3,354 research outputs found

    Large-scale network organization in the avian forebrain: a connectivity matrix and theoretical analysis

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    Many species of birds, including pigeons, possess demonstrable cognitive capacities, and some are capable of cognitive feats matching those of apes. Since mammalian cortex is laminar while the avian telencephalon is nucleated, it is natural to ask whether the brains of these two cognitively capable taxa, despite their apparent anatomical dissimilarities, might exhibit common principles of organisation on some level. Complementing recent investigations of macro-scale brain connectivity in mammals, including humans and macaques, we here present the first large-scale wiring diagram for the forebrain of a bird. Using graph theory, we show that the pigeon telencephalon is organised along similar lines to that of a mammal. Both are modular, small-world networks with a connective core of hub nodes that includes prefrontal-like and hippocampal structures. These hub nodes are, topologically speaking, the most central regions of the pigeon's brain, as well as being the most richly connected, implying a crucial role in information flow. Overall, our analysis suggests that indeed, despite the absence of cortical layers and close to 300 million years of separate evolution, the connectivity of the avian brain conforms to the same organisational principles as the mammalian brain

    Computing the output distribution and selection probabilities of a stack filter from the DNF of its positive Boolean function

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    Many nonlinear filters used in practise are stack filters. An algorithm is presented which calculates the output distribution of an arbitrary stack filter S from the disjunctive normal form (DNF) of its underlying positive Boolean function. The so called selection probabilities can be computed along the way.Comment: This is the version published in Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, online first, 1 august 201

    An evaluation of ozone dry deposition in global scale chemistry climate models

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    Dry deposition to the Earth's surface is an important process from both an atmospheric and biospheric perspective. Dry deposition controls the atmospheric abundance of many compounds as well as their input to vegetative surfaces, thus linking the atmosphere and biosphere. In many atmospheric and Earth system models it is represented using "resistance in series" schemes developed in the 1980s. These methods have remained relatively unchanged since their development and do not take into account more recent understanding of the underlying processes that have been gained through field and laboratory based studies. In this study we compare dry deposition of ozone across 15 models which contributed to the TF HTAP model intercomparison to identify where differences occur. We compare modelled dry deposition of ozone to measurements made at a variety of locations in Europe and North America, noting differences of up to a factor of two but no clear systematic bias over the sites examined. We identify a number of measures that are needed to provide a more critical evaluation of dry deposition fluxes and advance model development

    Interannual variability of tropospheric composition:the influence of changes in emissions, meteorology and clouds

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    We have run a chemistry transport model (CTM) to systematically examine the drivers of interannual variability of tropospheric composition during 1996-2000. This period was characterised by anomalous meteorological conditions associated with the strong El Nino of 1997-1998 and intense wildfires, which produced a large amount of pollution. On a global scale, changing meteorology (winds, temperatures, humidity and clouds) is found to be the most important factor driving interannual variability of NO2 and ozone on the timescales considered. Changes in stratosphere-troposphere exchange, which are largely driven by meteorological variability, are found to play a particularly important role in driving ozone changes. The strong influence of emissions on NO2 and ozone interannual variability is largely confined to areas where intense biomass burning events occur. For CO, interannual variability is almost solely driven by emission changes, while for OH meteorology dominates, with the radiative influence of clouds being a very strong contributor. Through a simple attribution analysis for 1996-2000 we conclude that changing cloudiness drives 25% of the interannual variability of OH over Europe by affecting shortwave radiation. Over Indonesia this figure is as high as 71%. Changes in cloudiness contribute a small but non-negligible amount (up to 6%) to the interannual variability of ozone over Europe and Indonesia. This suggests that future assessments of trends in tropospheric oxidizing capacity should account for interannual variability in cloudiness, a factor neglected in many previous studies

    Seasonal cycles of ozone and oxidized nitrogen species in northeast Asia - 2:A model analysis of the roles of chemistry and transport

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    [1] The dominant factors controlling the seasonal variations of ozone (O-3) and three major oxidized nitrogen species, peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and nitric acid (HNO3), in northeast Asia are investigated by using a three-dimensional global chemical transport model to analyze surface observations made at Rishiri Island, a remote island in northern Japan. The model was evaluated by comparing with observed seasonal variations, and with the relationships between O-3, CO, and PAN. We show that the model reproduces the chemical environment at Rishiri Island reasonably well, and that the seasonal cycles of O-3, CO, NOy species, and VOCs are well predicted. The impact of local emissions on some of these constituents is significant, but is not the dominant factor affecting the seasonal cycles. The seasonal roles of chemistry and transport in controlling O-3 and PAN are revealed by examining production/ destruction and import/ export/deposition fluxes in the boundary layer over the Rishiri region. For O-3, transport plays a key role throughout the year, and the regional photochemical contribution is at most 10% in summer. For PAN, in contrast, transport dominates in winter, while in-situ chemistry contributes as much as 75% in summer. It is suggested that the relative contribution of transport and in-situ chemistry is significantly different for O-3 and PAN, but that the wintertime dominance of transport due to the long chemical lifetimes of these species is sufficient to drive the seasonal cycles of springtime maximum and summertime minimum characteristic of remote sites

