594 research outputs found

    On upscaling heat conductivity for a class of industrial problems

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    Calculating effective heat conductivity for a class of industrial problems is discussed. The considered composite materials are glass and metal foams, fibrous materials, and the like, used in isolation or in advanced heat exchangers. These materials are characterized by a very complex internal structure, by low volume fraction of the higher conductive material (glass or metal), and by a large volume fraction of the air. The homogenization theory (when applicable), allows to calculate the effective heat conductivity of composite media by postprocessing the solution of special cell problems for representative elementary volumes (REV). Different formulations of such cell problems are considered and compared here. Furthermore, the size of the REV is studied numerically for some typical materials. Fast algorithms for solving the cell problems for this class of problems, are presented and discussed

    Gastro-Esophageal Reflux in Children

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    Gastro-esophageal reflux (GER) is common in infants and children and has a varied clinical presentation: from infants with innocent regurgitation to infants and children with severe esophageal and extra-esophageal complications that define pathological gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). Although the pathophysiology is similar to that of adults, symptoms of GERD in infants and children are often distinct from classic ones such as heartburn. The passage of gastric contents into the esophagus is a normal phenomenon occurring many times a day both in adults and children, but, in infants, several factors contribute to exacerbate this phenomenon, including a liquid milk-based diet, recumbent position and both structural and functional immaturity of the gastro-esophageal junction. This article focuses on the presentation, diagnosis and treatment of GERD that occurs in infants and children, based on available and current guidelines

    Saturation effect for dependence of the electrical conductivity of planar oriented nematic liquid crystal 6CB on the concentration of Cu7PS6 nanoparticles

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    The influence of Cu7PS6 nanoparticles with the average size 117 nm on the dielectric properties of planar oriented nematic liquid crystal 6CB has been investigated within the frequency range 10(1) ...10(6) Hz and at the temperature 293 K. It has been shown that when changing the concentration of nanoparticles within the range 0 to 1 wt.%, the conductivity of the liquid crystal changes stronger than its dielectric permittivity. It has been shown that the electrical conductivity increases monotonously with increasing the concentration of nanoparticles. However, for this dependence a saturation effect is observed. The mechanism of this effect was proposed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Комплексна програма удосконалення безпеки змагальної діяльності в автомобільному спорті на 2012–2015 роки

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    The authors carried out a comprehensive study of security measures auto races as a system. It is possible to create a picture of the functioning of the organization and management of security in the structural and functional aspects. Developed an objective classification of security measures of competitive activity. Through comparative analysis separated as the most effective measures of active safety. The carried content-the content model of the sign of safety of road racing. In the process of studying this model revealed five major backbone interconnections between the individual measures – time, administrative, territorial and interagency, and financial information. This objectivity control its implementation and significantly increased the effectiveness of individual security measures through their integration into a single system. An integrated program of safety improvements of competitive activity in the Ukrainian motorsports.Осуществлено комплексное исследование мероприятий безопасности автомобильных соревнований как системы. Это позволило создать представление о функционировании системы организации и управления их безопасностью в структурном и функциональном аспектах. Разработана объективная классификация мероприятий безопасности соревновательной деятельности. Путем сравнительного анализа выделены, как наиболее эффективные, мероприятия активной безопасности. Осуществлено содержательно-информационное наполнение знаковой модели системы мероприятий безопасности автомобильного соревнования. В процессе изучения этой модели выявлено пять основных системообразующих взаимосвязей между ее отдельными мероприятиями – временные, управленческие, территориально-межведомственные, информационные и финансовые. Это обьективизировало контроль ее реализации и существенно повысило эффективность отдельных мероприятий безопасности путем их объединения в единую систему. Разработана комплексная программа совершенствования безопасности соревновательной деятельности в украинском автоспорте.Здійснено комплексне дослідження заходів безпеки автомобільних змагань як системи. Це дозволило створити уявлення про функціонування системи організації та управління їх безпекою у структурному та функціональному аспектах. Розроблена об’єктивна класифікація заходів безпеки змагальної діяльності. Шляхом порівняльного аналізу виокремлено, як найбільш ефективні, заходи активної безпеки. Здійснене змістовно-інформаційне наповнення знакової моделі системи заходів безпеки автомобільного змагання. У процесі вивчення цієї моделі виявлено п’ять основних системоутворюючих взаємозв’язків між окремими її заходами – часові, управлінські, територіально-міжвідомчі, інформаційні та фінансові. Це об’єктивізувало контроль її реалізації та істотно підвищило ефективність окремих заходів безпеки шляхом їх об’єднання в єдину систему. Розроблена комплексна програма удосконалення безпеки змагальної діяльності в українському автоспорт

