionality, communicative experience, compregensive experience, reflection.В статті стверджується ефективність феноменологічного методу у розв’язанні широкого спектру актуальних проблем сучасної соціокультури, як прикладного, так і теоретичного характеру. Обгрунтовано, що в інтенціональних актах свідомості навколишній світ виступає як межа суб’єктивності, як корелят інтенціональних трансформацій взаємодії свідомості зі світом. Диференціація комунікативного та компрегезивного досвіду продукує необхідні підстави для інтепретації культури як механізму формування у свідомості просторово-змістової перспективи сприйняття та розуміння світу. На основі такої диспозиції, маємо можливість розрізнити універсальність способів «схоплення» світу, або метафізичний план культури, та його парадигмальність, або історико-соціальну обумовленість. В діалектиці цих вимірів має місце динаміка існування універсального горизонту суб’єктивності.Ключові слова: культура, суб’єктивність, інтенціональність, комунікативний досвід, компрегезивний досвід, рефлексія

    Investigation of Functional-technological Properties of Soya Protein

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    There was offered and grounded the use of functional technological properties of the soya protein isolate in the technology of oil pasts. It will allows to increase the balance of the oil past composition additionally and will favor the decrease of extracting moisture during the storage term.There was studied the dynamics of a gradient of the limit stress of soya protein: hydrated soya protein, hydrated soya protein with the temperature processing, hydrated soya protein with the preliminary keeping during 24 h, hydrated soya protein with the preliminary keeping during 24 h and temperature processing during 5 min, hydrated soya protein with the preliminary keeping during 24 h and temperature processing during 10 min; hydrated soya protein with the preliminary keeping during 24 h and temperature processing during 15 min.It was established, that the hydrated isolate of soya protein is a plastic system, has enough strength.The limit stress parameter at the variable velocity of deformation of model samples determines optimal technological parameters of preparing the soya isolate: hydromodule – 1: 8, temperature processing – (82±2) °С, process duration 10 min with preliminary keeping during 24 hours.As a result of the studies, there were demonstrated technological parameters of preparing the soya protein isolate for obtaining the oil past by the direct mixing with the oil base

    Control of Symetry by Lyapunov Exponents

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    In this paper we describe control systems with local and global symmetry. Recent results in control theory have demonstrated that control can lead to symmetry breaking in chaotic systems with a simple type of symmetry. In our work we analyze controllability of Lyapunov exponents using continuous control functions. We show that, by controlling Lyapunov exponents, a chaotic attractor lying in some invariant subspace can be made unstable with respect to perturbations transverse to the invariant subspace. Furthermore, a symmetry-increasing bifurcation can occur, after which the attractor possesses the system symmetry. We demonstrate control of local Lyapunov exponents for the control of symmetry in nonlinear dynamical systems. We also study the effect of noise in the system. It is shown that the small-amplitude noise can restore the symmetry in the attractor after the bifurcation and that the average time for trajectories to switch between the symmetry-broken components of the attractor scales algebraically with the noise amplitude. We demonstrate the relation between Lyapunov exponents, order parameters (Haken, 1983, 1988) and symmetry using a simple physical system and discuss the applicability of our approach to the study of state transitions in the epileptic brain.Дослідження останніх років у галузі систем керування показують, що зовнішні збурення можуть призводити до порушення симетрії в системах з хаотичною динамікою з певним типом симетрії. В роботі проаналізовано можливість керування показниками Ліяпунова за допомогою неперервного зовнішнього впливу. Показано, що хаотичний атрактор може стати нестабільним по відношенню до трансверсальних до інваріантного підпростору збурень. При цьому можуть виникати біфуркації, після яких утворюється нова симетрія атрактора. Ми також: показуємо існування співвідношення між: показниками Ляпунова, параметрами порядку (Хакен, 1983, 1988) та симетрією на прикладі простої фізичної системи. Обговорюється можливість використання нашого підходу до вивчення перехідних режимів в епілептичному головному мозку