    Representation of tropical deep convection in atmospheric models - Part 1 : Meteorology and comparison with satellite observations

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    Published under Creative Commons Licence 3.0. Original article can be found at : http://www.atmospheric-chemistry-and-physics.net/ "The author's copyright for this publication is transferred to University of Hertfordshire".Fast convective transport in the tropics can efficiently redistribute water vapour and pollutants up to the upper troposphere. In this study we compare tropical convection characteristics for the year 2005 in a range of atmospheric models, including numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, chemistry transport models (CTMs), and chemistry-climate models (CCMs). The model runs have been performed within the framework of the SCOUT-O3 (Stratospheric-Climate Links with Emphasis on the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere) project. The characteristics of tropical convection, such as seasonal cycle, land/sea contrast and vertical extent, are analysed using satellite observations as a benchmark for model simulations. The observational datasets used in this work comprise precipitation rates, outgoing longwave radiation, cloud-top pressure, and water vapour from a number of independent sources, including ERA-Interim analyses. Most models are generally able to reproduce the seasonal cycle and strength of precipitation for continental regions but show larger discrepancies with observations for the Maritime Continent region. The frequency distribution of high clouds from models and observations is calculated using highly temporally-resolved (up to 3-hourly) cloud top data. The percentage of clouds above 15 km varies significantly between the models. Vertical profiles of water vapour in the upper troposphere-lower stratosphere (UTLS) show large differences between the models which can only be partly attributed to temperature differences. If a convective plume reaches above the level of zero net radiative heating, which is estimated to be ~15 km in the tropics, the air detrained from it can be transported upwards by radiative heating into the lower stratosphere. In this context, we discuss the role of tropical convection as a precursor for the transport of short-lived species into the lower stratosphere.Peer reviewe

    300 years of tropospheric ozone changes using CMIP6 scenarios with a parameterised approach

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    Tropospheric Ozone (O3) is both an air pollutant and a greenhouse gas. Predicting changes to O3 is therefore important for both air quality and near-term climate forcing. It is computationally expensive to predict changes in tropospheric O3 from every possible future scenario in composition climate models like those used in the 6th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). Here we apply the different emission pathways used in CMIP6 with a model based on source-receptor relationships for tropospheric O3 to predict historical and future changes in O3 and its radiative forcing over a 300 year period (1750–2050). Changes in regional precursor emissions (nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds) and global methane abundance are used to quantify the impact on tropospheric O3 globally and across 16 regions, neglecting any impact from changes in climate. We predict large increases in global surface O3 (+8 ppbv) and O3 radiative forcing (+0.3 W m−2) over the industrial period. Nine different Shared Socio-economic Pathways are used to assess future changes in O3. Scenarios involving weak air pollutant controls and climate mitigation are inadequate in limiting the future degradation of surface O3 air quality and enhancement of near-term climate warming over all regions. Middle-of-the-road and strong mitigation scenarios reduce both surface O3 concentrations and O3 radiative forcing by up to 5 ppbv and 0.17 W m−2 globally, providing benefits to future air quality and near-term climate forcing. Sensitivity experiments show that targeting mitigation measures towards reducing global methane abundances could yield additional benefits for both surface O3 air quality and near-term climate forcing. The parameterisation provides a valuable tool for rapidly assessing a large range of future emission pathways that involve differing degrees of air pollutant and climate mitigation. The calculated range of possible responses in tropospheric O3 from these scenarios can be used to inform other modelling studies in CMIP6

    Response of lightning NOx emissions and ozone production to climate change: Insights from the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project

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    Results from an ensemble of models are used to investigate the response of lightning nitrogen oxide emissions to climate change and the consequent impacts on ozone production. Most models generate lightning using a parameterization based on cloud top height. With this approach and a present-day global emission of 5 TgN, we estimate a linear response with respect to changes in global surface temperature of +0.44 ± 0.05 TgN K−1. However, two models using alternative approaches give +0.14 and −0.55 TgN K−1 suggesting that the simulated response is highly dependent on lightning parameterization. Lightning NOx is found to have an ozone production efficiency of 6.5 ± 4.7 times that of surface NOx sources. This wide range of efficiencies across models is partly due to the assumed vertical distribution of the lightning source and partly to the treatment of nonmethane volatile organic compound (NMVOC) chemistry. Careful consideration of the vertical distribution of emissions is needed, given its large influence on ozone production