    Research of the metal fatique crack development kinetics basing on digital 3d model

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    Отримано цифрову 3D-модель тріщини (ЦМТ) металу у вигляді поверхні в просторі. При розробленні ЦМТ використано стереопари знімків, які отримано за допомогою растрового електронного мікроскопа. За результатами обробки двох знімків стереопари визначено координати одиничних точок у просторі на поверхні тріщини. ЦМТ утворена шляхом інтерполяції точкових даних із використанням програмного забезпечення Surfer 10. Здійснено аналіз тріщини з використання ЦМТ і визначено геометричні розміри фронту тріщини у її поперечному перерізі.The paper presents a new approach to obtain data on geometrical parameters of fatigue cracks, which are crucial in kinetics research of their development. The subject of research was fatigue cracks of the metallic samples. Cracks were formed by testing of samples with the artificial defects on the investigation equipment applying different number of loading cycles. Technology of obtaining digital 3D model crack (DMC) of metal crack is described. Treating the fatigue crack as a fracture surface in metal, photogrammetry methods were applied to create digital 3D model of the crack. Stereo pair images, which had been obtained by means of REM 6I raster electron microscope, were used while developing DMC. According to the results of processing two stereo pair images coordinates of single points in space on the crack surface were determined. DMC was formed by interpolation of point data taking advantage of software Surfer 10. DMC was presented as the graphic three-dimensional image of crack surface in a vector form. Obtained DMC can be considered under various angles, analyzed with special calculation software modules. Analysis of the crack was made with application of DMC. Geometric dimensions of the crack front in its cross-section were determined. Obtained cross-section of the crack allows to approximate its front line and to choose reasonably the typical shape of the crack. Besides, in the case of complex configuration of crack shape the obtained data on its cross section can be used to calculate stress intensity factor (SIF). It is shown, that in the crack cross section the front of its propagation is a line of complex configuration forming sharp rim of the tunnel shape. Penetration of the crack inside the metal increases the value of stress intensity factor (SIF) by 20 – 40% especially on the final stages of the crack growth. The obtained results are recommended to be used while determining stress intensity factor of cracks with complex configuration