    From ontology to technology, from reality to virtuality

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    A technics and technology exist as long as human civilization. Human is not just able to adapt to the habitat, but can also change the world according to the own order. In March 2014 World Health Organization has reported that in 2012 around 7 million people died, what is one eight of the total global deaths, in the result of the exposure of air pollution. It is generally known that this is not just the only one result caused by the pollution of the environment. The consequences of human's influence to nature are so huge and irreversible, that the solution of the problem seems to be the creation of new virtual reality. The number of the internet users attained to 3 000 000 000 persons in July of this year. The third part of the planet's population spends one third of spare time in the internet. Families spend just eight hours a week together on average, during the weekend in the best case two hours twenty minutes are devoted to the communication between family's members, during the week the amount of that time shrinks to just 36 minutes in a day on average. So, the problem of subjectivity, society and communication grows rapidly and is of the highest current interest

    Agrobiological assessment of productivity and nitrogen fixation of vegetable soybean (edamame) in the conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

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    Received: May 25th, 2023 ; Accepted: October 18th, 2023 ; Published: October 30th, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] evaluation of vegetable soybean cultivars (Glycine max var. Shirofumi) according to a complex of economically valuable traits for introduction in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine it was carried out with the aim of selecting the source material and selecting promising breeding forms according to morpho-biological and physiologicalbiochemical characteristics. The research was conducted in the conditions of the educational and production department of Uman National University of Horticulture during 2020–2022, collection cultivars of different ecological and geographical origins were used. The cultivars ‘Sac’ (166.00 g plant-1 ), ‘Vesta’ (139.33 g plant-1 ), ‘Fiskeby V’ (133.33 g plant-1 ), and ‘Fiskeby V-E5’ (146.67 g plant-1 ) possessed a large mass of edamame beans. The maximum yield of edamame beans was formed by plants of the ‘L 380-2-13’ (12.67 t ha-1 ), ‘Vesta’ (12.33 t ha-1 ), ‘Sac’ (13.20 t ha-1 ), ‘Fiskeby V’ (13.97 t ha-1 ), and ‘Fiskeby V-E5’ (14.53 t ha-1 ). Weather conditions during the period of research significantly influenced the yield and biochemical composition of edamame varieties. The yield of edamame beans ranged from 5.40 t ha-1 in 2020 (min) to 22.40 t ha-1 in 2021 (max), and the coefficient of variation by varieties was at the level of 19–41%. This phenomenon is explained by the minimum amount of precipitation in 2020 and the high amount in 2021, which is confirmed by the hydrothermal coefficient during the period of intensive pod growth (VII–VIII) - 2020 - 0.3; 2021 - 1.3 and 1.1 respectively for the month. The protein concentration in Edamame beans was in the range of 27.94–36.29%. A higher protein content relative to the standard was noted in one sample - ‘Karikachi’ - 36.29%. Minimal accumulation of oligosaccharides was noted in ‘Sac’ and ‘Astra’ cultivars, which indicates their suitability for consumption. Promising cultivars were identified by the amount of fixed nitrogen - ‘Sac’ (168.00 ± 4.32 kg ha-1 ), ‘Astra’ (161.67 ± 2.36 kg ha-1 ) and SybNYYSOH 6 (158.19 ± 4.56 kg ha-1 ). The conducted regression analysis showed close relationships (from moderate to functional) between various indicators of the development and productivity of the nodulation apparatus of edamame cultivars. The evaluation of the collection cultivars of vegetable soybeans, their use according to the variability of morphological features and productivity made it possible to single out the ‘Sac’ among the introduced collection cultivars based on a set of valuable traits for use in the selection process to create new cultivars of vegetable soybeans

    Thermoformation of composite sheets on the basis of abs – plastics with high surface luster

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    The possibility of application of composite sheet materials on the basis of acrylonitrile-butadienstyrene plastics (ABS-plastics) for production of details of the exterior and interior parts of roadbuilding equipment by a method of a positive thermoformation has been investigated in the article. It was of a great interest to estimate physicomechanical properties of composite ABSplastic formable products, to study the influence of technological parameters of a termoformation on operational properties of details. Objects of research are the multilayered sheet products received by a method of positive thermoformation. The resistance of ABS-plastics in the conditions of practical use has also been investigated.The authors have made recommendations on the use of thermoformed ABS-plastic details for manufacturing of road-building technics

    Agrobiological evaluation of Allium ampeloprasum L. variety samples in comparison with Allium sativum L. cultivars

