411 research outputs found

    Correction of joint angles from kinect for balance exercising and assessment

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    [EN] The new generation of videogame interfaces such as Microsoft's Kinect opens the possibility of implementing exercise programs for physical training, and of evaluating and reducing the risks of elderly people falling. However, applications such as these might require measurements of joint kinematics that are more robust and accurate than the standard output given by the available middleware. This article presents a method based on particle filters for calculating joint angles from the positions of the anatomical points detected by PrimeSense's NITE software. The application of this method to the measurement of lower limb kinematics reduced the error by one order of magnitude, to less than 10 degrees, except for hip axial rotation, and it was advantageous over inverse kinematic analysis, in ensuring a robust and smooth solution without singularities, when the limbs are out-stretched and anatomical landmarks are aligned.This work has been undertaken within the framework of the iStoppFalls project, which has received funding from the European Community (grant agreement FP7-ICT-2011-7-287361) and the Australian Government.De Rosario Martínez, H.; Belda Lois, JM.; Fos Ros, F.; Medina Ripoll, E.; Poveda Puente, R.; Kroll, M. (2014). Correction of joint angles from kinect for balance exercising and assessment. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 30(2):294-299. https://doi.org/10.1123/jab.2013-0062S29429930

    Number of active transcription factor binding sites is essential for the Hes7 oscillator

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    BACKGROUND: It is commonly accepted that embryonic segmentation of vertebrates is regulated by a segmentation clock, which is induced by the cycling genes Hes1 and Hes7. Their products form dimers that bind to the regulatory regions and thereby repress the transcription of their own encoding genes. An increase of the half-life of Hes7 protein causes irregular somite formation. This was shown in recent experiments by Hirata et al. In the same work, numerical simulations from a delay differential equations model, originally invented by Lewis, gave additional support. For a longer half-life of the Hes7 protein, these simulations exhibited strongly damped oscillations with, after few periods, severely attenuated the amplitudes. In these simulations, the Hill coefficient, a crucial model parameter, was set to 2 indicating that Hes7 has only one binding site in its promoter. On the other hand, Bessho et al. established three regulatory elements in the promoter region. RESULTS: We show that – with the same half life – the delay system is highly sensitive to changes in the Hill coefficient. A small increase changes the qualitative behaviour of the solutions drastically. There is sustained oscillation and hence the model can no longer explain the disruption of the segmentation clock. On the other hand, the Hill coefficient is correlated with the number of active binding sites, and with the way in which dimers bind to them. In this paper, we adopt response functions in order to estimate Hill coefficients for a variable number of active binding sites. It turns out that three active transcription factor binding sites increase the Hill coefficient by at least 20% as compared to one single active site. CONCLUSION: Our findings lead to the following crucial dichotomy: either Hirata's model is correct for the Hes7 oscillator, in which case at most two binding sites are active in its promoter region; or at least three binding sites are active, in which case Hirata's delay system does not explain the experimental results. Recent experiments by Chen et al. seem to support the former hypothesis, but the discussion is still open

    Synchronous and proportional deglacial changes in Atlantic meridional overturning and northeast Brazilian precipitation

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    Changes in heat transport associated with fluctuations in the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) are widely considered to affect the position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), but the temporal immediacy of this teleconnection has to date not been resolved. Based on a high-resolution marine sediment sequence over the last deglaciation, we provide evidence for a synchronous and near-linear link between changes in the Atlantic interhemispheric sea surface temperature difference and continental precipitation over northeast Brazil. The tight coupling between AMOC strength, sea surface temperature difference, and precipitation changes over northeast Brazil unambiguously points to a rapid and proportional adjustment of the ITCZ location to past changes in the Atlantic meridional heat transport

    Isothermal Heteroepitaxy of Ge₁–ₓSnₓ Structures for Electronic and Photonic Applications

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    Epitaxy of semiconductor-based quantum well structures is a challenging task since it requires precise control of the deposition at the submonolayer scale. In the case of Ge1–xSnx alloys, the growth is particularly demanding since the lattice strain and the process temperature greatly impact the composition of the epitaxial layers. In this paper, the realization of high-quality pseudomorphic Ge1–xSnx layers with Sn content ranging from 6 at. % up to 15 at. % using isothermal processes in an industry-compatible reduced-pressure chemical vapor deposition reactor is presented. The epitaxy of Ge1–xSnx layers has been optimized for a standard process offering a high Sn concentration at a large process window. By varying the N2 carrier gas flow, isothermal heterostructure designs suitable for quantum transport and spintronic devices are obtained

    Full mitochondrial genome sequences of two endemic Philippine hornbill species (Aves: Bucerotidae) provide evidence for pervasive mitochondrial DNA recombination

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although nowaday it is broadly accepted that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) may undergo recombination, the frequency of such recombination remains controversial. Its estimation is not straightforward, as recombination under homoplasmy (i.e., among identical mt genomes) is likely to be overlooked. In species with tandem duplications of large mtDNA fragments the detection of recombination can be facilitated, as it can lead to gene conversion among duplicates. Although the mechanisms for concerted evolution in mtDNA are not fully understood yet, recombination rates have been estimated from "one per speciation event" down to 850 years or even "during every replication cycle".</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we present the first complete mt genome of the avian family Bucerotidae, i.e., that of two Philippine hornbills, <it>Aceros waldeni </it>and <it>Penelopides panini</it>. The mt genomes are characterized by a tandemly duplicated region encompassing part of <it>cytochrome b</it>, 3 tRNAs, <it>NADH6</it>, and the control region. The duplicated fragments are identical to each other except for a short section in domain I and for the length of repeat motifs in domain III of the control region. Due to the heteroplasmy with regard to the number of these repeat motifs, there is some size variation in both genomes; with around 21,657 bp (<it>A. waldeni</it>) and 22,737 bp (<it>P. panini</it>), they significantly exceed the hitherto longest known avian mt genomes, that of the albatrosses. We discovered concerted evolution between the duplicated fragments within individuals. The existence of differences between individuals in coding genes as well as in the control region, which are maintained between duplicates, indicates that recombination apparently occurs frequently, i.e., in every generation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The homogenised duplicates are interspersed by a short fragment which shows no sign of recombination. We hypothesize that this region corresponds to the so-called Replication Fork Barrier (RFB), which has been described from the chicken mitochondrial genome. As this RFB is supposed to halt replication, it offers a potential mechanistic explanation for frequent recombination in mitochondrial genomes.</p