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    This article focuses on systemic research of fundamental issues associated with the cognition of information as a global phenomenon, which predetermines, in particular, the trends of statistics development. The author closely considers basic technologies of information cognition; generalizes philosophical practices aimed at comprehension of the essence of information in case studies and corresponding developments of psychophysiologists and cognitologists. The definition of information, as it was formulated by the founders of cybernetics and the general theory of information, is characterized. Analytical generalization serves as a basis for tracking the evolution of the information concept, changes in understanding of its contents, role and the place of information in the cognition of processes in nature and society.It is emphasized that the concept of information itself (as an attributed quality) should be separated from the concept of data («read» or consumed information). This cognitive platform shows the features of the organization of global information processes, as well as socio-economic information and principles of its reflection in statistics. Considering statistics as a cognitive system, the author cites the results of analogous studies of information movement in a person in the process of his cognitive and brain activity with the system of organizing information flows during statistical observation.The author explores general organizing principles of information flows in the process of cognition, as well as the contradictions to the cognitive ability of statistics as a science. Particular attention is paid to aspects of boosting the efficiency of statistics as a practical activity at the data presentation phase by including cognitive properties of the human brain in the process of consuming the information. Proposals for developing perspective formats to present statistical information are formulated. The paper reveals development directions for cognitive technology-based statistical information and for compiling cognitive statistics on this basis. The convergence of cognitive technologies with information and communication technologies, according to the author, is a strategic tool for creating a new architecture of statistics. Статья посвящена вопросам системного исследования фундаментальных проблем познания информации как феномена глобального уровня, предопределяющего, в частности, и тренды развития статистики. Предметно рассматриваются основные технологии познания информации, делается обобщение философской практики осмысления сути информации в целевых исследованиях и соответствующих разработках психофизиологов и когнитологов. Характеризуется позиционирование информации основоположниками кибернетики и общей теории информации. На основании аналитического обобщения прослеживается эво- люция представлений об информации, изменений в понимании ее предметного содержания, роли и места информации в познании проценссов в природе и обществе.Автором акцентировано внимание на разграничении понятий собственно информации как вмененного свойства и данных («считанной» или потребленной информации). На этой познавательной платформе показываются особенности организации глобальных информационных процессов, а также социально-экономической информации, принципов ее отражения в статистике. Рассматривая статистику как познавательную систему, автор приводит результаты аналоговых исследований движения информации у человека в процессе его познавательной и мозговой деятельности с системой организации информационных потоков при статистическом наблюдении.Исследуются общие принципы организации информационных потоков в процессе познания, а также противоречия в познавательной способности статистики как науки. Особое внимание уделяется аспектам повышения эффективности статистики как практической деятельности на стадии представления данных посредством учета когнитивных свойств человеческого мозга в процессе потребления информации. Даются предложения по формированию перспективных форматов представления статистической информации. Выявляются направления развития статистической информации на основе когнитивных технологий и формирования на этой основе когнитивной статистики. Конвергенция когнитивных технологий с информационно-коммуникационными технологиями, по мнению автора, - стратегический инструмент создания новой архитектуры статистики.

    Improved convergence and stability properties in a three-dimensional higher-order ice sheet model

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    We present a finite difference implementation of a three-dimensional higher-order ice sheet model. In comparison to a conventional centred difference discretisation it enhances both numerical stability and convergence. In order to achieve these benefits the discretisation of the governing force balance equation makes extensive use of information on staggered grid points. Using the same iterative solver, a centred difference discretisation that operates exclusively on the regular grid serves as a reference. The reprise of the ISMIP-HOM experiments indicates that both discretisations are capable of reproducing the higher-order model inter-comparison results. This setup allows a direct comparison of the two numerical implementations also with respect to their convergence behaviour. First and foremost, the new finite difference scheme facilitates convergence by a factor of up to 7 and 2.6 in average. In addition to this decrease in computational costs, the accuracy for the resultant velocity field can be chosen higher in the novel finite difference implementation. Changing the discretisation also prevents build-up of local field irregularites that occasionally cause divergence of the solution for the reference discretisation. <br><br> The improved behaviour makes the new discretisation more reliable for extensive application to real ice geometries. Higher accuracy and robust numerics are crucial in time dependent applications since numerical oscillations in the velocity field of subsequent time steps are attenuated and divergence of the solution is prevented

    Design in modern information systems by applying cloud technologies

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    In this study, the general algorithm and technology of design in advanced computer-aided design (CAD) software of the CAD-in-the-Cloud type using an information model (IM) was discussed in detail. Applying design systems of this type increases productivity and quality of the development and enables group work on the project. The proposed information model consists of three main components – working with Autodesk Fusion 360 on a computer, working with cloud capabilities, and designers’ collaboration through the cloud. Nevertheless, some IM elements may be missing in a particular design, or there can be options for applying the proposed steps in the design process. Developing customized respiratory protective equipment (face masks) in Autodesk Fusion 360 CAD family was considered as an example of the suggested IM application. Modern design and producing technologies enable the creation of masks according to individual anatomical characteristics of the human face. In this paper, the protective mask was created by applying modern cloud computing technologies using information models. Information models were adapted to the process of protective mask design. The model of a human headform was developed using the 3D scanning method. After applying retopology tools, a basis of the mask frame was created on the surface of a 3D model of a head. Building a solid model and testing the mask fame configuration under mechanical stresses due to facial expression changing was carried out in Autodesk Fusion 360 CAD software. Finally, the cloud module of the generative design was applied to determine the filtering element configuration