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    ArticleThe purpose of investigation is to study the biological and morphological features, to establish the economic and valuable characteristics of the introduced and local forms of Allium ampeloprasum L. in comparison with Allium sativum L. and to study the effect of removal of the scape in the yield. The studies used field, statistical, settlement and analytical methods. The weight of the bulb without removing the inflorescence shoot of the cultivar Sofiivskyi was 28.4– 53.3 g smaller than the variety samples No. 2 and No. 3 respectively. With removing the scape the difference increased by 60.5–68.6 g. The yield of No. 2 variety sample Allium ampeloprasum L. without removing the scape was lower than the standard by 1.7 t ha-1 while the variety sample No. 3 exceeded the standard by 1.1 t ha-1 . With the removal of inflorescence shoot the yields of variety samples No. 2 and No. 3 exceeded the cultivar Sofiivskyi by 1.6 and 2.2 t ha-1 . It has been established according to the researches that introduced forms of Allium ampeloprasum L. have high indicators of economic and valuable characteristics, but they are limited in the first years of cultivation, by the period of adaptation to the new soil and climatic conditions

    The influence of amino acids on the activity of antioxidant enzimes, malonic dialdehyde content and productivity of garlic (Allium Sativum L.)

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    The research was carried out in 2017–2019 in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine. The results of study, the effect of spraying by certain amino acids; salicylic(300 ppm), gibberellin (150 ppm) and ascorbic acids (200 ppm) on garlic (Allium sativum L.) plants are presented in the article. It was found that amino acid solutions improves the antioxidant state: the activities of SOD, CAT, POD, GR, GST in treated leaves tended to increase, the activity of SOD was higher than the control of 7.5–15.0%; CAT (27.4–45.9%); POD (7.0–83.0%); GR (5.4–49.9%); and GST (14.8–41.3%). It was noted that the content of chlorophyll a+b in the leaves significantly increased (2.6–10.8%), The use of amino acids increased the accumulation of dry matter by 1.4–4.0%. The yield increase was 1.14–2.27 t ha-1 (7.7–15.3% compared to control). The content of B vitamins in the garlic cloves was greatly influenced by gibberellic acid, where increasing the amount of B vitamins reached to 21.9% relative to control The use of salicylic and ascorbic acids increased the amount of B vitamins by 7.6 and 8.2%, respectively. The most significant increasing of C vitamin content was observed by spraying of plants with ascorbic acid (+12.5%), whereas by spraying with salicylic and gibberellic acids its content increased by 6.0 and 7.5%, respectively. In the future, the data obtained can be used to reduce the impact of abiotic factors on the physiological state and productivity of garlic plants. Also, the obtained data will serve as a theoretical basis for producers in view of the purposes for which the products are grown (for sale in fresh form, processing or storage)

    Effect of superabsorbent on soil moisture, productivity and some physiological and biochemical characteristics of basil

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    Received: February 8th, 2021 ; Accepted: May 5th, 2021 ; Published: May 14th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] study was carried out in 2019–2020, in the conditions of the Right-Bank ForestSteppe of Ukraine. The results on the influence of absorbents in gel and powder forms on the productivity of basil plants (Ocimum basilicum L.) are presented. For research were used field, laboratory, statistical and calculation-analytical methods. Absorbent in the form of a gel was used while transplanting: dip the roots of the plant in the solution and then transplant in the field. Absorbent in the form of a powder - 5 kg ha-1 , application of the absorbent into the soil layer 20–25 cm-1 . Absorbents contributed to a slight decrease of sugar content (-0.86–2.68% in the cultivar of Badioryi, -1.48–2.35% in the cultivar of Rutan), significantly decrease ascorbic acid (-8.6–20.1%) and content of the essential oil (8.0–19.4%) and indirectly increased essential oil yield by increasing fresh weight yield in both varieties. The activity of APX, CAT, SOD, tended to decrease in all variants of the experiment, regardless of the form of the absorbent. APX (-12.8–35.1%), CAT (-10.9–22.0%), SOD (-11.9–17.0%). Higher yields were observed in the version with the introduction of the absorbent in the form of a gel. Thus, the yield of the cultivars of Badioryi and Rutan exceeded the control by 52.67 and 50.05%, in accordance. The productivity of basil is increased with the use of superabsorbent polymers. This practice can be recommended to agricultural producers who grow vegetables, in particular, basil in areas of unstable or insufficient moisture


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    It is noted that the unprecedented dynamic globalization of trade and economic relations and the fourth industrial revolution cardinally transform the global distribution system of the world economy, accompanied by the growing impact of global challenges and risks, the failure to take into account the effects of which permanently reduces the efficiency of economic functioning and international trade. For developing countries affected by geopolitical challenges, the development of partnerships with countries that are recognized as global leaders in the world economy is essential in terms of national interests and the promotion of state sovereignty.The purpose of this paper is to characterize the impact of global risks on the formation and implementation of trade and economic policies of countries based on the methodological approaches of leading international economic institutions and organizations. Major global risks have identified rising / falling prices for assets, oil or gas, changes in the structure of trade and economic cooperation, terrorism, separatism, climate change, unemployment, income inequality, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, cyberattacks, etc.The following methods of scientific research were used to achieve the goal and to solve the tasks of the article: systematic structural analysis of economic processes and phenomena, method of quantitative and qualitative comparisons, tabular method of calculating the degree of influence.The scientific novelty of the results is to study the processes of formation and implementation of trade and economic policies of countries under the influence of exogenous factors on them. The influence of exogenous factors is characterized not only according to the sectoral classification (economic, geopolitical, technological, social and natural), but also taking into account the degree of influence of the factor (global challenges and global risks) on the environment.It is substantiated that in the conditions of globalization of the world economy, the threats receive a corresponding more serious nature. Therefore, government agencies need to develop new effective tools for their minimization in order to prevent negative effects and to implement more productive trade and economic cooperation with partner countries.Отмечено, что беспрецедентная динамическая глобализация торгово-экономических отношений и четвертая промышленная революция кардинально трансформируют систему распределения мировой экономики сопровождается ростом влияния глобальных вызовов и рисков, неучет действия которых сплошь снижает эффективность функционирования экономик и ведения международной торговли. Для развивающихся стран, подвергающихся воздействию геополитических вызовов, необходимым с точки зрения реализации национальных интересов и отстаивания государственного суверенитета, становится развитие партнерства со странами, которые являются признанными лидерами мировой экономики.Обосновано, что в условиях глобализации мировой экономики угрозы получают соответствующий более серьезный характер. Поэтому правительственным структурам необходимо разработать новые эффективные инструменты их минимизации для предотвращения негативных последствий и реализации более плодотворного торгово-экономического сотрудничества со странами-партнерами.Означено, що безпрецедентна динамічна глобалізація торговельно-економічних відносин та четверта промислова революція кардинально трансформують систему розподілу світової економіки, що супроводжується зростанням впливу глобальних викликів та ризиків, неврахування дії яких суцільно знижує ефективність функціонування економік та ведення міжнародної торгівлі. Для країн, що розвиваються, які зазнають впливу геополітичних викликів, необхідним, з точки зору реалізації національних інтересів та відстоювання державного суверенітету, стає розвиток партнерства з країнами, які є визнаними глобальними лідерами світової економіки.Метою наукової статті є характеристика впливу глобальних ризиків на формування та реалізацію торговельно-економічних політик країн на основі методичних підходів провідних міжнародних економічних інститутів та організацій. Магістральними глобальними ризиками визначено зростання/падіння цін на активи, нафту чи газ, зміни структури торговельно-економічного співробітництва, тероризм, сепаратизм, кліматичні зміни, безробіття, нерівність у доходах, поширення зброї масового знищення, кібератаки тощо.Для досягнення мети і розв’язання завдань статті були використані наступні методи наукового дослідження: системно-структурний аналіз економічних процесів та явищ, метод кількісного та якісного порівнянь, табличний метод розрахунку ступеня впливу.Наукова новизна одержаних результатів полягає у дослідженні процесів формування та реалізації торговельно-економічних політик країн в умовах впливу на них екзогенних факторів. Вплив екзогенних факторів охарактеризований не тільки відповідно до секторальної класифікації (економічні, геополітичні, технологічні, соціальні та природні), а й з урахуванням ступеня впливу фактору (глобальні виклики та глобальні ризики) на середовище.Обґрунтовано, що в умовах глобалізації світової економіки загрози отримують відповідний більш серйозний характер. Тому урядовим структурам необхідно розробити нові ефективні інструменти їх мінімізації задля запобігання негативних наслідків та реалізації більш плідного торговельно-економічного співробітництва з країнами-партнерами